Epstein did NOT commit suicide in prison. I don't think we will ever learn with certainty who put the contract hit out on him - but we all know who had/has mob connections in New York...
I'm an atheist, but I don't doubt your faith is a very important component of your life. I always ask "why did the Lord either let this happen, or cause it to happen, in the first place". I also doubt the empathy and compassion of God or Jesus Christ to let this happen in the first place. Why do we need to wait until the "truth" is revealed? Why not reveal it now? And I can't accept "it's God's will" as an answer. Again - I'm glad you can be comforted by your beliefs. I'm simply speaking to the logic of the situation.
Remember there's reasons for everything. In time it will all be revealed. There's a reason for all this chaos now. It could be the start of a new beginning.
Sometimes when I post I can't believe that I posted that. I do believe that I may have had help in doing so. I trust my faith and that is how I manage to not be too fearful.
Jesus said that he had more to tell the disciples but they were not ready or something like that.
What is the truth?
We are not from this planet.
We are spirits in these Earthly bodies that we need to play this game.
Earth is like a University. We are here to learn how to love unconditionally.
Now, my understanding is that if you don't get it, one returns until they do.
All volunteer of course.
We decide before we come what we want to learn.
So, in the Bible it says, "Let us make...
So, they made this Earth for us to learn.
No one dies. We are spirits, we are like using these bodies like we use our cars.
We have been here many times. How many times have you been here?
So, man has divided themselves into different religions. The Lord told me that some have some right. Example the Catholics have the silence correct. Hum... well that may be all. The Muslims pray 5 times a day. Hum... and so on and so on.
The contradictions are real. Everything changes like the Mighty Sea.
Go read, if you choose my Free Joyce Newsletter - on Love. I am putting the 100 messages he gave me on the site.
Well, I get the messages from Jesus and our Heavenly Father. I am just a messenger. A vessel. No one special. Get close to them and ask them for yourself. Our Father will speak to all who chooses to listen.
But while we wait, many people are and will continue to suffer! All over the world, and now in the US - the power of evil men, and the money behind them creating chaos, pain and death!
Sounds lovely but it is not even close to the reality. Not even close. God provides humans with the ability to be brave, decent, willful and empathetic. Then God, the Lord watches. Humans had their chance and have already failed. The only thing that humans don’t comprehend is the relativity of time. You see, a thousand years is comparable to a millionth of a second of a human, being an inch from cement after a thousand foot free fall. A reality rap. Cheers 🥂
Does anyone remember Trump’s AG Barr, visiting the jail where Epstein was in Brooklyn a few days before his unfortunate “suicide” or did I not recall that correctly?
Seriously, are you claiming Jeffrey Dahmer deserved protection? Of course, Epstein was murdered. I predicted that the moment he was arrested but shed no tears for either of these scumbags.
I just finished reading the information. When there is smoke there is fire. Powerful people can create whatever they want to create. Check every ones bank account. Follow the money that was made. What video is Barr speaking about. A made up one? Since the camera was not even working. WOW!!!
Perhaps he could have revealed more evidence, more people involved.
It is too coincidental that there were so many errors the night he died, particularly with such a high profile case. It is highly suspicious of hit and not suicide.
Agreed, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that women should sit down and let men treat them as "prey animals" or second-class citizens! I'm a woman and have been fighting for women's rights all my life. I was only saying, he's dead ... good enough for him ... and who cares whether he took his own life or the prison guards helped end it? Good riddance to him however he died.
Because Jeffrey Epstein died, his accusers never got their day in court. And, we will never find out about a lot of secrets that were in his dead, secrets we should want to be revealed. Knowing the secrets could assist towards finding justice for more of his victims — most of whom have never come forward.
The big problem, is that somebody...(numbers/name's are unknown), are needing to be out of the public and private view. Thus, taking Epstein out,... is the quickest, most efficient, quietest way for the most part. 'Nothing to be seen here.' Evidence gone...or at least first hand recall.
And there was apparently lots of film, etc. to correlate any testimony. How many large properties did he own?
Why do you care? The night before he died Epstein gave his brother all his money, paid off the guards (who were online shopping when he committed suicide) and then killed himself. This deed was done because he was a slaver and knew that prisoners would rape him. He liked raping, but he didn’t think he’d like being raped. That’s the truth. He was an adjudicated criminal. He deserved a punishment devised by slaves.
The truth of Jeffrey Epstein is not easy to know, in & of itself.
Anyone who behaved in a way that might call Epstein's racket into accountability faced pretty scary threats. That's what I recall from a book by Brad Edwards, an atty, who advocated for Epstein's victims.
I don't remember the rich man's name, but he gave Epstein his money. Find that Documentary about Epstein and the man that gave him money is on it. I believe it is on HULU, titled, "Victoria's Secrets Angels & Demons." What was shocking is one lady who was working for Epstein said camera's were everywhere, even in all the bathrooms. What a crazy man. Blackmailing so many rich people. According to the documentary Epstein sold some of the tapes to Donald T. and who else paid for tapes? So, was Donald blackmailing people as well?
I was responding to another commenter who didn't believe Epstein hung himself by bed sheets in his jail cell. He was in prison, for goodness sake. If he had been knifed, or shivved I might think it was a hit.
The folks at CBS are not supposed to be a bunch of conspiracy theorists! If you have not already done so, please look at the 60 minutes article that another commenter has posted.
That really wasn't conclusive. This expert thought this, & that expert thought that. I will go by what I've seen, that many pedophiles who are caught by the cops kill themselves.
After reading about his brother it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't somehow involved. He stands to gain a lot from his death. All worked for the devil!
Find the Documentary I believe I saw it on Hulu. About Epstein. Called, "Victoria's Secrets Angels and Demon's. Who would know it was about Epstein and his 700+tapes.
Mary -- there has been al lot of recent coverage (finally!) of how bad Donald smells -- a combination of urine, feces, and a very offensive body odor. Adam Kinzinger reports noticing this overwhelming stench in an oval office meeting c. 2018. How long has Donald had this problem and what are your thoughts about it? I have a lot of family in Iowa and it is all anyone can talk about -- including some of his rabid supporters. I think it is vital that we get this information into the headlines. It could indicate an inability to attend to basic bodily functions, dementia /declining mental capacity (such as it was), and/or advancing disease. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Yes I heard that!!! This is the exact thing that would make him react--in fact he did have a big reaction to Kinzinger's post. This needs to surface! How?!
And ask Melania about it too. Also, ask her what she thought about having Vlad share nude photos of her the whole week after the election on state TV. He did.
Given how he led a family conspiracy to cheat her out of what was rightfullly hers, it could be unlikely that Mary would be spending much time around Donald.
A lot actually, Biden has a stutter and the fascists weaponized it against him. Turn about is fair play, except that the stink bomb will take it personally and lash out. That IS where you want him, so the country truly sees the felon for who and what he is. Remember him walking into AF1 trailing toilet paper?
Is anyone surprised that the GOP frontrunner raped 12 and 13 year old girls and when asked what would happen if he had impregnated her, Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money "to get a fucking abortion".
Newsweek so far seems to be the only US media to highlight the "missing Epstein tapes" from raid of Epstein's NYC townhouse in 2019, under Bill Barr : "FBI Special Agent Kelly Maguire testified in 2019 that during the raid of Epstein's residence, FBI agents found a safe with CDs, computer hard drives, money, jewelry and passports. During her testimony, Maguire said that FBI agents did not have a valid warrant to remove the evidence, so instead, they photographed them. A few days later, when they returned to obtain the evidence, it was gone, The Telegraph reported." A reminder that Bill Barr's father Donald Barr was Headmaster at Dalton School where he hired a young teacher named…Jeffrey Epstein, where he began recruiting young girls.
Someone, somewhere, has those discs & drives filled with "kompromat"... did they also end up at Mar-a-Lago?
Consider the possibility, given the entire trajectory of Trump's interactions & entanglements w/Putin & Epstein, that the primary purpose of this "active measures" op, election subversion to put Trump in WH, was to take down Epstein, recover the kompromat, worth more than a vault of gold to many very powerful men. Trump-Putin hidden meetings likely focused on this. Epstein died of a broken neck, mob-style. The entire corruption cult includes folks like Murdoch & Musk, monkeywrenching the reality. Flynn's Q-cult, a psy-war projection of destabilizing disinfo, think about it, was to COVER up the real Trump-Epstein-Putin pedophile & trafficking/kompromat ring. & WTF is Barr & Dershowitz doing in the middle of it all? https://beezevans.substack.com/p/billionaire-corruption-cult-behind
Thanks Mary, for your continuous dedication to your work in keeping us informed. I know it’s risky and I and so many others truly commend your bravery. Now, we shall see if anything comes of these revelations.
I so appreciate your updates on this...imagine for a moment if Bidens name appeared on these passenger lists and how different the coverage would be...Donald is a presidential candidate and shold receive the same attention...
I agree with you, it will never happen. I mean, if Time says the D is person of the year,you know whose pocket they are in—-along with all the other corrupt media outlets in the USA.
Thanks Mary. I can’t believe I never even thought of the blackmail possibilities. Epstein sure knew his easy targets. I remember the vile immunity case well. Despicable
🥲 Thank you. I live in “red neck” Trump country. Trucks with confederate flags, noise for him. All the Christian 45 lovers saw nothing but that abortion would be stopped. Big parade parties on the lake and more noise. Never mind EVERYTHING else Mr con man did. He was going to save babies (who cares about “Mom”)
I stuck my Biden sign in the yard last election. Some would not. Some said I was brave. I am not. YOU, Mary (Ms Braveheart). Thank you for keeping us updated.
Mine said 'Republicans for Biden'. It got messed with once, so I fixed it and moved it a little closer to the house but still in good view from the road.
No, darling, you don’t. I should know. I’m on the “old” side myself. And thank you for your courage, Mary. This all is so unspeakable, I literally can’t begin to speak on it. Make sure you’re looking after yourself, as well as the rest of us.
She's looking after herself by asking and asking for subscriptions -- which is fair enough, only, the fact that she has to do this points to the injustice Donald has done to her.
Please don't ask Mary to do that. Let her have her privacy. I believe she is doing enough. Forget about what people think. Care only about what GOD thinks.
There is a 2022 Wall St Journal article saying records show such a purchase.
(I only access the first sentence or so, as I do not subscribe to that publication).
Am not sure everyone needs to know Mary's net worth (she is not, after all, running to become President of the U.S. -- at least not so far); but some understanding of the situation, in due time, could be helpful.
I still think that DJT has dirt on a lot of people to keep them loyal. Congress members who first came out against the insurrection and then were suddenly kissing the ring in Mar A Largo. Dirt that’s much worse than someone might be gay or takes money under the table. Probably from Epstein’s files and Putin.
Alice Harford: Millions of years of evolution, right? Right? Men have to stick it in every place they can, but for women... women it is just about security and commitment and whatever the fuck else!
Dr. Bill Harford: A little oversimplified, Alice, but yes, something like that.
I KNOW! The disproportionate/unchecked hunger for sex so many men have absolutely baffles me. An evolutionary glitch? Deviant sexual behavior leads to ruined marriages, ruined lives, increased abortion seeking, deceit and broken hearts, children being sexually abused, STDs, and the list goes on (and on and on and on)
Sexual Violence is a serious global issue and threat. Instead too much attention is paid to banning Drag Queen Story Hour at libraries. Thank you for your reply.
@Vicki: See the book, Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha. There was a lot of polyamory among our hunter-gatherer ancestors of both genders. It's not clear from the book exactly what this meant for women, but for men, to have progeny you had to have a powerfull desire for lots of sex, plus produce huge quantities of sperm. Human males have among the biggest penises of primates; among the biggest testicles, and the highest sperm production.
And I can tell you that desire drives adolescent boys and young, and even early middle-aged men crazy. My best friend and I--both born in the first half of the 1950s--have remarked to each other that it's somewhat of a relief to no longer have the crazy level of sex drive we had in our youth, into our middle age.
I have vivid memories of a day nearly 54 years ago. I was in my 11th grade English class, which I loved. The teacher was a mother figure to a lot of her students, including me, and she and the other students made the class very interesting and a lot of fun. But on this particular day, my gonads were preventing me from concentrating, try as I might. At some point I just gave up trying to take in the class. When the class was over, I made a beeline for the bathroom and did something I'd never done outside of my own bedroom, despite the embarrassment I felt at having to do that. But it was a major relief.
As I explained in my first paragraph, this crazy level of desire is evolutionary but it's not a glitch. nor does it normally lead to deviant sexual behavior, or sexual abuse of children.
There is a certain kind of sage the priests use to lower the level of testosterone. I was given some by a gardener at a Catholic convent about 20 years ago. I used it in my kitchen, not knowing it's effects. My elderly husband didn't mind it, but one day a lady friend with a well developed palette set me straight, saying it was definitely not normal cooking sage, so I did some research.
A lot of adolescent and young adult males could use that. My inner adolescent boy wants it! And I bet a lot of the younger priests found using it a big relief. Now, if course, at 71, I have absolutely no need for that, but I find myself intellectually fascinated by the fact that there is such a thing, and thinking
about how it could have relieved my cases of what my best friend and I referred to as being vapored. So thank you for that information!
In many ways, it’s more challenging to be male. As far as the polyamory goes, I think the restriction on women having multiple partners started when men wanted legitimate male heirs…not that that was a guarantee.
Please feel free to correct me. I just remember reading something about it years ago.
I don't think it's sex so much as power, or lording it over someone... belittling, shaming, blackmail material, the list goes on...and as society 'advances' the new twists are born.
It's never just SEX. It's a way to get the upper hand over someone else.
I realize that for some, it can be about power, but I've never viewed it that way, and I don't think any of my close friends have ever viewed it that way. It IS a very powerful drive though.
did you read my comment? It's now the third one under your comment.
Also, I have to tell you that the disproportionate hunger that most men have actually begins for many in adolescence. It's not an evolutionary glitch, which you will understand if you read my comment. And it does not necessarily go with deviant behavior such as child sexual abuse.
I’m terrible about names, but believe Roy Baumeister is who wrote a sociological study of evil in which he said pretty much what you have, here.
I didn’t read through the book, though hope I will someday. — I believe that, somewhat alarmingly, he wrote male perpetrators of sexual violence do not think they have done anything wrong.
I think it's almost certainly true that many don't think they've done anything wrong. And that IS alarming. I think we'd have less of that if we took a more Scandinavian approach to adolescent sex. (In my family we were allowed to have lovers in our rooms with the doors closed. I was doing that in 12th grade.) In fact, my father chewed out some neighbor lady who'd gone in the back of our house to look in my windows.
I googled Baumeister. It looks like his papers are behind paywalls, but I didn't see anything that was exactly on point, although given what I did see, it wouldn't be surprising.
I’m not with you in your remedy for sexual violence. That’s all I want to say. FYI, Roy Baumeister’s book is entitled “Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty.” I hope I’ll read it one day.
I didn't say that that would be a remedy for sexual violence, although I think it would reduce it. But to get rid of sexual violence, I think we need to expunge the notion that women are somehow not as good as men. As a child, I'd absorbed that notion to a degree, and at some point, when I expressed it, my parents told me in no uncertain terms that that was not the case. They had both come from backgrounds where women were respected on the same terms as men. My maternal grandmother had a PhD. My parents and their siblings had marriages of equality.
I don't have any children of my own, but I have a much younger sister, who I encouraged to be independent, to ask questions when she had them, and to feel that she was as good as boys. As a public health nurse, during the pandemic, she was in charge of getting everyone in Fairfax Virginia vaccinated.
My brother has a daughter. I used to take her on expeditions beginning when she was a little kid. When she was 7, I started taking her for flying lessons. Her first time, she did so well that the instructor gave her an extra take-off and landing. Years later, she told me she knew I'd done that to give her extra confidence, and that it had done so.
And one time, around when I was taking my niece for flying lessons, driving along I came upon a teenaged girl stuck by the side of the rode with a flat tire. I told her I could change it in 10-15 minutes for her, or I could tell her what to do, and let her do it, so that she could do it herself if she got another. She opted for the latter, and did a good job of it.
And I'm really PO'd that we couldn't elect a woman as president of our country.
And one of my long ago professors, a woman, now 85, just came out with a new book, and it really made me feel good. (I was in her class 50 years ago.) I emailed her, and congratulated her, and bought the book, which I am finding to be very interesting. Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right, by Arlie Russell Hochschild.
And I could go on in a similar vein about several of my elementary school teachers (all women). I learned so much from them.
How long before it’s revealed that Epstein’s suicide was no suicide? 🤔 🤔 🤔
Epstein did NOT commit suicide in prison. I don't think we will ever learn with certainty who put the contract hit out on him - but we all know who had/has mob connections in New York...
That’s what they do, they are eliminated so they can’t “talk”. That’s what happened to Marilyn Monroe.
Goodbye, Norma Jean ...
I agree.
Barr knows lots about that.
He needs bringing to justice too.
Put your faith in the Lord. One day, it will be revealed.
Everything done in the dark will be in the Light.
The Light of the Truth is on.
Let it shine.
I'm an atheist, but I don't doubt your faith is a very important component of your life. I always ask "why did the Lord either let this happen, or cause it to happen, in the first place". I also doubt the empathy and compassion of God or Jesus Christ to let this happen in the first place. Why do we need to wait until the "truth" is revealed? Why not reveal it now? And I can't accept "it's God's will" as an answer. Again - I'm glad you can be comforted by your beliefs. I'm simply speaking to the logic of the situation.
Remember there's reasons for everything. In time it will all be revealed. There's a reason for all this chaos now. It could be the start of a new beginning.
You were reading my mind.
Well said. 👍
Sometimes when I post I can't believe that I posted that. I do believe that I may have had help in doing so. I trust my faith and that is how I manage to not be too fearful.
Because God will not interfere with the agency He has given to each of us. We are free to make choices, even if they are evil.
As a survivor of this sort of thing, I can say that God intervened to comfort me during my ordeals.
Scott, hello, Happy New Year!
Jesus said that he had more to tell the disciples but they were not ready or something like that.
What is the truth?
We are not from this planet.
We are spirits in these Earthly bodies that we need to play this game.
Earth is like a University. We are here to learn how to love unconditionally.
Now, my understanding is that if you don't get it, one returns until they do.
All volunteer of course.
We decide before we come what we want to learn.
So, in the Bible it says, "Let us make...
So, they made this Earth for us to learn.
No one dies. We are spirits, we are like using these bodies like we use our cars.
We have been here many times. How many times have you been here?
So, man has divided themselves into different religions. The Lord told me that some have some right. Example the Catholics have the silence correct. Hum... well that may be all. The Muslims pray 5 times a day. Hum... and so on and so on.
The contradictions are real. Everything changes like the Mighty Sea.
Go read, if you choose my Free Joyce Newsletter - on Love. I am putting the 100 messages he gave me on the site.
Whose interpretation of scripture is this — besides yours?
Well, I get the messages from Jesus and our Heavenly Father. I am just a messenger. A vessel. No one special. Get close to them and ask them for yourself. Our Father will speak to all who chooses to listen.
Precisely the brainwashing koolaid that allows child trafficking.
Sometimes god needs help, some one needs o large floodlight and the sooner the better.
But while we wait, many people are and will continue to suffer! All over the world, and now in the US - the power of evil men, and the money behind them creating chaos, pain and death!
Sounds lovely but it is not even close to the reality. Not even close. God provides humans with the ability to be brave, decent, willful and empathetic. Then God, the Lord watches. Humans had their chance and have already failed. The only thing that humans don’t comprehend is the relativity of time. You see, a thousand years is comparable to a millionth of a second of a human, being an inch from cement after a thousand foot free fall. A reality rap. Cheers 🥂
It was not the “mob!” Italian men are not sleaze bags
I believe that was a reference to the Felon-in-Chief.
Does anyone remember Trump’s AG Barr, visiting the jail where Epstein was in Brooklyn a few days before his unfortunate “suicide” or did I not recall that correctly?
Trump put that hit out of him
Did Bill Barr visit Epstein in his cell to serve him the sacrament of the Last Rites, on orders from Opus Dei ?
Or he isn’t dead at all but living in Malta.
Read about Carl Spence.
Cui bono...
Even the most heinous of criminals draw the line at child rape. So, Epstein was as much a target as Jeffrey Dahmer; he was never safe.
Seriously, are you claiming Jeffrey Dahmer deserved protection? Of course, Epstein was murdered. I predicted that the moment he was arrested but shed no tears for either of these scumbags.
I don’t regret his demise, but I’d’ve preferred to see him in solitary confinement, no parole, for a long life living in constant fear.
And yes, I believe he was murdered, or if not, pressured into suicide.
Hooked on Dec and money and power.
60 Minutes investigation
I just finished reading the information. When there is smoke there is fire. Powerful people can create whatever they want to create. Check every ones bank account. Follow the money that was made. What video is Barr speaking about. A made up one? Since the camera was not even working. WOW!!!
Thanks Joyce. Agreed. Many more questions than answers. All very suspicious.
'Working' might be the term in question...
Thank you for the link.
I wholeheartedly agree!
I wonder who hired the prison hit?
Donald Trump!
I guessed B. Barr by order of t- rump
Or he was paying off a debt.
It could have been Russian Intelligence or possibly the Mossad. A former Israeli Prime Munister is alleged to have been one of his “clients”.🤷🏻♀️
Maybe his clients crowd funded?
Mob boss Donald.
Barr arranged it.
At this point, does it even matter? He was evil and the world is a better place without him. Full stop.
Perhaps he could have revealed more evidence, more people involved.
It is too coincidental that there were so many errors the night he died, particularly with such a high profile case. It is highly suspicious of hit and not suicide.
Yes it matters. It's important to all women when men treat them like prey animals.
Thank you. This is the discussion topic right here. Don't erase these women and girls that were used and abused, people.
Agreed, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that women should sit down and let men treat them as "prey animals" or second-class citizens! I'm a woman and have been fighting for women's rights all my life. I was only saying, he's dead ... good enough for him ... and who cares whether he took his own life or the prison guards helped end it? Good riddance to him however he died.
Because Jeffrey Epstein died, his accusers never got their day in court. And, we will never find out about a lot of secrets that were in his dead, secrets we should want to be revealed. Knowing the secrets could assist towards finding justice for more of his victims — most of whom have never come forward.
The big problem, is that somebody...(numbers/name's are unknown), are needing to be out of the public and private view. Thus, taking Epstein out,... is the quickest, most efficient, quietest way for the most part. 'Nothing to be seen here.' Evidence gone...or at least first hand recall.
And there was apparently lots of film, etc. to correlate any testimony. How many large properties did he own?
Epstein is dead, true, but there are still too many willing to step into the void, and Trump and his MAGA Mafia are still on the scene 🤢🤮
Got the popcorn.
Why do you care? The night before he died Epstein gave his brother all his money, paid off the guards (who were online shopping when he committed suicide) and then killed himself. This deed was done because he was a slaver and knew that prisoners would rape him. He liked raping, but he didn’t think he’d like being raped. That’s the truth. He was an adjudicated criminal. He deserved a punishment devised by slaves.
Just what we need more conspiracy theories. The truth is bad enough.
Am not sure what you're saying here, Fay.
The truth of Jeffrey Epstein is not easy to know, in & of itself.
Anyone who behaved in a way that might call Epstein's racket into accountability faced pretty scary threats. That's what I recall from a book by Brad Edwards, an atty, who advocated for Epstein's victims.
I'd like to know who enabled Jeffrey Epstein.
I don't remember the rich man's name, but he gave Epstein his money. Find that Documentary about Epstein and the man that gave him money is on it. I believe it is on HULU, titled, "Victoria's Secrets Angels & Demons." What was shocking is one lady who was working for Epstein said camera's were everywhere, even in all the bathrooms. What a crazy man. Blackmailing so many rich people. According to the documentary Epstein sold some of the tapes to Donald T. and who else paid for tapes? So, was Donald blackmailing people as well?
Find that Documentary.
It was the man who owned the Limited
Yes, you are correct. After your message I started looking. Leslie "Les" Wexner was Epstein's financier. Well, until the news broke.
I was responding to another commenter who didn't believe Epstein hung himself by bed sheets in his jail cell. He was in prison, for goodness sake. If he had been knifed, or shivved I might think it was a hit.
The folks at CBS are not supposed to be a bunch of conspiracy theorists! If you have not already done so, please look at the 60 minutes article that another commenter has posted.
That really wasn't conclusive. This expert thought this, & that expert thought that. I will go by what I've seen, that many pedophiles who are caught by the cops kill themselves.
And I will go by the understanding there are people who did not want Jeffrey Epstein to talk.
It’ll be after we find out who put the hit on JFK!
After reading about his brother it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't somehow involved. He stands to gain a lot from his death. All worked for the devil!
Everyone knows he was murdered.
The mob boss, hit.
Find the Documentary I believe I saw it on Hulu. About Epstein. Called, "Victoria's Secrets Angels and Demon's. Who would know it was about Epstein and his 700+tapes.
They shut his mouth
That is pretty obvious.
Confirmed rather than revealed
Who is going to do the revealing?
Keep going, Mary!!! We appreciate and love your courage and pursuit of truth and integrity!!
Mary -- there has been al lot of recent coverage (finally!) of how bad Donald smells -- a combination of urine, feces, and a very offensive body odor. Adam Kinzinger reports noticing this overwhelming stench in an oval office meeting c. 2018. How long has Donald had this problem and what are your thoughts about it? I have a lot of family in Iowa and it is all anyone can talk about -- including some of his rabid supporters. I think it is vital that we get this information into the headlines. It could indicate an inability to attend to basic bodily functions, dementia /declining mental capacity (such as it was), and/or advancing disease. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
James Carville said last week that they should play up the stink factor because it really gets trump riled up
Queue Randy Rainbow:”Smelly Trump, Smelly Trump......”
Oh, yes, PLEASE!!!
Randy is so talented. I never miss his videos.
Yes I heard that!!! This is the exact thing that would make him react--in fact he did have a big reaction to Kinzinger's post. This needs to surface! How?!
And ask Melania about it too. Also, ask her what she thought about having Vlad share nude photos of her the whole week after the election on state TV. He did.
Yes, that's and saying Elon is really president. Anything that makes him look weak
I’m really sick of Carville.
Yoo bad
I think democrats have got to stop
Worshipping septuagenarians and octogenarians. If that’s bad, so be it.
Given how he led a family conspiracy to cheat her out of what was rightfullly hers, it could be unlikely that Mary would be spending much time around Donald.
It was his very own conspiracy.
What has that got to do with anything?
A lot actually, Biden has a stutter and the fascists weaponized it against him. Turn about is fair play, except that the stink bomb will take it personally and lash out. That IS where you want him, so the country truly sees the felon for who and what he is. Remember him walking into AF1 trailing toilet paper?
If she can stay away from her Uncle Donald, Mary may dodge the duty of having to assess the extent of his possible body odor.
Does the White House have showers or unlimited supply of Depends? lol
You’re right. Neglect of personal hygiene is a clear sign of diminished capacity.
Is anyone surprised that the GOP frontrunner raped 12 and 13 year old girls and when asked what would happen if he had impregnated her, Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money "to get a fucking abortion".
I have read that part of the earlier documents too. And the slap across the face for what he deemed performing fallacio poorly.
Nope, not surprised
I read that in court transcripts several years back.
Here is a link from a repost I did a long time ago. You can read the specific paragraphs about Trump in the court documents.
Newsweek so far seems to be the only US media to highlight the "missing Epstein tapes" from raid of Epstein's NYC townhouse in 2019, under Bill Barr : "FBI Special Agent Kelly Maguire testified in 2019 that during the raid of Epstein's residence, FBI agents found a safe with CDs, computer hard drives, money, jewelry and passports. During her testimony, Maguire said that FBI agents did not have a valid warrant to remove the evidence, so instead, they photographed them. A few days later, when they returned to obtain the evidence, it was gone, The Telegraph reported." A reminder that Bill Barr's father Donald Barr was Headmaster at Dalton School where he hired a young teacher named…Jeffrey Epstein, where he began recruiting young girls.
Someone, somewhere, has those discs & drives filled with "kompromat"... did they also end up at Mar-a-Lago?
Consider the possibility, given the entire trajectory of Trump's interactions & entanglements w/Putin & Epstein, that the primary purpose of this "active measures" op, election subversion to put Trump in WH, was to take down Epstein, recover the kompromat, worth more than a vault of gold to many very powerful men. Trump-Putin hidden meetings likely focused on this. Epstein died of a broken neck, mob-style. The entire corruption cult includes folks like Murdoch & Musk, monkeywrenching the reality. Flynn's Q-cult, a psy-war projection of destabilizing disinfo, think about it, was to COVER up the real Trump-Epstein-Putin pedophile & trafficking/kompromat ring. & WTF is Barr & Dershowitz doing in the middle of it all? https://beezevans.substack.com/p/billionaire-corruption-cult-behind
I might have to subscribe to that substack.
The Documentary said a man took them to Russia. You know what that means.
Donald & Epstein are in the bed with the Russians. The Documentary said girls were also coming from other countries including Russia. Find it.
Donald and company and the good old boys-club. What I’ve come to believe is that millions of people are attracted to criminals?
. .of course ole Stinky has everything! “He has the tapes!” 💯%
The bit about Bill Barr’s father Donald Barr’s connection to Epstein is jarring😳I had no idea. No wonder…
Bedminster cemetery/golf
This is so sickening I want to scream and vomit.
Thanks Mary, for your continuous dedication to your work in keeping us informed. I know it’s risky and I and so many others truly commend your bravery. Now, we shall see if anything comes of these revelations.
I so appreciate your updates on this...imagine for a moment if Bidens name appeared on these passenger lists and how different the coverage would be...Donald is a presidential candidate and shold receive the same attention...
When is the list going public with the names splashed on the front page on every newspaper in the world?
I agree with you, it will never happen. I mean, if Time says the D is person of the year,you know whose pocket they are in—-along with all the other corrupt media outlets in the USA.
Ugh! 🤮
It’s no surprise that old man Trump was involved. If it’s criminal, he’s in!
Thanks Mary. I can’t believe I never even thought of the blackmail possibilities. Epstein sure knew his easy targets. I remember the vile immunity case well. Despicable
🥲 Thank you. I live in “red neck” Trump country. Trucks with confederate flags, noise for him. All the Christian 45 lovers saw nothing but that abortion would be stopped. Big parade parties on the lake and more noise. Never mind EVERYTHING else Mr con man did. He was going to save babies (who cares about “Mom”)
I stuck my Biden sign in the yard last election. Some would not. Some said I was brave. I am not. YOU, Mary (Ms Braveheart). Thank you for keeping us updated.
Mine said 'Republicans for Biden'. It got messed with once, so I fixed it and moved it a little closer to the house but still in good view from the road.
Same here. I’ve been threatened It’s blood red here
Blood is right, and everyone who supported him is covered in it.
I tried to send you 6 dollars but I don’t know if it went through. Old people, namely me, suck. I tried
No, darling, you don’t. I should know. I’m on the “old” side myself. And thank you for your courage, Mary. This all is so unspeakable, I literally can’t begin to speak on it. Make sure you’re looking after yourself, as well as the rest of us.
She's looking after herself by asking and asking for subscriptions -- which is fair enough, only, the fact that she has to do this points to the injustice Donald has done to her.
Please don't ask Mary to do that. Let her have her privacy. I believe she is doing enough. Forget about what people think. Care only about what GOD thinks.
There is a 2022 Wall St Journal article saying records show such a purchase.
(I only access the first sentence or so, as I do not subscribe to that publication).
Am not sure everyone needs to know Mary's net worth (she is not, after all, running to become President of the U.S. -- at least not so far); but some understanding of the situation, in due time, could be helpful.
Oh please. She deserves to earn money for what she is giving us.
I wonder how much protection from mob assassins costs?
A person just needs to live their life in a vault. Have people bring in MREs at irregular intervals. Then they'll be safe from scary unknown threats.
I still think that DJT has dirt on a lot of people to keep them loyal. Congress members who first came out against the insurrection and then were suddenly kissing the ring in Mar A Largo. Dirt that’s much worse than someone might be gay or takes money under the table. Probably from Epstein’s files and Putin.
This is a long fight but the good fight.
Bingo 🎯
Mary-thank you for your perseverance in exposing the truth about your uncle and his cronies. Keep speaking out!
Alice Harford: Millions of years of evolution, right? Right? Men have to stick it in every place they can, but for women... women it is just about security and commitment and whatever the fuck else!
Dr. Bill Harford: A little oversimplified, Alice, but yes, something like that.
Alice Harford: If you men only knew...
Eyes Wide Shut, movie 1999
I KNOW! The disproportionate/unchecked hunger for sex so many men have absolutely baffles me. An evolutionary glitch? Deviant sexual behavior leads to ruined marriages, ruined lives, increased abortion seeking, deceit and broken hearts, children being sexually abused, STDs, and the list goes on (and on and on and on)
Sexual Violence is a serious global issue and threat. Instead too much attention is paid to banning Drag Queen Story Hour at libraries. Thank you for your reply.
@Vicki: See the book, Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha. There was a lot of polyamory among our hunter-gatherer ancestors of both genders. It's not clear from the book exactly what this meant for women, but for men, to have progeny you had to have a powerfull desire for lots of sex, plus produce huge quantities of sperm. Human males have among the biggest penises of primates; among the biggest testicles, and the highest sperm production.
And I can tell you that desire drives adolescent boys and young, and even early middle-aged men crazy. My best friend and I--both born in the first half of the 1950s--have remarked to each other that it's somewhat of a relief to no longer have the crazy level of sex drive we had in our youth, into our middle age.
I have vivid memories of a day nearly 54 years ago. I was in my 11th grade English class, which I loved. The teacher was a mother figure to a lot of her students, including me, and she and the other students made the class very interesting and a lot of fun. But on this particular day, my gonads were preventing me from concentrating, try as I might. At some point I just gave up trying to take in the class. When the class was over, I made a beeline for the bathroom and did something I'd never done outside of my own bedroom, despite the embarrassment I felt at having to do that. But it was a major relief.
As I explained in my first paragraph, this crazy level of desire is evolutionary but it's not a glitch. nor does it normally lead to deviant sexual behavior, or sexual abuse of children.
You were a normal kid and a brave man to share your personal life with us. Thank you.
Thank you for that, Gloria. I really appreciate it.
There is a certain kind of sage the priests use to lower the level of testosterone. I was given some by a gardener at a Catholic convent about 20 years ago. I used it in my kitchen, not knowing it's effects. My elderly husband didn't mind it, but one day a lady friend with a well developed palette set me straight, saying it was definitely not normal cooking sage, so I did some research.
A lot of adolescent and young adult males could use that. My inner adolescent boy wants it! And I bet a lot of the younger priests found using it a big relief. Now, if course, at 71, I have absolutely no need for that, but I find myself intellectually fascinated by the fact that there is such a thing, and thinking
about how it could have relieved my cases of what my best friend and I referred to as being vapored. So thank you for that information!
I love that book Sex at Dawn. Great recco
Thank you Bonnie. I'm upset with the political situation but you've given me a big smile.
In many ways, it’s more challenging to be male. As far as the polyamory goes, I think the restriction on women having multiple partners started when men wanted legitimate male heirs…not that that was a guarantee.
Please feel free to correct me. I just remember reading something about it years ago.
I don't think it's sex so much as power, or lording it over someone... belittling, shaming, blackmail material, the list goes on...and as society 'advances' the new twists are born.
It's never just SEX. It's a way to get the upper hand over someone else.
The cruelty is the point
I realize that for some, it can be about power, but I've never viewed it that way, and I don't think any of my close friends have ever viewed it that way. It IS a very powerful drive though.
did you read my comment? It's now the third one under your comment.
Also, I have to tell you that the disproportionate hunger that most men have actually begins for many in adolescence. It's not an evolutionary glitch, which you will understand if you read my comment. And it does not necessarily go with deviant behavior such as child sexual abuse.
I’m terrible about names, but believe Roy Baumeister is who wrote a sociological study of evil in which he said pretty much what you have, here.
I didn’t read through the book, though hope I will someday. — I believe that, somewhat alarmingly, he wrote male perpetrators of sexual violence do not think they have done anything wrong.
I think it's almost certainly true that many don't think they've done anything wrong. And that IS alarming. I think we'd have less of that if we took a more Scandinavian approach to adolescent sex. (In my family we were allowed to have lovers in our rooms with the doors closed. I was doing that in 12th grade.) In fact, my father chewed out some neighbor lady who'd gone in the back of our house to look in my windows.
I googled Baumeister. It looks like his papers are behind paywalls, but I didn't see anything that was exactly on point, although given what I did see, it wouldn't be surprising.
I’m not with you in your remedy for sexual violence. That’s all I want to say. FYI, Roy Baumeister’s book is entitled “Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty.” I hope I’ll read it one day.
I didn't say that that would be a remedy for sexual violence, although I think it would reduce it. But to get rid of sexual violence, I think we need to expunge the notion that women are somehow not as good as men. As a child, I'd absorbed that notion to a degree, and at some point, when I expressed it, my parents told me in no uncertain terms that that was not the case. They had both come from backgrounds where women were respected on the same terms as men. My maternal grandmother had a PhD. My parents and their siblings had marriages of equality.
I don't have any children of my own, but I have a much younger sister, who I encouraged to be independent, to ask questions when she had them, and to feel that she was as good as boys. As a public health nurse, during the pandemic, she was in charge of getting everyone in Fairfax Virginia vaccinated.
My brother has a daughter. I used to take her on expeditions beginning when she was a little kid. When she was 7, I started taking her for flying lessons. Her first time, she did so well that the instructor gave her an extra take-off and landing. Years later, she told me she knew I'd done that to give her extra confidence, and that it had done so.
And one time, around when I was taking my niece for flying lessons, driving along I came upon a teenaged girl stuck by the side of the rode with a flat tire. I told her I could change it in 10-15 minutes for her, or I could tell her what to do, and let her do it, so that she could do it herself if she got another. She opted for the latter, and did a good job of it.
And I'm really PO'd that we couldn't elect a woman as president of our country.
And one of my long ago professors, a woman, now 85, just came out with a new book, and it really made me feel good. (I was in her class 50 years ago.) I emailed her, and congratulated her, and bought the book, which I am finding to be very interesting. Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame, and the Rise of the Right, by Arlie Russell Hochschild.
And I could go on in a similar vein about several of my elementary school teachers (all women). I learned so much from them.