The army officer involved in the exchange filed an incident report, but expressed her concern about potential retribution, the very thing the pumpkin Mussolini is running on. The mob terrorised large swathes of NYC for decades, this hideous exchange sounds akin to the mob of the 70's-80's.
What, change her name and put her and her family in witness protection for the rest of her life? I’d be willing to bet that someone in Donny’s entourage would find out who she was and where she was hidden and his cult would go after her. Look what they’ve done to Dr. Fauci, the judges, prosecutors and even their family members in his court cases, and those poor election workers in Georgia.
SHE doesn’t t have to lay charges, the Army the employer does to protect all employees they have a duty of care as the employer running Arlington NC ! And D o J if Army won t; Federal law! Federal enforcement! Otherwise Rule of Law is gone already but only in cases involving Trump apparently! If a councillor were to do this, shove an employee, their asses and their staffs would’ve been charged by now! He isn’t President he s a private citizen! Write the DoJ and insist this law and its breaches be enforced!
Seems you have points to where the Army could keep this victim sage? But I think no matter the evil dumpfers would eventually route her out and she is rightfully scared. In her place so would I be.
Yes I agree yet others have testified against mob bosses under wraps and without identity released publicly as witnesses even in one of Dumpf s other trials for same reasons! Good reasons I agree! But it’s the institution that would bring charges of breaching campaign pics law and she others witnessed it!
I think the Army could lay charges, but the rule forbidding political activity in Arlington Cemetery is just a violation of the Hatch Act and a stern rebuke is all they can do. To prosecute for assault, I think they’d need her cooperation as a witness, otherwise I think it would be hearsay. IDK
The Army should be offended at the disgrace that is Trump, he never respected the military ever even when in office -at least not his own country's military proven by his avoidance of the draft with a fake excuse. There are Republican voters that don't like Trump and I am sure military families in general disgusted with him and never want to see him back as Commander in Chief. There has to be a way to hold him accountable. We could keep bringing this travesty up each and every day until the election for starters.
To be clear, I don’t think it any disgrace on her part to want her name protected and to fear reprisals from MAGAS we all would! Bless her for trying to enforce the law! It’s the guy at the top in charge of Arlington , legally , who needs speaking to by someone in a higher position to just do his fucking job, lay charges against assault AND breaching the no campaign pics law, (not the employee! ) that way she s a witness , court can order her identity withheld, she can be protected from disclosure, testify by remote, face hidden, as others have frequently, and Bozo the Orange Clown gets charged too w breach of probation for breaking yet another Federal law! Two staffers charged w minor assault, sentenced to whatever is usual for ANY OTHER PERSON!
Oh agreed, Rump is a thug in a suit. Usually the silver spoon set has more finesse. He still hasn't learned it after all these decades.
Putin bailed Trump out of trouble - like Russian Mafia buying Trump Tower apartments reportedly at 6 Billion a pop - in the 1990's.
A twofer [two for one] there, money laundering and helping Trump because then they owned him. Apparently that is not the only Trump property the Russians ''invested'' in.
But we can’t stand by and do nothing. Eventually, someone will make him accountable for breaking the law, time after time. This is an example of how he wants power over this country to break the law, to benefit himself and his family. He’s run out of resources to support his entire losers of a family except Ivanka, whose husband took 2billion dollars from the Saudi’s, and for what? Investments?-yeah, right! That entire clan are nothing but users, liars, cheaters, narcissists, thieves and poachers. There’s are special place in hell for them all!
Is it me but it does seem Jared and Ivanka are appearing to distance themselves from Donny? If Jared were a good husband, surely he is protecting her from her father.
Jared's father who did stint in a jail for white collar type crime was released in the last year or so. Might he be giving his son and daughter-in-law some better advice than Daddy Trump? Like - ''Lay low and try to avoid Donny.''
So Jared's father did time but Trump not a second yet. Wonder what the statute of limitations are on a myriad of corporate doubt not long enough. Does DJT not have some sentencing coming up though?
It does seem of course that given the bully their father is, the Trump kids have to keep quiet regardless how they feel about Daddy lest Daddy has time to change his will.
I am told if a person is diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer, they lose control of the estate. Be interesting to see what happens when that time comes.
I want to send postcard writing links to a friend in Michigan but I can’t find them. I know the names Mom rising, blue wave, and field team 6. I can find the organizations when google these names but I can’t find the links to order postcards. Can someone help? Currently I have a stack of 200 postcards for PA. I need to start writing. It worries me to see that Trump is leading in many swing states that Biden had won in 2020. Trump is leading in Economy. I am afraid Harris is not being taken seriously because she is a woman. It’s time to contact voters and hopefully change some minds. I do need to know the websites though.
Roslyn, you are so right and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. RG is and always has been an appalling human being; he was just able to cover it well. Now he can't. Go ladies!
Look at what happened to Nancy's husband, the man said he was looking for Nancy and I guess her husband took the crazed man's angry wrath! So if he can get into the speaker's house these criminals can probably get into anything, I'd love to know why the one's who have had threats and need the Secret Service most are not getting it? Instead the orange beehive is getting free of charge protection! If he's as rich as he claims he should be able to pay his own way I mean for the first time in his miserable life!
Honestly, I don't have a good answer, i'm as much at a loss as everyone. The staggering level of indecency is truly shocking. Pre-2016 GOP would have launched an invective at the perps. Adam Kinzinger is the only GOP (ex) rep I've heard address it.
Protection is expensive. Honestly, I wish that every time he endangers someone's life, secret service officers assigned to him would be moved to detail people he has endangered.
George Conway, on Stephanie Miller suggested a "go fund me" for the heroic women who stood up to the "Maggot Big Mac-Whoppter assholes." That money would go into security and protecion from Orange Depends wearing morons.
Sherri, what a great idea! His entourage of thugs would certainly dwindle quickly. However, it shouldn't be the same people sent to assist Trump's victims because they could be too loyal to the jerk whose behavior got them removed from such a cushy job.
I mean if he was still the President I might understand the army's reluctance but he hasn't been since 2020, though I guess the thought he might be back, God forbid, but surely the US military is tougher stuff. What is next bona fida Mafia capos running for President, criminal records and all??? Oh yeah guess who else has a felony conviction, Rump. It's still a conviction until there is a successful appeal for Trump which still doesn't end the issue. I hope the Democrats keeps pushing on that.
The person who tried to stop this travesty is not in the Army but is a civilian employee. Just want to make that clear so we all know that... thanks for your participation. We are all in this together.
I'm Italian and I still don't understand how he went against the Mob to cover his own Ass and wasn't found in a caddy trunk? He must have had some sort of protection and pulls these strings when nessesary?
The fear every victim of domestic violence raises! Just scream bloody murder anyway, call 911 anyway, press charges anyway, leave anyway, don't feel sorry for him anyway and get a restraining order anyway. Protect yourself 💪🏽 anyway and stand up for yourself anyway! Defend your person hood anyway! Do it!
There are quite a few who are definitely NOT on team trumpkin. General Milley was, I believe, the one who forcefully stated that the Army administers an oath to the Constitution, not the president.
Ditto. There’s been discussion of the onus this could put on the woman victim however. Donald and co would destroy her life and though I’m no legal scholar, wouldn’t she have to be involved at some point as a witness? This is how fascism works. They are mafiosos who’d go after her and her loved ones with a vengeance. Perhaps a better question? Why did officials, knowing the kind of thuggery that accompanies Dumpf prepare better? His descent demanded better preparation.
I don't blame her for being afraid. They have most of the guns and are unhinged. It is the military that has the responsibility to bring charges, but if the case were to go before a Trump judge, it would get dismissed.
THATS RIDICULOUS AND MAKES the Army part of the problem for not prosecuting and standing up for her! Everyone is afraid of Donald and he loves that they are afraid!!
Don’t blame the lady! Donnie, is always, 1st, middle, last and always, a widdle, tiny, immature, toddler, bully, boy, who refuses by choice not to grow up. I had a mother, just like him. Only difference was her physical size. She was 4’9” tall, born small, then got run over by a buggy, harnessed to a runaway horse as a toddler, thighs stunted, never grew to estimated full 5’1” … she could be smarmy sweet, like when she want to be, but a “real tough Son of a Bitch” in a “granny with an attitude Out Trump” any Day! when she set out to I’ll Tell You. She Got Herself Evicted from her High End Retirement Home- I kid you Not! Put Trump to Shame, could have taught him a thing or two:
My Point-There are are these MAGA TYPES, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, IF YOU LET THEM, they,ll destroy you, your lives, your homes, your country, they’re selfish, immature, wounded, by life, maybe, physically, always emotionally, probably both, and refuse to get the help, they need to heal, but damn sure, They’re Resentful &Gonna make You Suffer, to pay for Pains, Retribution ! By Golly Them’s MAGAS’s Agenda!
What does the U.S. Army have to lose by prosecuting this felon who gets away with everything...if he never has to pay for his countless crimes, he may well “get away with murder."
For every action there is a reaction. I agree, however think this through to logical pathways of the courts. This woman (and likely her family)would be plagued pursued and harassed for life. This is how abusers get away with it. For this one individual, the costs are obviously too high. Makes me ill what these abusive bullies are doing to our Democracy. Massive turnout will help, I pray I am wrong—but given the power of the corrupt electors I am frightened. Very frightened. Will the military stand with and defend the election against these fascists? My Pennie’s are going to legal funds that are preparing for this battle. I hope it will be a peaceful transition if there is to be one, but we must face what’s going on. To paraphrase: “stop people, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down…”
if she wins a decisive victory with a sizable majority they won't be able to get away with it. It's only when it's a narrow difference that they will try. so we have to make sure it's more than sizable.
The Army itself, who employs the female worker, should go ahead and pursue this matter against Trump and his belligerent staffers as a matter of principle. Just because Trump was a former president and now private citizen campaigning doesn’t mean he is allowed to not follow the rules.
I think it’s terrible of the Army if they do not pursue this illegal act. That’s part of the problem, everyone lets him get away with everything! How ridiculous! Get a spine!! STOP BEING AFRAID AND ALLOWING DUMB DONALD TO PULL THIS CRAP! I hope the officer involved carries this treatment through and doesn’t run off..😡
He and his entourage should have been ridden out of there at gunpoint by a squad of MP...let's see how much his thuggy buddies would be willing to shove around an armed military cop.
Good point ! Do they ever comment on cases in progress? My guess is IF they re investigating it won’t be public until charges are laid against the two staffers and can’t the campaign as a legal entity be charged for posting the videos in ads tik tok on line?? Isn’t that proof it’s being used as a campaign prop?
& trump is a felon. He is literally the first person the Army would prosecute if it were any of the rest of us. My partner is a 30 year veteran & I have not stopped being pissed about this since the day it happened.
The same reason that vets of various wars support draft-dodger Trump who issued slurs against McCain and other military heroes (and their parents). Why would David Pecker do an illegal catch & kill to help Trump? Why did Ivana recant her r@pe accusation against Don? why did so many Republicans sell their souls just so they can continue in their job for a few years and keep their salary? They'd be dirty forevermore!
There doesn't seem to be an answer. We know that his donors will be repaid more than they put into the 'keep trump viable' scheme. magas will believe anything coming from the republican propaganda sites - even if there's footage of Trump slicing and dicing humanity. If anyone can figure out how to awaken the magas, spread the word. Hopefully, others are enough moderate Republicans who are sickened within and outside and want Trump in prison, not the WH.
Because, just pointing out the DOTS here…would YOU WANT yourself and family clandestinely persecuted by a band of THUGS for the rest of your and children’s/ and all family???lives? This is how FASCISM works. Connect the dots.
No no one would that s why an institution needs to take it on as a legal challenge not an individual who d be at risk of their malevolent behaviour in retaliation!
Al Franken is running Midwest Values PAC, donating to Dems where GOPs in Congress are vulnerable. I am a monthly donor. Thrilled that MVP max'd out on max contributions to D-Colin Allred vs. Cancun Ted. It's incredibly close. Al has a podcast I need to be listening to!
Al was a good guy who did something stupid and sexist as a joke , as a comedian , and apologized I believe also but…that s nothing compared to Trumps multiple sexual assaults and corruption! It was way too over the top!
And take as many friends with you to mail in early if possible or early voting days if you can! Avoid the rush and the Magaworts patrolling the Nov 5 th ballot boxes!
Trump has gotten away with far too much sexual harassment; makes any other private affairs look paltry by comparison. He has to go; jail him for the rest of his life even if only at his golf clubs! Anything but not the WH please Americans you affect the entire world s social and literal climate!
Totally agree on the traitor part. I was hoping that BIden would seize on the absolute power that the Supreme Court seems to favor for the presidency and hang Trump for treason. But Biden is too good a man to do that. I am kind of disappointed but do you realize that could have happened? Maybe after Kamala is fairly and legally elected? Hah. Trump can't even vote. He's a felon.
Very unfortunately Biden is not going to do anything to take advantage of that immunity because he believes it's wrong and because he's just not that kind of man. It's unfortunate because if he had done what he should have done after he was elected just maybe we wouldn't be dealing with Trump now. A good man in many ways but woefully inadequate to deal with a creep like Trump. Funny, because he has no trouble dealing with the world's bullies like Putin.
It is so hard to get on any equal footing, expecting reasonable responses from people like DJT. We just don't (fortunately) run into many people as unconscionable as he is. You know how they say addicts have to hit bottom? I believe there is no bottom for DJT. We have a fair idea about his addictions, power, money and weirdness. Oh and he lies most of the time. I think that's a compulsive behavior. Those types don't even realize that what comes out of their mouths is complete BS. They think people believe everything they say. They might even believe it. Most of us were raised not to confront people like that. No point in it.
Men draw a blank when faced with confronting Trump. It’s like they don’t quite get it or have been traumatized to an extent to roll over to bullying - idk which. And Thanks Mary for your real, up close perspective. It sucks to come from such a dysfunctional family. Hang in there!!
There was a need report that he bored early. If factual, how was that possible with his Felon status plus the hypocrisy of voting early and demanding that voting should be on the designated day with the counting of the votes at the end of the day. His usual 'rules for thee, but not for me.'
I would like to know what source is reporting that he voted at all. It would be easy to believe that that is Repub propaganda. If he did vote as a registered voter in Florida he broke another law, as a felon he could not vote.
Do you really think they will not allow him to vote? He gets away with literally everything so I would be very surprised if they did not allow him to vote. They hypocrisy of that is that he is allowed to even run for president as a convicted felon!
Oh I agree it's complete hypocrisy. I do wonder if he showed up if a volunteer election helper could/would turn him away, but somehow he has to get his hands on a ballot. It would be newsworthy I would think.
He did not vote early. He voted in Florida’s primary on the day of the primary. He was permitted to vote because FL defers to the laws of the state where the conviction was. NY permits felons who are not incarcerated to vote.
Do you even suppose that the young people coming up have realized that all that shines isn't gold? Kind of puts the DJT people completely out of style doesn't it? Hope it translates into big blue voter turnout.
Indeed.. honest objective balanced journalism at major outlets has apparently been hijacked for clicks $$ and advertising $$. How sad... the great journalists of our early lives like Huntley & Brinkley, and Cronkite would be turning in their graves at the current news landscape.
Don’t you think it was awesome the way Kamala turned that aside with a relaxed smile and said, “Next question?” “That’s all?” “Yes.” I just lived it. Would that everyone bring asked to generate more Yamster clickbait would follow her lead.
I agree. I do not understand why the Army closed the case and why they succumbed to the Speaker of the House's call asking them to ignore this. It will be a breath of a fresh air when, on November 5th, we will begin to continue the process of righting our country which Biden began and that Harris will continue in her own version.
If she can get voters to elect enough democrats to take the house back, she will fix it. Personally, I think Mike Johnson should be expelled from the house. He is as bad as George Santos, if in a different way.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution compels Johnson's expulsion & that of many more Republican members of Congress for breaking their oath of office.
So we need a bunch of people with the cojones to do that. I would love to see us get to that. Gym Jordan comes to mind as a possible, and Comer of Kentucky, for starters.
Because Johnson is a maga slave. He does anything trump wants. Great Speaker. He killed the border bill because trump said to. We need to get trump AND his little maga zombies out of the government
I can't find any information on Mike Johnson asking the Army to ignore this incident. Can you verify this? I do see that he somehow got the OK from the Army for T rump to go there.
It is being reported by several right-wing media sites (for example, American Military News) as well as places like Esquire. Seems to be a MAGA driven self congratulation on owning the libs, as much as anything. And it only covers the presence of Trump in Section 60, not any of the laws he broke while there.
There are no less than 10 things I can think of off the top of my head that would disqualify Trump from even being a candidate, if we were a a sane healthy society.
He’s literally unfit to be a middle school hall monitor and yet we allow him to run for presidency, despite his disregard for and actual attempts to destroy Americas quest for an equitable democracy.
I'm a Marine Corps veteran. I was offended to see Trump and his dumbasses stand on the body of Fallen Soldiers. And to use that for a photo op and a campaign TV ad should offend every American with a brain
I hope I live long enough to see that cockroach be put into the ground, and then I shall rejoice-- an evil fascist no longer spreading hate and discontent upon the planet.
I hope you live long enough to see that, too. One does not need to be a veteran to be offended by that behavior. I have no military connections (other than my husband's 3 years in the army), but I have always found Arlington to be a place that basically leaves me in awe of those that are buried there. I can't fathom not being affected by all those graves of brave fighters.
My thoughts as well. Why doesn’t the army prosecute? I wish the poor youthful offenders I tried to help years ago as a court appointed attorney were given all the passes he gets every day. It is truly infuriating and mystifying that NO ONE holds this disastrous human being accountable.
If the publicity works correctly, by a huge majority of decent, moral citizens will vote a landslide For Harris/Walz, because they are so disgusted by indecent, illegal Trump actions.
I'm so glad to see your comment about the Army's response.
As a US military veteran, I'm also disappointed in the US Army's reaction. Yes, many veterans are amazed that they even responded. I'm not. It's just another example of the military elite allowing higher ups to walk away with nothing more than a tongue lashing after intimidating a member who has less power. I hope the Military Times or other military publications give their take on this.
The folks over at VoteVets are livid. Disgust - outrage - no term is strong enough. I cannot understand how ANY US military vet doesn't see how vile he is. As some have already said, why wasn't he there in 2022 or 2023? Nah, it's an election year.
There is always someone in a key position in the decision making process to determine what form of penalty to apply to Trump's transgressions, who decides to let him off. Always!
Absolutely. And those individuals need to be held accountable as well. Whoever Speaker Mike Johnson called and coerced into breaking the law/rules needs to be dealt with!!
My uncle is buried there. He died as a result of injuries during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and he was only 29 years old. I despise Donald Trump and everything that he represents which is so anti-American. His footsteps at Arlington are desecration of holy ground, and he should be prosecuted for this and his many other crimes against our country and its heroes.
Exactly my thoughts yesterday. Why won’t the army prosecute?
The army officer involved in the exchange filed an incident report, but expressed her concern about potential retribution, the very thing the pumpkin Mussolini is running on. The mob terrorised large swathes of NYC for decades, this hideous exchange sounds akin to the mob of the 70's-80's.
Why can't the army protect her???? I'm so disgusted iam just so disgusted with this Orange POS
What, change her name and put her and her family in witness protection for the rest of her life? I’d be willing to bet that someone in Donny’s entourage would find out who she was and where she was hidden and his cult would go after her. Look what they’ve done to Dr. Fauci, the judges, prosecutors and even their family members in his court cases, and those poor election workers in Georgia.
SHE doesn’t t have to lay charges, the Army the employer does to protect all employees they have a duty of care as the employer running Arlington NC ! And D o J if Army won t; Federal law! Federal enforcement! Otherwise Rule of Law is gone already but only in cases involving Trump apparently! If a councillor were to do this, shove an employee, their asses and their staffs would’ve been charged by now! He isn’t President he s a private citizen! Write the DoJ and insist this law and its breaches be enforced!
Seems you have points to where the Army could keep this victim sage? But I think no matter the evil dumpfers would eventually route her out and she is rightfully scared. In her place so would I be.
Yes I agree yet others have testified against mob bosses under wraps and without identity released publicly as witnesses even in one of Dumpf s other trials for same reasons! Good reasons I agree! But it’s the institution that would bring charges of breaching campaign pics law and she others witnessed it!
I think the Army could lay charges, but the rule forbidding political activity in Arlington Cemetery is just a violation of the Hatch Act and a stern rebuke is all they can do. To prosecute for assault, I think they’d need her cooperation as a witness, otherwise I think it would be hearsay. IDK
There are plenty of witnesses that could testify on her behalf.
The Army should be offended at the disgrace that is Trump, he never respected the military ever even when in office -at least not his own country's military proven by his avoidance of the draft with a fake excuse. There are Republican voters that don't like Trump and I am sure military families in general disgusted with him and never want to see him back as Commander in Chief. There has to be a way to hold him accountable. We could keep bringing this travesty up each and every day until the election for starters.
To be clear, I don’t think it any disgrace on her part to want her name protected and to fear reprisals from MAGAS we all would! Bless her for trying to enforce the law! It’s the guy at the top in charge of Arlington , legally , who needs speaking to by someone in a higher position to just do his fucking job, lay charges against assault AND breaching the no campaign pics law, (not the employee! ) that way she s a witness , court can order her identity withheld, she can be protected from disclosure, testify by remote, face hidden, as others have frequently, and Bozo the Orange Clown gets charged too w breach of probation for breaking yet another Federal law! Two staffers charged w minor assault, sentenced to whatever is usual for ANY OTHER PERSON!
She must not bear any disgrace for wanting her identity protected.
She did her job by stepping forward advising Trump’s posse what Arlington’s rules and restrictions for Section 60 were.
Blessings and appreciation for her duty well done.
Oh agreed, Rump is a thug in a suit. Usually the silver spoon set has more finesse. He still hasn't learned it after all these decades.
Putin bailed Trump out of trouble - like Russian Mafia buying Trump Tower apartments reportedly at 6 Billion a pop - in the 1990's.
A twofer [two for one] there, money laundering and helping Trump because then they owned him. Apparently that is not the only Trump property the Russians ''invested'' in.
Agreed 💯
But we can’t stand by and do nothing. Eventually, someone will make him accountable for breaking the law, time after time. This is an example of how he wants power over this country to break the law, to benefit himself and his family. He’s run out of resources to support his entire losers of a family except Ivanka, whose husband took 2billion dollars from the Saudi’s, and for what? Investments?-yeah, right! That entire clan are nothing but users, liars, cheaters, narcissists, thieves and poachers. There’s are special place in hell for them all!
Is it me but it does seem Jared and Ivanka are appearing to distance themselves from Donny? If Jared were a good husband, surely he is protecting her from her father.
Jared's father who did stint in a jail for white collar type crime was released in the last year or so. Might he be giving his son and daughter-in-law some better advice than Daddy Trump? Like - ''Lay low and try to avoid Donny.''
So Jared's father did time but Trump not a second yet. Wonder what the statute of limitations are on a myriad of corporate doubt not long enough. Does DJT not have some sentencing coming up though?
It does seem of course that given the bully their father is, the Trump kids have to keep quiet regardless how they feel about Daddy lest Daddy has time to change his will.
I am told if a person is diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer, they lose control of the estate. Be interesting to see what happens when that time comes.
I want to send postcard writing links to a friend in Michigan but I can’t find them. I know the names Mom rising, blue wave, and field team 6. I can find the organizations when google these names but I can’t find the links to order postcards. Can someone help? Currently I have a stack of 200 postcards for PA. I need to start writing. It worries me to see that Trump is leading in many swing states that Biden had won in 2020. Trump is leading in Economy. I am afraid Harris is not being taken seriously because she is a woman. It’s time to contact voters and hopefully change some minds. I do need to know the websites though.
Right. Correct
Those election workers are busy sinking their teeth into Rudy. You go, grrls--get im! But do you think Donald's minions notice this? Nah. Hubris.
Roslyn, you are so right and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. RG is and always has been an appalling human being; he was just able to cover it well. Now he can't. Go ladies!
Unfortunately true. He was really good at hiding it...except with people of those poll workers' complexion. LOL
Look at what happened to Nancy's husband, the man said he was looking for Nancy and I guess her husband took the crazed man's angry wrath! So if he can get into the speaker's house these criminals can probably get into anything, I'd love to know why the one's who have had threats and need the Secret Service most are not getting it? Instead the orange beehive is getting free of charge protection! If he's as rich as he claims he should be able to pay his own way I mean for the first time in his miserable life!
Susan I so so agree with you! Something has to be done here the Army has to do something!!
Honestly, I don't have a good answer, i'm as much at a loss as everyone. The staggering level of indecency is truly shocking. Pre-2016 GOP would have launched an invective at the perps. Adam Kinzinger is the only GOP (ex) rep I've heard address it.
You can depend on Adam K. 👍
Protection is expensive. Honestly, I wish that every time he endangers someone's life, secret service officers assigned to him would be moved to detail people he has endangered.
George Conway, on Stephanie Miller suggested a "go fund me" for the heroic women who stood up to the "Maggot Big Mac-Whoppter assholes." That money would go into security and protecion from Orange Depends wearing morons.
That is brilliant. i would also donate.
Great idea! I love it! Move them from his detail (and don’t replace them either as far as I’m concerned)!
Point well taken
Sherri, what a great idea! His entourage of thugs would certainly dwindle quickly. However, it shouldn't be the same people sent to assist Trump's victims because they could be too loyal to the jerk whose behavior got them removed from such a cushy job.
So many threads it’s hard to grasp But not illogical.
Pray for the shark, but for God's sake DON'T VOTE for HIM.
Look, it's just pass the time for the orange puke to face some Serious consequences for the decades of his criminal, Period.
Money can buy him delays, but it should not and must not, be allowed to buy him the ability of subverting our laws.
He sits on his gold-plated toilet bowl, the same way we sit on our porcelain ones.
The head of AC has a duty to the employees under him.
I mean if he was still the President I might understand the army's reluctance but he hasn't been since 2020, though I guess the thought he might be back, God forbid, but surely the US military is tougher stuff. What is next bona fida Mafia capos running for President, criminal records and all??? Oh yeah guess who else has a felony conviction, Rump. It's still a conviction until there is a successful appeal for Trump which still doesn't end the issue. I hope the Democrats keeps pushing on that.
Pustule is Accurate Term for Donnie boy & his followers!
The person who tried to stop this travesty is not in the Army but is a civilian employee. Just want to make that clear so we all know that... thanks for your participation. We are all in this together.
Yep Trump s era; he learned from the best of NYC mob!!
I'm Italian and I still don't understand how he went against the Mob to cover his own Ass and wasn't found in a caddy trunk? He must have had some sort of protection and pulls these strings when nessesary?
They had more honor then he has ever had.
The fear every victim of domestic violence raises! Just scream bloody murder anyway, call 911 anyway, press charges anyway, leave anyway, don't feel sorry for him anyway and get a restraining order anyway. Protect yourself 💪🏽 anyway and stand up for yourself anyway! Defend your person hood anyway! Do it!
Because I am Donald J. Trump. Laws and rules do not apply.
These ppl better start getting it together and punishing this POS!! I’m sickened by them all running scared like balless wonders!! GROW A DAMN SPINE!
Well said !!!
Yes that's what HE thinks. Do they think that too? Hard to believe
The MAGAts in the Army chain of command certainly do.
There are quite a few who are definitely NOT on team trumpkin. General Milley was, I believe, the one who forcefully stated that the Army administers an oath to the Constitution, not the president.
And I am the BIGGEST, like nobody has ever seen, VICTIM. It's a disgrace that anybody would try to stop anything I ever do EVER.
It's so infuriating the laws don't apply because the people who are supposed to apply them aren't!!!
Oh Yes The Rules Do Apply to Donnie the Pustule & his Mob!
Yes they do but to get them truly enforced omg I'm so mad°
Ditto. There’s been discussion of the onus this could put on the woman victim however. Donald and co would destroy her life and though I’m no legal scholar, wouldn’t she have to be involved at some point as a witness? This is how fascism works. They are mafiosos who’d go after her and her loved ones with a vengeance. Perhaps a better question? Why did officials, knowing the kind of thuggery that accompanies Dumpf prepare better? His descent demanded better preparation.
Remember what they did to Kathy Griffin and Reality Winner?
I do remember it was so traumatizing to see inwas so upset by what they did to her
Democrats must win the House to get rid of this Maga speaker.
It will be a landslide. The only problem will be getting rid of Moses, who won’t come down from the mountain because it’s on fire.
Okay this one cracked me up😍
It’s appalling the corruption in that 1/2 of Congress!
US Supreme Court majority also doesn't care. By the way: there is no god.
The woman is afraid to press charges.
I don't blame her for being afraid. They have most of the guns and are unhinged. It is the military that has the responsibility to bring charges, but if the case were to go before a Trump judge, it would get dismissed.
Study regime politic history. Rigging the judges is first step if you’re in a pseudo democracy
Sooner he is Voted Overwhelmingly Out Again THE BETTER! Pop the Pustule!
THATS RIDICULOUS AND MAKES the Army part of the problem for not prosecuting and standing up for her! Everyone is afraid of Donald and he loves that they are afraid!!
You do remember Don J has threatened to have murdered his opponents? Don't you?
The Army should
Don’t blame the lady! Donnie, is always, 1st, middle, last and always, a widdle, tiny, immature, toddler, bully, boy, who refuses by choice not to grow up. I had a mother, just like him. Only difference was her physical size. She was 4’9” tall, born small, then got run over by a buggy, harnessed to a runaway horse as a toddler, thighs stunted, never grew to estimated full 5’1” … she could be smarmy sweet, like when she want to be, but a “real tough Son of a Bitch” in a “granny with an attitude Out Trump” any Day! when she set out to I’ll Tell You. She Got Herself Evicted from her High End Retirement Home- I kid you Not! Put Trump to Shame, could have taught him a thing or two:
My Point-There are are these MAGA TYPES, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, IF YOU LET THEM, they,ll destroy you, your lives, your homes, your country, they’re selfish, immature, wounded, by life, maybe, physically, always emotionally, probably both, and refuse to get the help, they need to heal, but damn sure, They’re Resentful &Gonna make You Suffer, to pay for Pains, Retribution ! By Golly Them’s MAGAS’s Agenda!
Then I hope our government is offering her protection, because this is bullshit
What does the U.S. Army have to lose by prosecuting this felon who gets away with everything...if he never has to pay for his countless crimes, he may well “get away with murder."
For every action there is a reaction. I agree, however think this through to logical pathways of the courts. This woman (and likely her family)would be plagued pursued and harassed for life. This is how abusers get away with it. For this one individual, the costs are obviously too high. Makes me ill what these abusive bullies are doing to our Democracy. Massive turnout will help, I pray I am wrong—but given the power of the corrupt electors I am frightened. Very frightened. Will the military stand with and defend the election against these fascists? My Pennie’s are going to legal funds that are preparing for this battle. I hope it will be a peaceful transition if there is to be one, but we must face what’s going on. To paraphrase: “stop people, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down…”
if she wins a decisive victory with a sizable majority they won't be able to get away with it. It's only when it's a narrow difference that they will try. so we have to make sure it's more than sizable.
“They” can get away with anything. Prior to January 6 th I would not have been able to put these thoughts to words. BUT…now I have only HOPE.
The Army itself, who employs the female worker, should go ahead and pursue this matter against Trump and his belligerent staffers as a matter of principle. Just because Trump was a former president and now private citizen campaigning doesn’t mean he is allowed to not follow the rules.
I totally agree 👍
Apparently, orangeman will count on support from those still in the services; Putin's looking forward to it.
I think it’s terrible of the Army if they do not pursue this illegal act. That’s part of the problem, everyone lets him get away with everything! How ridiculous! Get a spine!! STOP BEING AFRAID AND ALLOWING DUMB DONALD TO PULL THIS CRAP! I hope the officer involved carries this treatment through and doesn’t run off..😡
He and his entourage should have been ridden out of there at gunpoint by a squad of MP...let's see how much his thuggy buddies would be willing to shove around an armed military cop.
It would have been interesting to see that! Guessing is due to the grieving families the officials didn’t want yet more ruckus created by MPs etc?
More importantly, why won't the FBI? It was a federal law that was broken.
Good point ! Do they ever comment on cases in progress? My guess is IF they re investigating it won’t be public until charges are laid against the two staffers and can’t the campaign as a legal entity be charged for posting the videos in ads tik tok on line?? Isn’t that proof it’s being used as a campaign prop?
& trump is a felon. He is literally the first person the Army would prosecute if it were any of the rest of us. My partner is a 30 year veteran & I have not stopped being pissed about this since the day it happened.
Army won't prosecute b/c not worth it. However, the employee might!
Our United States Military members, civilian co-workers, families and friends have CLASS.
Trying to stay apolitical. Plus he feeds off that stuff.
Gosh. I so wish that were an option. But we the people face the decidió between fascism and democracy. So holy s***
The same reason that vets of various wars support draft-dodger Trump who issued slurs against McCain and other military heroes (and their parents). Why would David Pecker do an illegal catch & kill to help Trump? Why did Ivana recant her r@pe accusation against Don? why did so many Republicans sell their souls just so they can continue in their job for a few years and keep their salary? They'd be dirty forevermore!
There doesn't seem to be an answer. We know that his donors will be repaid more than they put into the 'keep trump viable' scheme. magas will believe anything coming from the republican propaganda sites - even if there's footage of Trump slicing and dicing humanity. If anyone can figure out how to awaken the magas, spread the word. Hopefully, others are enough moderate Republicans who are sickened within and outside and want Trump in prison, not the WH.
Probably because they are afraid he might win and punish them.
Because, just pointing out the DOTS here…would YOU WANT yourself and family clandestinely persecuted by a band of THUGS for the rest of your and children’s/ and all family???lives? This is how FASCISM works. Connect the dots.
No no one would that s why an institution needs to take it on as a legal challenge not an individual who d be at risk of their malevolent behaviour in retaliation!
And to think Gary Hart was forced to drop out of the race for president because Donna Rice was seen sitting in his lap.
And Al Franken (Stuart Smalley).
That was a tragedy. A result of over zealousness that was petty and stupid and resulted in us losing a good man.
Al Franken is running Midwest Values PAC, donating to Dems where GOPs in Congress are vulnerable. I am a monthly donor. Thrilled that MVP max'd out on max contributions to D-Colin Allred vs. Cancun Ted. It's incredibly close. Al has a podcast I need to be listening to!
Tnx for this valuable info! Will look it up.
Al was just interviewed my the Rational National on YT.
Thank you, Kirsten Gillibrand 🙁
She is one of the unforgiveables.
It hurt her career but that doesn’t fix anything.
Al was a good guy who did something stupid and sexist as a joke , as a comedian , and apologized I believe also but…that s nothing compared to Trumps multiple sexual assaults and corruption! It was way too over the top!
The reaction from the Dems !
Then they sank a decent fellow Mike Dukakis.
Those were the "old days" when people respected each other!
Trump should not have EVER been in the race, but here we are! JUST VOTE BLUE!
And take as many friends with you to mail in early if possible or early voting days if you can! Avoid the rush and the Magaworts patrolling the Nov 5 th ballot boxes!
Wow, what a great juxtaposition!!! Thanks for the flashback.
I had forgotten that one too!!
And John Edwards.
John did more than Gary, but doesn’t hold a candle to T.
A man ahead of his time.
He’s not a man. He’s a pussy and a bully.
The comment was in reference to Gary Hart and why the heck would you use such a misogynistic slur?
Was about to say this gives “pussies” a bad name!
He’s not even a man, much less ahead of his time. You are judged by the company you keep, honey.
What are you on about? I made a joke about Gary Hart. I was not complimenting Donald. I already pointed this out, honey. Try to keep up.
Trump has gotten away with far too much sexual harassment; makes any other private affairs look paltry by comparison. He has to go; jail him for the rest of his life even if only at his golf clubs! Anything but not the WH please Americans you affect the entire world s social and literal climate!
Lap sitting doesn’t involve mob rule.
I know, right?! I think about that incredible contrast often...
I’m not happy about doing that either but sometimes there’s only one thing that fits when dealing with a scumbag like Trump.
Yep. Times have definitely changed 😉
Thank you Mary. Your support and dedication to speaking up about this man is inspiring. You are an amazing individual.
And I just ordered your new book that is coming out next month. I love reading what you tell us about DJT!
Ok I doubted that this was the worst. The Army has called him out! He’s a traitor and should be held accountable!
Totally agree on the traitor part. I was hoping that BIden would seize on the absolute power that the Supreme Court seems to favor for the presidency and hang Trump for treason. But Biden is too good a man to do that. I am kind of disappointed but do you realize that could have happened? Maybe after Kamala is fairly and legally elected? Hah. Trump can't even vote. He's a felon.
Very unfortunately Biden is not going to do anything to take advantage of that immunity because he believes it's wrong and because he's just not that kind of man. It's unfortunate because if he had done what he should have done after he was elected just maybe we wouldn't be dealing with Trump now. A good man in many ways but woefully inadequate to deal with a creep like Trump. Funny, because he has no trouble dealing with the world's bullies like Putin.
He is old enough to still believe there is good in most people. Unfortunately, there is trump who is not good or normal like most people!
It is so hard to get on any equal footing, expecting reasonable responses from people like DJT. We just don't (fortunately) run into many people as unconscionable as he is. You know how they say addicts have to hit bottom? I believe there is no bottom for DJT. We have a fair idea about his addictions, power, money and weirdness. Oh and he lies most of the time. I think that's a compulsive behavior. Those types don't even realize that what comes out of their mouths is complete BS. They think people believe everything they say. They might even believe it. Most of us were raised not to confront people like that. No point in it.
You describe trump to a perfect "T"!
Good point about Biden. I’ve noticed most
Men draw a blank when faced with confronting Trump. It’s like they don’t quite get it or have been traumatized to an extent to roll over to bullying - idk which. And Thanks Mary for your real, up close perspective. It sucks to come from such a dysfunctional family. Hang in there!!
There was a need report that he bored early. If factual, how was that possible with his Felon status plus the hypocrisy of voting early and demanding that voting should be on the designated day with the counting of the votes at the end of the day. His usual 'rules for thee, but not for me.'
It d be a beautiful sight to see him denied a ballot by the head of elections there for being a convicted felon!
I would like to know what source is reporting that he voted at all. It would be easy to believe that that is Repub propaganda. If he did vote as a registered voter in Florida he broke another law, as a felon he could not vote.
Do you really think they will not allow him to vote? He gets away with literally everything so I would be very surprised if they did not allow him to vote. They hypocrisy of that is that he is allowed to even run for president as a convicted felon!
Oh I agree it's complete hypocrisy. I do wonder if he showed up if a volunteer election helper could/would turn him away, but somehow he has to get his hands on a ballot. It would be newsworthy I would think.
He did not vote early. He voted in Florida’s primary on the day of the primary. He was permitted to vote because FL defers to the laws of the state where the conviction was. NY permits felons who are not incarcerated to vote.
Hear tell, Desantis can give a waiver so Drumpf can vote, which is Ludicrous!
That is ludicrous!
Have you seen this?
Leonaut, wow, that has to be the most complexly written right wing hit piece I have ever seen.
But I don't see anything about them going after him for breaking the rules! As usual, he gets away with it!
Too true. It's demoralizing to everyone in our country who chooses to follow the norms of polite behavior and who observe the law.
Breaking laws. They should go after him regardless of her filing charges for assault and battery. He broke laws with what he did
The corporate media are a pathetic bunch of advertising driven shills. The 4th Estate has been dismantled by greed.
I am so tired of the attitudes and behavior of corporate media as they make choices that suit their goal of greed and power,
Perfect example is If you watched Dana Bash interviewing Harris and Walz vs. how cringingly she behaved as the "moderator" of the debate.
God they re disgusting!
She seemed terrified, tbh, and looked to Jake Tapper for support
Do you even suppose that the young people coming up have realized that all that shines isn't gold? Kind of puts the DJT people completely out of style doesn't it? Hope it translates into big blue voter turnout.
Supremes killing Biden s student loan forgiveness may get a few out in that age group!
Indeed.. honest objective balanced journalism at major outlets has apparently been hijacked for clicks $$ and advertising $$. How sad... the great journalists of our early lives like Huntley & Brinkley, and Cronkite would be turning in their graves at the current news landscape.
Don’t you think it was awesome the way Kamala turned that aside with a relaxed smile and said, “Next question?” “That’s all?” “Yes.” I just lived it. Would that everyone bring asked to generate more Yamster clickbait would follow her lead.
Honest journalism? You sure you can handle it?
It’s exactly what you think! But also totally different…
I agree. I do not understand why the Army closed the case and why they succumbed to the Speaker of the House's call asking them to ignore this. It will be a breath of a fresh air when, on November 5th, we will begin to continue the process of righting our country which Biden began and that Harris will continue in her own version.
I didn't know the Speaker asked them to ignore this. Our Government is so broken. I hope Kamala can fix it.
If she can get voters to elect enough democrats to take the house back, she will fix it. Personally, I think Mike Johnson should be expelled from the house. He is as bad as George Santos, if in a different way.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution compels Johnson's expulsion & that of many more Republican members of Congress for breaking their oath of office.
So we need a bunch of people with the cojones to do that. I would love to see us get to that. Gym Jordan comes to mind as a possible, and Comer of Kentucky, for starters.
Matt Gatz of Florida also needs Section 3 of the 14th amendment to be applied to him.
How could I forget him and his cohort, Marjory Traitor Greene? Thank you for reminding me.
Because Johnson is a maga slave. He does anything trump wants. Great Speaker. He killed the border bill because trump said to. We need to get trump AND his little maga zombies out of the government
Does the Speaker run the Army? Did they have to do what he said? I don't know the answer but if he doesn't they made the wrong call.
Hope you are getting better. Be well.
I can't find any information on Mike Johnson asking the Army to ignore this incident. Can you verify this? I do see that he somehow got the OK from the Army for T rump to go there.
It is being reported by several right-wing media sites (for example, American Military News) as well as places like Esquire. Seems to be a MAGA driven self congratulation on owning the libs, as much as anything. And it only covers the presence of Trump in Section 60, not any of the laws he broke while there.
I understand that the family of the soldier whose grave was next to the picnic site was incensed about it, and may have a cause of action.
I hope they sue the Army / Arlington for allowing it, Johnson for intervening to get Trump into the place, and the RNC for financing it!
That is my information as well. Needs sourcing. We don’t want to spread false info like those human warts do.
There are no less than 10 things I can think of off the top of my head that would disqualify Trump from even being a candidate, if we were a a sane healthy society.
He’s literally unfit to be a middle school hall monitor and yet we allow him to run for presidency, despite his disregard for and actual attempts to destroy Americas quest for an equitable democracy.
If he were a middle school hall monitor, he would be creating juvenile delinquents right and left. Just what we need.
Started when he took the Oath of Office swearing to uphold and defend a document he never read and which very precepts he despises.
How are his actions not a violation of his parole??
Are you listening, Judge Merchan? Sept.18 is just around the corner!
They're working on him. He'll have to recuse himself.
Won't happen. Trump is just desperate now.
I'm a Marine Corps veteran. I was offended to see Trump and his dumbasses stand on the body of Fallen Soldiers. And to use that for a photo op and a campaign TV ad should offend every American with a brain
I hope I live long enough to see that cockroach be put into the ground, and then I shall rejoice-- an evil fascist no longer spreading hate and discontent upon the planet.
I hope you live long enough to see that, too. One does not need to be a veteran to be offended by that behavior. I have no military connections (other than my husband's 3 years in the army), but I have always found Arlington to be a place that basically leaves me in awe of those that are buried there. I can't fathom not being affected by all those graves of brave fighters.
You and your husband are ought to be respected and you are. I thank you, and your husband for his service. Happiness and health to the both of you.
Thank you, Ben. I will pass your comment on to him.
My thoughts as well. Why doesn’t the army prosecute? I wish the poor youthful offenders I tried to help years ago as a court appointed attorney were given all the passes he gets every day. It is truly infuriating and mystifying that NO ONE holds this disastrous human being accountable.
Any relation to Eddy?
Two things.
1. Fuck
2. Him
Yes. We. Shall.
Remember when he said to the widow of Sgt Johnson, AS SHE WAS LEAVING HER HUSBAND'S FUNERAL, "He knew what he was signing up for". Man's unbelievable.
Instead the corporate media sanctions it by filming it and then it gets replayed repeatedly as a free campaign advertisement.
If the publicity works correctly, by a huge majority of decent, moral citizens will vote a landslide For Harris/Walz, because they are so disgusted by indecent, illegal Trump actions.
It was blasphemy for Don Old to be there … for a photo op.
I'm so glad to see your comment about the Army's response.
As a US military veteran, I'm also disappointed in the US Army's reaction. Yes, many veterans are amazed that they even responded. I'm not. It's just another example of the military elite allowing higher ups to walk away with nothing more than a tongue lashing after intimidating a member who has less power. I hope the Military Times or other military publications give their take on this.
The folks over at VoteVets are livid. Disgust - outrage - no term is strong enough. I cannot understand how ANY US military vet doesn't see how vile he is. As some have already said, why wasn't he there in 2022 or 2023? Nah, it's an election year.
There is always someone in a key position in the decision making process to determine what form of penalty to apply to Trump's transgressions, who decides to let him off. Always!
Absolutely. And those individuals need to be held accountable as well. Whoever Speaker Mike Johnson called and coerced into breaking the law/rules needs to be dealt with!!
My uncle is buried there. He died as a result of injuries during the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and he was only 29 years old. I despise Donald Trump and everything that he represents which is so anti-American. His footsteps at Arlington are desecration of holy ground, and he should be prosecuted for this and his many other crimes against our country and its heroes.
Sympathies on the death of your uncle during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Maybe this PR stunt will enrage maga vets to cross over.
Echoing your HOPE. and honor your family. But TDGAF. ( they don’t give a fu)
Your uncle is a hero. They're all heroes! None are suckers and losers, the orange cockroach is the loser!
I am so sick of war.