Susan, that is why, we women are all going to have to work together to move those ignorant men out of the way until we gain equality with maledom. Getting the ERA certified would go a long way toward that and I hope Biden will do that the day after the election results are final and the transition begins. Biden and Harris should go to the National Archivist together and demand it happen since we have sufficient states that have ratified the amendment. It's time!
I appreciate your optimism, Ruth. My hope is allied with people like you. We need not only women but also men who have the vision to see the inhumanity and suffering that inequality causes. These extreme laws and policies against women will result in the suffering of all humanity.
Susan, you are right that we need all people sympathetic to women's plight to get involved and to stand against the inhumanity of the scared white pseudo-christian men and their female surrogates who think having scared white men in charge will benefit anyone but themselves; it won't!
It's pathetic that we have come this far in the history of the world, and the patriarchal system won't take its foot off our necks!
Susan, that is why, we women are all going to have to work together to move those ignorant men out of the way until we gain equality with maledom. Getting the ERA certified would go a long way toward that and I hope Biden will do that the day after the election results are final and the transition begins. Biden and Harris should go to the National Archivist together and demand it happen since we have sufficient states that have ratified the amendment. It's time!
I appreciate your optimism, Ruth. My hope is allied with people like you. We need not only women but also men who have the vision to see the inhumanity and suffering that inequality causes. These extreme laws and policies against women will result in the suffering of all humanity.
Susan, you are right that we need all people sympathetic to women's plight to get involved and to stand against the inhumanity of the scared white pseudo-christian men and their female surrogates who think having scared white men in charge will benefit anyone but themselves; it won't!
Don't forget about MTG and Bobo, them 2 are just as bad as the men that are doing this.
True! Trad wives ЁЯдо