You are right about the silent Republicans but what makes their silence even more disgusting is that they have basically sold their souls, so to speak, because they are afraid that, if they go against Trump, he will make sure they don’t get re-elected! They haven’t got the guts to fight for their principles so they put party over country. (Not sure why the Dems are silent though as they haven’t got that same problem! 😳)
True, and everyone with a platform should be calling them out about this. Broadcast every vote they cast against the peoples interests. Show every clip of a lie they've told and/or supported. The people are either too ignorant to stay informed or too trapped in their own biases & fears that they continue to let the R party pick their pockets. One search will show them that the R party has a long history of NOT advocating or governing on behalf of the people.
One note: the Dems aren't silent. They aren't in power.
The Democrats have been nothing but enablers as well as crooked judges not doing their jobs. I believe that Trump bought off the judges to keep himself out of jail.
Yep and the 1500 radio stations that air nothing but radical right lunacy and conspiracy theories. Lies on top of lies, on top of more lies, on top of more lies, etc.
The Democrats have been holding rallies in front of those government offices that are being attacked. (D) Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Jeffry Hakims, they have all been out picketing and protesting rotten Trumps moves.
When a crisis happens a society's heroes rise. I look to our heroes and believe we must support and embrace them.
Those such as the J6 heroes who stand devastated there was no outcry from all of us when on 1/7/25 Trump pardoned the J6 convicted of serious crimes and with that quick stroke of his "pardon sharpie" expunged the premise our nation is one ruled by law and order.
I look also to Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. And those within the ranks such as Nancy Pelosi who was an extraordinary strategist, leader and formidable fighter.
Heroes are not made. Heroes are born. And they cannot step back for it is in their DNA to sacrifice and serve. Many of these heroes are on Substack including those who survived the assaults they bore on J6. Support them if you can and listen. They have much to teach us about ourselves and what it will take to regain our democracy.
I believe they really have sold their souls….literally. Musk and people like Harland Crow, have plenty of money sloshing around to buy all of them. Some are cheaper than others, but once you buy them, for any price, you own them.
All the Democrats need is one more person in Congress to stand with them and come March 14th they can put so much pressure on the Republicans causing the Republicans to shut down the government by not giving them what they want. And I believe or at least hope that an Independent or another Republican will have the guts to stand with the Democrats and shut down everything. No budget and no debt ceiling till the punks, reign in their stinking Trump and all of his cronies.
Sorry I wasn't clear. Made an assumption of my self by ASSuming it was understood repugnicans are the majority, therefore largely responsible for the travesty of letting rapists, Russian tools, and or idiots elected or appointed to office and of being corrupt themselves.
Well, they are all going to pay the price for their silence. When Oligarchs get to big for their britches, that is when Communists rise and take over and kill them.
Look at Russia and China when the Bolsheviks rose to power. When all of your countries administrative systems fail the people is when you get a national crisis and revolution becomes the answer no matter what the cost is. And people we are there.
Since the Viet Nam war, and Kent state as well. went to my first protest in 1968, after my friend's brother was killed in Nam. Turning 71 this week. Can't believe this is where we are as a country with more women's rights being erased everyday.
I love proverbs. Each culture has a rich offering. The older the society the better. I have a friend from Ghana who has shared what cannot be seen but central to the experience of her people. For example, many here likely know that the patterns on the clothing worn communicate the values of the person wearing them or their status in the community. Also, one proverb stayed with me. I cannot find it or quote it other than it advises when a man is up a tree getting fruit for everyone else to eat, don't pull on the hem of his pants. Isn't that true for there are those of us who go out on a limb to serve others while the crowd below gathers and inhibits any progress telling them what to do and how to do it while offering no personal commitment.
My suggestion is a General Strike. Those of us who disagree with what is now going on in Washington can, at 12 noon local time on, say, every Wednesday, just stop what we are doing, go out into whatever street we're on, and just stand there for 15 minutes in silent protest. If the MAGAts drive their cars into the crowds, they'll be arrested, or worse. If enough people are there, they'll be intimidated. It will be an organizing opportunity. If Washington does not reverse the illegalities of the unelected, the next Wednesday will see a half-hour General Strike multiplied by whoever shows up, etc. The wave can extend around the planet in unanimity. A simple, direct, loudly proclaimed and powerful demonstration available to all.
If you haven't heard, there will be an economic blackout Feb 28 nationwide. This means don't buy ANYTHING unless it's from a small business. No gas, fast food, and definitely not Target, Walmart, or Amazon. Get the word out! We want THEM to see that WE have the power. We will start with 1 day, then 3, then specific companies until our message is heard.
it's not the Dems who are organizing this, it's the citizens, the grassroots, concerned Americans. check out for details and more to come
Join groups like Indivisible, or Blue Dots, on Facebook or Bluesky and you will hear about these events. There is often an Indivisible Chapter for your city, or state.
Check to see if you have a local Indivisible or Move On group. They are spreading the word about multiple actions in addition to the ones they are organizing. They too make the point that numbers need to be high for these actions, otherwise it looks like not that many people care about whatever issue is being targeted.
Thanks for the reminder. It's all over social media, and glad you put it here too! I believe it will be well observed and its critical to use every tool in our toolbox!
WE MUST! We have a long way to go to wake up the masses, but I am afraid it will come to late, when MEDICARE is cut to make way for more tax decreases on the wealthy and Corporations.
Amazon blackout is March. Also there is a website called The Peoples' union that I am signing up for. People have the power, we have just been lazy about it. It matters right now.
Which is it, the 28th or the 27th? Michealene RISLEY stated above it is the 28th, and Peoples' union states it's the 27th. Not that it matters to me, I do not plan on spending anything this whole month, but it would be very helpful if the date was agreed upon.
Also another starting on March 15th. We truly need a leader to step up and coordinate messaging, instead of willy-nilly postings on Substack, by several groups. Hello, Beto? Mr. Kinzinger? Anyone?
Why just one day? I have been spending much less every day that I can since January 20. I have also been only buying from places I know don't support that guy. Even products, I have changed certain things I use.
I will be more than happy to do it Feb 28, but we all need to be doing it every day that we can. If you can't, I saw where someone said every Wednesday of every week, that's a good idea.
Join the Buy Nothing movement. Hit the rat bastards where they live-in their wallets. If enough people get together, they can move mountains. The unions did it to the Robber Barons. My father was a card-carrying member of the IWW, the IBEW, and the American Communist Party (NOT Soviet communism-there’s a world of difference)… he fed me this philosophy with my Pablum.
I am a former member of the International Association of Aerospace Workers Union. I hold an honorary card since the end of my employment. I used to build our warplanes. I am retired. Those punks in Washington are planning on screwing over our veterans. Not just their VA healthcare but even their pensions. They plan to make it hard for veterans to get their service-connected disabilities. They have been doing this crap for too many years. It's at the point that our so called, volunteer enlistment program no longer works. Our young people are refusing to serve in our military services. And I don't blame them. If I had it to do over again, I would tell this stinking Republican Congress to go screw themselves. When people won't fight for their country that's when the rich elite bastards get scared because they are going to lose their seats. That is all they care about.
This will be easy for me to do. My bank account has been overdrawn from the day after I got my Social Security check. I can't survive on $23/mo in food stamps and I can't even make it through a 28-day month. I got turned away for energy assistance today because the only agency that serves my area conveniently "ran out of funding" on the day of the appointment for which I waited five weeks in vain. So I won't be out shopping on February 28, I promise.
Natalie I’m so sorry. We shouldn’t find ourselves at the other end of life struggling like a college student just to have basic necessities. I understand.
Don't be surprised if you're disappointed when a general strike and or economic blackout does nothing. A majority of people have no idea with what's going on, or care (certainly they didn't care enough to vote). And just enough people who did vote actually WANT damage, corruption and fascism. Couple all that with the fact that most people only care about their own economy...and what percentage of citizens barely have $400 in the bank? Who's going to risk their job in protest?
What we need is a national strike. Shut down everything all across this country. Japan did it when they reigned in their unions for better pay. They were heard loud and clear! Our people are too damn soft on our stinking leadership. We need to get tough. We aren't mean enough. Stinking MAGA assholes have made threatening calls to judges and politicians alike. Somehow criminals seem to get heard while the rest of us are being ignored.
This would be ideal. Which platform will allow the announcement? I fear social media is now looking for 'us' and will remove any content of dissenting. I was banned from IG for 10 days and I'm civil. Going outside at noon in each time zone East to West to disrupt the flow of something. How about blocking entrance to every McDonald's at noon. Trumps favorite fast food.
I’ve had several comments on FB just disappear and suddenly I couldn’t post or comment on anything. Strange as I thought they were stopping the removal of posts.
I read a comment a couple days agobabout having a non economic day as in don't buy anything either online or in person. That will would get someone's attention now would it not? February 28th non economic day, I'm all in for it will turn off my ebay page even. Plan accordingly and get your mise en place together.
Rotating strikes worked here for educational issues...same day, same time, same number of hours...rotate the 5 states go Wed, 5 go thurs, 5 go Fri etc...rotating strikes until reaches boiling point and ALL at once EVERYONE out and no work until they stop and replace this gov't with democracy
YES. WHY DID BIDEN NOT USE HIS IMMUNITY TO PROTECT US? Why did Kamala race to concede? Why did Biden pose for that photo and have tea with the traitor? Why are Democrats so WEAK? WHY???
You're kidding right? We have a FELON in the White House and a VP (not Vance) calling all the shots who is the richest on earth and one of the most corrupt and you want to stick it to the libs with that comment??????
Wow! How about we look at the the ones that are committing all the crimes instead of blaming the democrats! Let’s have a look at the people that voted for these republican assholes as well as the ones that sat down and did not vote at all. Those people didn’t want to hear or believe the democrats before the actual election. But now that they are in the minority they are supposed to fix all of the damage? Well their hands are basically tied now unless WE ALL STAND UP AND FIGHT TOGETHER!!
I am so tired of the circular firing squad! We are in unprecedented territory here with the dismantling of our way of life. You know who is responsible for this mess? Trump, musk and every last voter who voted for Trump even if he actually fooled them into thinking he would lower prices. Democrats are in the minority in each branch of the government; there’s not too much they can do as a practical matter. Btw, trump could not care less about what the democrats do. It’s up to us to protest,, push back and get in the way!
Sorry, but I also lay some blame on the 90 million Americans who couldn't be bothered to get to the polls and participate in (save) our democracy. It's not a damn video game or couch sport!
They need to ALSO strike in Congress...walk out in Senate...refuse to do ANY gov't business for the felons in chief and keep it up until they can restore democracy legally and with courts support
I actually agree with Shawn. No sooner was the election done and dusted than the Dems were knocking on my text messages asking for money to "fight". Seriously? And these were two of my Senators who I did my bit to get elected in the first place. Why do they need my money to fight a battle they need to be fighting themselves? Ironically, my Republican Congressman has been more responsive than either of those two Democratic Senators to my questions. And he hasn't asked for one red cent from me. Not that I'd give it to him and not that I agree with him but at least he's acknowledging that I have concerns instead of my emails to my Democratic senators being responded to by generic "send money" replies. I'm on Social Security, fixed income. How tone deaf to be asking a senior citizen for more money.
It didn’t disappear. It’s being used for congressional elections. It’s worth following Kamala Harris; she’s still actively trying to get D’s elected to Congress.
Peter Thiel is calling the shots and has been grooming the couch fucker. He’s the head of the snake, then elonazi, fat Nixon, his couch fucker and the zealot Mike. Remove the head of the snake and it might have a domino effect
Clone Luigi...its desperate need a real Revolution of some sort if the courts can't stop Musk-Trump shit, something else will have to happen.
Biden may have been naive , but I feel it would have given trump amunition. Totally agree that Garland screwed us. I hope all the republicans get the karma they deserve.
The U.S. Supreme Court needs to be attacked and heavily picketed. Make phone calls and jam their phone lines. Leave nasty messages to those bastards! They are all liars and did not hold up the laws of this land or our Constitution!
I had this fantasy that biden would use that opportunity to arrest the dumpster-traitor. one has to wonder if Kompramat on biden? epstein or similar? delaware money laundering (shell corporations, delaware famous for them)
LL- Agree! They’ve got to jump on the lies and distortions at great speed. Any of the Billion left from 2024 Dem election fund? Can we see something for our money?
My friend just asked me the same question-where are the Clintons? Bushes? Obamas? Do they not care about democracy? Not of them are on television. And if we KNEW Trump was a fascist to the core-as stated by General Milley-why did Biden hand him the keys to the castle? I'm mad now.
We the people do hold one power. It's a referendum vote. Next time we get ballots to vote, we write on our ballots in our handwriting, this is a Referendum vote telling all of you to get out of office, this government no longer works. Via our U.S. Constitution, they are required to leave office, and our country starts all over remaking our laws.
Because the Ruling class of both parties enjoy the largess of the system just the way it is. When you speak of oligarchy, it's just a matter of which royal family you choose.
Anti science anti vaxxers like RFK are going to kill so many Americans. The MAGAts gave me COVID after forcing a return to office. Please make sure you are up to date on all your boosters, follow the science and trust the experts!
THE SOCIAL CONTRACT IS GONE. I taught US government and history for almost 30 years, have an MA & JD, am member of SCOTUS Bar. Day 1 lesson is the bedrock of the social contract: the government agrees to treat us fairly & justly, and we agree to obey its laws and decisions. Well guess what?? The government has BROKEN its part of our CONTRACT which means we are no longer bound to OBEY!! How does that sit with y’all??
The social contract that depends on the good-faith agreement to respect and abide by laws, rules, and regulations. We have now ushered in as “leaders” those who have a bad-faith intention of greed, racism, hate, and a commitment to finding ways to personally benefit themselves while ignoring the needs and commitments of more than half the country. Wow.
I'm trying hard to live my life as an encourager, rather than as a discourager. Every tiny thing we do matters. Every big thing we do matters. And if people make fun of me, I will walk the other way and keep encouraging people to do something. I'm NOT naive. I'm NOT stupid. I've never been this frightened in my entire 65+ years. I'm praying for wisdom for all of us and doing my tiny things daily to try to support democracy and the good guys. Mary, thank you for your perspective. It's always real and always appreciated.
It will be a miracle if we make it through the next few years with these stupid incompetent people in charge of these important positions. Hope to God we don't have something worse then COVID pop up in the next few years.
Yes I was at my Dr Tuesday bc I have pneumonia. Tested for covid and the flu. Negative. We were discussing so much illness in our area. ( I'm in Eastern Ky). That's when she said that for about a week now they've been pulling all of the flu tests that are coming up positive for flu A. They are looking for a subset of the bird flu. She wouldn't say more. I like my Dr, been her patient for a long time, but she is very much a republican and we have had a few 'disagreements' over the years. I know her fairly well and I could tell she was very concerned with the current situation regarding bird flu.
The H5N1, avian influenza is on the rise. When the next pandemic hits the USA we won't know because Trump shut down all communication to all the Health departments in the USA. After all RFK Jr. is the head of HHS. He doesn't even know the basic difference between Medicaid and Medicare. Wow another DEI hire in the Trump Cabinet.
I’ve had to stop watching TV coverage about politics because I don’t want to be sick and outraged every day. I am registered to vote in my state for all coming elections which is the least I can do. Why did the people vote for a convicted felon/rapist to be president???
Same here. I was physically sick to my stomach every day. I try to look at the headlines each day, and I follow a couple of good YouTube channels but its still so upsetting to see what they are getting away with already. I'm really really really scared.
It looks like a huge number of people are getting more and more involved as they see what is happening with the most infamous psychopaths in Orange Marmalade’s office.
Hold tight. “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings!” (Baseball’s favorite punster)
Keep calling. I'm from Texas. I keep calling. We can't stop. We are the fourth rail, so to speak, and when it's down to the people, we must keep doing our part. THANKS for everything you are doing, even when it seems so silly. Gosh! I get to call Senators Crud and Corny.
This has been the longest 3 weeks of my life and that includes the 9th month of my pregnancies!! You women know what I’m talking about!!! We need to hear the voices of our democrats in power positions!! We need to rise up and fight this evil that lies in our country!!
It was beyond infuriating that Biden didn’t use the power the SCOTUS gave him to cut off some of the plans & firm up the gray areas in our laws. Even if later reverted, the move would’ve shown some guts & urgency.
I won’t rehash what you’ve said as it is spot on but I will offer this hope - the majority is razor thin. The special races resulting from trumps noms & the midterm elections next year can help flip the Congress! That will drastically slow down the corruption.
BUT - we need fresh Dems. Start looking for and supporting upcoming experienced energetic and bold replacements to vote for. Currently, the Dems have too many boiled frogs holding seats & we must move them along to find people who are aware just how hot this water truly is!
Aren't there some congressional special elections coming up next month? Seems like I've read that Dems could attain majority in the House if a few of them can win...
Yes. There are a couple going on this month and next month and I think I read Dems need to flip three seats. I need to catch up on the latest with that, but you are correct that they are several going on.
It seems that the Democratic strategy is to give Trump and his cronies enough rope to hang themselves. This is not going to work. That said, Hegseth is going to go down in flames sooner than he thinks. If you are getting booed by middle school kids in a DoD school, you are well on your way to losing the support of the uniformed military. He came in with zero credibility, he is swiftly wasting even that. Bondi is on the Giuliani Highway to disgrace and disbarment, especially when she starts telling Trump it's legal for him to defy court orders. And the more cases she loses, the farther her stock falls with the courts. At some point, the just start dismissing her claims, especially given that the DoJ is being caught regularly lying to the courts. or entering summary judgement for the plaintiffs. As for Gabbard, she is going to get a lot of Americans killed because no one, not even in the US intelligence services, trusts her. When the inevitable attack comes, she will not see it coming. The one I worry about is Vought. He is a Christo-fascist ideologue on a mission and he will not be denied. By the time Trump leaves office (also sooner than people think, have you seen the pictures? He looks like shit.) Vought will have so gutted the government that we may never be able to recover.
And so it continues, the Senate just confirmed RFK Jr., children are going to die. He and Trump need to be made to own it. Kash Patel's nomination moves to a final vote in the next day or two.
Not just children but women too as he tries to get the FDA to pull back abortion pills by saying they are “unsafe.” (Yeah right - despite the myriad studies proving otherwise). We are all targets.
What would things been like [in Soviet Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.
The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart - and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Yes, this is exactly what they did. The used a Weak Government as Useful idiots! They sold off the state assets to the Russian mob and Putin and anyone that didn’t like it. They were incarcerated and or murdered, even in the United States and in England‼️
Currently, there are death threats on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Millie among many others.
The e’DJT attempt to achieve Hitler’s 14 day mark was short and the e’DJT’s malignant narcissistic psychopathic personality, let fly his disappointment.
And hailing what the fEllon Rat and Brats. 6 had done to the treasury now Medicare Medicaid, Social Security, THAT IS, all of it, the peoples money are entitlements NOT to be ripped from American society , The MAGA Republicans just cannot stop lying wherever they go and lying on television and lying, Radio and lying on the worldwide web 👁️😤👁️
My suggestion is a General Strike. Those of us who disagree with what is now going on in Washington can, at 12 noon local time on a Wednesday, just stop what we are doing, go out into whatever street we're on, and just stand there for 15 minutes in silent protest. If the MAGAts drive their cars into the crowds, they'll be arrested, or worse. If enough people are there, they'll be intimidated. It will be an organizing opportunity. If Washington does not reverse the illegalities of the unelected, next Wednesday will see a half-hour General Strike multiplied by whoever shows up, etc. The wave can extend around the planet in unanimity. A simple, direct, loudly proclaimed, and powerful demonstration available to all.
Actually Trump’s voice represents his own grievances and racism and misogyny and xenophobia because — as a narcissistic sociopath — he cannot empathize with others. But whatever — none of this is new……
I weep for our country. The damage to our reputation and trust of our allies, the number of deaths both here and abroad, the sellout of Ukraine, these issues and many more will plunge our country and the world in to a darkness that will take years, if ever, to recover from.
And by the way, screw John Fetterman, Lisa Mukowski, Susan Collins, and any others that didn't do right by our country.
Silent Dems are coconspirators.
" Silence = consent". Russian proverb
Silent Dems? What about the silent Republicans? What about their complicity? All in. 100%?
You are right about the silent Republicans but what makes their silence even more disgusting is that they have basically sold their souls, so to speak, because they are afraid that, if they go against Trump, he will make sure they don’t get re-elected! They haven’t got the guts to fight for their principles so they put party over country. (Not sure why the Dems are silent though as they haven’t got that same problem! 😳)
True, and everyone with a platform should be calling them out about this. Broadcast every vote they cast against the peoples interests. Show every clip of a lie they've told and/or supported. The people are either too ignorant to stay informed or too trapped in their own biases & fears that they continue to let the R party pick their pockets. One search will show them that the R party has a long history of NOT advocating or governing on behalf of the people.
One note: the Dems aren't silent. They aren't in power.
Yet somehow when the Republicans weren't in power they still ruled the narrative and the dems were too weak to fight it.
The Democrats have been nothing but enablers as well as crooked judges not doing their jobs. I believe that Trump bought off the judges to keep himself out of jail.
The GOP ruled the narrative because they dominate traditional and social media.
Yep and the 1500 radio stations that air nothing but radical right lunacy and conspiracy theories. Lies on top of lies, on top of more lies, on top of more lies, etc.
The Democrats have been holding rallies in front of those government offices that are being attacked. (D) Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Jeffry Hakims, they have all been out picketing and protesting rotten Trumps moves.
It's Hakeem Jeffries. Come on, are we supposed to believe you know anything?
When a crisis happens a society's heroes rise. I look to our heroes and believe we must support and embrace them.
Those such as the J6 heroes who stand devastated there was no outcry from all of us when on 1/7/25 Trump pardoned the J6 convicted of serious crimes and with that quick stroke of his "pardon sharpie" expunged the premise our nation is one ruled by law and order.
I look also to Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. And those within the ranks such as Nancy Pelosi who was an extraordinary strategist, leader and formidable fighter.
Heroes are not made. Heroes are born. And they cannot step back for it is in their DNA to sacrifice and serve. Many of these heroes are on Substack including those who survived the assaults they bore on J6. Support them if you can and listen. They have much to teach us about ourselves and what it will take to regain our democracy.
I believe they really have sold their souls….literally. Musk and people like Harland Crow, have plenty of money sloshing around to buy all of them. Some are cheaper than others, but once you buy them, for any price, you own them.
And trump CLEARLY sold musk the presidency. (I figured that out around Jan. 22.)
No they have the same problem and fElon Muskrat made it loud and clear that he would primary them if they "get out of line"!
Musk needs his ars kicked. He's nothing but a stinking punk.
Hey! Leave the furry kind outta this miserable human shit!
All the Democrats need is one more person in Congress to stand with them and come March 14th they can put so much pressure on the Republicans causing the Republicans to shut down the government by not giving them what they want. And I believe or at least hope that an Independent or another Republican will have the guts to stand with the Democrats and shut down everything. No budget and no debt ceiling till the punks, reign in their stinking Trump and all of his cronies.
Sorry I wasn't clear. Made an assumption of my self by ASSuming it was understood repugnicans are the majority, therefore largely responsible for the travesty of letting rapists, Russian tools, and or idiots elected or appointed to office and of being corrupt themselves.
Well, they are all going to pay the price for their silence. When Oligarchs get to big for their britches, that is when Communists rise and take over and kill them.
Look at Russia and China when the Bolsheviks rose to power. When all of your countries administrative systems fail the people is when you get a national crisis and revolution becomes the answer no matter what the cost is. And people we are there.
Kim- YES- Make them OWN this!
All of them then.
That is an excellent proverb and is the reason why I have lost all respect for my 85 yr old American sister!
Sadly. I am a septuagenarian who is a US citizen. I am ashamed in a way I haven't been since the Iraq "Wars".
Since the Viet Nam war, and Kent state as well. went to my first protest in 1968, after my friend's brother was killed in Nam. Turning 71 this week. Can't believe this is where we are as a country with more women's rights being erased everyday.
More ashamed. Differently ashamed.
I’m also ashamed. And indignant!
Sad to hear, Alice. 💔
Like TFG, you are out of your mind!
I love proverbs. Each culture has a rich offering. The older the society the better. I have a friend from Ghana who has shared what cannot be seen but central to the experience of her people. For example, many here likely know that the patterns on the clothing worn communicate the values of the person wearing them or their status in the community. Also, one proverb stayed with me. I cannot find it or quote it other than it advises when a man is up a tree getting fruit for everyone else to eat, don't pull on the hem of his pants. Isn't that true for there are those of us who go out on a limb to serve others while the crowd below gathers and inhibits any progress telling them what to do and how to do it while offering no personal commitment.
Neo Liberal Dems who take Super Pac money are just as guilty. Gaza was pretty glaring in this cycle.
My suggestion is a General Strike. Those of us who disagree with what is now going on in Washington can, at 12 noon local time on, say, every Wednesday, just stop what we are doing, go out into whatever street we're on, and just stand there for 15 minutes in silent protest. If the MAGAts drive their cars into the crowds, they'll be arrested, or worse. If enough people are there, they'll be intimidated. It will be an organizing opportunity. If Washington does not reverse the illegalities of the unelected, the next Wednesday will see a half-hour General Strike multiplied by whoever shows up, etc. The wave can extend around the planet in unanimity. A simple, direct, loudly proclaimed and powerful demonstration available to all.
If you haven't heard, there will be an economic blackout Feb 28 nationwide. This means don't buy ANYTHING unless it's from a small business. No gas, fast food, and definitely not Target, Walmart, or Amazon. Get the word out! We want THEM to see that WE have the power. We will start with 1 day, then 3, then specific companies until our message is heard.
Please spread the word.
Thank you
No I have not heard and that's the problem...Dems are not getting the word out so pitiful numbers of people show up making it a joke.
it's not the Dems who are organizing this, it's the citizens, the grassroots, concerned Americans. check out for details and more to come
Very helpful...thank you
Glad to see a nonpartisan group, too. It seems clear, we can only rely on the people!
Maybe because Trump has its hands around the necks of most of the billionaire news and media owners.
Word of mouth and independent journalism, such as Substance ack and Bluesky is out there. It’s up to us to use it!
Utilize and DONATE to the FREE PRESS! Even if you can only afford a minimal donation/s: freedom of the press is ESSENTIAL!
Join groups like Indivisible, or Blue Dots, on Facebook or Bluesky and you will hear about these events. There is often an Indivisible Chapter for your city, or state.
I run a private group on Facebook called “Liberal Thinking” if anyone is interested in joining look us up.
Check to see if you have a local Indivisible or Move On group. They are spreading the word about multiple actions in addition to the ones they are organizing. They too make the point that numbers need to be high for these actions, otherwise it looks like not that many people care about whatever issue is being targeted.
Dems won't do it then will do it for them whether they want it or not
Please check out 50501 on Reddit regarding protests for Monday February 17th.
Thanks for the reminder. It's all over social media, and glad you put it here too! I believe it will be well observed and its critical to use every tool in our toolbox!
A national return it day at MAGA owned stores would be a joy to behold as well.
I like that idea!
Are the Doge employee's Russian or Chinese spies or are they just selling all the data they can get their hands on about the US Population?
Michealene- Thank you for posting this. I second your request that everyone reading this alert friends.
WE MUST! We have a long way to go to wake up the masses, but I am afraid it will come to late, when MEDICARE is cut to make way for more tax decreases on the wealthy and Corporations.
Amazon blackout is March. Also there is a website called The Peoples' union that I am signing up for. People have the power, we have just been lazy about it. It matters right now.
Which is it, the 28th or the 27th? Michealene RISLEY stated above it is the 28th, and Peoples' union states it's the 27th. Not that it matters to me, I do not plan on spending anything this whole month, but it would be very helpful if the date was agreed upon.
Also another starting on March 15th. We truly need a leader to step up and coordinate messaging, instead of willy-nilly postings on Substack, by several groups. Hello, Beto? Mr. Kinzinger? Anyone?
According to Goods Unite Us Target is about 50/50, Walmart and Amazon 100% RED
Is on my calendar
Why just one day? I have been spending much less every day that I can since January 20. I have also been only buying from places I know don't support that guy. Even products, I have changed certain things I use.
I will be more than happy to do it Feb 28, but we all need to be doing it every day that we can. If you can't, I saw where someone said every Wednesday of every week, that's a good idea.
Join the Buy Nothing movement. Hit the rat bastards where they live-in their wallets. If enough people get together, they can move mountains. The unions did it to the Robber Barons. My father was a card-carrying member of the IWW, the IBEW, and the American Communist Party (NOT Soviet communism-there’s a world of difference)… he fed me this philosophy with my Pablum.
I am a former member of the International Association of Aerospace Workers Union. I hold an honorary card since the end of my employment. I used to build our warplanes. I am retired. Those punks in Washington are planning on screwing over our veterans. Not just their VA healthcare but even their pensions. They plan to make it hard for veterans to get their service-connected disabilities. They have been doing this crap for too many years. It's at the point that our so called, volunteer enlistment program no longer works. Our young people are refusing to serve in our military services. And I don't blame them. If I had it to do over again, I would tell this stinking Republican Congress to go screw themselves. When people won't fight for their country that's when the rich elite bastards get scared because they are going to lose their seats. That is all they care about.
GOOD FOR YOUR DAD and YOU! Welcome in Canada any of you! Anytime!
I did hear thank you. I did notify my family and friends.
This will be easy for me to do. My bank account has been overdrawn from the day after I got my Social Security check. I can't survive on $23/mo in food stamps and I can't even make it through a 28-day month. I got turned away for energy assistance today because the only agency that serves my area conveniently "ran out of funding" on the day of the appointment for which I waited five weeks in vain. So I won't be out shopping on February 28, I promise.
Natalie I’m so sorry. We shouldn’t find ourselves at the other end of life struggling like a college student just to have basic necessities. I understand.
Don't be surprised if you're disappointed when a general strike and or economic blackout does nothing. A majority of people have no idea with what's going on, or care (certainly they didn't care enough to vote). And just enough people who did vote actually WANT damage, corruption and fascism. Couple all that with the fact that most people only care about their own economy...and what percentage of citizens barely have $400 in the bank? Who's going to risk their job in protest?
What we need is a national strike. Shut down everything all across this country. Japan did it when they reigned in their unions for better pay. They were heard loud and clear! Our people are too damn soft on our stinking leadership. We need to get tough. We aren't mean enough. Stinking MAGA assholes have made threatening calls to judges and politicians alike. Somehow criminals seem to get heard while the rest of us are being ignored.
Thank you! 👍
Great idea! I'll participate. Our local Food Coop makes a good option for the day.
How about every Wednesday for the entire work day and spend no money.
This would be ideal. Which platform will allow the announcement? I fear social media is now looking for 'us' and will remove any content of dissenting. I was banned from IG for 10 days and I'm civil. Going outside at noon in each time zone East to West to disrupt the flow of something. How about blocking entrance to every McDonald's at noon. Trumps favorite fast food.
Safer than traffic?
I’ve had several comments on FB just disappear and suddenly I couldn’t post or comment on anything. Strange as I thought they were stopping the removal of posts.
We could wear blue. An arm band or something.
Yes. An Arm band that reads Fuck you MAGA!
Blue and FU MAGA armbands! Great idea...a sea of blue!
We need something like this and now.
I read a comment a couple days agobabout having a non economic day as in don't buy anything either online or in person. That will would get someone's attention now would it not? February 28th non economic day, I'm all in for it will turn off my ebay page even. Plan accordingly and get your mise en place together.
One Day won't cut it my friend.
not in the slightest.
Rotating strikes worked here for educational issues...same day, same time, same number of hours...rotate the 5 states go Wed, 5 go thurs, 5 go Fri etc...rotating strikes until reaches boiling point and ALL at once EVERYONE out and no work until they stop and replace this gov't with democracy
YES. WHY DID BIDEN NOT USE HIS IMMUNITY TO PROTECT US? Why did Kamala race to concede? Why did Biden pose for that photo and have tea with the traitor? Why are Democrats so WEAK? WHY???
What happened to the billion dollars that the Democrats raised in this last election for Kamala Harris? Where is that money today?
You're kidding right? We have a FELON in the White House and a VP (not Vance) calling all the shots who is the richest on earth and one of the most corrupt and you want to stick it to the libs with that comment??????
Wow! How about we look at the the ones that are committing all the crimes instead of blaming the democrats! Let’s have a look at the people that voted for these republican assholes as well as the ones that sat down and did not vote at all. Those people didn’t want to hear or believe the democrats before the actual election. But now that they are in the minority they are supposed to fix all of the damage? Well their hands are basically tied now unless WE ALL STAND UP AND FIGHT TOGETHER!!
Biden and Garland had power to protect us and FORCE REFORM AND jail Trump. They didn't do it.
I am so tired of the circular firing squad! We are in unprecedented territory here with the dismantling of our way of life. You know who is responsible for this mess? Trump, musk and every last voter who voted for Trump even if he actually fooled them into thinking he would lower prices. Democrats are in the minority in each branch of the government; there’s not too much they can do as a practical matter. Btw, trump could not care less about what the democrats do. It’s up to us to protest,, push back and get in the way!
Sorry, but I also lay some blame on the 90 million Americans who couldn't be bothered to get to the polls and participate in (save) our democracy. It's not a damn video game or couch sport!
They need to ALSO strike in Congress...walk out in Senate...refuse to do ANY gov't business for the felons in chief and keep it up until they can restore democracy legally and with courts support
I do actually, it's not suppose to disappear.
I actually agree with Shawn. No sooner was the election done and dusted than the Dems were knocking on my text messages asking for money to "fight". Seriously? And these were two of my Senators who I did my bit to get elected in the first place. Why do they need my money to fight a battle they need to be fighting themselves? Ironically, my Republican Congressman has been more responsive than either of those two Democratic Senators to my questions. And he hasn't asked for one red cent from me. Not that I'd give it to him and not that I agree with him but at least he's acknowledging that I have concerns instead of my emails to my Democratic senators being responded to by generic "send money" replies. I'm on Social Security, fixed income. How tone deaf to be asking a senior citizen for more money.
The hell with all of them. Don't send them a stinking dime.
It didn’t disappear. It’s being used for congressional elections. It’s worth following Kamala Harris; she’s still actively trying to get D’s elected to Congress.
Biden and Garland had a chance to actually protect us. And now here we are. I will never forgive them.
You just noticed that? No flies on you.
Peter Thiel is calling the shots and has been grooming the couch fucker. He’s the head of the snake, then elonazi, fat Nixon, his couch fucker and the zealot Mike. Remove the head of the snake and it might have a domino effect
MKG- My thought exactly!
Clone Luigi...its desperate need a real Revolution of some sort if the courts can't stop Musk-Trump shit, something else will have to happen.
Because 2 wrongs don’t make a right. The corrupt Supreme Court created a monster when they falsely and selfishly declared that shithead has immunity.
And Biden was naive to not use it. Merrick Garland failed us also.
Biden may have been naive , but I feel it would have given trump amunition. Totally agree that Garland screwed us. I hope all the republicans get the karma they deserve.
The U.S. Supreme Court needs to be attacked and heavily picketed. Make phone calls and jam their phone lines. Leave nasty messages to those bastards! They are all liars and did not hold up the laws of this land or our Constitution!
AOC and Raskin had a motion to impeach Thomas and Alito I believe...what's happened to that?
I had this fantasy that biden would use that opportunity to arrest the dumpster-traitor. one has to wonder if Kompramat on biden? epstein or similar? delaware money laundering (shell corporations, delaware famous for them)
No, he's just not that kind of person.
LL- Agree! They’ve got to jump on the lies and distortions at great speed. Any of the Billion left from 2024 Dem election fund? Can we see something for our money?
Need a third party
There is. Never will be big enough to do anything.
Weak because they are just as guilty! They are all one stinking party.
My friend just asked me the same question-where are the Clintons? Bushes? Obamas? Do they not care about democracy? Not of them are on television. And if we KNEW Trump was a fascist to the core-as stated by General Milley-why did Biden hand him the keys to the castle? I'm mad now.
We the people do hold one power. It's a referendum vote. Next time we get ballots to vote, we write on our ballots in our handwriting, this is a Referendum vote telling all of you to get out of office, this government no longer works. Via our U.S. Constitution, they are required to leave office, and our country starts all over remaking our laws.
Because the Ruling class of both parties enjoy the largess of the system just the way it is. When you speak of oligarchy, it's just a matter of which royal family you choose.
My thoughts exactly!!
Anti science anti vaxxers like RFK are going to kill so many Americans. The MAGAts gave me COVID after forcing a return to office. Please make sure you are up to date on all your boosters, follow the science and trust the experts!
Order your free Covid test kits because word on the street is they’re going away soon.
Done and thank you!
All of them, or just the free ones?
I got mine but that’s not enough to last 4 more years.
Same here.
The free ones, 4 per household
i wonder if the gov't will still let medicare pay for our covid and flu shots?
My guess is no. You'll be able to get one if you can pay for it.
I wonder if there will be Medicaid or Medicare, EBT.
Or SS.
Hahahahahaha! Good one. 👍
THE SOCIAL CONTRACT IS GONE. I taught US government and history for almost 30 years, have an MA & JD, am member of SCOTUS Bar. Day 1 lesson is the bedrock of the social contract: the government agrees to treat us fairly & justly, and we agree to obey its laws and decisions. Well guess what?? The government has BROKEN its part of our CONTRACT which means we are no longer bound to OBEY!! How does that sit with y’all??
The social contract that depends on the good-faith agreement to respect and abide by laws, rules, and regulations. We have now ushered in as “leaders” those who have a bad-faith intention of greed, racism, hate, and a commitment to finding ways to personally benefit themselves while ignoring the needs and commitments of more than half the country. Wow.
and the concept of 'common good' is gone.
Only with them. We should not abandon the idea or we're doomed forever.
Trump has broken every contract he's ever signed. Civil servants are now just like every supplier he's ever stiffed. It's a growing club.
I'm trying hard to live my life as an encourager, rather than as a discourager. Every tiny thing we do matters. Every big thing we do matters. And if people make fun of me, I will walk the other way and keep encouraging people to do something. I'm NOT naive. I'm NOT stupid. I've never been this frightened in my entire 65+ years. I'm praying for wisdom for all of us and doing my tiny things daily to try to support democracy and the good guys. Mary, thank you for your perspective. It's always real and always appreciated.
Same here Carol. Stay in good trouble.
Don't listen to the naysayers, Carol. You are a hero. Keep being yourself.
Thank you for your work, Mary.
It will be a miracle if we make it through the next few years with these stupid incompetent people in charge of these important positions. Hope to God we don't have something worse then COVID pop up in the next few years.
Years? Maybe we can make it through the next few months as the first three weeks have been sheer terror with only a bit of judicial pushback.
pretty sure we've got a massive bird flu epidemic just waiting to mutate into human-human transmission
Right scary stuff
Yes I was at my Dr Tuesday bc I have pneumonia. Tested for covid and the flu. Negative. We were discussing so much illness in our area. ( I'm in Eastern Ky). That's when she said that for about a week now they've been pulling all of the flu tests that are coming up positive for flu A. They are looking for a subset of the bird flu. She wouldn't say more. I like my Dr, been her patient for a long time, but she is very much a republican and we have had a few 'disagreements' over the years. I know her fairly well and I could tell she was very concerned with the current situation regarding bird flu.
Joe- I fear Bird Flu will be the new COVID . t-rump responsible for one million deaths again.
Like an attack on our country
The H5N1, avian influenza is on the rise. When the next pandemic hits the USA we won't know because Trump shut down all communication to all the Health departments in the USA. After all RFK Jr. is the head of HHS. He doesn't even know the basic difference between Medicaid and Medicare. Wow another DEI hire in the Trump Cabinet.
I’ve had to stop watching TV coverage about politics because I don’t want to be sick and outraged every day. I am registered to vote in my state for all coming elections which is the least I can do. Why did the people vote for a convicted felon/rapist to be president???
Same here. I was physically sick to my stomach every day. I try to look at the headlines each day, and I follow a couple of good YouTube channels but its still so upsetting to see what they are getting away with already. I'm really really really scared.
It looks like a huge number of people are getting more and more involved as they see what is happening with the most infamous psychopaths in Orange Marmalade’s office.
Hold tight. “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings!” (Baseball’s favorite punster)
I have been in calling my senators every day for nothing. They are under trumps boot
Right, they’re his psychophants! Just keep responding to your own messages and signing petitions. No need to keep sending $$!
Keep calling. I'm from Texas. I keep calling. We can't stop. We are the fourth rail, so to speak, and when it's down to the people, we must keep doing our part. THANKS for everything you are doing, even when it seems so silly. Gosh! I get to call Senators Crud and Corny.
I removed PQX NOT NEWS, from the clicker, many years ago👍🏾
This has been the longest 3 weeks of my life and that includes the 9th month of my pregnancies!! You women know what I’m talking about!!! We need to hear the voices of our democrats in power positions!! We need to rise up and fight this evil that lies in our country!!
Some of us CisMales suffered through those times too with our partners.
We need a special kind of Viagra to get our Democratic Senators loudly performing their duties.
It's called a "cattle Prod."
Train Joe’s dog on them
It was beyond infuriating that Biden didn’t use the power the SCOTUS gave him to cut off some of the plans & firm up the gray areas in our laws. Even if later reverted, the move would’ve shown some guts & urgency.
I won’t rehash what you’ve said as it is spot on but I will offer this hope - the majority is razor thin. The special races resulting from trumps noms & the midterm elections next year can help flip the Congress! That will drastically slow down the corruption.
BUT - we need fresh Dems. Start looking for and supporting upcoming experienced energetic and bold replacements to vote for. Currently, the Dems have too many boiled frogs holding seats & we must move them along to find people who are aware just how hot this water truly is!
Aren't there some congressional special elections coming up next month? Seems like I've read that Dems could attain majority in the House if a few of them can win...
Yes. There are a couple going on this month and next month and I think I read Dems need to flip three seats. I need to catch up on the latest with that, but you are correct that they are several going on.
I'm going to check with "Tony the Democrat" re postcard writing. I just bought a bunch of cards. Here we go!
Someone should be screaming them from the rooftops, then! Dammit, people - let's get busy and help where we can make a difference!
It seems that the Democratic strategy is to give Trump and his cronies enough rope to hang themselves. This is not going to work. That said, Hegseth is going to go down in flames sooner than he thinks. If you are getting booed by middle school kids in a DoD school, you are well on your way to losing the support of the uniformed military. He came in with zero credibility, he is swiftly wasting even that. Bondi is on the Giuliani Highway to disgrace and disbarment, especially when she starts telling Trump it's legal for him to defy court orders. And the more cases she loses, the farther her stock falls with the courts. At some point, the just start dismissing her claims, especially given that the DoJ is being caught regularly lying to the courts. or entering summary judgement for the plaintiffs. As for Gabbard, she is going to get a lot of Americans killed because no one, not even in the US intelligence services, trusts her. When the inevitable attack comes, she will not see it coming. The one I worry about is Vought. He is a Christo-fascist ideologue on a mission and he will not be denied. By the time Trump leaves office (also sooner than people think, have you seen the pictures? He looks like shit.) Vought will have so gutted the government that we may never be able to recover.
And so it continues, the Senate just confirmed RFK Jr., children are going to die. He and Trump need to be made to own it. Kash Patel's nomination moves to a final vote in the next day or two.
Not just children but women too as he tries to get the FDA to pull back abortion pills by saying they are “unsafe.” (Yeah right - despite the myriad studies proving otherwise). We are all targets.
Stock up while you can, in case a loved one or friend needs them.
Exactly. They need to be made to own this.
What would things been like [in Soviet Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.
The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart - and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
Yes, this is exactly what they did. The used a Weak Government as Useful idiots! They sold off the state assets to the Russian mob and Putin and anyone that didn’t like it. They were incarcerated and or murdered, even in the United States and in England‼️
Currently, there are death threats on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Millie among many others.
The e’DJT attempt to achieve Hitler’s 14 day mark was short and the e’DJT’s malignant narcissistic psychopathic personality, let fly his disappointment.
And hailing what the fEllon Rat and Brats. 6 had done to the treasury now Medicare Medicaid, Social Security, THAT IS, all of it, the peoples money are entitlements NOT to be ripped from American society , The MAGA Republicans just cannot stop lying wherever they go and lying on television and lying, Radio and lying on the worldwide web 👁️😤👁️
Woo hoo!! Yeah!!!
My suggestion is a General Strike. Those of us who disagree with what is now going on in Washington can, at 12 noon local time on a Wednesday, just stop what we are doing, go out into whatever street we're on, and just stand there for 15 minutes in silent protest. If the MAGAts drive their cars into the crowds, they'll be arrested, or worse. If enough people are there, they'll be intimidated. It will be an organizing opportunity. If Washington does not reverse the illegalities of the unelected, next Wednesday will see a half-hour General Strike multiplied by whoever shows up, etc. The wave can extend around the planet in unanimity. A simple, direct, loudly proclaimed, and powerful demonstration available to all.
Good luck with that amigo……
Ronaldo is just looking for an excuse to unleash his Private Militia
Actually Trump’s voice represents his own grievances and racism and misogyny and xenophobia because — as a narcissistic sociopath — he cannot empathize with others. But whatever — none of this is new……
I weep for our country. The damage to our reputation and trust of our allies, the number of deaths both here and abroad, the sellout of Ukraine, these issues and many more will plunge our country and the world in to a darkness that will take years, if ever, to recover from.
And by the way, screw John Fetterman, Lisa Mukowski, Susan Collins, and any others that didn't do right by our country.