Two old guys.

One who wakes up every day and asks, "What can I do for the world today? How can I help people?"

The other guy wakes up and asks, "What can I take from the world today? How can I steal from people and get away with it?"

It's that simple.

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Yes. I have been thinking that Biden needs to take advantage of the Bully Pulpit and start speaking directly to us, the American people like FDR did with his Fireside Chats. He could avoid the bias reporting by speaking directly about his disability, stuttering, for which he has taken an inordinate amount of abuse.

I've contacted my representative in Congress to urge the President to speak directly to us. Perhaps Mary's supporters here can join this effor or something better to beat the constant drumbeat by the media about Biden's mental capacity.

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Thank you for supporting my suggestion. Let's start bombarding the White House with this suggestion. Thanks again. Check out my comment about JFK's handling of his Catholicism in his campaign. There was enormous hatred of his Catholicism and fears the Pope would be in the Oval Office running the country. Hilarious thought today but then a Very real fear. Kennedy faced it directly in a famous speech which calmed the issue down. Biden, ironically, the second Catholic President needs to take the same stance and address his disability and mental ability head on. Thanks again.

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Just found this following topic in Parker Palmer's book, Healing the Heart of Democracy: "Democracy Only Works When Ordinary People Claim It as Their Own" DEMOCRACY NOW!, June 9 2008. http://www.democracynow.org/2008/6/9/Moyers.

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Hi Maureen, I remember that uproar very well. Isn't it amazing that we RCs never wondered if Bishop Sheen would rule , when Ike was in charge? 🙄🤡

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Hi, good to hear from another oldie on here. I remember Bishop Sheen's sermons very well. In retrospect it's amazing he was allowed to broadcast those sermons. You're right it never entered our minds about Sheen ruling. But I remember very clearly the Southern religious groups promoting the idea that the Pope would rule if Kennedy won. Kennedy was politically astute enough and so were his advisors that he went into the belly of the beast, so to speak, and spoke directly to their fears. I wish he'd listened to those who advised him to stay away from Texas that terrible day in November.

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I’m 73, from TX, & I clearly remember the adults in my life at the time just ranting & raving about that. I was raised in the Lutheran Church, which is still quite similar to Catholicism in it’s liturgy, etc., but yes; everyone was just positive that the Pope would rule if Kennedy was elected. Seems funny now.

The main thing I have against ALL religions is that they seem to forget that they can’t be passing laws that push their beliefs onto everyone else & force us to live by them. I am speaking especially about anti-abortion laws.

If you want to believe that a tiny clump of cells, that isn’t even an embryo yet, is the same as a 1 minute old baby; fine, you can believe that & you don’t have to have an abortion, nor participate in IVF, but you can’t force others to believe that.

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Thanks for your thoughts on the hysteria about the Pope ruling America if JFK won the Presidency. It sounds crazy now but as you said many feared it would happen.

Then Catholics were feared. Now they're in positions of power so much has changed. But there is a very intransigent element within Catholicism that weilds too much power about their one issue, abortion. You're right it has no place in the political world. It's a religious issue and should remain a religious issue.

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You people are completely obtuse, or blinded by your ideology. It is totally obvious to anyone who wants to see the truth that Biden’s disability is dementia – – advanced.

If DJ T is missing a beat at times, you might give some credit to the relentless stress he’s been under for the last seven years , and the relentless persecution from the left!

All the spinning in the world cannot hide the fact that Joe Biden is on a steady decline and a vote for him leaves us with the fabulous Kamala running the country – – maybe the only thing that could be worse than having crooked Joe !

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President Biden gave an excellent State of the Union address tonight. No evidence of decline.

Looking forward to 4 more years of Biden leadership.

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I can't imagine that you're ever going to read anything here that makes you happy...kind of like me watching Faux News. This might not be your tribe.

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Poor baby, read something that didn't agree with your programming. Too Bad. Go back to MAGAland and sleep it off.

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President Biden will be speaking to Us on Thursday, 3/7 as he gives the State of Union Address . The Court Police should remove Any Disrupting , Disgruntled grown people from the room; the first one that yells out; ie: mtg, just toss their asses out. Refukkkans are quick to yell about the need for DECORUM but sorely lack any .

Corporate Medias need to start receiving written rebuttals from everyday citizens regarding their lack of real coverage of Trump's obvious mental decline, after all , his father suffered from Dementia at a rather early age which progressed into Alzheimer's Disease.

I live in SC, my daily paper won't print anything sent in that criticizes Trump, Lindsay, Tim or Mace .

The Truth is no longer fit to print ... Apparently ! 😎♏🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🎆

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Apparently that is the truth. If you haven't heard Bill Moyers speech I posted about check it out.

I'm feeling better today because I read Taylor Swift is urging her millions of followers to vote today or register for the November election. Wish other big names in entertainment industry would do the same.

Let's pray people of good will will realize their power and refuse to allow the parasites to destroy our democracy.

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That’s fantastic!!!

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The State of The union might be just the start.

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Just watched State of the union.

Biden was great I thought.

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The bully pulpit only exists when the media broadcasts what you are saying. it used to be that the media would cover anything the President says, but no longer -- Biden is censored by the MSM.

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I thought of that but surely Biden can convince MSM to air his Chats. Perhaps he can suggest equal time for Trump which would be very revealing. I don't know what else to suggest. Other folks on here surely have some good suggestions.

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I don't think anyone can convince the MSM of that. I don't have solutions, I'm just pointing out that people blame Biden and Dems generally for things they don't control and underappreciate how much the media controls the message. What we're seeing with Biden's age is very similar to Hillary's emails, Howard Dean's scream, Gore sighing and rolling his eyes in his debate with GWB (the night of the debate polls showed that Gore had won by 10% largely because of GWB's smug deflections about "fuzzy math" but by the end of the week the MSM managed to turn that around and it's now in the history books that Gore lost the debate), and so on.

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Sadly I remember every one of those moments in time. Do you think YouTube is an alternative.

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Well, I'm a socialist and I think the long term answer is the overthrow of capitalism, or at least the U.S. version as opposed to the Scandinavian one, but I have no idea how to get there and I'm not at all optimistic about this country or the human race given the rise of fascism, global heating, more pandemics around the corner, etc. And I'm a bit of an old man myself and won't see much of this but I cry for the youth (as well as people dying right now in Gaza, Yemen, Sudan, etc.). Sorry to be a downer. But fatalism isn't a strategy so sure, YouTube, Substack, every possible way we can get the message out and influence people ... because the other side has the MSM, the churches, money and power, etc.

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YouTube might be a better idea. All of the msm & even local tv channels are owned by Conservative Republicans, so of course they don’t want to do much that would appear to help Biden.

At this point, I’m actually surprised that some of the good journalists on msnbc are allowed to get away with pushing back against djt & Rs as much as they do. Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki, Lawrence O’Donnell, Nicole Wallace, Stephanie Ruhle, & Chris Hayes are my favorites.

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I’m not sure I’d say Biden is censored, but damn, all media definitely cover what’s going on with djt way more!!

Minute by minute, appeal by appeal, it truly is wearing thin. I commented on an msnbc page that I really respect the attorney’s opinions, & I understand they know way more about law than I do; but that they just need to give up talking about how this trial or that trial could possibly squeeze in before Nov.

They will not!!! Trump, along with every judge & scotus justices that he’s put in place, has outmaneuvered the DOJ & the AGs & DAs & he will never be sitting in any more courtrooms before the election, much less actually be convicted.

It just ain’t happening & I hate it. 🤬

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Early in Biden's term he wanted to give a major policy speech and the WH asked the MSM to broadcast it but they refused. Because they see everything as a horse race and because of their bogus "balance" standard (that they apply in a very unbalanced way) they see a policy speech by the President as campaigning ... thus, there no longer is a "bully pulpit". It didn't used to be this way, at least not for the President. I learned as a VietNam War protestor how much the MSM filters the news, and I have learned over and over that most people don't realize that just because they aren't hearing something that doesn't mean it's not happening. This is especially true with "Democrats should be talking about this stuff!" ... well, they are, but they don't own the microphones.

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Well that sucks, that they wouldn’t broadcast a President addressing the nation!! And yet when tfg was President he had tons & tons of airtime; like those 2 hr long ignorant Covid updates. Mostly he just lied & talked about how great he was.

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The demented GOP frontrunner definitely fits the bill of take from the needy and give to the greedy as he does his non-stop bogus grifts. Biden continues to get things done, find ways to deal with some of the most challenging issues a president has ever had to deal with and in a election year. In the meantime, the stinky cheese continues to fall off of Trump's rancid cracker as his word salad continues to show his obvious incompetence.

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Definitely right – – Joe and his handlers do continue to get things done – – things that are destroying America in too many ways to count!

Anyone who supports a traitor that invites 10,000,000+ illegal migrants into our country is absolutely Pathetic! And that’s only one of his great accomplishments!

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Keep telling yourself that. Remember, it's the felonious former guy who told Rep. Johnson to trash the bipartisan Senate approved border bill so he could run on it. That's what's truly pathetic and typical of the MAGA playbook.

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Also, the Russian invasion of Ukraine & a global pandemic caused a huge chunk of the human migration that we are dealing with. And why are ppl coming here? Because under Biden’s leadership & the Democrats our country has come out of the pandemic better & faster than any other major country in the world!! Our economy is recovering AND growing, we have jobs open waiting to be filled, of course ppl will be drawn here, no one had to invite them.

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Why don’t you just try looking up the meaning of ILLEGAL?

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This site is above your pay/intelligence grade. Nothing here to see, move on...

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Biden did not “invite anyone in!!” He is following International Law in regards to asylum seekers. Our Immigration System has been underfunded & neglected for decades, ppl who want to & try to come legally are currently facing a waiting period of up to 25 yrs, which is just ridiculous!! The Border Bill wasn’t perfect for Dems or Reps, but that is how democracy works- with compromise. Nobody gets everything they want without having to give in on something, that would be an Autocracy; which it seems that’s what ppl like you want. Seems you want to just be able to bully everyone else into doing things exactly like you want.

If Speaker Mosees Mike would put the Border Bill on the floor for a vote, it would pass! Enough Republicans would vote yes on it. Then we could hire more judges & attys to be able to process & hear the asylum cases & deport those who don’t qualify. We could issue work permits to those who are waiting so that they could support themselves.

You also should learn just a little bit of geopolitical history so you could understand that U.S. govt policies toward S.A. & Caribbean countries has caused some of the destabilization in those places.

As to the flow of drugs into this country, perhaps we all need to see that if we spent more money & time on mental health & education & job training programs, maybe there wouldn’t be such a DEMAND for drugs used to escape a depressing reality?

Supply will always come where there is a demand. The so-called War on Drugs has been an abysmal failure, massive waste of money & law enforcement time. An addict isn’t a criminal, they need help. People in inner cities & in the rural areas where jobs have moved away & they have nothing to do, no way to earn money, will turn to taking drugs to escape or selling them to survive.

Our country does have some massive problems, but you don’t fix them by hating everyone & throwing everyone in prison.

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Burke -- you said it in lots less words than I ever have. MAGAs should grow up and figure out who is in this for our beloved country, and who is in it for self-aggrandizement and to enrich themselves personally.

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It's not about who loves this country. It's for the illiterates that are on the same wavelength and it's a love affair. Until he brings this country down.

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Biden's reelection campaign manager should be doing that! Always four steps behind!

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Stop blaming the good guys. The MSM censors Biden ... they refuse to carry most of his speeches.

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Contact them or comment on SM & suggest things to them, I do.

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Yup, nailed it!

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Donald Trump wakes up and asks, “where am I? Who is president?”

Trump’s cognitive decline is so alarming, I can’t understand why it isn’t the number one concern of the mainstream media. Yet major news outlets behave as though this is a normal presidential election!

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💥 BOOM 💥

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Perfect description!

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Mar 5, 2024
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Why are you channeling Tucker Carlson?

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I mean…come ON. I saw some of that speech this weekend. He talks like he’s drunk AND has early-ish dementia. And I know what both of those look like, with drinkers in my family and having been my mother’s caregiver for her Alzheimer’s until she died last August. Impossible to imagine Donald functioning at even a basic level in that White House job.

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He never functioned at a basic level when he was in the WH. He was taking the morning to watch ‘Fox and Friends’, doing his hair and makeup, etc. He didn’t reach the Oval Office until noon or later. Then he played golf at every opportunity, charging millions of dollars to taxpayers at his clubs. He even charged high rates for golf carts for his Secret Service details.

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I agree with you.

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Early-ish? Hell, it seems like full-blown dementia to me. I remember my paternal grandmother when she had it.

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Well, early into mid. Hence the “ish.”

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My mother had it too -- it's so sad to see our loved ones go down that rabbit hole. *DJT's father had it too so what we're really seeing is how genetics works in real time.

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I wish the media would run some of the old interviews with him, and side by side them with his current state of rambling. As Mary says, there is a marked difference. It would be great if the media would show the actual difference.

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Another thing they need to do is publish the exact transcripts of all his speeches after every one of those rage rallies or his softball interviews his bud, Hannity, has with him. Those transcripts are EYE-OPENING!!

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That’s a great idea. I’d love to see that.

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Send that suggestion to The DNC.

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The DNC doesn't own the MSM. The problem is that the MSM refuses to cover this stuff.

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The Lincoln Project will do it. They make some great ads

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Very few people see that stuff, and people dismiss it as biased. There's no comparison to the MSM reporting Trump's decline as news.

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Don’t they run their ads on Fox, OANN, NewsMax?? Or do those networks refuse their money?

They need to make sure & run their ads during the type of regular tv network shows that maga ppl like to watch. I’d bet money that a lot of the women watch the soaps

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And as we can't count on the media to do this, maybe Mary can find someone to put a video together illustrating this.

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Look to the Lincoln Project. They’ve been creating some ads illustrating his moronic speeches.

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Indeed... they are masters at exposing his non-sensical bloviation/rantings.

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Lincoln Project and Medias Touch or Glen Kirschner... perhaps. 🤔💯

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They preach to the choir.

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Agree, Media's Touch is very good.

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I agree! A fine idea.

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Great idea!

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The problem is that very few people see such videos. Meanwhile, the entire MSM is talking nonstop about Biden's age and refusing to cover his many successes or Trump's many failures.

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Biden's reelection campaign manager should be doing that! Always four steps behind!

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Stop blaming the good guys. The MSM refuses to report it.

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That would be what unbiased reporting would look like but you and I know that the majority of the media is owned by corporations who stand to reap much profit by having Trump in the White House. It's way past time to expect the media to be fair with the possible exception of NPR.

Remember, the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Don't know who came up with that definition but it's apropos our constant expectations of objective journalism here. It doesn't exist anymore in America so let's find other avenues for our news and find ways to get the truth to our country.

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Everyone attributes it to Einstein but it was actually Rita Mae Brown (figures that a woman wouldn't get credit for her work). https://www.businessinsider.com/misattributed-quotes-2013-10

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I agree!! Great idea!

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The MSM *will* run such videos about Biden ... I've seen them. Biden is definitely not as articulate as he once was and it doesn't have anything to do with a stutter. But he's *competent* -- in fact this is the most competent administration in decades. And he's not a grifter, a bigot, a pathological liar, and a fascist like Trump. Comments about Trump's speech work to push back at the focus on Biden's age, but we have to go way beyond that to the issues.

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He scared me from the moment he came down the escalator and launched into

a bigoted rant about Mexicans and yada, yada… On Election Day 2020 I went to the doctor for a routine checkup and my blood pressure was 190/95. I’ve been clinging to the hope that the courts would prevent him from taking office again. Now the idea of him being president again terrifies me. As you said, he’s been unfit for so many reasons from the beginning. Now I’m hearing that he’s going to get Intelligence briefings!

He’s absolutely losing what little cognitive ability he had. I completely agree with your assessment of his mental status. That combined with his complete disregard for the law, respect for others and the fact that he’s already shared classified information makes him truly dangerous!

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I just heard a segment on MSNBC about him getting security briefings. There are still too many people and institutions treating him as if he were "normal" and trustworthy.

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Gail -- Absolutely no one should get security briefings without some mental and background check. Donald didn't even bother to read them when he was president! The preparers finally got them down to one page for him, and he still ignored them. Stop and think about who will actually run the country if he is re-elected! He ran out all his generals who had the experience and depended on flunkies.

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Completely agree Gail

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Many of the journalists on msnbc have, in fact, said he shouldn’t be allowed to get security briefings, bringing up all the latest news about his mishandling of the classified docs. They are postulating/hoping that if Biden insists on allowing it, he will receive a

*dumbed down* version. Even when he was President, he was so disinterested & they couldn’t get him to pay attention, that they eventually streamlined it down to 1 page & even then he didn’t read it.

imo he absolutely should not get any briefing

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I could have written this.

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Mar 5, 2024
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I knew he was a Sociopath when he never got a dog for the White House.

They probably wouldn’t allow him to get a pooch because he’d kill the poor baby.

First President to not have a pet of some sort with them.

He said Barron had allergies. BS lie. He could’ve got a Bichon or Maltese because they’re hypoallergenic.

My daughter had severe allergies and she never had a reaction to either one.

Then all of a sudden there were plenty of the symptoms of Sociopathy.

I just want him to to gtfo. Now…

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As I understand it, sociopaths are made, psychopaths are born. Maybe he's both. Lucky guy.

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Norah, I had an academic advisor in my college days (c. 1971) in the Sociology dept. who told me on graduation day that I would need to develop a good sense of humor or go stark raving mad. Your last post strikes me as a good example of 5he kind of humor he may have had in mind. I’ve observed that people seem to learn a lot while being entertained. We also seem to enjoy sharing things that we find funny with others. It seems like it might be a good way to educate people about this dangerous situation. After interviewing The President for his report about improper possession and storage of classified documents, the special prosecutor decided not to charge him with any crimes because he presents as a well meaning elderly gentleman with memory issues. Now I ask, who would be better possessing government secrets, an egotistical con man sinking into dementia or a well meaning elderly gentleman with memory issues? I know my preference.

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As I read your post about people learning a lot while being entertained I flashed back on THAT WAS THE WEEK THAT WAS. Does anyone on here remember that hilarious comedy show? Wouldn't it be terrific to have something like that show during prime time satirizing Trump?

Saturday Night Live did a good job but it was on too late for many I think.

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I remember it. Lived in London for 3 years. Met David Frost.

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Do you read Jeff Tiedrich’s Substack?

He’s funny as hell & does a Saturday morning edition called: This Week in Stupid. His was the 2nd one I subscribed to, the 1st was Jo Jo from Jerz

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Ummmmmm, maybe you need to consider the source of that report a bit more.

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Mar 5, 2024
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THE DARK TRIAD. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dark-triad

Coming to your local White House. Starring Donald Trump as "the President"

Cast of (unfortunately) millions.

See!! : Donald in his Oscar winning performance as psychopath, marcissist and machiavellian "leader".

Only $340,000,000. a ticket. To go to a worthy cause.

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Your Uncle is in bad shape. He's not far from having to be wheeled out like "Weekend at Bernie's". Come on all you free subscribers. This is great bang for the buck. Give it Hell, Mary!😃😃

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MSM is glossing over it. That paired with today's Supreme Court ruling is leading me to believe that Big Business is successfully attempting to fix this election out of greed. I will vote, but I am expecting a lot of violence this year. Going to visit the friends and relatives overseas before November, as I don't know if our country's passport will be viable if Donald wins again. Stocking up on goods, cutting unnecessary expenditures and preparing for a worst case scenario. We citizens are on our own now. Vote.

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I hope you both can chill a bit. The Orange Menace cannot win. I have big bets on that. I, like Mary, am a retired therapist, and I don't know of any competent therapists who think another Trump term is going to happen. Many people are gullible and incapable of clear critical thinking; however, most have a moral core and will not press the Trump button in November.

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With all due respect you have too high an opinion of the moral core of Americans, sorry to say. An awful lot of German Jews thought that way about the German people's response to Hitler and found out the truth tragically. When people tell who they are believe them. We've been told.

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As someone who is 70% Irish, and 20% German Jew, I am listening to my Spidey Senses, and being extremely proactive. There's a reason my 20% has no living relatives in Berlin since WW2.

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Mare, there are no words to adequately convey my sadness for your and millions of other's heartbreaking loss.


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hope you're right - watching interviews with MAGAs are terrifying - NO moral core, no basic intelligence, a bunch of damaged amygdala's following their chief damaged amygdala

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They are terrifying, & so uneducated. Saw one recently where a news guy was interviewing a small group of young men waiting on Trump to arrive & they flat out said they didn’t think women should be allowed to vote!!

When they were asked who they thought should vote, they answered Christian men….& we all know they left 1 word out.

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Kate, have you been listening to any of those interviews of the Maga cultists?

They sound just as demented as their leader; what world, which planet do they inhibit?

Certainly not Earth 1...

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@Harlemscorp, No-I do not listen to MAGA cultists because they are delusional, ignorant and have no ability to think critically. The proof, however, is in the pudding. No way can The Orange Menace win in November.

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No, you chill. He definitely can win. And therapists have no relevant expertise on this political question. And Mary definitely thinks Trump can win, which is why she sounds the alarm about him.

"Many people are gullible and incapable of clear critical thinking"

Speak for yourself.


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I’m doing the same. I have actively looking to move to another country in case he wins

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I’ve been researching many countries to move to. Trying to see, of course, if it’s not monetarily out of my reach, if they have a large ex-Pat community.

The governments of quite a few countries are starting to lean right so I’m making sure I don’t wind up with a country like that…

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I agree but I think we have been on our own for a long time. The sad part of all this is the inactivity of our people. I lived through the 60's when the youth of America rose up in rebellion and were effective in ending the Vietnam War. Whats happened to the voices of dissent in America? Why aren't we shouting from the rooftops that Democracy is in danger of being destroyed by Trump and Corporate America?

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They're the same people voting their own interests now. They don't care about the greater good. Generation Z protests, but they need to get to the polls.

I have been an environmental activist since 1979, and no one cares. They're too busy trying to survive.

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I suggest they have time for social media. I Suggest they spend less time on their phones and more on doing something to improve the current condition of our democracy.

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That's hilarious. Clearly you're an old person like me. They are fused to their phone

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Mare very encouraged about Taylor Swift urging her millions of followers to vote. I guess we're truly in a new world where social media has the power to move folks into action. Good for Taylor Swift.

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Probably older than you. 85 and still going on thank God.

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Maureen, maybe, we became to complacent.

I mean, for example, when did we stop teaching our kids manners and respect for their elders ..... Little things like that?

All progress has not been positive.

Thought Society would become " better" Viet Nam, but it has just worsened. Never thought the SCOTUS would become a 6 member henchmen for either political party, in my lifetime. (1943 baby, here & mentally sound, just a bit slow moving;⏳⌛😲😂😂😎♏)

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You sound very sound mentally. Congrats. Maybe we did become too complacent. Whatever the cause we're in danger of losing our country.

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Like your Grandfather Fred, my Mom had Alzheimer's. I'm seeing the same signs in PO1135809. It's sad the family continues to allow him to show the world, they obviously received his compassion gene...

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They are in fear of him. Mary's brother went over to his side, following the suit for their father's share of the Trump inheritance pot. Donald tried to steal the WHOLE thing bcz of his father's Alzheimer's disease .

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How is one in fear of an old, overweight, demented person? I know, I own Mary's book.

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DJT lost his reasoning and ethical abilities some time in his childhood, if he ever had any. What bothers me the most is that so many Americans follow this pied piper of self-interest, self-destruction, hatred, and divisiveness. Why have so many people who once were sane, logical, moral, and smart following him into historical damnation?

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Great question that a whole lot of us ask ourselves. I’ve come to terms with the fact that these people weren’t too bright to begin with.

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Let's fix the weaknesses that made him possible in our presidency.

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When was the last time you helped a relative with their Civics class homework? In my family, not since the 1990s.

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Mare, they've stop teaching Social Studies ( the Mores of a Society), Civics , World History and even Cursive penmanship.... In America. Who does that???? Kinda dooms a Country to failure at some point, seems like to me😲🤔🙄😡

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Raymond, they just crawled from under the rocks, creeped out of the caves, slither out of the barns and jumped into Damien's arms, where the permission slips were given for them to be " Your true selves".

They were here all the time, lurking in the shadows . Check out some of the films & footages from the Civil Rights time period, look at the faces of hatred; same people down the generations.

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Only goes to show you that they were NOT sane, logical, moral or smart. Trump is who they see when they look in the mirror or who they desire to be. This is mass projection.

Which brings up the question: why are there so many who have probably been disaffected from childhood? Could one reason be terrible or no parenting? Which happens when women have no ability or inclination to abort an unwanted child in the first place.

What goeth around cometh around. . . and ruineth the country.

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Mar 13, 2024
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Why have I been blocked from The Good In Us? I have been trying to show support?

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Mar 5, 2024
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Also, remember when the very lives of Pence, Pelosi and others really were in serious danger —the Jan.6 nightmare —and how Trump did not seem to care in the least? That's pretty

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. . . that's pretty telling about Trump, and about as callous and despicable as anything could be.

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He has not earned ANY respect; he desecrated the office of the President.

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He should always be referred to as "the Disgraced Ex-President."

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Never mind the "innocent until proven guilty" technicality in this instance. We've seen enough for ourselves (—and seen too much!)

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If they had actually gotten their hands on some of those officials and killed them . . . ???? Clearly, if anyone, it is Trump himself who deserves that kind of treatment.

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I think that charisma has to do with sloughing off socializing and signalling to the susceptible that they too can throw off the chains of decent behaviour that they have resentfully laboured under and can loudly be their very worst selves

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Charisma in general amounts to something like being a socially adept and glib, smooth-operator who makes a great first or superficial impression. It is, of course, not at all a bad thing in itself. But it's not hard to see how that can be a facade —a false front that can hide a sinister reality, and suck people into circumstances in which they're being exploited, or . . . you get the idea.

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Ted Bundy

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There needs to be a concerted effort on behalf of Biden by the medical community to highlight these exact differences between aging brain and demented brain. I’ve seen the difference in the assisted living community my mom was a resident of before she passed FROM DEMENTIA. It is so clear that’s what’s happening to him.

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People are not voting about that. Biden is more honest than Trump, and that should be obvious. The fact that people no longer see honesty as a positive thing is a gigantic problem.

They want power. They are selfish.

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Yes! Terrible and mindless! (And, to boot, as un-Christian as could be.)

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There's Noone better able to show that he's mentally competent than Biden himself. He has to address this issue directly like JFK addressed his Catholicism directly and calmed those who were claiming the Pope would be running the country. I suppose most of you on here are too young to remember that or maybe you weren't born yet. But the right wing of the 60's hated Catholics and Kennedy faced it head on and won. Biden's mental acuity has to be handled by Biden.

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He will have the perfect opportunity to do just that on Thursday in his SOTU speech.

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Yes, I pray he does well.

I just sent an email to Pres Biden urging him to speak directly to the issue of his mental acuity. If you want to urge him on the address is: president@whitehouse.gov.

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900 mg of Adderal is a deadly amount. Idk how that could be humanly possible.

My daughter, when she was still here, took 30mg twice daily. It says right on the bottle, “Amphetamine Salts.”

Perhaps you added an extra 0 to his dosage.

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Mar 5, 2024
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I got Stout’s audiobook, very illuminating, just on 2nd chapter

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Thanks Mary! I’ve noticed how his thinking seems to be when I can stomach his speeches. He’s really losing it. Vote blue everyone and get trump and all his maga buddies out. Then maybe we can move on to changing the Constitution to eliminate the corrupt Scotuses.

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There’s no need to do a Constitutional Amendment, which is very difficult, to fix the scotus. Congress has the power to expand the court & it’s been done in the past. Please listen to Elie Mystal’s podcast “Contempt of Court”, he has excellent legal ideas about how to correct the court.

His book; “Allow Me to Retort - A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution” it is so educational with great ideas

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Not to mention the Adderal. Currently he is running on fear, terror, and 900mg of Adderal a day. His brain is turning into cottage cheese.

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I replied to your comment but under another commenter’s post! I don’t know how I managed that. Sorry. The comment said TFG was taking 900 mg a day.

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I agree, it cannot be 900, I’ve actually never seen a dosage above 70mg daily.

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He's an evil man with no regard for his fellow man. I saw this in the 80's when he was building the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City (another one of his failed businesses) and bankrupted several of his sub contractors that were Mom and Pop businesses because he refused to pay them the agreed amount in their contracts......They didn't have the money to fight him. Of course, he did, because he was still using his inheritance. And still boasting about his non existent "self made man" BS

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Just listened to a documentary on Roku streaming that speaks to the 2 kinds of energies in nature. 1. The Bees, who have a special connection to Source as part of a symbiotic system helping beauty and diversity to flourish. There's one heart that connects all. A Hive Mind. Like an open brain the hive sends out its dreams into the world to be manifested.

2. The Locusts devours everything in its path. It has no choice. A Locust's behavior is rigid.

We humans are unique. We can act like a Bee or a Locust. We are free to change. We can exist symbiotically or as a Parasite.

Taken from doc series Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds.

This explains a lot about our culture today especially Trump and his enablers. The Locusts. The Parasites devouring everything in sight and never satisfied.

Let's be The Bees the world needs.

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Whenever I see the argument that "Joe is in a decline just as bad as Donald" my standard response is:

I don't believe for one moment that Jill Biden would not sit down with Joe if he was experiencing *legitimate* mental difficulty and say, "Joe, reasonably, you have to step aside."

Nor do I believe for one moment Kamala Harris has such little integrity she would "go along" with an increasingly mentally incapacitated President.

She wouldn't do that to the country, and neither would Jill. I just don't buy it.

Dean Phillips has been saying that the only reason he's in the primary is because "superstars" in the Democratic party, like Gavin Newsom, are declining to step into the race and challenge Joe's competence because "they're afraid of challenging the status quo."

Nonsense. They're not stepping in because *Joe is fine.*

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Thanks, Mary, for saying what needs to be said about about Trump’s seriously declining abilities and, also, about Biden’s solid ability to grasp important national and international issues and to act on them appropriately...with, of course, his incredibly talented team. Keep up your great work!

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This is a no-brainer. (Pardon the pun!)

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His dementia will make it even easier for Bannon, Miller and Putin to manipulate him. NONE of them should be anywhere near POTUS, but the Surreal Court doesn’t seem to be worried about that.

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