I can’t believe I’ve been fighting this fight for FIFTY YEARS! There is not ONE law on the books regarding MEN. Last time I looked, and I am 71 years old, it took a man and a woman to achieve pregnancy. When men are punished for putting their choadie in my vajayjay and making me pregnant then I’ll sit down and shut up. But only then.

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I’m 84, I fought for it in the 70s, I can’t believe it is happening again. This is the first time the court took away a right. Women have as much right as men to control our own bodies. We are not owned by the state. My anger at this is white hot!

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And Yet! Many Many women will Vote for tRump and his kind. Lack of support from your own... Can't Fix Stupid.

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Women could not always vote; opening a bank account required a husband’s permission; young women died in non medical abortions. Do we want to go back to all that, America? That is tRump’s idea of “great”: a time when women were kept down. Women, wake up! Guys, do you want to be forced into fatherhood? These retrograde policies will have horrible consequences for EVERYONE!

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If women don't band together, then they will NEVER Be FREE! Can't blame this on men. Many of us have repeatedly made this comment over the years. Else, Back To The Kitchen & stay "barefoot"... Best Regards

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This is a very sad truth.

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No it isn’t. Not only women need to band together but all of our allies as well. The power is in the numbers; women’s marches MUST include not only women. Best regards? Are you kidding?

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When that's all you have to give, a good and hopeful comment, your comment to me is callous. Maybe Prayers?? LOL

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Silly girl, of course you’re not owned by the state. You’re owned by your husband. Or your father. Or your brother. Your nearest male relative owns you. Or will soon. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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I don't exactly "like" this "truth", but I like your sarcastic take on an awful situation.

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Mine too, Sharon!!

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Right on! I’m with you! I’m 79.

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It is not all men, it is the republican men. I do not think it is right for them to do this to the women, but they are doing it. That is why we all need to do our share of the work to spread the word in the streets, at a friend's home, where ever your word can be heard. We all need to vote every republican out.

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You are absolutely correct, Michael: it is not all men. I'm married to a good man, and I've seen lots of them on the Substacks I read. It always warms my heart to hear from the good men, and I always applaud them.

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That's not always true Michael. I knew men in 2016 who voted third party and told me they were "tired of being threatened with Roe and both parties are the same" EVEN when I told them the Supreme Court was on the line and that women would die. So no, it's not all men but, not all lefty men are with us either.

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It's pathetic that we have come this far in the history of the world, and the patriarchal system won't take its foot off our necks!

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Susan, that is why, we women are all going to have to work together to move those ignorant men out of the way until we gain equality with maledom. Getting the ERA certified would go a long way toward that and I hope Biden will do that the day after the election results are final and the transition begins. Biden and Harris should go to the National Archivist together and demand it happen since we have sufficient states that have ratified the amendment. It's time!

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I appreciate your optimism, Ruth. My hope is allied with people like you. We need not only women but also men who have the vision to see the inhumanity and suffering that inequality causes. These extreme laws and policies against women will result in the suffering of all humanity.

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Susan, you are right that we need all people sympathetic to women's plight to get involved and to stand against the inhumanity of the scared white pseudo-christian men and their female surrogates who think having scared white men in charge will benefit anyone but themselves; it won't!

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It is mostly the GOV republican men that I was talking about, I am sure there might be some men for both sides, but it is mostly the republicans in office that matter.

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Oh yes, the ones in office doing this are all GOP. Maybe one or two who just stand by or say "This is a wedge issue." as I heard one say.

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And Yet! Many Many women will Vote for tRump and his kind. Lack of support from your own... Can't Fix Stupid.

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Yes, I will never understand that.

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Ruth, I am not sure those 3rd partiers in the 2016 campaign were "lefties." I think a lot or even most of them were Republicans who liked that Bernie could stir things up. I doubt they really believed in what Bernie stood for and that to me is sad, but they wanted the attention of supporting a guy who wanted things to be different for everyone. If they were really lefties, they would have supported Clinton because she would definitely have done a better job than Trump, an ignorant ass ever could. They were misogynists who just preferred Bernie to Donnie. I would even bet many of them ultimately voted for Trump just so they wouldn't have to cast a vote for a woman. Now, I bet they are totally on board with Trump or maybe RFK, Jr. even though he is totally with Trump now.

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From your lips to God s ear!

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Yes, Catherine! True equality is music 🎶 to God's ears.

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I use that expression all the time, these days, usually in response the possibility that Kamala will be our next POTUS.

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My husband, thank heavens, is not like that, quite the reverse. If he were a Trumper, I'm afraid we would have a huge marital problem. as much as I love him. (Of course, if I were a Trumper, he'd have a problem with me).

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And Yet! Many Many women will Vote for tRump and his kind. Lack of support from your own... Can't Fix Stupid.

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Then they will pay the price along with the rest of the women, Timothy. None of the men will. Internalized misogyny still harms them.

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You are absolutely right, Michael. I should have been more specific in my comment. I am fortunate to have and know many good men in my family and life, who support our right to be independent and certainly to control our own bodies. But it is the reps, the men who are a) too ignorant to understand abortion; b) understand, but still want the CONTROL; c) both, but embrace the cruelty and want the power, regardless of whom it hurts. (Or kills!)

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I’m with you and I’m only 53!!

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Laura, hurray, a young woman! We need you and your energy in the fight!

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Yet Bernie Moreno can’t understand why a 50 year old woman cares about this issue. What does that tell you about Bernie??? What does he have against women in general and specifically, older women ? Or is it because he is just incapable of thinking beyond his own self centered mess and assumes the same of others. Sisters, daughters, granddaughters, nieces, they all matter and as a 72 y.o. my mind is on all of them. I don’t want them to become another statistic dying in a parking lot because hospital personnel have their hands tied.

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I’m 78, and all in with you!

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The only one of the pair for whom pregnancy is considered punishment for daring to have sex outside of reproduction is the woman. Ever. I dare you to show me one instance where the male is punished. Right now, there are around 200 women in PRISON due to miscarriage or some other circumstance resulting in the loss of a pregnancy. Where are the fathers in this?

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They're out doing the same thing as before. If the penalties for rape were (no deals but convictions of appropriate severity) were given these men would be shitting bricks.....

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78 here and I'm with you.

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"Our bodies, their battlefield." And we wonder why rape is being used as a weapon of war!

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I don't wonder about that. It's always been about control and they see women as property. The "spoils" of war.

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Absolutely right, Claire. And when will they be held responsible for MAKING a woman get an abortion. Let's all remember that Trump wanted his second wife to abort his fourth child.

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Who could blame Trump, considering the outcome of his bedroom adventures, Don Jr. And Eric?

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I know it's not all that you want, but now that we have DNA testing, it is harder for men to escape financial responsibility for the children they help create. Bing Copilot states that **5.8 million men** are paying court-ordered child support. Many states have laws that say these guys can be jailed if they fail to pay.

(1) US Census Bureau Releases Statistics Regarding Child Support Payments. https://www.menslegal.com/blog/us-census-bureau-releases-statistics-regarding-child-support-payments/.

(2) 44% of Custodial Parents Receive the Full Amount of Child Support. https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-tps03.html.

(3) 30 Child Support Statistics & Facts: 2024 Insights - Mom Loves Best. https://momlovesbest.com/child-support-statistics-and-facts.

(4) Child Support Statistics and Trends - FindLaw. https://www.findlaw.com/family/child-support/child-support-statistics-and-trends.html.

(5) Child Support Statistics in the United States. https://www.aecf.org/blog/child-support-statistics.

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Don't hold your breath waiting for change. America needs more women in positions of power for that to happen.

Women of America, don't worry about immigrants taking your country away. Worry about white men taking it back.

Because that means reversing a century of progress.

America is changing - as it always has - and it's in America's hands to focus on a better future. That must include women as full and equal participants.

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Claire, from one 71-year-old to another, keep up the fight because scared people will keep doing stupid and hateful if we don't curb their bad habits. We have allowed men to think they are superior to women for millennia while we covered for them. We need to stop the insanity. We need a Lysistrata event throughout this nation starting very soon, no woman sleeping with a man, and maybe, no man sleeping with another man either until men back off. Then we women need to find ways to identify men who are raping women or anyone else so they can be held accountable. Then, we need clinics that are not known to anyone but through word of mouth, staffed with well-trained abortion providers, medication distributers, people who can help if the pills don't fully complete the abortion, and a few doctors in a community who could perform an abortion past the time when medication works. We could do this. The Janes did it in Chicago, even with novices at abortion care, but with willing hearts and improvised equipment. It's time ladies!

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Ruth Sheets I love your enthusiasm! Also 71, and totally with you! Let's do it! We start with Roevember!

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Kathy, yes, let's do it! I am telling almost everyone I meet that women deserve bodily autonomy just as men have. It seems to me that anyone who is male, conservative, and trying to dominate women should have absolutely no say when it comes to women's health which includes abortion but is not limited to that.

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Yep! And when the rapist little choadie is castrated and hung on a tree limp, then maybe !

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59. No kids, but I said men would be up in arms if they had added and made it "illegal" to get a vasectomy.

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Not only am I 70-something, but I was an ER nurse for 30-something years. Let me just say, the only thing a so-called "emergency abortion" they keep trying to criminalize is is a D&C done to save the life of the mother, because the baby, or fetus, is already either fully or partially aborted. The medical term is spontaneous abortion, and it's not the mother's fault, it's not the doctor's fault. If these religious zealots who claim to be pro life want to blame anyone, they need to blame their God. But to threaten jail time and other injustices on the mother or the healthcare workers trying to save her life is ludicrous, at best, and is in actuality a crime. Against humanity.

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Omg Bonnie, Yes!! Why do so many ppl fail to understand this?!

Even some women. They are masquerading as "pro life", but in actuality they are the opposite.

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I'm with you, Claire! Let's start regulating dicks! Oh right, the dix are in charge. 😡 The cruelty here is beyond belief. I believe many "prolifers" just do not understand that abortion IS healthcare; but sadly the rest just do not care. Are we already in Handmaid's Tale territory? It's maddening that we are here again; but I'm heartbroken and terrified for my/our daughters and grands. 😭😡

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I have said this in other forums - men should see this as their issue, too. The health of the women in my life is more important to me than anything. I’ll do whatever is necessary to get them the health care they need. I believe this is not just a woman’s issue. This is a public health issue. This is a Do-What’s-Right issue. We all need to get onboard.

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Thank you. Too many men wash their hands of the abortion issue, and too few men see it as you do.

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Am a 70 year old male and this is the absolute single issue that determines my political affiliation; consider it an inalienable human right for bodily autonomy. Have been involved for at least the last 40 years assisting in resource acquisitions to facilitate abortion availability for those with economic hurdles.

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Thank you.

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Thank you. Most men are not that kind.

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Thank you.

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You’re welcome, Laura Who. My opinion is, too many men act how they think a man should act, rather than being how a man should be. Or something like that . . .

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Norm, my definition of a "real man" includes having and showing emotions (other than anger), kindness, respect, and strong sense of self that allows them to be compassionate and caring.

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Agreed, Susan.

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What are you, some kind of marxist socialist communist determined to destroy american men???

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Nah, just a guy who believes American men will destroy themselves if they do not stand in solidarity and equality with women.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

This does affect men because this is just the beginning of freedoms being taken away. Your freedom as to when and if you marry and your sexual orientation is at risk. Plus when you do HAVE to marry and have a dozen children you will HAVE to support them all financially because women won’t be allowed in the workforce- that is their ultimate plan.

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I agree. A man's issue as well. That'll most likely never happen.

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It IS our issue too.

The maga/republican movement is attempting to turn America into another Afghanistan regarding women and their collective rights. Health/reproductive health will just be the thin edge of the wedge if they get their way … after all, if men had all those jobs that women are 'illegally' hogging, the world would be so much cosier for them, (the men).

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Yeah. We’re closer to being Gilead in “A Handmaid’s Tale” than I ever thought possible.

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My son is like you, Norm. It's not only his daughter's future he's fighting for, but for ALL WOMEN AND ALL PEOPLE in our country. The utter calousness and stupidity of the MAGA cult is going to ruin all lives, including theirs.

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So true, Paula. The issues of the women in my life are my issues, too. It should not be a difficult concept to grasp.

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It's also a economic issue.

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For this issue alone we need to get Kamala elected, and supply her with a majority in both Senate and House. Otherwise, we will be stuck with a far right Supreme Court for decades. Please get out and vote blue.

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People need to stop calling it an abortion after a pregnancy has miscarried. The remaining remnants of pregnancy must be removed urgently to prevent infection and massive sepsis with multi organ failure. The ‘products’ can be examined by a pathologist as evidence. Doctors need to emphasise the distinction. Additionally, ectopic pregnancies are non-viable because they are stuck in the Fallopian tube. The only outcome, all well pre-viability, is rupture (and destruction) of the tube and enormous risk of catastrophic haemorrhage. Where is the medical voice???

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indeed. The docs should show a bit of backbone when they know that what they are doing is saving the life of the woman, often - as in the two Georgia cases - when there is no viable fetus any more.

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Please don't put it on the backs of the physicians. These states are hemorrhaging physicians as it is. They, too, have families to take care of, student loans to pay, mortgages, etc. They deserve medals simply for staying in the stupid states when they could easily be welcomed elsewhere.

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I am a retired physician and I feel my Hippocratic Oath tugging. Where is the AMA? Or whatever is the US peak body for obstetricians?

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But allowing a woman to die when she could easily be saved must be a line in the sand.

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The legislators are the ones responsible for these travesties. Can’t they be sued by these victims?

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Yes, what about the Hippocratic oath? They seem to be throwing that out.

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I don’t think there needs to be any distinction in the reasons for a D&C whether miscarriage, pre exclampsia , topic, failed to thrive or other types of medical procedures. To do so implies a judgement on the reason to terminate and it is no one else s business. Medical care in gynecology is a right! The reasons are irrelevant and feed into the anti abortion position. I had pre eclampsia at 231/2 weeks very early and went into heart failure during labour; I barely got out with no damage and they were not sure I would get out alive at all , the baby would not have made it in either case; they put me at great risk due to waiting to make sure the forced delivery was completely necessary. Too close for comfort and soul destroying and body wrecking. And that s in Canada where the procedure is not questioned. No one should ever go through that and no man ever will!

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Next, they'll outlaw pap smears, because good lord, it might be an abortion happening.

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Typo should be Ectopic line 4 above oops the auto correct again!

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You are absolutely correct, Vanda. I've been really annoyed hearing miscarriage treatment referred to as abortion.

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Guess SCOTUS needs to be held responsible for their decisions. Of course they will put the blame on anyone but their sorry ignorant asses. Someone drops a dish of embryos. It is sad but SCOTUS allowing women to die is criminal.

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Agreed Vanda. It is the same for ectopic pregnancies. Life threatening and non-viable fertilisation outside the womb. The procedure is called a D&C not an abortion. It's a medical procedure which is also banned, Appallingly because the words of D&C mean 'diliation and curettage' which most Americans not being French speakers think means the woman is cut. It isn't its a scoop or a spoon.


A surgical instrument shaped like a scoop or spoon, used to remove tissue or growths from a body cavity. A scoop or ring with either a blunt or a cutting edge, for removing substances from the walls of a cavity, as from the eye, ear, or womb. A spoon-shaped surgical instrument for cleaning a diseased surface. A surgical instrument shaped like a scoop to remove tissue from a bodily cavity.

transitive verb

To scrape with a curette.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

It's the same ridiculous linguistic gymnastics Trump uses when talking about ;Asylum seekers' being literally from mental asylums. Truly a little knowledge is a dagerous thing.

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And women are dying right now because they are being allowed to lay in the ER and staff won't perform a D and C.

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Agreed, Vanda. More education from Healthcare providers is necessary!

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It is criminal and courts and drs should be charged at least w criminal negligence and failure to provide urgent medical care! Class action lawsuit for sure!

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Sorry. It’s an abortion. Squeamishness about words don’t help.

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No Ann, it’s an abortion if you remove a viable fetus. If the fetus has died for whatever reason, it is not an abortion to remove retained products of conception: it is a necessary cleanup needed to return the uterus to a normal state where it can support another pregnancy. If you don’t do this or leave it too late, the remnants (of placenta) are dead and can cause a horrendous infection inside the womb, risking death of the woman as we have seen, and often lead to inability to carry another pregnancy or other complications if it doesn’t come to death. This is a ridiculous and unnecessary situation in the modern world of preventive medicine.

This is not the black & white issue you seem to be assuming. And it is an issue different from the moral question about whether a normal pregnancy should be terminated. Women rarely decide to terminate for no good reason: but that is the business of her and her doctors to judge, not some stranger or government. Everyone has the right to hold particular moral positions for themselves, but at question is whether they have the right to force this on others, beyond just having a right to opine about it. People are dying over this. It’s not about squeamishness: it’s about accurate information and bringing heart and kindness into situations where judgment is about making balanced decisions, not just about judging people.

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Miscarriage should be the talking point: many women who really want children suffer this outcome when there are fatal complications. Nature sometimes aborts. But to be deep in grief — and a criminal too? Anyone who has been there knows what I’m saying. (Yes, physicians need to weigh in; some have). Hopefully young people know what is at stake.

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30-40% of pregnancies actually abort naturally, often not noticed because it happens so early, usually due to abnormality or nonviability ie something is wrong with it so the body itself gets rid of it. Most of this gets sorted out within the first 12 weeks, but the later it is the more important to remove any products of conception after the fetus dies. This is a natural and common situation and having a D&C is NOT an abortion. It is a cleanup and prevents infection.

I am also wondering who is supporting the doctors as a group.

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Not heard...

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Absolutely Mary and thank you so, so much.

We need to win, as bipartisan, Democrats and Republicans this election and reform the Supreme Court ASAP. It's the life of our country in danger.

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There will be other elections after this one, even if dems win house and senate and presidency, we should not become complacent.

I personally hope cheetolini continues to run roughshod over whatever the other political party calls itself; he’s a tumor that must destroy his hosts.

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lol. I like your style Quizzically , lol. I hope cheetolini gets the normal outcome of hypercholesterolemia....

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If Orange Cheeto gets elected, he will put an end to fair elections—as in Putin’s Russia. They have “elections.” Democracy itself is under attack here too.

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I find it horrific that the Supreme Court of the United States is blatantly acting like it was it's own rogue nation. The level of bribe taking, that it makes up laws which don't exist, and it's refusal to explain its decisions are all major signs that it is seriously dysfunctional and not fulfilling its mandates under the American constitution.

I never understood why Trump spent so much effort appointing judges at the end of his term when he was pardoning people. Yes, he was stacking the courts. But, he still had no way to know or control how they would judge. I did not know of the Heritage Foundation.

Now, I understand why. It is clear the Heritage Foundation is steering the justices on the Supreme Court, and in other courts. The judges who are/were members of the heritage foundation should be ejected and disbarred. The Heritage Foundation itself should be categorized as a terrorist/seditionist organization and prosecuted as such under the full extent of the law.

People in the future will puzzle why this wasn't done at this juncture of time.

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And the Federalist Society

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The problem with the Federalist Society is that it cannot be regulated because of the first amendment which gaurentees its members freedom of affiliation.

The real problem is how do you stop external parties from excreting control of judges in the Judicial system.

In Canada, we have the Canadian Judicial Council, which ensure that judges adhere to ethical standards and provides a framework for addressing misconduct. This council also engages in public education about judicial independence. While judges have long terms until they retire, the judicial Council has very short term appointees that are continuously rotated in and out.

The United States has no such oversight committee of the supreme Court, other than the house and Senate. The only way a federal American judge can be disciplined is through impeachment by Congress.

Maybe you guys should have one? I like the idea of suing SCOTUS for its transgressions.

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Oh, me too! I would dearly love to see some case brought against these anti-choice states on the grounds that they are abridging a woman’s first amendment rights. The most restrictive laws have been enacted by politicians determined to make their entire state adhere to their own personal religious beliefs. That tramples all over my personal religious beliefs, but it doesn’t seem to matter. Of course, the current SCOTUS would most assuredly go against the constitution.

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I like the way you think, Andy! At least two "justices" would suddenly retire if they were sued.

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Oh Andy, so much will be similar to what is going on in the U.S. when we end up with Trump's good buddy Poilievre. So much will change and women's rights are on the line in Canada too. Once a more reasonable nation is taking a page out of the Christofascist playbook too.

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The real problem is Citizens United. Harris has said she has a bill ready to fix some of the awful things wrong with Citizens United. I wonder if Biden isn't working with her on that issue.

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Leonard Leo is behind the religious right-wing takeover of scotus.

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Leonard Leo is an illegitimate leech. He has NO business dictating what women can do with their bodies.

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The enemy of America is sitting on the court; they should be labeled domestic terrorists

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Also, Opus Dei. Check out Greg Olear. He has written extensively on Leonard Leo, Opus Dei, and the court. He is on Substack.

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Yes, Olear has done great work exposing Leo's corruption.

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they have sown the wind, now they shall reap the whirlwind

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Good one! <thumbs up>

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What's next? Women getting tried for murder because they get their period? Isn't that an unborn baby?

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How about charging men for having nocturnal emissions & masturbating?

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That’s what I’ve been saying. If embryos are children, then so is spwrm

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🎶every sperm is sacred🎶

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Laura, there is a difference between an embryo and a sperm. The sperm, just like the ovum, is an individual item that is contributed to an embryo. The embryo exists only when the sperm and ovum unite.

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I just said the same thing!! Grrrr

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Why haven't republicans changed their birth certificate to their conception date? I wish all their IDs for voting were rejected because they have an "invalid " birth date!!

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Ha ha! That's a good one.

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I just said the same thing! The crime.. ovulation without fertilization. Of course this would stop if men were charged criminally for masturbating

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With the warped illogic of these medieval minds of the Opus Dei trying their damnedest to force their way onto American women they need to be held legally accountable for the bodily harm and deaths they are causing.

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Simply outrageous these Supremes. Thank you Mary. Why don't ALL women vote BLUE? I will never understand unless they think nothing could ever happen to them or theirs.. even though they and all the young women in their families are at risk... I will never ever understand.

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Me neither. It boggles the mind

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I think they are programmed to believe what men say. That may not be how girls are raised now, but they sure were when I was growing up.

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Thank you, Mary. 💙

I hope Kamala Harris will win the Electoral College and, if the Senate stays in Democrats hands, the filibuster will be eliminated. I am TIRED of 40 Senators being able to thwart progress.

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One phrase: "WTF???"

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Might I suggest “WTAF”?

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The Supreme Court needs to be held accountable for these poor women that die unnecessarily. Their blood is oon their hands. It makes me so sad for these women

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As should every damn republican politician

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I'm so sorry for my American sisters 😢 I hate to see this happen to you all

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Tinsysnips are you in the UK? The Tories have been criminalising miscarriages here too these past few years :o(

Eaglescliffe woman found not guilty of 'home abortion'

9 January 2024


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I am yes, the UK has a lot of problems. Don't get me started on that!! However the USA is going through some fundamentally awful stuff right now, it's tragic.

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Aye, it absolutely is tragic. But my point is, it behoves us all to fight the good fight - both sides of the pond, because if Trump gets back in, you can bet that his awful policies will 'trickle down' to here and British women will get the same treatment - even under Starmer's Labour because until he changes the guidelines set by the Tories, these kinds of prosecution will continue even though Starmer himself has said : “It should be a matter of a woman’s right to choose. I want to see this reviewed and changed. We need to take criminal law out of it.” Medical misogyny is ingrained in doctors in the UK. Today's Independent: Do they need to see used tampons? The proof that medical misogyny starts in school


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Here's an idea: cut off Medicare and Medicaid funding for any state that is active in this "lawsuit". Imagine the screaming from those statehouses...

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Ohhh I like that angle. Don’t want to follow the law, check this out…

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Good idea, but I think some of these states are ones that refused federal money to expand Medicare. Also other programs intended to help the people in the state. Because Obama, and then Biden.

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Some didn't choose to expand Medicare with the ACA but the majority of people on Medicare are retirees collecting Social Security. I know that gets close to the proverbial "third rail" in politics but we're talking about personal autonomy and human rights for actual living people. Mothers, daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters!

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Why is SCOTUS not held liable for murdering Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller ???

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100% - Like all malignant narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths, scotus won't stop until stopped. https://samray.substack.com/p/justice-is-psychologically-blind

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