My brain struggles to find any logic with banning treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy. The latter can kill you easily, and will if not treated. And that fetus will never be viable. Last I knew a woman could not choose to have the embryo implant in her fallopian tube, and anyone who thinks that all miscarriages are abortions are just plain stupid and not connected to reality. Miscarriages are nature's way of saying this one can't make it. The whole issue makes me sick.
You are absolutely correct, Vanda. I've been really annoyed hearing miscarriage treatment referred to as abortion.
My brain struggles to find any logic with banning treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancy. The latter can kill you easily, and will if not treated. And that fetus will never be viable. Last I knew a woman could not choose to have the embryo implant in her fallopian tube, and anyone who thinks that all miscarriages are abortions are just plain stupid and not connected to reality. Miscarriages are nature's way of saying this one can't make it. The whole issue makes me sick.
Yes it is our health care. I can't believe that so many just don't care about women, see them as disposable.
IMO, seeing women as disposable is rather stupid.