I only wish more people felt like I did - that I despised him the moment I had to deal with him during the 1976 American Bicentennial celebration in NYC harbor. That was nearly 48 years ago. Unfortunately, many people started hating him AFTER he was elected the first time...40 years later. And even more frustrating are the media types who took effing years to call him a liar, call out his crimes and heinous behavior. But hey, we have to give him equal time, don't we CNN? What crap. And to think there are still masses of protoplasm who will vote for this piece of dung even though they (may or may not) realize they are voting against their own self-interests. Mind-boggling.

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My despising him started when I saw how he screwed small businesses building the casino in Atlantic City.....Hillary was right, he is Deplorable.

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I remember that. And everyone was mad because he did not pay so many contractors and employees back then. It’s shameful and I just don’t understand why anyone can not look back and remember: when he showed us who he was, we better not forget, because more us to come. And it sure has!

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Trump's plan:

Become dictator.

Project 2025.

Enact martial law.

Enact the insurrection act.

Suspend the Constitution.

Full immunity .

Turn our backs on our allies & align us with other world dictators.

Return power to the white man where women & those of color have no say.

Let's not let that happen! This November, it’s crystal clear: Bye-Don and good riddance!

On a T here 👇


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Orange Hitler will build death camps and carry out mass "revenge" executions.

Not sure if that is part of 2025 or Day One. The fake Christian evengelical Christofascist will goosestepping , full armed rounding up and "deporting" thousands.

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He will not be President.

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Thank you for your message Joyce

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That’s what they said in2016 ….🇺🇸needs to vote your way out of this.

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I am in my home in Belize where I plan to move for 4 years if this actually happens!

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Lucky you. I live on my Social Security and barely get by. VOTE BLUE 💙💙

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Look for lots of PATS to follow out of here, too.😃👋

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It could happen!

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Feels like this is the plan. He was hinting if it when President.

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And invoke Christianity as the absolute law of the land !

And all other religions are second class and must succumb to Christian Rule.

Or else.

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No, Donald will not be President.

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It’s highly unlikely, especially as his trials continue and he continues to go downhill mentally. That he has support, any support, outside of single digits says two things: 1) some people in this country are astoundingly gullible and stupid, 2) our media is NOT portraying the truth about the state of our economy, nor the reality of the mentation of the two leading candidates.

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Yep, Project 2025, etc. And part of that is potentially sending all naturalized citizens back to their home countries. I am a naturalized citizen who has lived here since I was brought here at the age of 3 days old, by parents who had already emigrated here several years prior. So, Canada, here I, at age 71, come (back)?

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If only we all had that option.

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We won’t need that option if we all work our arses off for President Biden to crush him under the biggest landslide in history.

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I remember when that story broke right before the election.

I don't know how people think he is so great. He is vile and not very smart.

I don't think he would know a legitimate financial statement if it is staring him in the face.

I don't know what he has on these Republicans who are kissing away their law licenses.

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They want the power he's going to give them, to rule over us like "Christians" (never mind that no actual Christian is like that). His supporters are so afraid of change, and trans people, and gay lifestyles, and tattoos and short skirts, and people making their own decisions. It's sickening

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Eva it's because they've been brainwashed for over 25 years by Rush, Hannity and Fox News that their brand of "Christianity" is the right one. I include my own Mother in that and it breaks my damn heart.

After January 6th and all of the hearings she swore she'd never vote for him again. She even stopped watching Fox. Well guess what? She's back on the Trump train again. I told her to find someone else to take her to Vote because I wouldn't keep my mouth shut this year. No way. Not this year. There's just too much at stake.

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My own mother too... sucked in by "Rush" and the rest. Except she never swore she wouldn't vote for Trump. She believes he tried to call the National Guard on January 6th! That's when I realized, for the first time, how deeply fooled my folks are.

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Good for you! It’s very hard to say no to one’s parents. Standing up and saying you won’t be an accessory to her voting for a con man is a good way to stop at least one brain-washed human from voting for the wrong party.

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I used to associate with people who sang the praises of Rush - church folk. I'm glad I never listened to him, and got away from that atmosphere. The church was a very good one for me at the time, and I've since gained some good perspective.

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The one thing I know he has on them is the threat of primary-ing them. That makes them quake in their boots.

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He has shown us so many times who he is, it's ridiculous! Screws every contractor he works with, 6 or 8 bankrupt companies? People go to jail for doing his bidding.....

He's a smug, worthless, pompous narcissist....

And let's all remember, "He loves the uneducated"

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The uneducated I can understand. What I don’t understand is the highly educated followers like Drs, lawyers, professors, etc. They should know better.

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He owned 555 businesses and oyes, in 30 years 7 of them failed. You people are so sad to fall for all this hatred. The media since 2012 were no longer, or "thought" they were allowed, to propagate, embellish lies to push the Socialists, Communist propaganda..which is what you've evidently have been under since..Sad.

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Me too. I remember the stories about how he ruined people’s lives during this time. I worked in Manhattan but lived in NJ at the time. So many people believed in him only to have him not pay them & they went bankrupt. So sad.

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My dislike took full root with the full-page ad in the NYT, calling for the death penalty for 5 INNOCENT teenagers of Color.

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His contractors were asked why they did business with him when he would refuse to pay them then pay them half in settlement of their dispute.

One contractor replied, “Well, we overbid the contract by twice the rate….”

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I would really appreciate your bicentennial Trump story, John! I wish we generally heard more from the MANY individual people who’ve been brutalized by him over the years. I’ve never been around him myself, but I recall when I first started hearing about him: in the late 1980s, when a Vanity Fair subscription was my big splurge. I’d just started recognizing the name as belonging to a vulgar creep who desperately wanted—and failed—to be viewed as a social equal with movie stars and other celebrities, when his “Central Park 5” full-page ad appeared in all the NYC newspapers, with the giant headline, “BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY” (all caps, in a bit of foreshadowing!). At the time, I was aghast to think that a single person would, and COULD, do that. The idea that this guy could become POTUS would’ve caused my eyes to roll out of my head back then—and here we are, 35 years later, with them exonerated, and him an ex-POTUS…and he’s never apologized.

And of course, there are all the workers he’s stiffed over the years, like the undocumented Polish laborers who built Trump Tower (although they eventually did get paid, after winning a lawsuit against him: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna397821); the piano store owner who provided several pianos for one of his casino, and was stiffed (https://wapo.st/4aStFnd); and loads more (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna589261)! I see now that the dates on all these stories are 2016–they need to be revived for this campaign season, and MAGA needs to have its collective nose rubbed in these facts. The Trump black magic has worked so beautifully on all kinds of low-income people that they actually believe he gives a flying f. about them— they need to be forced to hear these stories of their idol’s true nature.

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Thank you, Maria! It was a long story, and unfortunately, I had a few more run-ins with him. I was an officer in the CG for the first one, and happened to be running a manufacturing plant another time on Long Island when he sent some goons to try to wrest away control from our company. He was full of himself then (around 1984) and knew nothing about our business. He sued and we countersued. He didn't expect that, so he bolted. I could tell you the one where my name somehow came up for The Apprentice -- we thought it may have been from one of his secretaries' files, but we're not sure. Anyway, I'm sure hoping that someone can take him down (or away) before November.

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Thanks for sharing, John

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Trump brings out the worst in me, I'm afraid. However, I'm more angry at his MAGA enablers who cynically are posturing themselves to be his henchmen. When and if he is ever incarcerated, they will come out and say they "were hoodwinked" or "fooled" by him. Unfortunately, many of the MAGAt senators and representatives will get a free pass like nothing happened. But I, for one, won't forget or forgive.

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I seriously doubt that his supporters will believe that they were duped by him! They are so brainwashed that they will think it'' s a Democratic plot or the Biden "crime family" who sought to discredit him

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Sending goons is something a mob boss does. That’s how he sees himself. He is even referred to as “The Teflon Don,” which is the moniker used to describe John Gotti. Gotti died a broken man in prison. I hope Donald Trump faces the same fate. We do not need another four years of that moron as president. America deserves better than a cowardly, stupid, narcissistic wannabe mob boss as president.

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"Teflon Don "was also used to describe NICKY BARNES, one of the biggest Heroin/Crack movers in Harlem during the same time.

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Since June 2015 I’ve been praying to the KFC & the associated cholesterol McGods………conclusion: there are no Gods🤷

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I trust you are contributing heavily to President Biden’s reelection campaign!

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Yes, I am as a matter of fact. I just wanted to get rid of that troll. Little known fact: I went to the same HS as Biden, albeit 8 yrs later. I'm from Delaware and even back then, he was a man on the move. I got to meet him several times and, although I admire him greatly, I had a few moments of chagrin with the Anita Hill fiasco. That didn't need to happen. Secondly - and I got to chat with him in 2012 when he came to Miami (where I live), I asked him why it took him so long to get to the point he could accept LGBTQ people (I'm straight btw)...people forget that his "Catholic faith" precluded him from embracing pro-LGBTQ and pro-abortion stances. But yes, I voted for him for Senator twice when I still lived in DEL, and have voted Dem my entire life.

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I so agree. The stories of these individuals he stiffed and their business dealings with him need to be revived.

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Don’t leave out the greedy American Oligarchs who donate big money all to ensure less or no corporate regulation and another big tax cut. The only good thing about them is each has only one vote in the election (we hope).

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Recall the massive grift at his inauguration. Melania and her sidekick received over $25,000,000. Boeing kicked in a cool $1,000,000 for the event.

All in all little accounting took place. One heck of a beginning for a serial grifter.

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I agree with your post Maria, my big splurge was People magazine. He and Ivana had a few glitzy articles printed (funded by Fred, I’m sure). I couldn’t be less inclined to find out more about a “celebrity loser” than Trump. Just ewe even looking at the two of them. Then all I saw were buildings, casinos and bankruptcies. Football failures, ties, vodka, steaks…now we’re down to what? a trashy wife, the adult porn actress whom he had a moment with has more integrity than Melania, and ugly sneakers.

But the image that caused Americans to lose their ever loving minds over is only a that of grifter, phony, fragile (they all are) puppet of oligarchs and Russian interests.

So after all this, there’s a FU (CK is covered over), Biden flag down the street from my rural home. Not surprised or disappointed just plan on mailing them a post card every day with one of Trump’s crimes handwritten in Sharpie (nice touch) every day until Election Day. Just the vulgar Biden yard signs, flags,ect. Trump all you want, but leave Biden out of the hate cycle.

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A problem with posting all of his mistreatment of others is it would only encourage his followers. Why else would he continue to have people(?) attend his rallies? Realizing some attendees go to see his meltdown, spit flying, vein popping, hair flopping, gibberish ranting, button flying, self.

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Ha! Something to that…his idolaters include all the sad sacks out there who are angry at the world for their situations in life, and want a sort of generalized revenge on anyone who’s kinder, happier, more empathetic, better educated, literate, opposed to littering, opposed to corporate pollution, and doesn’t shoot their rambunctious, untrained adolescent dog in the head. MAKE THE NICE PEOPLE PAY!

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When the Polish workers demolished Best& Co, it was a contractual agreement made to preserve all the Art- Deco wall & Building pieces, for the Guggiheim Museum,

He destroyed Every single object.

You do understand that he built his Tower in the shooping district, across from Hallmark, because Fifth Ave. & Sutton Place deemed him persona non- grata; to coarse , off the rack baggy suits, no proper manners or etiquette ( never learned, couldn't eat at a fully dressed table), just damned uncouth.

The orange puke knows he' s Inferior in the USA & European Circles.

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I’ve despised him since the Central

Park 5. How anyone can look at this reprehensible void of a man without disgust is beyond my comprehension.

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Indeed. Well said.

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Yes, all that and the "accordion hands" too!

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Oh how I hate that!!! Why? What purpose does it serve?

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When Dumbass is pumping his arms during his rallies, comedian Bill Maher says he looks like he’s jerking off two guys at the same time.

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Practice makes perfect. Looks, “perfected” to me…

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It is very well practiced. His body language to us seems idiotic but it is genius. I’m serious.

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I inherited a gift from my mother. I used to think her gift was BS until I found out she was on point a majority of the time. That gift is being able to read someone like a book as soon as they start talking. And also my gut instinct has never been wrong.

The first time I heard tfg speak in an interview many years ago, before The Apprentice, I saw that he was a con man. My mom even asked me during a commercial break what I felt after hearing his interview and I told her that he was full of shit. She just nodded her head and smirked.

When he announced that he was running for president (I believe that it was in 2014 when he announced it) in the 2016 election, I went into a panic. I was telling everyone that we couldn't let him get into the White House or we were all going to be screwed. My concerns mostly fell on deaf ears. People would say shit like "America is a business and we need a businessman to run it" even though his bankruptcies were public information and how many people he ripped off that worked for him.

When he and Hillary debated, not only did she know that she was right but, so did I. He can't get back in the White House again! He's also is clearly suffering from some form of cognitive decline be it Alzhiemer's or Dementia. I had two relatives that had different forms of Dementia. There are a few. And he demonstrates some of the same symptoms that my relatives did. That's dangerous when combined with malignant narcissism.

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Right on. Anyone who has been around for awhile and was curious enough about people could have gleaned that Trump was a fraud and a con man. I laugh in young people's faces who try to dictate to me that Trump is "the real deal" or whatever. I invariably ask them if they've read the thousands of news articles and news broadcasts concerning Trump over the last effing HALF CENTURY about this pile of dung. Not only the sh***y things he does to people but the lies, the bullying and, frankly, the crimes that he's literally gotten away with. I'm not obsessed with this freak, but our paths have crossed more times than I care to think about, and it wasn't because I sought him out. I lived in NYC and chance just happened. I rarely - if ever - wish the worst for anyone, but for Mangorangutan, I will make an exception.

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Mangorangutan! 🤣🤣🤣

That's a new one on me and I am going to use that.

I have always wanted to go to New York to see a Broadway show and go on a pizza hop, but I am not as enthusiastic as I used to be about going. Maybe it's because i'm older or maybe it's because he has left his stench everywhere in that city. If I ran into him, I would probably go to jail or get shot by his Secret Service detail.

I never wish harm on anyone either or, at least I try not to. I believe that whatever you put out comes back tenfold. He's just worn my last nerve to the nub.

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He came to Buffalo many times too like he owned the city. Blah!!

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I so agree. I hated him in mid 80s when woman came out said he sexually assaulted her. Then he flew to Russia. I remember his touchy on pageant shows it made me sick. He’s always thought he was liked by all. Truth people disliked him. He’s gross human that would look at his daughter like she was meat!! My long is he dies a a hurtful death soon than later.

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Dangerously Smarmy Donny, fooled all too many. It’s time his lethal reputation has Appropriate Consequences.

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I've hated him since I first saw him on TV in 1988. Something about him just really turned my stomach. I avoided any shows about him. I've never been able to tolerate looking at him or hearing his voice. It's like a part of me knew immediately what he was.

When he decided to run for president, I was HORRIFIED. When he won, I was sure we were all (parents my French) fukt.

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*pardon my French

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I’ve despised him from the moment I first saw him in the news, sometime in the 1980s. I immediately thought he was a complete fraud. Happy to say I have never seen an episode of The Apprentice.

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All I really knew about him was his old lifestyles of the rich and famous (didn't care), then The Apprentice which annoyed me after two episodes. I didn't like him the and I sure didn't like it when I descended on that stupid escalator, talking shit about Mexico.

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The hole-a was a registered Dem up to at least 2011, then Bannon and others got to him to make him run as a Republican. No one took him seriously except 60+ million of our fellow "citizens." Most of whom are as effed up as he is. The sad, ironic thing is that he will never change; he'll always be a criminal dirtbag. But his "followers" can, if they only thought it through that he has absolutely no one's best interest in mind save his own. People are in jail now because they followed what he was preaching on Jan 6. I mean, how stupid and clueless can you be? However, the thing about Trump that galls me most is that he was (and could be again) the Commander in Chief. Imagine - a draft dodger and someone who has denigrated WWII war dead and Vietnam POW's. And there are STILL vets and active duty guys who support this pile of dung. SMH

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Try quote marks around “rich and infamous” for more accuracy. Lol. With a con man, known to have been trained in the Dark “trades” by mafia lawyer Roy Cohn ( what a synchronicity, the pronunciation of sleezy Roy’s last name,so appropo).

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Ha! He was my neighbor for 20 years. I lived in the town next to his Bedminster golf course & he would show up in my town now & then to try to get people to join. We would all laugh at him - we thought he was a harmless crank. Not so harmless now.

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I knew he was a conman, jerk & snake oil salesman the very first time I was exposed to him in the media in the 1980s. Everything he has said & done since then has only confirmed my first impression of him, except his behavior keeps getting worse & worse & has gone to full-blown treason. How so many Americans are so blind or indifferent to this is an enigma I'll never quite comprehend.

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Who Doesn’t want a Conman, Cheat, Liar & Thief long gone? Raise your hands! If You Didn’t, You ARE Fooling Only yourself. And Destroying All of us, Our Entire Country. Everything You Most Precious & Dear to You. Including You. It’s Long Past Time to Be Tired of “djt” the destroyer. Time to Undue ALL Damages his crazy has done.

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Couldn't have said it better myself!

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🤣“Masses of protoplasm” under the spell of The Great Orange Neoplasm!

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I recall when he implied that his Miss Universe was fat in 1990-something…. I found it odd his bankruptcies made Canada’s news & never watched an episode of his unreality tv show but when he came down the fake gold escalator in June 2015…. I was instantly intrigued & terrified for the country I once called home when Clinton was being/wasn’t impeached. I came back to Canada in 2000, & I still tear up singing America’s national anthem at NHL games. I have female relatives of reproductive age in states where Trump’s deal with the evangelical devil ended with his porn star pay-off & the overturning of Roe versus Wade. As your 🇨🇦neighbour, all I can say is what I’ve told my 🇺🇸relatives: in November you need to vote & more importantly, you need to encourage everyone you know to vote too. Aside from my years living in 🇺🇸, (despite what Trump says foreigners legally living in 🇺🇸cannot vote), I’ve never not voted in any election. I have memories of going to vote as a small child & I grew up anticipating marking a ballot. Also drilled into me by my parents was “the right to complain” - if chose to not vote, we were not allowed to complain about the elected representatives. Because of Trump, I’m advising my female kin to vote in November state & federally like their bodily autonomy depends on it (and bring friends).

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Thanks for your comments...right on. I always vote for the person, not the party. As a lifelong Democrat, I've been burned several times; my only consolation is that I have been burned less than had I voted Republican. Any woman voting for Trump or any MAGA politician must have a decent amount of self-hatred for themselves and their gender. Any man doing the same must have in the deep, dark recesses of their shrinking brain the same kind of hatred for women. I don't get it, save for the fact that we've learned in the past 30 years or so from behavioral psychologists that people don't always act in their own self-interests; they act more with the "hive mind" of others they're trying to impress or emulate. But all these "attributes" can be found with any once-great civilization in the years before they collapse.

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Pray for all the misguided.

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So tired, tired of waiting! When is the judge going to treat him like any other defendant? He is NOT above the law. Everyone needs to see that he isn’t. Put him in the jail each night behind the court room. Shut him up until the trial is over. Do something. And the other trial in NY where he has to pay the fine( I’ve lost count of which one), they should take over all his properties. I’m sick and tired of him. When he’s on the news I mute him and hold up a fork to pretend he’s behind bars. Thank you, Mary, you are fighting for us and it’s most difficult for you. God bless us all!

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A fork! I'm going to do that !! Thank you!

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Great! Lol

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I prefer to mute and not listen to him considering his very annoying voice is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard or a saw on a rock. That voice has poisoned the minds of millions and those anus resembling lips would probably scare the hell out of most proctologists. Scary that he's still the ugly face of the twisted GOP and hasn't gone away yet.

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We do that also. Mute him. Wish the networks would maybe talk about him (or not) and not show his photo at all.

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I didn’t know that others saw his mouth like an anus. From the first time I saw him that has been emblematic is his character and repulsive, overriding some otherwise attractiveness as a much much younger man

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I’ve been muting him for all these years whenever his Orange face shows up on the TV!

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I can't hardly stand it even when he's being mocked.

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Just imagine his poor proctologist.

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All I know is, if I were his proctologist, I would recommend a ghost pepper-infused enema. I doubt if he would be able to do that little dance he does that makes it look as if he's jerking off two guys at once.

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His proctologist would have difficulty with which set of lips to examine.

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Everytime I see a picture of him with his mouth open, I think "pie hole". Now I will see it a little differently - giving new meaning to the word asshole. And there's something about his voice, which I think has drawn some vulnerable people into his cult. Neuro-linguistic programming? I can't stand to hear him. I have also despised him since sometime in the 70s - I'm from Long Island - whenever he started showing up in the newspapers, I felt repulsed.

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Rick, Great take on so accurate, vivid ,word-image of Donny’s O “posterior” Ugly mouth shape is A Gotcha! I can see it now: Campaign Poster’s For Biden-With Big Photo’s of Ugly O-Face of Con/Don ID’ with Would You Want Grossness? It’s enough to make folks vomit.

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You had me at “fork”.

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Love the fork!

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“When he’s on the news I mute him and hold up a fork to pretend he’s behind bars.” Thank you!

It actually scares me when i realize the extent to which I positively loath tffg. Didn’t know I could feel that strongly about anyone. Cannot wait until he is gone.

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I'm going to try the fork. Good idea

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🤣 My new slogan : FORK DJT!!

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That’s absolutely hilarious

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

You did a great job of describing the words that he uses ALL THE TIME. His vocabulary is so limited. His understanding of people is so limited. Everything about him is so limited. Also, very done with him.

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Yes, I'm exhausted! I don't want to see his face, hear his voice, or read any more stories about him. But there's nowhere I can go to escape it. Even MSNBC, which at least refers to him as "disgraced etc." with every mention, is part of it. As to his minions, I'm certain I'm not the only one who's lost family because of him. My brother, whom I raised, has declared me dead because brother prefers the public asshole. I've heard a psychic say he won't make it to November- major catastrophe to occcur in May or October. Though it's magical thinking, I'll hang on to it. Anything else is too terrifying.

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Praying for a strategic lightning strike on the golf course for which nobody but Mom Nature could be blamed😂.

For those familiar with “Breaking Bad,” a fate similar to that of Hector Salamanca seems fitting…

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I'd settle for a big-mac-heart-attack lol 😂

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A perfect end to the orange MF

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Joe Kennedy had a massive stroke, spent many yrs, drooling in a wheel chair. One never knows what Mother Nature has in store for even rich & infamous.

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We can dream lol

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I'll take that.

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Or how about a Secret Service agent's mishap perhaps?! Guess I'd better watch what I say. Who knows who is watching these days. I just know I've been waiting 9 long years like the rest of you. My family can't take much more of this. 💔💔💔

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Hope it’s true!

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So sorry!💙

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Sure hope the catastrophe is prison.

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A lot of psychics and tarot readers on youtube say the same thing. I feel it as well. I've "seen" him in some kind of mental facility.

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As long as there's a lot of locks

And they take his phone 📱

And don't let him post on the internet

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He's like a g.d. shingles virus outbreak that lurks, festers then erupts into a scalding torment. Sick to death of being help capitive by a man whose IQ and age are the same. Even more upset that no one hammered him hard from the start of this 2020 bullshit. Dump isn't special. He's a freak's freak. He has cunning which is instinctive.

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Re his IQ: My partner read somewhere that it was actually tested when he went to that military school his parents thought would discipline him. And you are wrong, Tsalagi. :>) He's 77 years of age about to be 78. His IQ measured at 73! I'm sorry I don't have sources for this sad little factoid, but it has the ring of truth to it, don't you think?

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like shingles 😂

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I’ve had shingles for a year now and you absolutely right, he is exactly like an outbreak… “scalding torment”. He definitely is a freak’s freak. Well said.

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So sorry you have to ho through that.

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Thank you. I’m doing much better, the shingle pimples (that’s what I call them) only pop up occasionally and I found a cream that actually works, now if I could get rid of the neuropathy that is still lingering I’d be so much better.

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A reminder to all to get the shingles vaccine!

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Yep! Now I can’t have one until 4 months after my last outbreak, hopefully by this fall I’ll be able to, if the occasional shingle pimple (😂) doesn’t show up. So far it’s been a month, fingers crossed for 3 more months.

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Do ya really think his IQ is as high as his age? I am doubtful!

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Would that be his chronological age you are referring to, or his emotional age? Love your comparison to shingles. It seems very appropriate.

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I think his IQ is closer to his shoe size. He is like shingles that never goes away. So sick of him.

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How can campaign use analogy of DJT & Shingles be used? It’s an Accurate comparison, no doubts about it for anyone who experienced them.

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I suspect his IQ is around 120-130, high enough to make him think he’s brilliant. But too low for him to understand that IQ is just one of a multitude of tests that show how well someone takes a test.

It’s also very skewed toward Northern European educated people and has nothing to do with one’s humanity.

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Overheard at work today:

"No, I'm not going to vote for him again. He's a fuck-up!"

"What do you mean?"

"Trump cheated his bankers and the taxman out of $400 million and thought he could get away with it. He didn't have to do that. He's already rich. That's something only a dumb fuck-up would do. And he can't keep his dick in his pants. He assaulted a bunch of women and then insulted one of them and it cost him $5 million. He insulted her again and it cost him another $80 million! This guy is the definition of a fuck-up. Would you trust this guy in a room alone with your wife or daughter?"

"But on the economy he's better than Biden, right?"

"Hell no! Everyone I know who wants to work has a job. Biden got the bridges and roads bill passed."

"Got it. I'm voting for Joe, too."

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What's sad is that E.Jean does not have her money yet because our Day-One Dictator and his lawyers keep things so stirred up the New York DA can't begin confiscating his properties to get the money. I'm thinking our laws are working against us common people.

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No shit. I was so hopeful in the beginning, but the delays are untenable.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing this! HOPE!

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You lost me at ‘again’. I read the whole piece, but can’t trust anyone who voted for him twice.

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Mary, I wish yer photo would start a trend like this...replace his photo with something similar/anything but his face! .I'm sure many, many, many,many,many, people are tired of his face....and would just appreciate the change. Thx

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Congratulations, Mary. As a clinician, I so appreciate your perfect analysis of his character and psychopathology. Beautifully written and why so many people are blind is beyond me. If they were stupid or all being paid off that would be one thing. But the majority are not. The Republican Party is corrupt and disrupted and a charlatan is leading the dance. This country is perhaps the main protection of freedom in the world and without us we descend into heaven knows what kind of global hell. I am so sick of him, his posturing, his whining, his play acting. We need a break from him--a permanent one. When he started spouting "Make American Great Again," America was great. There was nothing to make great again. What he and his MAGA followers meant was make America white again. Soooo sick of him.

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Well said.

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Thank you, Mary for your attempts to make us aware of DJT’s many flaws. I can’t imagine WHY so many of my fellow Americans continue to fall for his false narrative.

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No surprises. I turned off my tv, computer, and phone yesterday because I could not take one more sound, sight or mention of him! I hit most of your points explaining to Gomez why it was so eerily silent in the apartment. Thinking I was settled down, I read a few essays today on Project 2025. What! Claiming it was not specific to him, they also admitted it lined up well with his retribution and grievance spiel. It's frightening at a new level when thinking he has any opportunity at all to slither back into the Oval. Not surprisingly, I can imagine people like Thomas, Alito, Bannon, Patel, and Congressional Republicans, heck, who knows how many, as they claim high-level Republicans are working with them now. They are actively planning to change our lives as we know it. Tell me I am exaggerating. Tell me I'm starting down a conspiracy theory. Please tell me it's not so! My disdain and hatred for what this man ushered in and promoted is deeper than ever.

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I'm wondering how this general depression is affecting the mental health practitioners? Ikeep hoping to see an article -- or TV show -- on how this actually is affecting people. A bit of research on the part of a journalist is all it would take.

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I’m a therapist and believe me, it greatly affects my clients and myself as well. Most of my left-leaning clients are highly anxious and disillusioned with the situations he has caused not just in the US but all over the world. People are DEFINITELY feeling demoralized. I live in a red state, too, so it’s difficult every. single. damn. day. Like Mary, I long for the day he becomes irrelevant.

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Thank You Sheila! Bless you, for the healing work you do.

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I’m so sorry you are surrounded by these people 😢

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I am so glad you mentioned this - in fact, this is why I came here to read the comments. I have been feeling the underlying miasma that is sapping my creative spirit. I keep telling myself I should stop tuning in to any version of "news" because it is all about him. And the threat to democracy... everything we've held sacred in America. I never saw myself as such a patriot, but I guess I am. And this depression... I need to turn towards art and writing and get away from all this but I find it impossible to look away and I feel frozen when it comes to creating anything. I hope Mary will write a little more about this phenomenon of exhaustion and ennui.

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Leilah, you describe these emotions so well. Among the day-to-day “normal” frustrations l feel, the unending pressure of a possible Orange dictatorship is crushing to my motivation. I attribute this drag on my practice as an artist to

t-rump and how the media is “both-siding”.

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Thanks for your reply. I'm doing more exercise and eating really healthy... it's a committment to myself, I guess. If only I could somehow motivate creatively... it's an intention... but my spirit feels like it's sitting and staring into space. UGH! This comment thread is like a group therapy session. I wish for you - and myself - to have a spark of energy revive your creative practice. I think it's important for the energy of the world to radiate our creativity no matter what's going on! And I guess, to allow for the moments of staring off into space...

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Yes, so important to stay healthy. I paint too even if it a fraction of what I was doing because it is with a group I enjoy. That’s part of my self care.

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Good for you making commitments to self to eat well and try to make your workouts.


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He is directly responsible for my mental breakdown in 2020. I am better now having gotten help. I wonder how many others were affected like I was.

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Thank you for sharing. Brave! All the sex assault stuff the sex criminal dragged up in the press over the past 10 years—with court cases and AccessHollywood tapes, etc. has traumatized “me, too” (pun intended there for sure.) And by a fukcing POTUS! 😫😡

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I can only imagine the depth of your feelings. I posted a similar piece a few days ago. But I am just an observer. I wish he had kept but one promise. The one where he said if he lost he would just disappear. So yes, I think that there are millions of us who are tired- but we still need to fight on.

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Soooo tired.

Feels like assault.

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I agree, Elizabeth!

To me, the past 3 years have been exhaustingly WORSE than his 2017 - 2021 "presidency".

Thank you, Mary, for your insightful column. 💙

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Yes because now we KNOW how terrible he'll be, and with sycophants to back him up. Not one honest person.

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It’s all so terrible.

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Feels like an assault, Because IT IS an Assault to our All our Senses, as our Bodies Know the Truth, internally, even when contradictory info may distract, mislead for a time. Brainwashing works, until Deprogrammed. Then dealing with the horror of what may have been done, when controlled by malevolent forces.

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I’d love it if we could press charges against him and his enablers.

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F*** YES!!!

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So sick of him questioning if in the years I lived in nyc - wondering if I ever walked in any proximity to this horrific being.

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If I came into proximity of him I would run a black light over my body.

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Hahhaha! 'a black light' :D

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Yes I get it. We had him in Buffalo too ugh!!

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I dream of millions of us joining a class action lawsuit to go after him for constant gaslighting, hogging the media, excess cliché usage, disturbing my ears with that gravel voice, "dancing" at the podium, insulting people far better than he, behaving like a petulant 6-year-old in court, farting and pants shitting, giving us facial tics, pretending like his wife still loves him, ad nauseam.

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I'll sign up. Where do we find a lawyer who would seriously take the case?

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OMG yes! After we win the case hands down we each get a $5 check in the mail and a voucher (paid for with Trump’s PAC $$) toward the liberal arts course of your choice at Columbia, Yale or Stanford! 😆

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The voice of a dead fog horn.

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