Rachel Maddow put a very fine point on it last night with her remarks about the 70 weird officials who won't certify results for November and send the election to the rogue SCOTUS

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This is blood curdling frightening! I watched her show twice. Maddening other media is not shouting this from the rooftops! It should be the only story until these so called election officials can be sussed out and removed.

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Should be front page news that the GOP is once again planning to commit blatant election fraud. Amazing how some of the main perpetrators including the head dictaturd of the weird cult haven't been brought to justice for what happened in Georgia but are allowed to plan for Round 2. Hope the DOJ is paying close attention.

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Rick, I believe the DOJ has given up on doing anything for anyone. I get it that they may be overwhelmed by the Republican criminal activity, but that is no excuse for not pushing forward with vote tampering cases, the stolen documents case (make another case since Trump stole so many documents and didn't return them when told to), and the insurrection case. There has to be a way around these criminals no matter what the Supreme Court cons say. They have proven whose side they are on and it is not the side of America.

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Merrick Garland isn't cut out for the job.

Ruth, Smith has appealed the dismissal of the documents case. The dismissal will be overturned according to legal scholars. It is even possible that the case will be reassigned to another judge. Making a new case isn't the way to go.

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They're (DOJ) the minions, and the minions don't have a say. Why are all of you so fucking naive.

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Merrick Garland has been as useless as t*ts on a boar hog. Much of what is going on right now is his fault for not going after tRump and all the other planners of J6 on January 21st as soon as he was sworn in! And, keeping him on in spite of his awful inaction is going to be a big black splotch on Biden's record.

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Just think if a Democrat stated what sicko DJT said it would be ALL OVER THE FRONT PAGE OF THE POST! I think these billionaires are sticking with Trump for a reason. 1. Tim Mellon donated $25 mil to RFKjr & DJT BOTH now RFK jr called both DJT & Harris looking for a place of power either Harris wouldn’t call back but idiot did. Then Peter Theil Donate $50mil to DJT 4? He Took Vance to Fl to Meet DJT? Also owner NYT Donate to DJT TOO what seems to be odd for me What do they want in return? Tax Cuts? Or are they padding this so Harris doesn’t get elected? Afraid of Corp Taxes? Or Could it be this damn Corporate gouging? I find this disturbing. Mainly in my County in CA our only big grocery store was bought buy a Equity Firm 2yrs ago then flipped 1 1/2 after to another E Firm our food on about 10 ideas I always buy went up 35% in 6m. That is price gouging by E Firms. My daughter says it Biden fault will I know it’s not. We had a bad falling out about Trump 5yrs ago we didn’t talk for a yr. I am a Dem always have been she knows it however she was sucked in by DJT & FOX. I can’t talk to them abt Politics at all.

I march in 1973 For the right to abortion. I am passionate about women’s rights & voting rights. I’ll never change at 69y. I hope one day it won’t be DJT but my Grandson is a very conservative like his dad. It hurts to see it but I don’t say anything anymore. My point here is with all this I am scared MAGAS WONT allow the certification go through on Jan 6 of 2025? This scares me if DEM DONT WIN HOUSE I WILL BE SICK. WE MUST help to win in a landslide so their no question who wins. I truly feel we will win But Trump will fight just to stay out of prison only reason that slimed man is running. God Bless America. The WORLD will be watching. Now Elon is Backing DJT you know something is up with these slimy Billionaires. All these guys have done is degrade DNC speakers we didn’t do their did we? I could watch as they lie. Thank you I am worried that’s all because I don’t trusted them

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Actual facts:

Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary in 2016 by 2.9 mil.

Trump lost the 2020 popular vote by 7 mil and the general election to Biden.

There is not enough evidence of voter fraud to change those statistics.

Almost none, actually.

He's going to lose 2024, too.

This "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt is great 👇


Agenda 47 is Project 2025 watered down to not look as scary but it’s kinda the same thing.

They're weird AF.


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I'm certain that Agenda 47 was taken directly from Project 2025. They are definitely the same thing, no matter what anyone says. The parts of Project 2025 sound exactly like what trump wants to do.

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Susan, Trump is a Project 2025 guy no matter what he claims. He may not remember agreeing to its features, but he has picked up on enough of them for his rallies and tweets that it is obvious. Why anyone is even talking about what Trump stands for besides Project 2025 is incomprehensible. I am guessing it is because the media is being paid to keep something going, like that all of this was done 2 years ago and Trump, their guy mentioned 312 times in the document just didn't know anything about it. That is nuts well, and a lie!

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Trump's people authored Project 2025. That's enough to convince me.

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Project 2025 is a Democrat idea and only Democrats talk about it because they are fear mongers.

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Sophie, and the way we know that, Democrats would not write something that poorly, then pretend it isn't designed to take over the nation. OK, Democrats wouldn't even write something so appalling, but clearly Republicans would and did.

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Sophie, don't waste your time on trolls.

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The truth about project 2025 is the republicans made that, and a lot of the authors do have a tie with don the con. If you read the project 2025, and Agenda 47, you would see, don the con is quoting the project 2025 through the Agenda 47, even though don the con states he does not know anything about it, he did say Agenda 47 is his plans, which is parts from the project, some are word for word. don the con has made a few mistakes on project 2025 statements. If you even looked up anything about, you would have known the truth already, instead of don the con's lies.

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Project 2025, the Mandate for Leadership has been around since Reagan's presidency. He used a bunch of their plans. I don't know about subsequent republican presidents, but this stuff has been around for a long time, courtesy of the Heritage Foundation. If you consider talking about reality to be fear mongering, I feel badly for you.

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I think all of what's going on today with the MAGA GOP was actually begun long before Reagan. I believe it started with the evil John Birch Society that was founded back in 1958. Reagan, I'm sure agreed with a lot of it, but knew how unpopular it was to many voters so he and the GOP purged John Birchers from the party.

There is an interesting book by Matthew Dallek entitled "Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized The American Right".

Blending violent and apocalyptic conspiracy theories with grassroots activism, business skills, and the power of alternative media, the Birch Society proved, in Dallek’s words, “that the supercharged activism of thousands of diehards could outmatch the votes of millions of citizens and over time transform the GOP.”

The Heritage Foundation I believe is just another alias of the Birch Society. They never go away. They just fade into the background periodically to regroup and then reemerge later wearing another mask.

Now, this Project 2025 has been pulled from the shelves due to Democrats shining a glaring spotlight on it and not shutting up about it. tRump's Agenda 47 is pretty much the same thing, just reworked a little in an attempt to make it more palatable, for those not paying attention, to swallow. But there are still so many details that go all the way back to things the original John Birch Society were touting back 66 years ago.

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Look into it more. It may have started by Reagan. It has been redone by the republicans complete. From your remark, you apparently have not read don the con's project 2025 or his agenda 47 yet. Don't feel bad for me, feel bad for yourself.

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The document "Mandate For Leadership" is found on the project2025.org web site. According to the web ownership this site is owned by the Heritage Foundation. It has a copyright notice.

"© 2023 by The Heritage Foundation"

If the Democrats wrote this then it is one of the most insidious hack ever. There has been no screaming and yelling by the Heritage Foundation about "It is a fake!!! It is a hack!!!".

Their leader, Paul Dans, of the project has resigned.

The Daily Beast interview with attorney Dans reposts that 'In 2023, Dans stated that Project 2025 had a "great" relationship with former President Donald Trump.'

Please move away from the keyboard and be quiet. The Heritage Foundation is author of record. And Trump knows all about Project 2025.





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He only resigned because the orange puke told him to; his resignation is just like toilet paper, use it & flush, the rest of the roll remains intact.

Paul Dan's is just hiding in the background to give donny some cover.

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Well Michael, it seems lying is strong with you too!

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That does not change the fact that project 2025 was changed by the republicans to don the con in mind. The fact that don the con stated he had no knowledge of it and his agenda 47 both has the same things in it. As for your remark, which happens to be a strong actuation, is Dollie noted, and for not contributing anything but that actuation, and for your lie on the other thread, I take your letters are about yourself.

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On another note, re-read the reply above yours.

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The Heritage Foundation: Famous Democratic think tank. The same organisation which gave Ronald Reagan his "Mandate for Leadership."

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The Heritage Foundation (which donated to do the con), that don the con states he does not know anything about them, yet states agenda 47 is his project, which happens to be some of the project 2025, word for word. If you look at the authors of project 2025, you will see the names of don the con's cabinet. The Heritage Foundation only hosted it.

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Troll here?

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Troll. GTFOH Komrade.

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Say what? OMG Troll.

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Oh look, another troll so scared that Trump has screwed the pooch that trying to start stupid arguments is all he has left.

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Look who is talking, trolls only reply with the word troll in their statement. How about stating something constructive. I am not (sacred) of anything to do with don the con, but apparently you must be, because you brought it up, instead of anything constructive.

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Indeed, and the implication it will happen this year.

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Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! It really doesn't matter if he wins or not. He's already won in his mind because he thinks he holds the Supreme Court. Hopefully, he's in for a surprise.

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I hope Joe is using the next 3 months developing a "pull a rabbit out if the hat" defensive strategy to protect our votes!

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I really like Joe and was sorry he stepped down. But, and it's a big one, he didn't do anything to bring trump to justice for everything he did the first time around. he didn't do anything to try and balance the court - waiting until now doesn't really help. and he let Garland start at the bottom with the Jan. 6 prosecutions instead of the top. Now nothing will happen. And here we are again! Dealing with this jerk and his corrupt, racist, homophobic, Nazi leaning, degenerate sycophants. This should have been goal number 1 for him 4 years ago. Everything else he's accomplished doesn't mean squat if trump wins again.

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I feel the same. And I am so weary of all the Trump lies and actions that I think are treasonous.

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Biden has made a public statement about the court system, he said he is working on a solution.

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It’s a very slow process Senator WhiteHouse said it will take an amendment to the constitution and that takes time like year or two.

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I am one who surely hopes so.

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Right, if he were comfortable with a SCOTUS save, he'd be wailing about sharks, battery-boats and "Hannibal" at the lectern.

Oh, wait ...

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Lmao 😂 🤣 😂

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I hope too ... in fact, I pray that is so.

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I pray so too!🙏

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Defiance of vote certification is the source of false confidence. Trump learned an act of violence doesn't play well with most folks. Acts of disobedience - that's another story.

Folks who falsely believe they're doing the patriotic thing by not certifying valid ballot results - thus delaying the results of an election until whatever machinations play out - will eventually have to face their families, friends, neighbors, coworkers as well as registered voters who properly voted. As more people demand the removal of these disillusioned souls to include facing penalties to include loss of freedom, money or privilege, the quicker we'll witness election certifications.

Bad-faith electors are Trumps trump card. (https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/bad-faith-election-audits-are-sabotaging-democracy-across-nation).

Whoever appoints those who are legally recognized to certify elections - they too are under scrutiny. No time to loose to weed out treason by proxy.

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I started a chat on bad-faith electors at: https://open.substack.com/chat/posts/1d017cd0-f039-42ce-af14-d3b4da47da27 - feel free to chime in ;).

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Thanks..this is so frightening

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Look it in the eye, and then fix it. We are smarter than they are. We just have to get ahead of their deceitful tactics and put stop gap systems in place. Like the SS guy said today, failure of imagination. Imagine what monkey wrench they may throw into the cogs of the voting gear and strive to head them off at the pass.

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Thanks for posting this, Soul Dancer.

Thank you, Mary. 💙

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Thanks. Shared.

I hope there is a way to circumvent those vile intentions.

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Weird is too soft a word. All of you are too soft. Democrats have to go for the throat. The media is supporting trump. He's more news worthy and will generate more drama and more clicks. They don't care about democracy. It's about wealth and power. That's what rules. Listen to Erin Burnett on CNN, she's a trump supporter.

If republicans could dispose of the middle class entirely and build a country with new laws and only wealthy white people, that would be the ideal. That's not weird, it's sick, it's vile, it's dehumanizing. Call it what it is. It's not weird. My daughter sometimes calls me weird because I don't enjoy her music. Act like the middle class in this country and everything good this country stands for is about to be destroyed. Iran wants to kill the bastard. Let them. Hold a meeting in Tehran. Give them an incentive. Your country is about to be taken away from you and your children. A country that our fathers fought for in world war 2. WTF is wrong with all of you?

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I only hope that the DOJ, FBI, and all election lawyers are on alert to the MAGA/GOP schemes to scam the election. There is no doubt that will do anything and everything to not certify results. We have been warned and they better be ready. It’s terrifying to say this in America, but Jan 6, may just be a precursor to 2024.

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I heard that too. Very concerning.

I hope it doesn't happening, but there are many things that may happen that are concerning about how the felon and his party are handling things.

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I couldn't sleep last night after hearing Rachel's show. Totally frightening, to say the least.

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Maybe, but I think this is overestimating a bit. They would never get away with a trick like that!

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He clearly, unequivocally said “I am not a Christian”. We’ve listened to this part of his speech numerous times. He’s clearly saying what he would do. Dictator on day 1.

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I heard—You’re Christian and that’s good for you, but I’m just a lowly grifter trying to take down America…with your permission.

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No religion for me.

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Jul 31
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My sentiments exactly, Samm. I've worked with, been friends with, lived near to, well, all the things that are obviously what Christ would expect His followers to be like. Although I'm an Atheist, I did read the First Four Books of the New Testament, both Catholic and Protestant versions that actually agreed with each other. His Words, to me, are Words to live by. That combined with much of the Book of Etiquette. Then to, I'm appreciative of all religions except when they're used as weapons of hate and using them as excuses to kill rather than accept other religiouns.

For me, I practice trying to treat others as a Christian or a good person of aby person might while enjoying the luxury of being an Atheist just waiting to judge all who have wrongfully judged my being what they refer to as "queer". That is one thing I intend to do before I go into the vase that will hold my ashes.

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I heard it, was surprised and now waiting to see how the ChristoFascist will attempt to spin this.

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They'll say he and his parents were members of Marble Collegiate Church, known for putting the dollar sign in Je$u$, not on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Christos will look at that and be fine with it.

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Those claiming Christ as a brand name, but going against every commmandment to love.

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Marble? Trump lost his marbles, if he ever had any.

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Thank you for continuing to focus on this. The denial in this country’s psyche is so, so strong.

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And that makes is soooo dangerous. Like my Lyft driver who told me she's voting for Trump because he'll get her lower gas prices.... Gosh!

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And gas prices (not set by any president) are $2.99 TODAY where I live. Maybe lower in OK than some places but still….unreasonable expectations abound. Promise them the moon and give them nothing.

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My comment was really a response to Linda Lee! Mea culpa.!

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I sincerely hope you had the presence of mind to award that driver one star!

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Trump cult mentality! Believe anything that comes out of his mouth!😕

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But Father, you gave us free will!

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Donald wants it to be fixed so that our country runs like North Korea or Russia…a dictatorship. Period. End of democracy. You can vote if you want or not but there will only be one name, his name, on the ballot. Opponents will be jailed or tortured and killed. Its all very simple for him.

He calls them “ my Christians” like “my Generals” he will direct them what to do.

Donald trump is evil, sadistic, sinister. He is a sociopath.

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The question I have is, with his diet of big macs and spaghetti, how long is he even going to last? We can't believe any of the "medical" reports on his health. He only sees doctors who will lie for him.

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I agree. There’s little ambiguity here. Cancelling future presidential elections is exactly what he intends.

Think of what went down in Venezuela this weekend or the Potamkin Village elections of Vladimir Putin.

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“Unite the country” means under his rule.

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Many have posited that his “fixing” for future elections means his election deniers will throw chaos into the mix, causing a Constitutional crisis where the election is decided either by the House or SCOTUS. His confidence that it’s a done deal is terribly frightening, but I have no doubt if the crisis arises, it will be thrown to him no matter the true results. House and SCOTUS are as corrupt as he and Vance and the rest of the GOP are. They failed at the last coup attempt and are determined to win this time. As the president of the Heritage Foundation was heard to say, we dems have no idea about all the winning they are doing. My guess is that this is part of it. I pray the doj and the Biden Administration are aware of the election deniers poised to refuse to certify the election results and that there is some remedy for this fascistic tactic. Democracy is in mortal danger from tfg and his cohort. The threat never ends…

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Kind of what just happened in Venezuela this weekend.

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We have to win back the House.

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This scares the crap outta me. :|||

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These people who speak for Donald have their heads so far up his butt they can’t see daylight. Wishy washy Lindsey always flip flops and never represents his constituents. You cannot reason with these morons.

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Let’s not forget Moscow Mitch. There are many similar to Graham or WORSE.

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The media have become tools of the wealthy. I cannot see trusting them anytime soon.

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Martha Raddatz was similarly useless on ABC This Week, getting that spineless John Sununu to cover for your mad uncle. I’d be more frightened if I hadn’t seen how much energy and unity the Democratic Party has right now

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Hopefully we have enough energy & unity to win the his election. I am hopeful Harris will prevail.

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That should have read win not his.

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Excuse me but what is this:

"...But what President Trump is trying to tell people, ‘I did it once. I can do it again. These problems can't be solved.’”

These problems can't be solved? Whatever "these problems" are, he's telling people he * can't* solve them. And he's running for president?


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I suspect Graham meant to say "these problems can be solved" but subconsciously he was thinking "can't" and that's what slipped out.

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Graham should just go back to strangling people with puppies - or whatever he did on camera that’s got his neck in a vice by your uncle. He was no fresh daisy before but at least he seemed occasionally coherent.

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I think Trump's blackmailing Graham, and few other high profile congressional figures. I believe he's benefitted from Putin's extraordinary Intel abilities that found enough compromising material to make them his puppets. Intel for documents. Timeline works, reasons work. Helsinki.

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Putin has been playing a long game - for a long long time.

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What could Donald possibly have on Senator Graham that isn’t already known? I think we all know who he is really & who actually gives a damn.

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I don’t think it would be that simple - because as you say - who cares.

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That's just it, we don't know what we don't know. Nothing else explains the flips in behavior.

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Yep, agreed.

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He and his targeted audience lack self-awareness as well as iQ points. Sorry but that’s true.

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What DJT meant, and what the Dems have failed to nail immediately was not: you won't NEED to vote again but, you won't be ABLE to ever vote again.

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Unfortunately you are right

God help us. Keep your eye on the media. What do we need to do to wake them up???

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Right on point, as usual, Mary. It's clear that the heritage foundation (most likely) has talking points for him since he's mentioned the 'instruction' he's gotten (from where, he didn't specify) is that 'we have all the votes we need' meaning delegates, secretaries of state and anyone else they need to contest the election no matter what the real vote count says.

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Rachel Maddow clip from yestermday is saying Donald is telling people not to vote now, that he doesn't need the votes and she investigates why as there are 70 folks added election officials in battleground states that are Trump loyalists and will not certify the votes. This is extremely concerning!! Please take a look at her clip, Maddow points out frightening truth about Trump's lack of concern about votes in 2024 (this) election. Something is rotten in Denmark!

855K views 13 hours ago

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You are absolutely on the mark, Mary. Please keep on spreading the truth to all who will, or may, listen. This is vital to our future.

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