
I'd like to propose something that I have not seen anywhere, but it's in my brain, and I cannot seem to let it go. I believe that Putin bailed Trump out financially in the eighties and nineties = his oligarchs loaned Trump tremendous amounts of funds. So now, today Trump has got to pay back this loan. Putin is calling it in, and here's where my thoughts go and ***Zelensky needs to be told asap***.

Putin seems to be strangely extremely excited about this deal for the rare earth minerals that Ttrump is negotiating/mediating, without Ukraine, supposedly for himself and maybe the US. The third part is, it's an extremely elevated number of minerals and mines, so here is the Rub. This is shocking but VERY VERY plausible.


I believe Trump is either going to give or sell half of those rare earth minerals/mines/land to Putin (the reason for such a high #). This will be Trump's repayment to Putin for his loans. ***Putin will now own lots of land right inside Ukraine***. And Trump will have exacted revenge against Zelenski and make him look like an incompetent idiot on the world stage as revenge for that “perfect call” years ago. I can see this playing out clear as day and yet I haven't heard a single person with this thought anywhere.

Trump is all about revenge and $$$. Nothing else.



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Hi Shoshan, Im in the UK and You are precisely correct, Russian media is already reporting that Trump is a Russian asset, the informed amongst us know that he has been "bought" by Putin and probably (definitely) been blackmailed by Putin holding recordings and other nefarious deeds that Drump has committed, I know it is menial and "trite" but there was a suggestion of a "golden shower" tape involving Drump.... Certainly, here in the UK we are holding our breath and hoping that Zelensky and the Ukrainian people will be able to return their sovereign country to a peaceful future x

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If Trump gives or sells, the mines to Putin yhen Putin wins the war with even more land and Zelensky comes out looking like a complete idiot and his life is ruined, which is Trump's total agenda, destroy Zelensky and give Putin what he wants.

Zelensky must walk away from this deal no matter how it is reformatted.

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Trump is a damn hypocrite !!!

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True.He tells us things that are mostly lies and hides behind his mental problems.

He is obsessed with obtaining money to pay his court cases.He owes Putin approximately $500 million dollars.He owes $240 million for money he borrowed to support his reelection campaign. He pays millions for hush money and votes for his reelection.

Why are we paying for use of his jet to travel .

No other presidents got paid to use a private jets. What are the maintenance cost for Air Force one fleet.Where are they being stored.

Wasted money !!!

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Let him pay for his own transportation to stop all unnecessary flights.

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Trump is never to be trusted in any agreement whatsoever with any person or nation. He will be in it only to screw them and divide the spoils with his cronies for favors. He has proven to be a mean, unscrupulous person over his entire lifetime.

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Trash and Co. Speak with forked 👅 👅 tongues! LIARS ALL!

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Amen !!! He's famous of grifting money from everybody.He is known habitual liar that has severe demental and other mental problems.He is worthless to to our country !!!

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I'm a 72 year old has little typing experience and I make a lot of mistakes.Sorry!!!

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Putin's useful idiot

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Tell that to the orange idiot. Putin’s using him.

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He's scared of what Putin will tell on him or Putin having him


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So true. I’ve thought that for a long time. I wish Putin would have him whacked very soon so we no longer have to deal with his disgraceful ass.

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And he just announced the selling of $5 million dollar golden passports and said that perhaps Russian Oligarchs would buy them. $5 million dollars for a hundred Russian Oligarchs certainly is a drop in the bucket to lower the Federal Deficit, but Putin might see it as a token to send his spies into the very highest peak of American power. Am I thinking in a twisted way here? It is easy to see something nefarious around ever single thing Trump does. He certainly has never been subtle. Often when he calls someone out, he is describing himself. Thank you for your thoughts. You know him.

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I hadn’t heard this before but yes indeed, he did do this, —horrific!

Selling America to the highest bidders. Literally.

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It's all about his love of money so he can pays his debts.

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Selling citizenship to the rich. Disgusting. Where is the press on this? Surely it is not constitutional!

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Yes, surely there is a law preventing the sale of citizenship! All the maggots that voted for rtump -hope you finally see your votes got you screwed, you will answer to pUtin!

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Why do you think trump wanted to get all the money

again.He needs to get rich giuck to pay Putin and his

oligarths.along with Muskvrat.

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Does this mean the 911 hijackers cd have legally bought their way into the U.S. as permanent residents? You know there are ppl in the Arab world who will jump on this, like Kushner's good friend, The King of Saudi Arabia. Especially since Drumpt crows about the Trump Tower Gaza (see his fever dream Truth Social post @ 12:46 a.m. today.

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Have you noticed that he cozies up to men you have ordered their fellow citizens to be imprisoned or murdered? And talk about grifting, certainly Kushner was working on his deal with the Saudi’s on our dime. He flew to Saudi Arabia within a week or so of Trump leaving office, they had bought the high rise in New York that he and his family had overpaid for as well. Then, I think it was just weeks into Biden’s term that Kushner announced his new job. Trump was grifting from the Oval Office with his new version of his MAGA caps. Can we ever fumigate his odor out of D.C.? I am really scared for my middle age children and young grandchildren.

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Frightened for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren....???


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You're kidding, right? You think a dime of that money would go anywhere other than the pockets of the evil triumvirate--Elon, Donnie, and JD?

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Amen !!!

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He won't pay national debts.

He well keep this money for his

greedy corrupt self and his friends such as Reps in Congress and his big money supporters and the oligarths that will burn along side of him.

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We are not for sale !!!

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The most important thing that Putin has on Drumpf may be financial: read David Enrich, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction – 25 februari 2020

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Yep, along with $2 Billion Saudi investment in James's new "wealth fund". It is credibly reported that Ivana & Jared enriched themselves by abt $640B during Trump 1.0 thru Chinese licensing deals and shady Saudi deals.

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You're referring to the current U.S. president, D. "Krasnov" Trump. "In February 2025, Alnur Mussayev, a former Soviet and Kazakh security official, claimed in a Facebook post that U.S. President Donald Trump was recruited in 1987 by the KGB, the intelligence agency of the Soviet Union, and assigned the codename "Krasnov."

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I wouldn't doubt it.

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Slava Ukraini! They are defending democracy, while America is not. Perhaps we should move there - here is a poem called freedom’s light about brave Zelensky and his people: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/zelensky-ukraine-freedoms-light

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I read your poem and it was very telling. I praise you for speaking out in Ukraines support.

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I read it too! I pray for the Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏 and for all of the people who only want peace and to be a sovereign nation! Slava Ukraini!

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I read the same in a Dutch newspaper, the Groene Amsterdammer. I'm looking for the article right now.

Here's useful information: a book written by David Enrich, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction Hardcover – 25 februari 2020.

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I concur about Putin's hold on Drumpt. But, Zelensky is no fool. He is up to the challenge of negotiating with these thugs. He has been on the friggin battlefield for the last three years, while Vlad & Donald were getting their nails done. Will be watching closely Friday when arrives at WH to sign the deal.

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Agree but how can Zelensky not sign? Won’t Ukraine collapse wo US military help? Sadly, seems he’s in a terrible no win position w trump in office.

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Macron/France & Starmer/UK are working on a plan. Ukraine must not go with Trump. He will never keep his word, will never send troops, and would sell Ukraine to Putin in a heartbeat. And he hates Zelenski for that "perfect call" years ago - we're trump tried to extort zelensky by withholding military aid funds.

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..... And Merz the new German Chancellor wants to be independent of the US for defence .... “We must prepare for the possibility that Donald Trump will no longer uphold NATO’s mutual defense commitment unconditionally,” Merz said in an interview with a German broadcaster on Friday. “That is why, in my view, it is crucial that Europeans make the greatest possible efforts to ensure that we are at least capable of defending the European continent on our own."

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Zelenskyy is in a Hell of a spot. Trump has us plundering their riches. I am appalled. Too bad Ukraine gave up the Nuclear bomb when it left Russia. At least it would have had something threaten Putin with. Trump is such a traitor to Democracy.

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If/when they become part of NATO, they'll have more than the bomb ....

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DumDum is not interested in NATO and has said he will not come to anyone's aid, And if he did, there would be all sorts of conditions attached - like maybe $$$ or Greenland. . NATO will be renamed to exclude the US if he keeps up his current approach. What a sad state of affairs for the US to become part of the Axis of Evil because of this one sicko and those who chose to serve him instead of the American people. Does he even know that the only time Article 5 was used was when European countries & Canada came to assist America with 9/11 afterwards.

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Agreed. Europe needs to step up now since Conald is standing with Putin. I feel terrible for all of the Ukrainian people. We’ve let them down.

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We did in WWII as well. Read "Escape From Terror" (former ly "Babunia"...Ukraine word for grandmother.)

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I knew Ivanka received some liscensing ( was that the word they used?) and there was film of Jared’s family in China. If I remember correctly, there was some public blowback to the Kushner Family using their relationship to the Presidency. I am fuzzy on those details, but there was major grifting going on. Then there was Senior Kushner’s full pardon. The bestowing of an Ambassadorship on him is more family wheeling and dealing. Sadly, that part is not limited to Republicans.

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The entire family are nothing but grifters, including Melanie. All they care about is making more money no matter how they make it. Selling bibles, etc. They’re embarrassing!

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Which democrat was involved in that, pray tell?

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And it’s unconscionable!

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DT met privately with Putin during his first presidency. No one knows what was discussed in that meeting. I have long thought that they discussed how trump would help hand Ukraine over to Putin. Dt was convinced he would be re-elected in 2020 (perhaps with help that failed-hence his insistence that the election was "rigged"). Putin has stated he would have never invaded Ukraine if Trump had been re-elected, probably because they already had a plan, in addition to manipulating trump. Trump wanted to pull out of NATO, constantly demeaned Ukraine and begrudgingly released the promised military funds. the betrayal of Ukraine was set in motion back then. I still think there was something fishy about the current election.

I think for those paying attention, recognition of a dangerous coup process for our country and perhaps others is screaming to be taken seriously and interfered with.

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He and Putin want the minerals

In Ukraine for free.Two peas in a pod.

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See Joe Lauria's piece in yesterday's Consortiumnews.com re: Ukraine time-line.

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Just read it- so basically what I think Trump will do is exactly the opposite of what Biden and others have aimed to do - the downfall of Putin over time. And here is Trump walking in and giving Putin everything that Biden and others refused. In fact, if i'm right, Trump will give Putin land in Ukraine/mines and give him back the US businesses RETURNING to Russia and revitalize his economy.

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i had the same thought regarding the mineral transaction..news had reported something had already been agreed to by zelensky..not the entire mineral resources available,but a partial amount..who can be sure..in any case,we all know what happened with the russian loans to trump and the election..it was mentioned a few times,then ignored by the media..fear??who knows..trump is still in the pocket of putin,and its obvious at least to some of us who have been around a while,that he was and is "beholding" to v.p. and the oligarchs in russia..he also admires thier dictatorship and control of the russian people for so many years,thus he has the same in mind for our country..what can be done? im not sure..people can loudly complain and march,but there is no mccain type politician left in the senate,and johnson as speaker,is so far into trump its unreal..writing and calling congressional reps does not work as they seem to be oblivious and totally ignorant still saying trump is doing what people want,and so are they..musk was even at a cabinet meeting today,flattering all of the members there of course to keep their approval along with trump...people have taken freedoms and the like for granted for a long time,an now all are being torn apart because of ignorance..i dont know what the answer is...!

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I absolutely agree with you. Another issue to be examined are Trump‘s dealings in Panama where reportedly Russian oligarchs bought condos in his developments . How much of that was money laundering? How much of that money went to bailing out Trump from his bankruptcies ?

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Trump is a low down skunk hearted 78 year old bastard.

Why is he trying to destroy the U.S and budding up to Putin?

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Dumpt is a traitor to his country.

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Hi.... Sadly, I think you are 100% correct. "We get all the funding we need from Russia," said Eric on tape. Revenge and money. That's IT!

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Yes he need to

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I deployed the way society now embraces the word "deal"..I admit to not being up to speed but doesn't at least a treaty have to pass the senate? That is why Panama "deal" is falsely placed at Carter's feet. Ultimately he signed it but it was approved by the Senate. Are we talking mineral rights?

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Here's the link to the article about the connections between Trumpf, a Russian KGB-bank, VTB and the Deutsche Bank (the article is in Dutch):https://www.groene.nl/artikel/zombiebank. The article is about a book written by David Enrich, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction Hardcover – 25 februari 2020.

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That needs to be in the news again. Trump Deutsche Bank and the Russian Bank connection.

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MSNBC is dead to me until Joe and Mika are gone. The Washington Post is dead to me (cancelled subscription this morning) until Bezos is gone. And nothing makes me happier than watching Tesla's stock price continue to tank.

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While I understand that sentiment, it is ultimately cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. MSNBC is the only corporate media on TV that still reports the truth.

MSNBC is viewed by many, whereas most people don’t even know what Substack is yet- even good friends of mine, especially older people. They still watch TV. We need at least one source of truth; and right now they are the only corporate source.

Rachel Maddow spoke up for Joy, and we don’t know everything that happened but I will continue to support them as long as Rachel and a few others are there.

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I, too, really appreciate Rachel Maddow, Katy Tur , and Nicole Wallace!

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Nicole Wallace is fantastic.

I don’t usually watch Katy Tur; I will now since you recommended her.

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Katy tur is the worst on the entire network. She should be working at Fox!!

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Katy Tur hates maga - Trump tried to have her killed/raped at more than 1 rally in 2015. She’s never said a positive thing about Trump & writes anti-maga books. Fox would never hire her - they would send her to Hegseth for reeducation torture.

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Prejudice and lies to smear a good lady.Shame on you.Grow up before you die.

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Love all of them and Lawrence, who is the most outspoken host against Trump, and Chris Hayes. I am not a fan of Jen Psaki. Putting her at the 9pm slot after Rachel goes back to only hosting on Monday is a mistake. Alex Wagner got a very raw deal there. Alex is a more substantive person than Jen, who is not an intellectual heavy weight, to say the least

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Yes, it's an all white msnbc now.

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Except for the misogynist Michael Steele who loudly exclaims his joy for Roe being overturned. Steele is very cool with enslaving pregnant humans & taking away their healthcare, preventing them from travel, letting them bleed out in an ER parking lot. Freedom for he but not for she. Steele needs to be fired, not promoted.

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MSNBC is dead to me even if Joe and Mika go.

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Once Maddow’s 100 days are up I will stop watching. I hope she leaves MSNBC and goes to Substack. They caved like CNN. US traditional media is acting like Russia state media

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Rachel is great and will continue to follow her, just not on MSNBC

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Who else is there to listen to? I don’t watch the Morning Joe sell-outs.

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Resistance Live by "ECM", Danielle Moodie Show "Democracyish".

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IMO If you follow economics/politics Stephanie Rhule is on MSNBC at 11pm est. She is brilliant, liberal and has great leftie guests. Katie Phang is no longer a journalist there - maybe she will start a Substack group? and Jonathan Capehart is excellent but I think he is in a different time slot.

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Gulf of Mexico controversy is just to distract us from noticing his other crimes and money grabs.

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Exactly right, Nancy Najarian!

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The alarm must be raised against these acts of tyranny and deceit. Thank you Mary for your courage and leadership.

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For those of you who have not read the right books, please read "From Democracy to Democrazy" by Graham, and "House of Trump, House of Putin" by Craig Unger. Both books say the same - Trump is a Russian Asset. The first book was written by me - and I spent aobut twenty years living and working in Russia. The second book was written by the world's best investigative author.

What Americans need to realize is that about one-third or more of our country voted in 2024 for a Republican to be President. They were deceived. Trump is NOT A RREPUBLICAN. This man is entirely a fascist dictator.

Everything he has done in his first term and now in his second, is a mirror image of how Hitler seized control of the German democracy - and when he was in control, he dismantled the German Constitution and turned the country into a dictatorship/fascist state.

When Musk gave the fascist salute on TV on January 20th, it gave me chills. When Trump said he was just going to be a "dictator" for a day, he was setting the stage to prolong his status indefinitely.

Hitler persistently demanded that he be the sole leader of Germany and "only he can solve all of the German problems.” Trump now claims that "only he can fix it" meaning the changes to the U.S. government and our democracy.

Hitler relied heavily on violent, paramilitary groups. Trump did the same on January 6th. These men and women attacked the U.S. Capitol building and the Capitol police. “There were 138 officers injured, of whom 15 were hospitalized - some with severe injuries.” (Wikipedia) More than 1500 insurrectionists were sent to prison for their illegal actions, but Trump pardoned all of them the very first day he was in office. The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified 334 militia groups at a peak in 2011 and by 2022 nearly 200 groups still exist. Names of a few are: the Oath Keepers, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Missouri Militia, the Proud Boys, the Arkansas Defense Force, the Arizona Liberty Guard, and so on.

Hitler exhibited an intense will to dominate others - he had a severe narcissistic personality disorder. Trump also has a narcissistic personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others.

Hitler’s obsession with acquiring other countries and land, was the catalyst that began World War II. He invaded Poland. It is estimated that WWII resulted in 50 to 85 million deaths with most casualties being civilians killed through massacres, bombings, starvation, and disease. Over six million Jews were tortured and slaughtered. Trump has already mentioned that he wishes to expand the U.S. to Canada, Panama, Greenland, and now Gaza. He said he is not averse to using force. Since Trump has alienated our allies abroad, the USA could be the target of foreign invasion - just like when the allied forces invaded Germany to overthrow Hitler. “After World War II, it took Germany roughly four years to rebuild their government.” (AI Overview)

“European countries are significantly increasing their defense budgets, with the rise primarily attributed to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and a perceived growing threat from Russia.” (AI Overview) On February 25, 2025, the U.S. sided with Russia against Ukraine and Europe at the United Nations. “If you want a measure of the scale of this transatlantic rift, consider this: this U.S. vote was the first time since 1945 that the U.S. voted with Russia and against Europe at the UN on an issue of European security.” (BBC News, James Landale, 2/25/2025)

Hitler dismantled the German democracy in 53 days. He did this through constitutional means - just like Trump. This illegitimate power grab brings the U.S. closer to a fascist dictatorship. Trump wants to overthrow the U.S. democracy and government - THIS IS TREASON.

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Such a powerfully accurate description of the terrifying parallel with Hitler.

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Such a freaking ugly dude with his Tats and warped beliefs. He is a freaking disgrace to the uniform and someone I would definitely throw up in his face if I had to salute him. He’s a racist pig abuser, rapist, neo nazi and every word that comes out of his mouth is disgusting. Thank you Spineless Cowardly Republicans for confirming him to run our Defense Department, shows many things you are and how shameful you are as holders of office in believing this is what we need to run our military. You all need to be Primaried!!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE.

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Last night , I listened to a Youtube interview with Bill Kristol interviewing Robert Kagan, on a The Bulwark podcast. In the main, Kagan says this is a coup that cannot be fought as we are used to fighting. The Maga cult does not want a Constitutional democracy at all. They want a dictatorship run by white Christian nationalists. I hope I am paraphrasing this correctly, but you can watch this entire interview yourselves, of course. Scary for sure.

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It is so sad that SNAP being cut. Cutting to less than $2.00/day for families when eggs are about $8.00 for the cheapest dozen is abuse.

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I agree, those people need that help and the price of everything keeps going up...SNAP is a much needed program.

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Wait…didn’t Trump lower prices?

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I hope it's sarcasm, Sylvia

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Live without hen eggs.

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Hen eggs are still one of the cheapest sources of protein. That's why they are referenced here, as one of the cheapest ways for poor Trump supporters to improve their diet.

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And you can live without ignorance

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I hate what MSNBC did... but I won't block or protest. At the time it still remains our only sliver of liberal and authentic news. If we boycott them, the tyrants win and the next cuts will be even more brutal.... continuing to whitewash and water-down the station. I also haven't bailed from Twitter/X. If there is no one on there to fight back and comment, again... the crazy, delusional liars win. If we lose MSNBC we will continue to slide into what the tyrannous leaders want. Weak, spineless, skinny, follow-to-the cliff sheep. I refuse to be one of those. I will watch my favorite MSNBC shows and continue to support the hosts. I will point out on Twitter/X whenever someone is lying. I'm not as mobile at my age to get out and march as I did in my youth, so this is one of the few things I can do to fight back. I also make signs for my grandkids to carry and continue to bore them with stories on how I burned a bra, went to DC to rally for Roe vs Wade, and marched for MLK. I'm proud they will carry on the tradition of standing up for freedom and human rights.

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Your kids and grands or greats WILL remember your words. Good for you! Thx for what you did in the 60's and 70's. Fellow Baby Boomer.

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Yes. If viewership declines, they will use that as an excuse to go even farther. I did reduce how much I watched in the aftermath of the debacle election, and I know friends did also. We just felt like we couldn't take in such a catastrophe. But, we do still have to pay attention.

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muskrat/trump have been firing probationary federal workers.

My question isn’t trump a probationary federal worker.

If so let’s fire the motherf*****.

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Folks get angry when they're hungry. Maybe now those who have been trying to tune it all out will get more focused.

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I hope so! How can anyone live on less than $2.00 a day?😬 Even the prisoner firefighters in CA got more than that!!!!!!@?$$!

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I am so upset about the 4th estate in terms of legacy media.

But I feel it is somewhat a death rattle so to speak as old tech is being left behind by electronic media.

It’s a power grab for those few eyeballs that still even care about on air hubris.

People were so quick to criticize Biden but I believe his emphasis on internet infrastructure was important in leveling the playing field.

Thank you for contributing to the free education that is now available in the electronic atmosphere.

I truly believe part of the problem with who was elected was the information wasteland that has existed and with broadband being more widely accessible in rural areas. Disseminators like yourself will help to change the future.

Thank you

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It sure was! Not to mention lowering RX prices, the Inflation Reduction Act, which brought over 300k manufacturing jobs to the US!

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Trump says he wants Medicaid untouched and that he tried to move 2 votes so that the budget vote would fail. I don't believe that!! He's never had trouble moving votes before!!

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Liar liar pants on 🔥 fire

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The one thing that gives me hope in the armed services is that EVERY member, from the lowliest private to the top admiral, is required to refuse to obey an illegal order or to issue one. I had ROTC students when I was a history professor at Villanova, and they assured me that was really drilled into them.

There are, of course, members of the military who are squishy on ethics. But I believe there are far too many who know that “just following orders” is not a defense in the US armed services. They can’t fire everybody. (Well, I guess they can, but replacing them with FOX staffers wouldn’t be so easy!)

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I honestly think that two things are going on:

1. The last gasp of the old and angry white man -- as our country becomes more of a majority-minority country, the old angry white men and women are losing their sense of superiority.

2. The GOP has been gunning for these programs for years and now they see that it's their opportunity to cut out everything that isn't for the one percent. This will pay for their ridiculously selfish tax cuts for the wealthiest among us. We are now in a new robber baron age of entitlement -- and yes, that is the real entitlement -- not Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

"Let them eat cake."

"What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine."

The new GOP slogans....

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Are there no prisons are there no workhouses?

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Are we to become part of Russia? Are we headed to war? Will the military take a stand against their leader and protect the American people? I have so many questions....the Cheeto and Melon Husk, need to be gone....he can't sell mineral rights to Russia he dosent own those rites!!! That asshole does not deserve to be president...he is not even fit to be an American...send him to Mars...

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