I was sure they would. It was heartbreaking and painful. The smiles on Vance, Trump and other MAGA cult members made me want to yell at the top of my lungs to Stop!!! Tears were flowing down my face and it took me a few minutes to realize it. I was crying for the America that we ALL Love.
*The Supreme Court and Judicial System are Politically Controlled Now.
*Our Entire Government Is Criminally Corrupt.
It's remarkably, still early days, and so much BAD has already happened. Short of Marshall Law and the Military In Our Streets. A bloodless coup d'état has successfully taken place.
If I were to place a Bet, I would wager that Everyone Everywhere Will Back Down to tRump, as has ALWAYS Been The Outcome in his history. I can't understand why this has always been the end result. But it has and IMO, will likely continue.
I'm not religious in any way, but if there really were or is an "Anti-Christ, Donald tRump is It. No Body Can ALWAYS WIN! That's Not Possible. He Personally Always Has!
Bide our time, it that's possible. Don't Ever Give Up! Regardless. NEVER! Evil has been destroyed many times in the past, and It WILL Be Destroyed here in America Again.
Personally, I have committed to painting a pinky nail royal blue, and have a “rebel alliance” decal on it, for the entirety of this administration, or until I die. (I’m 70…) Whichever comes first. It’s a small act, but a visible constant reminder. Encouraging others to do the same.
I only watched the first 20 minutes of the COMMUNIST, CONVICTED FELON Donald J. Trump's LIE FEST! that's all I could stand. The American people MUST REVOLT against POTUS MUSK, and EVERY REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN!! NOW!!
Trump is a fascist, not a communist. He does not want a redistribution of wealth from the top echelon down to "the little people," but rather a siphoning of wealth from the bottom echelons by the superrich. In other words, fascism is Robin Hood in reverse. Trump is the anti-Robin Hood.
His attack on President Zelinsky in meeting last Friday in Oval Office. RUSSIAN DICTATOR and WAR CRIMINAL PUTIN is still a COMMUNIST!! It's not as bad as it was in the 1950s and 1960s but, it's still in force!!
I think you may have "communism" confused with "dictatorship," a confusion the US encouraged during the Cold War. Putin is definitely a dictator, but he is also a capitalist (there have been plenty of capitalist dictators: see Chile's Pinochet).
According to the Encylopedia Britannica, "communism [is a] political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society."
Putin does does not want to restore the old Soviet Union; in fact, he's said it was a "mistake." He want to restore the old Russian Empire with himself as Czar.
By using the word communist, I believe she foresaw what is coming. Do you really think they don't plan on stealing our money/and/or property in the future? We paid into social security and now according to Elon it's a Ponzi scheme. This entire scenario is just so depressing.
Putin doesn't want the people owning anything; he wants, like dump and his lackeys, all of it for himself - land, money, means of production, and natural resources (although I'm not sure if he cares about the last, would allow them to perish).
Not quite. If he said that then effectively, he’s saying he was a mistake himself!!
What do you know about the KGB? Do you know what that is and Putin’s role in it during the 1960s/70s? With his cushy number in East Germany? His territorial ambitions are such that he does want to turn back the clock to those days, not what you’re saying here! He was very comfy with his KGB role and his autocratic ambitions are merely an extension of that.
Never forget, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. So, ever wonder why trump and he have such a strange and cozy relationship? No need to dig too far.
And that’s what so bizarre cos Republicans are supposed to hate communism, yet they’re perfectly OK with Putin. Highly likely they simply don’t know his background. I'm not in the least bit surprised.
No he doesn't. He has said that he wants to reinstate the old Soviet Union Post World War 2. And he won't be around long enough to make himself CZAR of Russia. The man has some form of cancer and he even messes in his pants.
That’s what they like to tell you! Ever heard of propaganda? They invented it! You likely weren’t alive then but go back to the 1950s and 60s. There’s plenty to read about it or ask those that knew first hand…most Americans are very poor on history, especially east European history. Check it out. I’ll give you a little clue and leave you to research. 1956 and 1968…..
He’s very, very cosy with Putin. Also Kim, to a lesser extent.
I have to assume you know at least as much as I do about Putin’s background, but I suspect strongly, like most in the US, you don’t.
So, here it is for you. Putin is old guard, like trump. He was a former KGB Colonel in the days of the USSR when it was know as our mortal adversary during the Cold War. You remember that, right? Do you also remember various Republican presidents calling them the axis of evil and trust, but verify? I do, very clearly.
Putin hasn’t chanced since those days. Sure, its no longer the USSR, however, he’s never made any secret if the fact that his one wish is to regain and turn back the clock to the glory days of the Soviet Union in terms of reach and territory. He’s always hated how the Berlin Wall fell and the historical aftermath. Read some books on Russian emigres to get a full perspective.
What does this all mean? It means he’s still a communist at heart. The KGB is no longer secret, it’s more open and know as the FSB. and of course, we all saw, more than once how trump adores Putin and vp believes him rather than our own agencies and government over the past decade. That you cannot deny. There is something quite sinister there especially now. A leopard never changes its spots and only this week a Russian spokesperson stated publicly that trumps vision vis a vis Ukraine, mimics exacting Russians visions and wants! Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
Also, do you remember in trump 1.0 when he went to NK? You do know that NK, the hermit state is one of the few communist countries left in the world, right? Tell me, what American president in your lifetime went to NK and saluted a Communist NK general? I bet you can’t find any. Except trump.
again; fuck semantics although I agree with you; let's go to the reality which is we have been invaded and conquered without a fight; so whatever you want to call our conqueror it is okay with me; how about ENEMY; let history give it all a name; right now it is our reality and I'm sure history will show that those conquered and trapped with no rights shackled as much as those whose rights have been ignored at GITMO are not sitting around the camp fire taking out dictionaries and giving each other lessons on what has happened to them; it is all for naught; we are cooked done, fucked.
Only for the moment. I am hoping that our Generals wake up and take over. Remove all of those a-holes out of office. Either bodily or whatever it takes.
Agreed.. It is trivializing the danger to argue semantics when our entire country seems it's under oligarchical, Fascist rule. Let's hold onto hope that we can make it til the next Congressional election but it doesn't look good, esp with that weak face the Dems put on yesterday.
Trump married one. Go look it up. It also came out in the Irish Star, That Trump was a KGB agent from 1979 to 1989. There are pictures of Trump, Putin and a woman all 3 of them together. Trump and Putin were both KGB during that time period. Putin is always calling Trump his asset on TASS News in Russia.
Snopes says they can't find proof that Trump was KGB, though that doesn't mean he wasn't: absence of proof is not proof of absence. He might be just a "useful idiot."
Marx's vision was based on the assumption that human beings were at their core caring, compassionate, empathetic...wanting to care for other people....well...as we all know...human motivations in the end are less...noble? Decent? We are of the animal kingdom...wild at our core....
I cried, too. Watching America be destroyed by Trump, Vance and Musk piece by piece everyday is taxing on my soul. And Trump will not shut up about Biden. I'm hoarse from screaming at the television. Trump told so many lies tonight it was disgusting. This man has to be one of the cruelest individuals ever created. And Elon with his chainsaw-I wish he would've cut himself. To me, he was mocking us-people who were fired and now worry where there next meal will come from or if they will be able to pay rent or feed their children. But Musk and Trump don't have to worry. They will be fine. How is it Elon Musk who is fueled by Ketamine everyday is allowed all these government contracts? And he refused to answer questions regarding Putin. WHY does he still gets contracts? I don't care if he is the most brilliant human who ever lived-we do NOT need him or his big ass PUMPKIN ego head if he is on drugs and/or working with Putin.
Elon musk is NOT brilliant he buys stuff that makes him look brilliant and the stuff is made or developed by a person who is actually brilliant but never confused musk being brilliant
He and tffg share this attribute. Neither has any discernible intelligence or any redeeming qualities. They just buy things and break them. Unrestrained toddlers running amok. 😡
They will not be fine. At some point, when all of America’s allies have abandoned it, when the people become impoverished and are dying from war, disease and famine, when the rest of nature is devastated and climate emergencies make huge swathes of the US uninhabitable, the people will become desperate and angry enough to take action (likely violent action). Getting to that point is too horrible to bear.
It occurs to me that what you described could be just what the Elon Musks of the world want. Getting rid of the undocumented is step 1 and then the Americans will be expected to do the work the immigrants did otherwise starve. The robots are taking over many jobs already and of course will continue to put people out of work.
There was talk about giving the middle class and lower class basic income for not working. Not sure if that's under consideration still.
I think tech guys, Musk, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Ellison, the AI crowd and folks in the wings are very dangerous people because they value machines over humanity.
Some guy has a video out saying Musk's ultimate goal is to produce a "US of AI", getting rid of as many human workers as he can without, of course, having a plan as to how they will survive.
He doesn’t care if they survive. He’s called government workers or anyone on SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, even SS and Medicare, the “parasite class.” Those are who he wants to eliminate. Doesn’t matter how. 😡
The only thing Musk ever had was money. Not brains. He bought other peoples' creations and slapped his name on them and took credit for them. He's a drug addled POS.
Worse crimes are likely unfolding quietly behind the scenes, committed by the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025—who must be quite pleased with their choice of distraction show stars. Mr. Trump remains both Russia’s greatest asset and the ideal wrecking ball for ushering in the technofascist order these narcissistic pseudo-Christians and other sociopaths always want to control.
Little mike Johnson was quite the bobble head clappy crappy cheerleader for his Master. The entire Republican side of sycophants held a United imbecile Front in support of dear leader. I do wish the dems could have been more United in their stance. For instance it was easy to escort Green out but if all dems had stood up and recited the first amendment or s o m e t h I n g it would have been unmanageable to escort them all out all at once
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Last week I found myself in tears to the point my eyes were red and burning because of the way Trump and Vance were piling on Zelensky in the meeting. The poor man is fighting for his life and for his country and they just sliced him and diced him. The sad look of desperation on his face was too much for me to handle. He was only president for two years before the war and Trump seemed to relish in it. How dare he? How dare they? I was just as much ashamed of our government as I was hurt for Zelensky. 😔
I have been crying and whimpering like a wounded animal but not for me — for what I’ve witnessed — all that is wrong — which is more poignantly felt I think by my age group.
We knew the people who fought in WWII and WWI and Vietnam and Korea and Iraq and Afghanistan; and we heard of those who fought in the wars before WWI for our parents and grandparents knew those relatives.
We witnessed a building. We witnessed people working tirelessly so they could see their children do better. All that ended in the nineties when things turned and the generations after me had less and did worse.
Where now our children are aware they could be mowed down by AR-15’s in their school; where the health of our children and life expectancy dipped; where we slowly over time felt more and more deprived; taking on two or three jobs.
And singlehandedly getting our economy thru the pandemic working hard; look at the teachers and the nurses and the doctors and all the front-line workers. Top to bottom it was those of us who go to work every day both at home or remotely that got us thru the pandemic; taught our children at home; took care of our elders; for we had no leadership at that time. None!
And what is the reward? — Within one or two administrations we are now in a 3rd world country and oppressed and hurt daily by an oligarchy ruled by a self-appointed “King.”
I think much of the cause of our not being able to hold onto our democracy and why our democracy has failed has to do with our not maturing as did our allies into democracies that fully embrace women as leaders holding the power of a Prime Minister for example. We introduced democracy to those nations and then we failed to keep it for ourselves.
King Charles and the NATO world leaders have gotten together, France, England, Germany, Poland and Ireland. They are going to work on a peace deal for Ukraine that will include putting boots on the ground. Ireland will form UN Peace Keeping duties. They are talking about stopping Russia aircraft and drones. No fly zones. They told Ukraine that it's important for him Zelensky to try to secure the support of the United States. However, I don't believe Zelensky is going to give the U.S. any mineral rights to their lands. I do think that Ukraine will give and share their precious minerals with the big NATO countries. France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom. A big win for NATO.
Welcome to the world of politics and negotiation! What you see , good or bad, are all parts of moves in chess game after carefully planned out on both sides. You may not need to get too excited or upset on what you see since it will be easier for you if you wait until the end of game.
I was continuously disgusted by Vance's snivaling little smirk. I bet he was bullied as a child. He clearly enjoyed his 'king's' feeble attempts to insult "the other side of the room". (Not that they had anything to be proud of themselves. They could have walked out with Rep. Green. Since they stayed, I feel like the Dems. could have clapped for the success of the little boy who conquered cancer, the young man who achieved acceptance into West Point. And showed respect for the strength of the parents of the girls killed. Maybe others too; what happened to when they go low we go high". Try it, Dems. or at least try something of consequence to help those wbo want to look to you for guidance through this nightmare!)
Sounds like they should have walked out in disgust 😬 if the dems don't unifie soon and start kicking some ass like the Vernonters did to JD Vance then we're lost.
Oh, I found my comment. It wasn’t Vance who insulted “the other side” it was Trump. Be tried to ‘trigger’ them with many comments about ‘the people on that side’ , disparaging them, saying they wouldn’t be happy no matter what he said. I never said he cursed at them.
If they had he would have filled their seats. They needed to walk out as he began. MAGA needs someone to jeer at. He would have been off his tact and spiraled.
They would have taken the seats after they walked out and laughed about it. You can’t give him not one ounce of attention. There were several that walked out and it didn’t even affect him. He just kept talking and talking and talking or should I say lying and lying and lying. 😂😂😂
😂. He thrives on the anger, hatred and defiance. He’s a big time narcissist. the democrats haven’t been able to come together to figure out how to really throw him off his game. I just wish they would all come together.
I think they might be afraid!! When you are dealing with a narcissist control freak it can become very volatile very quickly. If he's going to be confronted there should be armed guards in the background.
Yes, they are afraid. Supposedly they’ve been threatened but so have we. They always say there is safety in numbers. You’d think they would all get together to stop him. Definitely the democrats and other countries would help them. Plus his mental illness doesn’t help.
Yes, I said this yesterday. Now we look weak and degraded. They truly have no idea how to handle trump. They need to listen to the young ones. With the experience of the senior democrats with the younger ones they can come up with something different than the same old stuff that’s not working. The one thing they should have learned from trump last night was to throw someone out when they get heckle. Not once did we do it when our democratic leader was speaking. Sign of weakness. Stop being the almighty righteous.
It really shouldn’t matter whether they walked out, stayed or didn’t go. We should all know by now or that the Democratic Party has failed American citizens since before the inauguration! All of our government has failed us all in an epic fashion!
It is a big deal. Attending the speech has always been a major event. Not showing up shows just how little respect there is for the man and just how much they all knew if was just going to be a lying spectacle. At least in the Democratic party one has a choice. With MAGAts, it's required and attendance is taken.
Not showing up is meaningless. No one would notice or care. Showing up, speaking out and forcing them to stop everything to escort the Dems out one at a time for the next two hours, THAT would have meant something. And it would have shown those watching that the Democrats were unified and prepared to fight.
They do notice. They do care. Cause a scene? It would show the Democrats are nothing more than 6th graders causing a ruckus. That's what it would show. They are fighting, they are prepared! Where have you been? Are you aware of all the cases now in court? This is not a Marx Brothers movie.
My Senator Ron Wyden held a virtual townhall during the same time. I watched that and afterward Senator Merkley held a virtual meeting about the speech. I’m 61 was planning on applying for SS soon and I’m afraid I will lose my safety nets like Medicaid and Snap. Had Trump been held accountable years ago this wouldn’t have happened. I feel great sadness at what they have done to America. Evil traitors.
Yes it was nice to have that support with about 5K other people viewing. I hope we can get out of this mess soon. Lots of lawsuits, restraining orders and injunctions.
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has said he will be in attendance "to make clear to the nation that there is a strong opposition party ready, willing and able to serve as a check and balance on the excesses of the administration."
I got news for you - .mission not accomplished. You are weak and you look weak. No cohesive message me opposition. If they aren't going to do their job,resign and we will elect someone who will.
He's useless. And where's Schumer? Does anyone on here ever hear anything from him?
It amazes me that the Dems put no plans in place to slow down Trump if he got elected.
They're acting like they never heard any of Trumps plans. Everyone heard what Trump planned to do once he got elected and Project 25 spelled it all out. Yet the Dems did nothing to put some restraints in place to reign in Trump.
I wonder sometimes if they're is just one party. What if they're all in on the plan to end democracy?
Thus pointing out Dem's generational issue with messaging. "We are, at heart, neoliberal shills with less taste for blowing up marginalized people" is not the greatest message.
Rubbish. Stop giving the MAGAts the ammunition to throw back at us. It was a stupid circus. That's all. Nothing was accomplished except realizing that trump is nothing more than a two bit imitation of Hitler. You fight where it counts, not in a closed arena of idiocy.
Why did they even attend? To even give a whiff of normalcy to what is happening was shocking to me. Had they all walked out it would have given me hope. At least one of our senators Patty Murray did not attend. I sent her a thank you e-mail when I found out.
I know! Al Green being “escorted out”, and the dems sat there not saying ONE WORD. Everyone submits to Trump and I don’t see a way out of this if our party cannot even stand up to them!
Nope. Stand by my comment: It DOESN'T MATTER one iota what we say....one way or another. Maggots are in a realm so far removed from objective reality...that even innocuous statements, statements of fact MEAN NOTHING. Ergo...they understand ONLY CRAZY. So...we need to throw all caution to the wind. We've already been overtaken by a FASCIST COUP. Appears more amerikans than I thought are....nazis...jack boots, brown shirts and all....vile and evil...where are the words? Hellish ...for one. At this point: NO holds barred...forward into the breach. SHARPEN THE PITCHFORKS...for defense...not offense.
Not all, just the feckless Schumer & Jeffries, we need to make the DNC hear our demands for NEW BIG TENT FIGHTERS LEADING A RESISTANCE…
I DID see Ken Martin new DNC Head on Roland Martin’s BlackStarNetwork Live Stream “State Of Our Union” over the ‘Rump Regime Propaganda Fest. He made good points (like maybe SOME INCUMBENT DEM LEADERS better watch their back) while discussing & brainstorming 50 State Plan ideas with Black Women Grassroots Leaders (again always the Backbone of the Dem Party) plans as the 95 plus Lawsuits against EVERY SINGLE ‘RUMP MUSK ILLEGAL EO he exclaimed the past 5 weeks.
I DID see Ken Martin new DNC Head on Roland Martin’s BlackStarNetwork Live Stream “State Of Our Union” over the ‘Rump Regime Propaganda Fest. He made good points (like maybe SOME INCUMBENT DEM LEADERS better watch their back) while discussing & brainstorming 50 State Plan ideas with Black Women Grassroots Leaders (again always the Backbone of the Dem Party) plans as our Dem. State AG'sn ACLU, Federal Judges can hold the line of the 95 plus Lawsuits against EVERY SINGLE ‘RUMP MUSK ILLEGAL EO he exclaimed the past 5 weeks.
I would have suggested organizing it. Have groups of members shout "That's a lie!" or something similar together every time Trump distorted the truth, then walk out.
Due to not enough Dems having been voted in. I claim the voters 1st. Too many voted for a snake-oil salesman, and now they are surprised that he's a farce.
I don't think he was actually voted in. Very disturbing new evidence of voter fraud found by the election truth alliance. If interested go check out what they have recently found.
90 million eligible voters... didn't. That means over 2/3rds of the electorate did NOT want trump. How much messaging do they need, after 10 years of watching orange menace and his ass-kissing republicans?
They are sucking right now. We can’t keep yelling at them about what we want them to do, we need to SHOW them. Get out in the streets. Call you reps and tell them about your disappointment and what you want them to do, and don’t stop until they are out there doing it!!💙🇺🇸🥰
I was thinking the same thing!! That would have been an embarrassment to Trump, who always lauds his crowd sizes. To see a half-empty chamber would be an embarrassment, let alone not having the respect of the whole body of congress. Mr. Popularity he is not!!
The next address Trump gives, the Dems should walk out one by one after each lie. Each departure would signify yet another lie by Trump. Now THAT would make a statement that couldn’t be ignored. The room would empty little by little magnifying the reality of each lie.
And they should announce they’re going to do that ahead of time. Who knows, the Republicans might, instead of escorting them out, force them to stay in order to avoid the publicity. I wouldn’t put anything past them.
YES! I came here to say exactly this! WTF is wrong with the F'ing Democrats! I have had an extremely bad taste in my mouth regarding Dems (except the small handful of go-getters like AOC, Crockett, Frost, etc) ever since the extremely suspicious election when Harris just refused to call for recounts at least in the swing states after all the horrible chaos both before election day (voter suppression) and on election day at Dem stronghold polling places (bomb threats and closures). Then, in Biden's post election speech he said "anyone calling for any recounts is un-American"! WTF!
Mary, please don’t say America is over. I don’t believe it is. We are going through very difficult days right now. I’m 68 years old and retired 7 months from a career as an RN doing direct pt care. I didn’t want to retire. I got breast cancer and the treatments took a toll on my energy level.
But, I’m not giving up! None of us should!
I’m worried about my social security. Sometimes I don’t sleep well. Sometimes I’m exhausted. But I’m not giving in. I won’t let an ignorant malignant narcissistic sociopath steal my life or my JOY! I’m beating cancer and together we can beat Donald!
I hear you that is my only source of income also so my son handicap and myself 68 years old are planning a yard sale to sell everything in our home because we know that we will be homeless
Me. too. And with 3 back surgeries, 2 neck surgeries I may be facing another one because I can barely put my foot down without excruciating pain-how can I work like that? I'm extremely concerned.
Stacie, me too..... but I just know that they ARE going to try to take our money away from us...... they've been planning this for decades. If they try to get away with that, then someone is going to do a Luigi on them all..... and they'll ALL DESERVE IT. 😞. I don't know how I'll live without my meager Social security allotment, I'm disabled with a chronic pain condition and can't work anymore 😢. It's terrifying.
Yes, me too. Retired librarian with a chronically ill husband. I don’t have time for this. I am very sad but truly at a loss of what I can do. I am in a red state, MO, and my state government is so pro Trump I am embarrassed for them.
I started small. I found a group called Freedom Writers. We write postcards for Democrat candidates. Then, I went to my first protest. Since then I’ve been to three more. I use the 5 Calls app to make calls to my Senators and Reps almost everyday. I joined Indivisible. They are nationwide organizing people to resist. You can find them on Facebook.
If you just call your congress and Senators, it DOES make a difference.
Oh, Trump would probably have me drawn and quartered if I told that rat bastard what's on my mind. I don't like too much talking, and he does that. I also don't liars, and he does that alot. I really just hate him and every effing thing about him. I hated him before he even got into politics! His voice gets my ire up, seeing him online makes me angry, the asinine faces he makes, how red his face gets when he's mad, how he says the same damned thing all the time, "...and it's gonna be beautiful and big...", lies, lies, lies! I hate Vance, too. The other day, when these two apes were tag teaming Zelensky, I heard Vance saying, "You never said 'thank you' and I was like " I wish Zelensky would reach across and cold cocktail Vance, in his fat cheeked squirrel face! Ugh...and Mike Johnson, the dude that professes to be a faithful Christian, while he's worshipping Satan. Oh! I forgot my favorite, sniveling bastard, Stephen Miller, a jew, who is saying all kinds of crazy nazi stuff, every time he is taped. How does one come to hate their own people, their ancestors, their family, as much as this guy does? He needs something alright! He has turned his back on the holocaust of his own people, and is portraying himself as a nazi. Someone like this is really sick in the head, but I know what would fix him. Congress? What's to say? Bernie Sanders is the only one I still listen to, because he has the spine to call all of these bad people out, as he did last night after Trump's 90-minute "Look at me! I'm special! I'm smug. I'm an asshole. I'm stupid. I'm a Russian infiltrator. I'm a wannabe dictator. I am the antichrist!" BTW, did you all see his new spray tan job? Way too heavy. Uneven. Streaking down his face. This guy really likes his spray tans, doesn't he? When he refers to himself as "God," which I believe he will do soon, that's when we all need to know that things are not going to get better ever again, and that we have entered the final battle on earth. If he claims himself to be God, that is the last sign before he unveils who he really is, to the public. I'm not a religious zealot, but I do believe, and I have been following this situation for a while now, and listening to some biblical scholars who are convinced that all the proof leads to Trump. I happen to believe that, too. I know it is terrifying to think of, but if it's coming, it's coming.
god bless you stacy..i too am on social security and a small pension,both of which i need to live..i drive a 23 year old car,live in a very modest home,and i am far from extravagent..it it is a system we both paid into during working years,and NOT SOME KIND OF "GIFT",that the billionaires neither care about nor need,want to take away to give MORE money to other billionaires..yes,i believe we have a whole mixture of ideas embodied in trump,and his MAGA friends wouldnt know one from the other..oligarch,monarch,dictator,autocrat..arent we lucky!!
I’m so sorry you have breast cancer! My sister is going through chemo (and has her last treatment this week!) so I know how exhausting it is. Some days she only has a couple of good hours to get things accomplished and then has to rest and sleep the rest of the day. Her double mastectomy is next month. I hope you feel better soon and kick cancer’s a$$! Thanks for using what energy you’ve got to fight for our country.
I’ve had chemo, surgery and radiation. I’ve been very fortunate. My cancer was caught early on a routine mammogram and I sought out treatment immediately. I was also fortunate to work in a community hospital in the perioperatve area so I knew the surgeon I wanted to do my surgery. I went back to work after 7 months off for treatment. I worked for a year and realized I no longer had the energy level to do my job and live my life. I offered to work partime but duties would have required on call which is rigorous. So I retired. I have to pace myself but I am doing well. I used to be that person that did everything all at once so this is a new chapter. I decided to pursue activism because I love this country and I love people.
Good luck on your recovery. Never loose your fighting spirit. You inspire others to continue to fight. We will all need to rely on each other to get through this.
I agree! I hope my story encourages others to participate in resistance and opposition to facism, oligarchy and authoritarianism. We had several new members at our postcard writing group today. I recognized some from the activist meetings that I and others had recently attended. Our movement is growing!!
You’re my kind of gal! Seeing the good work nurses do while my parents declined really gave me a deep appreciation and respect for the profession. I’m glad we’re in the fight together. 🙂
I am of a similar mind. I fought 10 years for my son to get Soc sec disability. He is on the spectrum. TEN YEARS! There’s no waste in Soc Sec! The opposite is true—many people who SHOULD have it don’t. They either don’t know how to use their due process rights or they give up b4 exhausting all their appeals. And the courts are SLOW. As we all have seen.
I’m not giving up either. My son has to live in this world after I’m gone and I’ll be damned if these radical narcissistic sociopaths think they’re going to steal from us to enrich themselves. I’d rather die fighting than to just let that happen!
Stacy Nichols, as a fellow retired RN, you are a hero to me! May we all be strong like you! May you beat cancer and May we all beat Donald Trump. Thank you!
Don't let donald smear his wretched orange makeup all over your world or color your sense of peace which is part of healing...peace joy & beauty of this world trump donald any day of the week. 💙
Well and truly from your heart, dear sister nurse !
God Bless you for your lifetime of service!
You represent the true backbone of this country....hero's in all walks of life!
I echo your words ...." ...I am beating cancer and together we can beat donald.( lower case intentional!)!. I rise to give you a standing.ovation! 🙏🇺🇸👏
Yes.. he bought his votes with elon's help in changing voter machine code...there are engineers investigating this, one (Stephen Spoonamore) is on Substack, and he even sent a letter and called Harris' office to try to get them to start investigation. Unfortunately he did not hear back - I don't understand why former presidents/VPs are not saying anything about all this - or at least telling us they are working on something to stop it !!!!!!!
Their online zoom talks are terrific. Also on SS and Medicare and no living family. We must take to the streets, contact our reps, for those w Red reps go to their offices and call them as they are too chicken to have town halls. How are they getting paid to do nothing??
So many want not the way it was, but what it can be. When he went into all the cliched accomplishments of “America,” i couldn’t help but think of all the people who were oppressed in the process. As the Realtors might say, our democracy has “good bones.” If there is ANYthing left to work with, we need to help our home “live up to its potential.”
They all should have walked out silently. What the fuck would this spineless lying sack of detritus do shoot all of them? Totally embarrassed by the Dems.
That’s me too! I get so mad and can’t stand to even look at the despicable GOP TRAITORS! I also yell at the Dems doing nothing to support the Americans that want them to as well as a member of their own party( Al Green) being forcefully removed without so much as a walk out in solidarity!!
I refused to watch it because of his treatment of President Zelensky & the tariffs he’s put on Canada & when we added our own tariffs, he threatened to reply in kind! He first began talk of tariffs as firefighters from all across Canada were water-bombing fires in California! What upset me tonight was CBC carrying it! Sorry, we need to stop giving him airtime! Slava Ukraini🇨🇦🇺🇦🌻🍁
What the hell is wrong with the Democrat “leaders”?! They haven’t figured out that playing by the previously established rule book no longer applies. That Donald (took your YouTube note calling him that) has pissed all over the constitution so we have to figure out different ways to interact with that sad excuse for a human. So many of us knew he’d make quick work of demolishing our Democracy. The GOP sycophantic enablers need to be tried too. They let this mobster loose on America. Our decimation falls on them. America’s cancer has increased to stage 4 and metastasized. Mary, thank you for your insights and helping lead the fight. You also make me chuckle which is extra welcome during these terribly depressing times. 🫶
Totally agree. These Democratic leaders do not understand the moment they are in. That we are in. It is absolutely unforgivable that they let this opportunity pass. That they could not figure out a coordinated way to signal opposition. Shame!
Totally agree, Mary, thank you so much for all you're doing! I didn't even consider watching, I would have lost it and thrown something and scared the cat. Can't believe no Democrat had a plan, everyone knew what he would say would be horrible. What did Bernie do? He's usually spot on, maybe starting to wear down. I may be back to being depressed and researching reverse immigration - my grandparents came from Finland so I still have family there...
The lackluster response of the Democrats has me angrier than the orange man’s speech. They should have been on their feet, shouting, calling out the lies, and leaving en masse with Rep. Green. We have no Democratic leadership. I’m livid.
You’re correct about the Dems. And where were the unjustly fired federal workers? That was supposed to be the Dem message of the night but i don’t recall seeing them mentioned, even on MSNBC if they’re not visible to the country, what’s the point?
I had to leave my house. Could stand the constant stream of lies, childish taunts and all the other crap.
I want out of here so badly! I just want to run away and never be seen again. Just when I think the idiot has done his worst, he reaches a new low. I just can't stand it! 💔💔💔💔💔
Worse than Trump who we know is mentally deranged is all the republicans who are going along with him. And yes the democrats should have vocalized their disgust. As a Canadian, I was proud of our Prime Minister Trudeau who had no fear this morning to call out Trump in a strong and direct manner. Or “Donald” as Trudeau calls him.
It really was frustrating as fuck to watch the dems sit there and do nothing after Green was removed. Holding up their little paddles like they were at an auction. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Sorry, but the optics of their silence makes them look complicit. Americans quivering in fear and demonstrating at protests right now need MORE from them!
I couldn't make myself watch it. I'm a senior citizen who has seen a lot in my life, but nothing like what is happening today. I didn't vote for the traitor because I could see what he is and knew he would destroy our country. Like everyone else I've been scared and worried about what will happen tomorrow. But I will fight to my last breath against the tyranny and destruction that Donald Trump has brought to our country and our people.
They should have walked out with Green.
I was sure they would. It was heartbreaking and painful. The smiles on Vance, Trump and other MAGA cult members made me want to yell at the top of my lungs to Stop!!! Tears were flowing down my face and it took me a few minutes to realize it. I was crying for the America that we ALL Love.
Those crocodile smiles - like Hitler and Goering.
We know how they ended!!
Yeah, but that's only because America finally joined the war.
Very bad guys often live long lives and die in their beds. Look at Stalin.
And are succeeded by their children.
Keep an eye on Baron!
BUT! Who's Gonna Join The WAR To Save America???
*Both Political Parties have become ONE.
*The Supreme Court and Judicial System are Politically Controlled Now.
*Our Entire Government Is Criminally Corrupt.
It's remarkably, still early days, and so much BAD has already happened. Short of Marshall Law and the Military In Our Streets. A bloodless coup d'état has successfully taken place.
If I were to place a Bet, I would wager that Everyone Everywhere Will Back Down to tRump, as has ALWAYS Been The Outcome in his history. I can't understand why this has always been the end result. But it has and IMO, will likely continue.
I'm not religious in any way, but if there really were or is an "Anti-Christ, Donald tRump is It. No Body Can ALWAYS WIN! That's Not Possible. He Personally Always Has!
Bide our time, it that's possible. Don't Ever Give Up! Regardless. NEVER! Evil has been destroyed many times in the past, and It WILL Be Destroyed here in America Again.
I suggest, in memory of Benito Mussilinni, we all done little collar pins or wrist charms in the shape of meathooks.
Personally, I have committed to painting a pinky nail royal blue, and have a “rebel alliance” decal on it, for the entirety of this administration, or until I die. (I’m 70…) Whichever comes first. It’s a small act, but a visible constant reminder. Encouraging others to do the same.
Or PITCHFORKS...symbol of the RESISTANCE...pass it on
More info please!!!
Here’s hoping
I only watched the first 20 minutes of the COMMUNIST, CONVICTED FELON Donald J. Trump's LIE FEST! that's all I could stand. The American people MUST REVOLT against POTUS MUSK, and EVERY REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN!! NOW!!
I agree 100%!!! Seeing Musk up there in the balcony made me absolutely pissed!!
He's such an A$$🎩
He has to keep an eye on his investment.
#TRUTH ✨️🕊✨️
Trump is a fascist, not a communist. He does not want a redistribution of wealth from the top echelon down to "the little people," but rather a siphoning of wealth from the bottom echelons by the superrich. In other words, fascism is Robin Hood in reverse. Trump is the anti-Robin Hood.
Wherever did you get the idea that Trump is a communist?
His attack on President Zelinsky in meeting last Friday in Oval Office. RUSSIAN DICTATOR and WAR CRIMINAL PUTIN is still a COMMUNIST!! It's not as bad as it was in the 1950s and 1960s but, it's still in force!!
I think you may have "communism" confused with "dictatorship," a confusion the US encouraged during the Cold War. Putin is definitely a dictator, but he is also a capitalist (there have been plenty of capitalist dictators: see Chile's Pinochet).
According to the Encylopedia Britannica, "communism [is a] political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society."
Putin does does not want to restore the old Soviet Union; in fact, he's said it was a "mistake." He want to restore the old Russian Empire with himself as Czar.
By using the word communist, I believe she foresaw what is coming. Do you really think they don't plan on stealing our money/and/or property in the future? We paid into social security and now according to Elon it's a Ponzi scheme. This entire scenario is just so depressing.
Great explanation. Refreshing to see the Encyclopedia Brittanica mentioned. A trip down memory lane!
Putin doesn't want the people owning anything; he wants, like dump and his lackeys, all of it for himself - land, money, means of production, and natural resources (although I'm not sure if he cares about the last, would allow them to perish).
Not quite. If he said that then effectively, he’s saying he was a mistake himself!!
What do you know about the KGB? Do you know what that is and Putin’s role in it during the 1960s/70s? With his cushy number in East Germany? His territorial ambitions are such that he does want to turn back the clock to those days, not what you’re saying here! He was very comfy with his KGB role and his autocratic ambitions are merely an extension of that.
Never forget, a leopard doesn’t change its spots. So, ever wonder why trump and he have such a strange and cozy relationship? No need to dig too far.
And that’s what so bizarre cos Republicans are supposed to hate communism, yet they’re perfectly OK with Putin. Highly likely they simply don’t know his background. I'm not in the least bit surprised.
No he doesn't. He has said that he wants to reinstate the old Soviet Union Post World War 2. And he won't be around long enough to make himself CZAR of Russia. The man has some form of cancer and he even messes in his pants.
Words have meanings. Please don't be like one of the MAGAts who think they can use any word or phrase as a synonym for "thing I don't like".
Putin is an autocrat, who leans far more toward fascism than communism. Calling him or his orange puppet "communist" is laughably incorrect.
We are at war; fuck semantics.
Perhaps not officially, but he certainly is a Russian asset or agent.
Certainly, he's a Russian asset or agent, but Russia hasn't been a Communist country since 1991.
That’s what they like to tell you! Ever heard of propaganda? They invented it! You likely weren’t alive then but go back to the 1950s and 60s. There’s plenty to read about it or ask those that knew first hand…most Americans are very poor on history, especially east European history. Check it out. I’ll give you a little clue and leave you to research. 1956 and 1968…..
Russia still has the Communist Party alive and kicking! And they don't hide it.
Let's make it official
Maybe because he’s a Russian asset. Even so, he wouldn’t have a clue. He quotes Hitler all the time making him a Fascist.
Simple. A little history lesson for you.
He’s very, very cosy with Putin. Also Kim, to a lesser extent.
I have to assume you know at least as much as I do about Putin’s background, but I suspect strongly, like most in the US, you don’t.
So, here it is for you. Putin is old guard, like trump. He was a former KGB Colonel in the days of the USSR when it was know as our mortal adversary during the Cold War. You remember that, right? Do you also remember various Republican presidents calling them the axis of evil and trust, but verify? I do, very clearly.
Putin hasn’t chanced since those days. Sure, its no longer the USSR, however, he’s never made any secret if the fact that his one wish is to regain and turn back the clock to the glory days of the Soviet Union in terms of reach and territory. He’s always hated how the Berlin Wall fell and the historical aftermath. Read some books on Russian emigres to get a full perspective.
What does this all mean? It means he’s still a communist at heart. The KGB is no longer secret, it’s more open and know as the FSB. and of course, we all saw, more than once how trump adores Putin and vp believes him rather than our own agencies and government over the past decade. That you cannot deny. There is something quite sinister there especially now. A leopard never changes its spots and only this week a Russian spokesperson stated publicly that trumps vision vis a vis Ukraine, mimics exacting Russians visions and wants! Surprised? You shouldn’t be.
Also, do you remember in trump 1.0 when he went to NK? You do know that NK, the hermit state is one of the few communist countries left in the world, right? Tell me, what American president in your lifetime went to NK and saluted a Communist NK general? I bet you can’t find any. Except trump.
again; fuck semantics although I agree with you; let's go to the reality which is we have been invaded and conquered without a fight; so whatever you want to call our conqueror it is okay with me; how about ENEMY; let history give it all a name; right now it is our reality and I'm sure history will show that those conquered and trapped with no rights shackled as much as those whose rights have been ignored at GITMO are not sitting around the camp fire taking out dictionaries and giving each other lessons on what has happened to them; it is all for naught; we are cooked done, fucked.
Only for the moment. I am hoping that our Generals wake up and take over. Remove all of those a-holes out of office. Either bodily or whatever it takes.
Agreed.. It is trivializing the danger to argue semantics when our entire country seems it's under oligarchical, Fascist rule. Let's hold onto hope that we can make it til the next Congressional election but it doesn't look good, esp with that weak face the Dems put on yesterday.
And you are right.
Please tell us— what’s so damn funny?
...from the rings around his mouth whenever he sucks off Putin.
Trump married one. Go look it up. It also came out in the Irish Star, That Trump was a KGB agent from 1979 to 1989. There are pictures of Trump, Putin and a woman all 3 of them together. Trump and Putin were both KGB during that time period. Putin is always calling Trump his asset on TASS News in Russia.
Snopes says they can't find proof that Trump was KGB, though that doesn't mean he wasn't: absence of proof is not proof of absence. He might be just a "useful idiot."
So Trump is a "communist?" He fooled many by spending many years running a succession of (failed) businesses .
exactly! He also files 7 bankruptcies to include in Russia as well. Putin told on Trump the first time he was president.
I yelled and screamed at my tv for an hour and forty five minutes.
We just need 7 republican representatives to wake up and develop ethics as a start.
Won't hold my breath
That's Re-Putin-Cans.
Also known as Republitards.
Marx's vision was based on the assumption that human beings were at their core caring, compassionate, empathetic...wanting to care for other people....well...as we all know...human motivations in the end are less...noble? Decent? We are of the animal kingdom...wild at our core....
NOT communist.
I cried, too. Watching America be destroyed by Trump, Vance and Musk piece by piece everyday is taxing on my soul. And Trump will not shut up about Biden. I'm hoarse from screaming at the television. Trump told so many lies tonight it was disgusting. This man has to be one of the cruelest individuals ever created. And Elon with his chainsaw-I wish he would've cut himself. To me, he was mocking us-people who were fired and now worry where there next meal will come from or if they will be able to pay rent or feed their children. But Musk and Trump don't have to worry. They will be fine. How is it Elon Musk who is fueled by Ketamine everyday is allowed all these government contracts? And he refused to answer questions regarding Putin. WHY does he still gets contracts? I don't care if he is the most brilliant human who ever lived-we do NOT need him or his big ass PUMPKIN ego head if he is on drugs and/or working with Putin.
Elon musk is NOT brilliant he buys stuff that makes him look brilliant and the stuff is made or developed by a person who is actually brilliant but never confused musk being brilliant
Exactly! He is not brilliant, just another Conman like Trump.
He and tffg share this attribute. Neither has any discernible intelligence or any redeeming qualities. They just buy things and break them. Unrestrained toddlers running amok. 😡
They will not be fine. At some point, when all of America’s allies have abandoned it, when the people become impoverished and are dying from war, disease and famine, when the rest of nature is devastated and climate emergencies make huge swathes of the US uninhabitable, the people will become desperate and angry enough to take action (likely violent action). Getting to that point is too horrible to bear.
It occurs to me that what you described could be just what the Elon Musks of the world want. Getting rid of the undocumented is step 1 and then the Americans will be expected to do the work the immigrants did otherwise starve. The robots are taking over many jobs already and of course will continue to put people out of work.
There was talk about giving the middle class and lower class basic income for not working. Not sure if that's under consideration still.
I think tech guys, Musk, Zuckerberg, Thiel, Ellison, the AI crowd and folks in the wings are very dangerous people because they value machines over humanity.
Some guy has a video out saying Musk's ultimate goal is to produce a "US of AI", getting rid of as many human workers as he can without, of course, having a plan as to how they will survive.
He doesn’t care if they survive. He’s called government workers or anyone on SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, even SS and Medicare, the “parasite class.” Those are who he wants to eliminate. Doesn’t matter how. 😡
Everything you comment, I agree. But - He’s not brilliant. He’s sick. And on drugs.
The only thing Musk ever had was money. Not brains. He bought other peoples' creations and slapped his name on them and took credit for them. He's a drug addled POS.
So it's not just me screaming. My heart feels so heavy.
Worse crimes are likely unfolding quietly behind the scenes, committed by the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025—who must be quite pleased with their choice of distraction show stars. Mr. Trump remains both Russia’s greatest asset and the ideal wrecking ball for ushering in the technofascist order these narcissistic pseudo-Christians and other sociopaths always want to control.
What are the lies?
The ones that came out every time Trump opened his trap.
Any specific examples you like to share?
Where the fukin hell have you been?
I refuse to watch it
I couldn’t….just couldn’t.
Little mike Johnson was quite the bobble head clappy crappy cheerleader for his Master. The entire Republican side of sycophants held a United imbecile Front in support of dear leader. I do wish the dems could have been more United in their stance. For instance it was easy to escort Green out but if all dems had stood up and recited the first amendment or s o m e t h I n g it would have been unmanageable to escort them all out all at once
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Last week I found myself in tears to the point my eyes were red and burning because of the way Trump and Vance were piling on Zelensky in the meeting. The poor man is fighting for his life and for his country and they just sliced him and diced him. The sad look of desperation on his face was too much for me to handle. He was only president for two years before the war and Trump seemed to relish in it. How dare he? How dare they? I was just as much ashamed of our government as I was hurt for Zelensky. 😔
I have been crying and whimpering like a wounded animal but not for me — for what I’ve witnessed — all that is wrong — which is more poignantly felt I think by my age group.
We knew the people who fought in WWII and WWI and Vietnam and Korea and Iraq and Afghanistan; and we heard of those who fought in the wars before WWI for our parents and grandparents knew those relatives.
We witnessed a building. We witnessed people working tirelessly so they could see their children do better. All that ended in the nineties when things turned and the generations after me had less and did worse.
Where now our children are aware they could be mowed down by AR-15’s in their school; where the health of our children and life expectancy dipped; where we slowly over time felt more and more deprived; taking on two or three jobs.
And singlehandedly getting our economy thru the pandemic working hard; look at the teachers and the nurses and the doctors and all the front-line workers. Top to bottom it was those of us who go to work every day both at home or remotely that got us thru the pandemic; taught our children at home; took care of our elders; for we had no leadership at that time. None!
And what is the reward? — Within one or two administrations we are now in a 3rd world country and oppressed and hurt daily by an oligarchy ruled by a self-appointed “King.”
I think much of the cause of our not being able to hold onto our democracy and why our democracy has failed has to do with our not maturing as did our allies into democracies that fully embrace women as leaders holding the power of a Prime Minister for example. We introduced democracy to those nations and then we failed to keep it for ourselves.
Hopefully Trump's and Vance's actions come back to bite them in the ass. Other world leaders now have no respect for Trump or Vance.
I don't buy anything tRump sells , produce this alleged letter or note from President zelensky. With verified signature.
...and now it looks like Zelenskyy is ready to comply! Did they threaten him and his family?
I absolutely believe he did. Trump doesn’t do anything by the rules/books. Unfortunately…
do you mean he likes to think out of the box?
He has no choice! Or in Trump's dictionary, he has no cards!!
King Charles and the NATO world leaders have gotten together, France, England, Germany, Poland and Ireland. They are going to work on a peace deal for Ukraine that will include putting boots on the ground. Ireland will form UN Peace Keeping duties. They are talking about stopping Russia aircraft and drones. No fly zones. They told Ukraine that it's important for him Zelensky to try to secure the support of the United States. However, I don't believe Zelensky is going to give the U.S. any mineral rights to their lands. I do think that Ukraine will give and share their precious minerals with the big NATO countries. France, Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom. A big win for NATO.
Welcome to the world of politics and negotiation! What you see , good or bad, are all parts of moves in chess game after carefully planned out on both sides. You may not need to get too excited or upset on what you see since it will be easier for you if you wait until the end of game.
Me too. I was also sad for Trump. He will never get the approval from his father. Now he abuses us.
And his kids
The smile of the conqueror is always despised by the conquered under their thumb which is all of us.
I was continuously disgusted by Vance's snivaling little smirk. I bet he was bullied as a child. He clearly enjoyed his 'king's' feeble attempts to insult "the other side of the room". (Not that they had anything to be proud of themselves. They could have walked out with Rep. Green. Since they stayed, I feel like the Dems. could have clapped for the success of the little boy who conquered cancer, the young man who achieved acceptance into West Point. And showed respect for the strength of the parents of the girls killed. Maybe others too; what happened to when they go low we go high". Try it, Dems. or at least try something of consequence to help those wbo want to look to you for guidance through this nightmare!)
Sounds like they should have walked out in disgust 😬 if the dems don't unifie soon and start kicking some ass like the Vernonters did to JD Vance then we're lost.
Help me recall how Vance actually insulted him. Did he use any insulting words , tone, or non-verbal behavior?
Oh, I found my comment. It wasn’t Vance who insulted “the other side” it was Trump. Be tried to ‘trigger’ them with many comments about ‘the people on that side’ , disparaging them, saying they wouldn’t be happy no matter what he said. I never said he cursed at them.
Bernie walked out mid-speech.
13 Dems (big deal!) boycotted the speech entirely.
ALL DEMS should have BOYCOTTED this LIE-FEST!!
Yes, they don’t look good now.
If they had he would have filled their seats. They needed to walk out as he began. MAGA needs someone to jeer at. He would have been off his tact and spiraled.
But, they took the high road.
They would have taken the seats after they walked out and laughed about it. You can’t give him not one ounce of attention. There were several that walked out and it didn’t even affect him. He just kept talking and talking and talking or should I say lying and lying and lying. 😂😂😂
😂. He thrives on the anger, hatred and defiance. He’s a big time narcissist. the democrats haven’t been able to come together to figure out how to really throw him off his game. I just wish they would all come together.
I think they might be afraid!! When you are dealing with a narcissist control freak it can become very volatile very quickly. If he's going to be confronted there should be armed guards in the background.
I think the dems are weary.
Weary. Chronically stressed by this guy who never went away during Biden's admin.
We need to throw them an intervention or hire a consultant on how to appear strong & unified....
Civil disobedience in the hallowed chambers en masse !
Yes, they are afraid. Supposedly they’ve been threatened but so have we. They always say there is safety in numbers. You’d think they would all get together to stop him. Definitely the democrats and other countries would help them. Plus his mental illness doesn’t help.
Unfortunately they are just too cowardly.
Yes, I said this yesterday. Now we look weak and degraded. They truly have no idea how to handle trump. They need to listen to the young ones. With the experience of the senior democrats with the younger ones they can come up with something different than the same old stuff that’s not working. The one thing they should have learned from trump last night was to throw someone out when they get heckle. Not once did we do it when our democratic leader was speaking. Sign of weakness. Stop being the almighty righteous.
Walking out is worse imo. It's childish. You have to stand up to bullies, didn't we all learn that in grammar school?
I disagree these are not your ordinary Bullies!
Correct. This one, and friends, has a rather large military at his beck and call.All because of his need for “retribution “.
It really shouldn’t matter whether they walked out, stayed or didn’t go. We should all know by now or that the Democratic Party has failed American citizens since before the inauguration! All of our government has failed us all in an epic fashion!
We have got to do better
It is a big deal. Attending the speech has always been a major event. Not showing up shows just how little respect there is for the man and just how much they all knew if was just going to be a lying spectacle. At least in the Democratic party one has a choice. With MAGAts, it's required and attendance is taken.
Not showing up is meaningless. No one would notice or care. Showing up, speaking out and forcing them to stop everything to escort the Dems out one at a time for the next two hours, THAT would have meant something. And it would have shown those watching that the Democrats were unified and prepared to fight.
They do notice. They do care. Cause a scene? It would show the Democrats are nothing more than 6th graders causing a ruckus. That's what it would show. They are fighting, they are prepared! Where have you been? Are you aware of all the cases now in court? This is not a Marx Brothers movie.
My Senator Ron Wyden held a virtual townhall during the same time. I watched that and afterward Senator Merkley held a virtual meeting about the speech. I’m 61 was planning on applying for SS soon and I’m afraid I will lose my safety nets like Medicaid and Snap. Had Trump been held accountable years ago this wouldn’t have happened. I feel great sadness at what they have done to America. Evil traitors.
I was at the wyden town hall too. It was interesting. Also meant i could not watch the lying sack of s which is a good thing
Yes it was nice to have that support with about 5K other people viewing. I hope we can get out of this mess soon. Lots of lawsuits, restraining orders and injunctions.
Which 13? I can’t seem to find a good list.
I can't find the original article that listed 13, but the link below lists 10:
A number of others--not just Bernie--walked out:
Thos comment from Jeffries just floors me:
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has said he will be in attendance "to make clear to the nation that there is a strong opposition party ready, willing and able to serve as a check and balance on the excesses of the administration."
I got news for you - .mission not accomplished. You are weak and you look weak. No cohesive message me opposition. If they aren't going to do their job,resign and we will elect someone who will.
He's useless. And where's Schumer? Does anyone on here ever hear anything from him?
It amazes me that the Dems put no plans in place to slow down Trump if he got elected.
They're acting like they never heard any of Trumps plans. Everyone heard what Trump planned to do once he got elected and Project 25 spelled it all out. Yet the Dems did nothing to put some restraints in place to reign in Trump.
I wonder sometimes if they're is just one party. What if they're all in on the plan to end democracy?
Good point.
Thus pointing out Dem's generational issue with messaging. "We are, at heart, neoliberal shills with less taste for blowing up marginalized people" is not the greatest message.
Patty Murray
Chris Murphy
Dems are.....worthless...they are NOT up to the task of protecting our Democracy...
Rubbish. Stop giving the MAGAts the ammunition to throw back at us. It was a stupid circus. That's all. Nothing was accomplished except realizing that trump is nothing more than a two bit imitation of Hitler. You fight where it counts, not in a closed arena of idiocy.
Why did they even attend? To even give a whiff of normalcy to what is happening was shocking to me. Had they all walked out it would have given me hope. At least one of our senators Patty Murray did not attend. I sent her a thank you e-mail when I found out.
Because they were honoring the tradition, not the speaker. It is bread and circus.....you can't let the clowns have all the space.
I know! Al Green being “escorted out”, and the dems sat there not saying ONE WORD. Everyone submits to Trump and I don’t see a way out of this if our party cannot even stand up to them!
Nope. Stand by my comment: It DOESN'T MATTER one iota what we say....one way or another. Maggots are in a realm so far removed from objective reality...that even innocuous statements, statements of fact MEAN NOTHING. Ergo...they understand ONLY CRAZY. So...we need to throw all caution to the wind. We've already been overtaken by a FASCIST COUP. Appears more amerikans than I thought are....nazis...jack boots, brown shirts and all....vile and evil...where are the words? Hellish ...for one. At this point: NO holds barred...forward into the breach. SHARPEN THE PITCHFORKS...for defense...not offense.
Not all, just the feckless Schumer & Jeffries, we need to make the DNC hear our demands for NEW BIG TENT FIGHTERS LEADING A RESISTANCE…
I DID see Ken Martin new DNC Head on Roland Martin’s BlackStarNetwork Live Stream “State Of Our Union” over the ‘Rump Regime Propaganda Fest. He made good points (like maybe SOME INCUMBENT DEM LEADERS better watch their back) while discussing & brainstorming 50 State Plan ideas with Black Women Grassroots Leaders (again always the Backbone of the Dem Party) plans as the 95 plus Lawsuits against EVERY SINGLE ‘RUMP MUSK ILLEGAL EO he exclaimed the past 5 weeks.
Yeah well I do t see much from the new guy except dead silence
I DID see Ken Martin new DNC Head on Roland Martin’s BlackStarNetwork Live Stream “State Of Our Union” over the ‘Rump Regime Propaganda Fest. He made good points (like maybe SOME INCUMBENT DEM LEADERS better watch their back) while discussing & brainstorming 50 State Plan ideas with Black Women Grassroots Leaders (again always the Backbone of the Dem Party) plans as our Dem. State AG'sn ACLU, Federal Judges can hold the line of the 95 plus Lawsuits against EVERY SINGLE ‘RUMP MUSK ILLEGAL EO he exclaimed the past 5 weeks.
D reps and senate members are in minorities. How is it their fault that voters are swayed by bullshit?
They don't speak out or have any kind of organized opposition
I think the walkouts yesterday were a good move.
Which might have been effective if they all walked. That might have gotten some headlines.
I would have suggested organizing it. Have groups of members shout "That's a lie!" or something similar together every time Trump distorted the truth, then walk out.
Well said!💯💯💯💯💯
Due to not enough Dems having been voted in. I claim the voters 1st. Too many voted for a snake-oil salesman, and now they are surprised that he's a farce.
I don't think he was actually voted in. Very disturbing new evidence of voter fraud found by the election truth alliance. If interested go check out what they have recently found.
Greg Palast Documentary on 2025 voter supression.
Greg is also on Substack.
90 million eligible voters... didn't. That means over 2/3rds of the electorate did NOT want trump. How much messaging do they need, after 10 years of watching orange menace and his ass-kissing republicans?
The only Dem who had a spine last night was Al Green. Though I am proud of the ones who held town halls instead of attending
They are sucking right now. We can’t keep yelling at them about what we want them to do, we need to SHOW them. Get out in the streets. Call you reps and tell them about your disappointment and what you want them to do, and don’t stop until they are out there doing it!!💙🇺🇸🥰
It was embarrassing to watch.
I refused to watch
I did not watch and didn't see any part of it.
Me either, however we need to keep our enemies close, and be aware of everything that they say and do.
I watched PBS Newshour instead
I refused to watch also. I am so over the hate and evilness that is happening. It makes me cry.
Or at the very least, made a LOT of noise. I heard nothing.
Indeed! Dems should've BOYCOTTED !!
It just sunk in:
We are on our own.
I was thinking the same thing!! That would have been an embarrassment to Trump, who always lauds his crowd sizes. To see a half-empty chamber would be an embarrassment, let alone not having the respect of the whole body of congress. Mr. Popularity he is not!!
They shouldn't have been there to begin with. Why legitimize Dump by acting like it's a normal presidency?
Totally, couldn't agree more
Wth didn’t they? Shame
The next address Trump gives, the Dems should walk out one by one after each lie. Each departure would signify yet another lie by Trump. Now THAT would make a statement that couldn’t be ignored. The room would empty little by little magnifying the reality of each lie.
And they should announce they’re going to do that ahead of time. Who knows, the Republicans might, instead of escorting them out, force them to stay in order to avoid the publicity. I wouldn’t put anything past them.
Yes, they should have showed their backs to the fascist and then spoke up one by one or walked out on the lying tyrant!
Why didn't they?!
YES! I came here to say exactly this! WTF is wrong with the F'ing Democrats! I have had an extremely bad taste in my mouth regarding Dems (except the small handful of go-getters like AOC, Crockett, Frost, etc) ever since the extremely suspicious election when Harris just refused to call for recounts at least in the swing states after all the horrible chaos both before election day (voter suppression) and on election day at Dem stronghold polling places (bomb threats and closures). Then, in Biden's post election speech he said "anyone calling for any recounts is un-American"! WTF!
Mary, please don’t say America is over. I don’t believe it is. We are going through very difficult days right now. I’m 68 years old and retired 7 months from a career as an RN doing direct pt care. I didn’t want to retire. I got breast cancer and the treatments took a toll on my energy level.
But, I’m not giving up! None of us should!
I’m worried about my social security. Sometimes I don’t sleep well. Sometimes I’m exhausted. But I’m not giving in. I won’t let an ignorant malignant narcissistic sociopath steal my life or my JOY! I’m beating cancer and together we can beat Donald!
I'm scared about my social security, too. That's my only source of income.
I hear you that is my only source of income also so my son handicap and myself 68 years old are planning a yard sale to sell everything in our home because we know that we will be homeless
I wonder how many Trump voters are in the same boat? Are any of you Trump voters feeling the pain & fear?
There’s got to be millions of them as he got 70 million votes.
And then there are the 68 million NonVoters. I Wonder how they’re doing?
Good, i hope not
Me. too. And with 3 back surgeries, 2 neck surgeries I may be facing another one because I can barely put my foot down without excruciating pain-how can I work like that? I'm extremely concerned.
So sorry. I know what back and neck pain are like! Take care of yourself!
Same here. Glad the house is paid for but won't have $$$ for elec or LP
I rent so I have no option, but to live on the streets
Stacie, me too..... but I just know that they ARE going to try to take our money away from us...... they've been planning this for decades. If they try to get away with that, then someone is going to do a Luigi on them all..... and they'll ALL DESERVE IT. 😞. I don't know how I'll live without my meager Social security allotment, I'm disabled with a chronic pain condition and can't work anymore 😢. It's terrifying.
They. Don't. Care. The cruelty is the point.
Same here.
Yes, me too. Retired librarian with a chronically ill husband. I don’t have time for this. I am very sad but truly at a loss of what I can do. I am in a red state, MO, and my state government is so pro Trump I am embarrassed for them.
I started small. I found a group called Freedom Writers. We write postcards for Democrat candidates. Then, I went to my first protest. Since then I’ve been to three more. I use the 5 Calls app to make calls to my Senators and Reps almost everyday. I joined Indivisible. They are nationwide organizing people to resist. You can find them on Facebook.
If you just call your congress and Senators, it DOES make a difference.
Every action helps. Protests are rejuvenating!
Went to my first today. It was what the doctor ordered. I felt less alone. Braver. And empowered.
I am going to look into the “5 Calls” app Stacy mentioned. I did call Al Green’s office tonight and left him praise and accolades.
Oh, Trump would probably have me drawn and quartered if I told that rat bastard what's on my mind. I don't like too much talking, and he does that. I also don't liars, and he does that alot. I really just hate him and every effing thing about him. I hated him before he even got into politics! His voice gets my ire up, seeing him online makes me angry, the asinine faces he makes, how red his face gets when he's mad, how he says the same damned thing all the time, "...and it's gonna be beautiful and big...", lies, lies, lies! I hate Vance, too. The other day, when these two apes were tag teaming Zelensky, I heard Vance saying, "You never said 'thank you' and I was like " I wish Zelensky would reach across and cold cocktail Vance, in his fat cheeked squirrel face! Ugh...and Mike Johnson, the dude that professes to be a faithful Christian, while he's worshipping Satan. Oh! I forgot my favorite, sniveling bastard, Stephen Miller, a jew, who is saying all kinds of crazy nazi stuff, every time he is taped. How does one come to hate their own people, their ancestors, their family, as much as this guy does? He needs something alright! He has turned his back on the holocaust of his own people, and is portraying himself as a nazi. Someone like this is really sick in the head, but I know what would fix him. Congress? What's to say? Bernie Sanders is the only one I still listen to, because he has the spine to call all of these bad people out, as he did last night after Trump's 90-minute "Look at me! I'm special! I'm smug. I'm an asshole. I'm stupid. I'm a Russian infiltrator. I'm a wannabe dictator. I am the antichrist!" BTW, did you all see his new spray tan job? Way too heavy. Uneven. Streaking down his face. This guy really likes his spray tans, doesn't he? When he refers to himself as "God," which I believe he will do soon, that's when we all need to know that things are not going to get better ever again, and that we have entered the final battle on earth. If he claims himself to be God, that is the last sign before he unveils who he really is, to the public. I'm not a religious zealot, but I do believe, and I have been following this situation for a while now, and listening to some biblical scholars who are convinced that all the proof leads to Trump. I happen to believe that, too. I know it is terrifying to think of, but if it's coming, it's coming.
Have you looked into election truth alliance and the new info they have on thr statisticsl anomalies in the swing states??? https://electiontruthalliance.org/2024-us-election-analysis
Indivisible great organization. How do I join?
I joined after I went to a meeting but, I googled Indivisible and you can find a group near you by entering your zip code!
Not on Facebook, for sure! Go to indivisible.org.
I found indivisible in my area. Thanks
Yes, that’s very true, but unfortunately, living in a red state there are deaf ears to anything you say with no response ever
There is a very good activist named Jessica Cravens who has a Substack “Chop Wood Carry Water” who has great suggestions to resist!
It still helps to register your opposition. Please consider contacting them anyway. I am writing too. The GOP doesn’t respond.
Yes it does!
Same. MT. Sigh…
god bless you stacy..i too am on social security and a small pension,both of which i need to live..i drive a 23 year old car,live in a very modest home,and i am far from extravagent..it it is a system we both paid into during working years,and NOT SOME KIND OF "GIFT",that the billionaires neither care about nor need,want to take away to give MORE money to other billionaires..yes,i believe we have a whole mixture of ideas embodied in trump,and his MAGA friends wouldnt know one from the other..oligarch,monarch,dictator,autocrat..arent we lucky!!
I believe if we work together, we can get rid of this scourge!
I’m so sorry you have breast cancer! My sister is going through chemo (and has her last treatment this week!) so I know how exhausting it is. Some days she only has a couple of good hours to get things accomplished and then has to rest and sleep the rest of the day. Her double mastectomy is next month. I hope you feel better soon and kick cancer’s a$$! Thanks for using what energy you’ve got to fight for our country.
I’ve had chemo, surgery and radiation. I’ve been very fortunate. My cancer was caught early on a routine mammogram and I sought out treatment immediately. I was also fortunate to work in a community hospital in the perioperatve area so I knew the surgeon I wanted to do my surgery. I went back to work after 7 months off for treatment. I worked for a year and realized I no longer had the energy level to do my job and live my life. I offered to work partime but duties would have required on call which is rigorous. So I retired. I have to pace myself but I am doing well. I used to be that person that did everything all at once so this is a new chapter. I decided to pursue activism because I love this country and I love people.
Good luck on your recovery. Never loose your fighting spirit. You inspire others to continue to fight. We will all need to rely on each other to get through this.
I agree! I hope my story encourages others to participate in resistance and opposition to facism, oligarchy and authoritarianism. We had several new members at our postcard writing group today. I recognized some from the activist meetings that I and others had recently attended. Our movement is growing!!
You’re my kind of gal! Seeing the good work nurses do while my parents declined really gave me a deep appreciation and respect for the profession. I’m glad we’re in the fight together. 🙂
I am of a similar mind. I fought 10 years for my son to get Soc sec disability. He is on the spectrum. TEN YEARS! There’s no waste in Soc Sec! The opposite is true—many people who SHOULD have it don’t. They either don’t know how to use their due process rights or they give up b4 exhausting all their appeals. And the courts are SLOW. As we all have seen.
I’m not giving up either. My son has to live in this world after I’m gone and I’ll be damned if these radical narcissistic sociopaths think they’re going to steal from us to enrich themselves. I’d rather die fighting than to just let that happen!
Same here.
So am I!😬 Will be 70 next year,but I won't let the Orange Felon define me! Keep up the good fight!💪💪💪💪
What strength of spirit! Keep it up! You’ve inspired me♥️
We need to support each other. We need to link arms. We CAN DO THIS!
Arms crooked, ready to link together! Nobody left out, left alone. When exhausted, we carry each other!
Thank you Stacy. God bless. My prayers are with you 🙏.
Stacy Nichols, as a fellow retired RN, you are a hero to me! May we all be strong like you! May you beat cancer and May we all beat Donald Trump. Thank you!
America itself is not over, but the version of America we knew from 1945-2024 is.
Eventually we WILL beat donald.
Don't let donald smear his wretched orange makeup all over your world or color your sense of peace which is part of healing...peace joy & beauty of this world trump donald any day of the week. 💙
Well and truly from your heart, dear sister nurse !
God Bless you for your lifetime of service!
You represent the true backbone of this country....hero's in all walks of life!
I echo your words ...." ...I am beating cancer and together we can beat donald.( lower case intentional!)!. I rise to give you a standing.ovation! 🙏🇺🇸👏
Thanking you & supporting your NEVER GIVE UP or GIVE IN ATTITUDE!!! You are Awesome!
We will survive, Stacy, and you will too, with this spirit!❤️
America will never be over as long as more want it the way it was. There are million and millions of us, and we WILL take our country back!
YES, YES, YES. Right now, contact your local indivisible group. Do not withdraw. This is no time for pearl clutching, it’s a time for action.
You're right....but I am having trouble knowing half of amerikans think cheeto is peachy....how do you overcome that?
That’s not even remotely true. Nowhere near half of Americans voted for the orange felon. Not even half of the electorate voted for him!
And then there is the fact that he stole the selection- don’t forget he accuses others of what he does. He even admitted that muskrat helped him win.
Starlink! The Electoral College Votes came in too fast!!! *Elon*
Spot on, me D! You hit the nail on the head!
Yes.. he bought his votes with elon's help in changing voter machine code...there are engineers investigating this, one (Stephen Spoonamore) is on Substack, and he even sent a letter and called Harris' office to try to get them to start investigation. Unfortunately he did not hear back - I don't understand why former presidents/VPs are not saying anything about all this - or at least telling us they are working on something to stop it !!!!!!!
Too many stayed home which gave the election to Trash
Germany did it so can you
Actually, wasn't it the Allies who forced them to stop?
OK, so 65 likes. Did anyone actually join Indivisible?
I’m 69 and did join Indivisible
Their online zoom talks are terrific. Also on SS and Medicare and no living family. We must take to the streets, contact our reps, for those w Red reps go to their offices and call them as they are too chicken to have town halls. How are they getting paid to do nothing??
Googling for my local office!
Yes! Let’s send this message out. “Contact your local Indivisible office” maybe then we can finally get all of us organized. Thank you!!
Already did
I wasn't about to waste my time watching that shit.
Thank you
So many want not the way it was, but what it can be. When he went into all the cliched accomplishments of “America,” i couldn’t help but think of all the people who were oppressed in the process. As the Realtors might say, our democracy has “good bones.” If there is ANYthing left to work with, we need to help our home “live up to its potential.”
Good Bones
Maggie Smith
Life is short, though I keep this from my children.
Life is short, and I’ve shortened mine
in a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways,
a thousand deliciously ill-advised ways
I’ll keep from my children. The world is at least
fifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservative
estimate, though I keep this from my children.
For every bird there is a stone thrown at a bird.
For every loved child, a child broken, bagged,
sunk in a lake. Life is short and the world
is at least half terrible, and for every kind
stranger, there is one who would break you,
though I keep this from my children. I am trying
to sell them the world. Any decent realtor,
walking you through a real shithole, chirps on
about good bones: This place could be beautiful,
right? You could make this place beautiful.
This poem originally appeared in Waxwing, Issue 10, in June 2016. Used with permission of the author
Exactly! America is only over if we allow it to be over. There’s more of us than them.
I’m with you Laura!
They all should have walked out silently. What the fuck would this spineless lying sack of detritus do shoot all of them? Totally embarrassed by the Dems.
Totally agree...they should have walked out en mass...or stood up and turned their backs on the oompa loompa cheeto baby man....whimps
I was actually yelling at my TV for them to resist, do something, and definitely stand in solidarity with Green. The rebuttal wasn't much better.
I loved Green's Declaration of Independence tie. He must have felt so abandoned when not one democrat followed him out.
That’s me too! I get so mad and can’t stand to even look at the despicable GOP TRAITORS! I also yell at the Dems doing nothing to support the Americans that want them to as well as a member of their own party( Al Green) being forcefully removed without so much as a walk out in solidarity!!
I refused to watch it because of his treatment of President Zelensky & the tariffs he’s put on Canada & when we added our own tariffs, he threatened to reply in kind! He first began talk of tariffs as firefighters from all across Canada were water-bombing fires in California! What upset me tonight was CBC carrying it! Sorry, we need to stop giving him airtime! Slava Ukraini🇨🇦🇺🇦🌻🍁
Mary, I appreciate you so very much.
What the hell is wrong with the Democrat “leaders”?! They haven’t figured out that playing by the previously established rule book no longer applies. That Donald (took your YouTube note calling him that) has pissed all over the constitution so we have to figure out different ways to interact with that sad excuse for a human. So many of us knew he’d make quick work of demolishing our Democracy. The GOP sycophantic enablers need to be tried too. They let this mobster loose on America. Our decimation falls on them. America’s cancer has increased to stage 4 and metastasized. Mary, thank you for your insights and helping lead the fight. You also make me chuckle which is extra welcome during these terribly depressing times. 🫶
Totally agree. These Democratic leaders do not understand the moment they are in. That we are in. It is absolutely unforgivable that they let this opportunity pass. That they could not figure out a coordinated way to signal opposition. Shame!
Totally agree, Mary, thank you so much for all you're doing! I didn't even consider watching, I would have lost it and thrown something and scared the cat. Can't believe no Democrat had a plan, everyone knew what he would say would be horrible. What did Bernie do? He's usually spot on, maybe starting to wear down. I may be back to being depressed and researching reverse immigration - my grandparents came from Finland so I still have family there...
The lackluster response of the Democrats has me angrier than the orange man’s speech. They should have been on their feet, shouting, calling out the lies, and leaving en masse with Rep. Green. We have no Democratic leadership. I’m livid.
You’re correct about the Dems. And where were the unjustly fired federal workers? That was supposed to be the Dem message of the night but i don’t recall seeing them mentioned, even on MSNBC if they’re not visible to the country, what’s the point?
Would have been a good night to have Joy Reid commenting rather than the tepid response that's playing right now.
I could not find MSNBC coverage on my phone, but I miss Joy Reid.
Joy Reid is on sub stack
My sentiments exactly. Terribly disappointed by lacklustre “resistance” to Trump’s BS by Democrats. Again
I had to leave my house. Could stand the constant stream of lies, childish taunts and all the other crap.
I want out of here so badly! I just want to run away and never be seen again. Just when I think the idiot has done his worst, he reaches a new low. I just can't stand it! 💔💔💔💔💔
May I join you in solidarity?
Of course! 😃
There used to be an island for women only in Finland. It was expensive & no longer exists. Melinda G & Mackenzie B - build us a damn island!
Absolutely!!! 💔
Worse than Trump who we know is mentally deranged is all the republicans who are going along with him. And yes the democrats should have vocalized their disgust. As a Canadian, I was proud of our Prime Minister Trudeau who had no fear this morning to call out Trump in a strong and direct manner. Or “Donald” as Trudeau calls him.
I had hoped there would be a coordinated walk out and I thought Green was the start. Sadly, that was not the case.
It was heartbreaking!! I thought for sure that they were all going to get up and slowly start walking out with Green. Gut wrenching!!
It really was frustrating as fuck to watch the dems sit there and do nothing after Green was removed. Holding up their little paddles like they were at an auction. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
They all should have walked out. Or at least yell in protest. What is wrong with our mealy-mouthed “leaders”? The silence equals complicity!
Not complicity!!! Trying to work out a strategy that hopefully will make a difference, QUICKLY!?!💙🇺🇦
Sorry, but the optics of their silence makes them look complicit. Americans quivering in fear and demonstrating at protests right now need MORE from them!
I couldn't make myself watch it. I'm a senior citizen who has seen a lot in my life, but nothing like what is happening today. I didn't vote for the traitor because I could see what he is and knew he would destroy our country. Like everyone else I've been scared and worried about what will happen tomorrow. But I will fight to my last breath against the tyranny and destruction that Donald Trump has brought to our country and our people.
From another disgusted senior citizen - we may be old, but we can use our hard won wisdom and fight like hell!!