First: Which of us didn't know Donald's mind is in decline? Second: Shouldn't he be in jail already?

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I could tell he was in decline comparing him from when he was president to a Larry King interview of him in the late '90s, I think it was. The difference was quite obvious.

But it's helpful to hear this from a former close aide of DT's that his cognition has declined since he left the White House, even though I think I already knew that.

To have the highly favorable comments from Mark Milley on Biden puts the difference between Trump and Biden in sharp relief. Thank you Mary!

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Too bad DT’s followers won’t accept that, and in fact spew all the lies that it’s Biden who’s losing it. What can you do but lead the horse to water?

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it's probably better for our moods and energy to remember what a great job Biden is doing than to worry about DT's followers. I feel like when I rode my bicycle across the country and the wind was at my back. I've watched him closely, watched the whole state of the union address, heard his comments when he was in Israel, heard about the great job he'd done when he'd gone to China, reviving a good relationship between China and our country, and seeing a handful of other leaders on that trip, interacting productively despite having crossed multiple time zones. He's truly amazing, and I know it, and I don't worry about those who don't know it.

If you have any doubts, I can assure you that people who claim Biden is losing it aren't paying any attention to what he's actually doing. I KNOW he's there for all of us, and he's the most competent president we've had since LBJ, but Biden has a calmer sort of competence than LBJ did. I have a friend who keeps trying to tell me that things are wrong with Biden, but from what I've seen Biden do, no-one can shake my confidence in him. I've never had this leve of confidence in any previous president. Here's the full video of the State of the Union--watching it might help you be less bothered by the failures of DT's followers to see the light. (If this isn't helpful to you, please forgive me. I'm doing my best, but I don't always get everything right. But I know I'm right about Biden. https://www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2023/

We do need to get as many votes as we can, in the coming elections, but we'll do that first of all by helping people vote--as many as possible--trying to convince those who aren't convinced, but not stressing when we fail to convince some, and just having confidence in our president and what we're doing.

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I didn't even know that he had a MIND. I envisioned his cranium as resembling the Batcave. Or a stadium that DJT rented when people got BORED & left in droves.

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A Batcave is usable by bats which are smart creatures. Don is just bat-sh.t crazy. Sorry, Mary.

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He makes the Joker seem sane.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

His cranium is like the Batcave, in as much as it has a giant penny in it, only in his case, it hasn't dropped.

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No instead he should be in a padded cell so he won’t hurt himself and this would be in a soundproof wing so other insanity inmates can’t hear his constant screams.

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I never saw him as the sharpest tack in the box. He speaks with a total lack of finesse or precision. Basically he sounds mean like a mob boss.

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Jabba the Trump, after all.

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Of course he's always sounded incoherent. The question is -- how to make the millions who will vote for him recognize the danger and change their mind. You've seen the photos of evangelicals in Iowa praying over him. This feels hopeless and insane.

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It's become all about harming those they've been told to hate and ignore the reality that they're also being harmed by his actions.

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They've become brainwashed & no longer even resemble the Evangelicals from before Trump.

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Some Evangelicals have ceased thinking of him as Messiah # 2.

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No, the Evangelicals were this bad since Reagan—before, actually, though nobody took them seriously before Reagan got into power.

Look at the kind of shit Jerry Falwell and Anita Bryant were saying in the 1970s—and may all the Gods send her to Hell where she belongs next to Falwell as soon as possible!

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I have ZERO SYMPATHY for anyone who regards closedmindedness, ignorance, intolerance, hatred / rampant distrust of progress or a desire to go back to the Puritan witch trials or the Dark Ages or desire for a theocracy as " virtues ".

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Totally Agree

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The sad thing is Republicans just don’t care. Trump is just a face and a puppet for them. How embarassing. So much projection on their part!

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I feel bad that Mary has to read negativity about her uncle, but if the guy wasn't such an incompetent criminal, no leadership skills, with a trail of financial FAILURES, as well as being a HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING, we wouldn't be having this conversation. As I've said many times, he makes Nixon look like a model of leadership & GWB look like Einstein.

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Mary wrote a whole book on DT, and the family, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man." I don't think you need to feel badly for her reading negativity about DT. She knows more than any of us.

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I bought the Book, as soon as it was released. As Always; Thank You Mary. Peace

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I bet Mary gets a lot of relief from finally expressing what an enormous tool DT is and has always been. It must be aggravating as hell to hear his followers wax poetic about what a great guy he is.

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Hmm. I gotta say that that never occurred to me. Salud !

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Even sadder that the media don’t care, either.

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Along with the Republicans (tRump-publicans). Criminals and Traitors All of Them!

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Thank you, Mary, for your column. 💙

I hope people STOP saying that Biden is too old to be President.

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Thank you., Caroline. Biden is a terrific coherent gentleman. If all they have is age, then they can't find any flaws.

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People are superficial. My cousin votes based on a candidate's religious beliefs rather than valid issues.

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Sadly, there is only one "Fix for Stupid"...

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IF we're thinking the same thing, then I agree wid ya.

Then there are condoms or the " morning after " pills.....

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That's sad. Religion is supposed to separate from government. "Separation of Church and State."

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It never has. A new President places his hand on a Bible during the oath of office. The Only Separation that exists, is between the "IRS" and "Religion" -$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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Tell that to my relatives. My late uncle once said that flags on government offices should be lowered to half staff on Good Friday. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

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Right On Caroline

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If MSM would take the time and show some actual reporting, they’d highlight this more than the reports that are quotes from maggots about PresidentBiden, and focus on the dangers of a 78 yr old man in cognitive and physical decline who states he wants to disembowel our democracy.

This blog of yours should be reposted in every MSM and also compare the two in terms of language, physical fitness and cognitive function. Or how about a 1 mile walk and the loser goes home

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With age come wisdom, compassion, experience and patience— if you’re Joe Biden. Same can’t be said for Orange Idiot. Age is a false equivalency in this case.

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Wisdom & Donald - FILE NOT FOUND. The GOP are incapable of being openminded, using critical thinking, progressive thinking, anything more than being superficial TWITS. They use the name of a God that they have NO faith in, & I SAY THIS last as someone who is nonreligious & pretty much agnostic.

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He’s had mental issues for years and deterioration of his deviancy Dangerous & is easy to see and hear. Gawd Save Us from him and his!!!!!!!!

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Syphilis. It turns brain tissue into radioactive puree of bat guano.

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Low grade guano at that.

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Truly? Or is this hearsay?

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I have a HORRIBLE MEMORY at times vis a vis something I said 30 minutes plus ago. Pardon a moi. I'd blame it on my age, but I've been this way for decades. Pardon.

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And he never had much "brain tissue" to begin with.

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Brain cells sauteed in a toxic waste, slime & sewage vinaigrette, with a hint of sulphur.

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Dude was half as sharp as a bowling ball in 2015. What are they expecting in 2023??

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His skull is either a BRICK or an echo chamber, I can't tell which.

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Perfect analogy. And the holes represent both holes in his delusional stories but also vacancies in cranium.

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And one of them is his sphincter of a mouth

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lol out loud!

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Alyssa Farrah was one of trump's aides who split from maga early on. Glad she made that comment, but not surprising considering she left the cult awhile ago, over J6. None of the current magats would speak the truth.

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The truth is an ephemeral concept to MAGATs.

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“I remember thinking my body is a lens I can look through with my mind.”

Ama Codjoe

On seeing and being seen

This quote is painted on the wall at the Guggenheim museum. It is essential always to focus on the words and intention behind them when someone speaks. President Biden is kind, wise, accomplished, experienced and always has good intentions. His stutter matters nothing to me. I focus on what he says and not on how he says it. And to all those religious people of the Bible, Moses too had a stutter. Thank you Mary!

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Thank you Lisa P. Singer , you always say what I’m feeling at the most crucial moments.

People who think President Biden is not qualified or fit for office should speak to us all. Everyone with all their faults and flaws has value even more so because of all the trials and tribulations heaped upon them by those who think they have the upper hand.

A while ago I was watching a boxing match with my friends and the announcer was giving the two boxers their backstory one from USA and the other from Mexico . When asked who would I pick to win I said the one from Mexico. They all said I was crazy . The boxer from Mexico won the fight.

I told them look at what this man had to endure just to come to America . This man knew this fight was the fight of his life because he never wanted to go back to his past again.

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Beautiful story, thank you for sharing and for your kind reply. I really appreciate it. Pulling on the thread of a boxer look up the backstory of Sylvester Stallone. His speech impediment was caused due to the doctors using forceps, now banned, during a difficult delivery by his mother. The doctors cut a nerve in his face which caused him to speak more slowly and pronounced. His father interpreted his speech to reflect his intellect and called him stupid and disrespected him intentionally. Well as we know his first movie Rocky won the Oscar for best picture. And clearly Stallone is anything but stupid. Thanks again!

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Thank you Lisa yes I will.

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Trumpy discussed sinks that didn't have water. He's said aeroplanes. He's discussed his son by saying he's tall. He said windmills don't work and solar panels are worthless at night. He's threatened to execute Gen Milley. He wants to arrest Pres Biden "on day one". These are the ramblings of someone who's clearly headed towards dementia if he's not already there.

I know of what I speak first hand. My dad died of Alzheimers. Trump does a lot of the same things he did. He makes simple mistakes. He reached a stage where he couldn't remember me or my brothers names so he called us by made up nicknames. But he remembered playing college football in a leather helmet era.

So, Trumpy was never engaged in a relationship with his son, he's just a pawn to him. Odds are if he was asked by a reporter when Barrons birthday is (3/20/2006) I'm 95% sure he would not be able to answer. But he'd tell you he's tall. And stories about Trumpy being insanely jealous over this is another clue. He feels being tall is a power-thing over shorter people. But ever see him with Putin? He slumps his shoulders and looks meek and frail and terrified of him. Because he is.

There are plenty of other things to tie him to his oncoming dementia. He could have Alzheimers but none of his doctors will ever admit if he does. They would be eliminated immediately. Fired or worse. Look up PSP Frontotemporal Dementia. He has a lot of the symptoms. Here's a link.


Trumpy keeps bragging about taking his 'cognitive tests' that prove he doesn't have Alzheimers, but it only means his doctors want to keep repeating tests making a logical conclusion there's something wrong with him that make them want to keep testing him. They won't tell him he's got dementia because Trump would instantly dismiss them as quacks.

A person who's proven he has no moral compass, has no sense of decency, is most likely a psychopath ("I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue"), he's probably a sociopath and is clearly Narcissistic, is a danger to us all.

See how many of these you think fit Trump. You don't need to be a psychiatrist to see these traits in him. But it is from a test doctors use to determine if someone might have some psychopathy issues.. (Hare PCL-r test) I'm willing to bet Mary Trump understand this test far better than me. But give this list a peek and see how many of these traits you see in your years of experiences seeing Trump in action, in speaking and his lack of empathy towards others. Recall the times he was seen with a giant golf unbrella with Melania and Barron left in the pouring rain and him not giving a crap about them getting soaked. This is ALL part of his mental illness.

20 Markers.. Trump fits all of them, do you agree?

1. Glibness/superficial charm

2 Egocentricity/grandiose sense of selfworth

3 Proneness to boredom/low frustration tolerance

4 Pathological lying and deception

5 Conning/lack of sincerity

6 Lack of remorse or guilt

7 Lack of affect and emotional depth

8 Callous/lack of empathy

9 Parasitic lifestyle

10 Short-tempered/poor behavioral controls

11 History of promiscuous sexual relations

12 History of early behavior problems

13 Lack of realistic, long-term plans

14 Impulsivity

15 Irresponsible behavior

16 Frequent marital relationships

17 History of juvenile delinquency

18 Revocation of conditional release

19 Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

20 Many types of offense

Thanks for reading let me know in comments what you think.

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Thank you for continuing to speak out against your uncle, Mary. While there will be people who think you are just a disgruntled family member, you have continued to only speak truth to power when it comes to TFG. Knowing what kind of speech he wields with his base, please be safe. 🙏🏼☮️🙏🏼

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Donald sees himself as a weird combination of Al Capone, Superman, Lincoln & Jesus. I see him as Charles Manson.

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And Hitler.

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Hitler is Donald's role model & possibly the only person he respects.

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Agreed. And sadly most of his cult don't see it or understand it. They see him as a strong leader. But he's not, he's weak and cowardly and chooses the leader of the Nazi's over American greatness that made him lots of money.

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They worship a god who is a SCHOOLYARD BULLY with feet of clay. I can't believe that so many Evangelicals decided that he was a Messiah - figure to them. I have a cousin who's an Evangelical with no critical thinking ability but I think that she drew the line at Defective Donny.

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I've always been concerned about your safety. Your first book was brilliant. I began looking around the corner for you.

P.S. The Reckoning was gobsmacking eye-opening. Wow!

Thank you for presenting the truth to us. Stay safe.

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The abnormal brain continues to decline. There are no more “sharp moments “ to him, they are all jumbled and scrambled thoughts mixed up in time and reason. Let’s hope more republicans see reality and vote for the president that is older but still has high executive function, with just an occasional kerfuffle.

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The damage is done. THE ENTIRE GOP is beyond redemption.

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Alyssa is an example of a palatable messenger who still makes idiotic comparisons. There have been times in our history that there may have been a “both sides” argument to have but now is not one of them. To say that she wasn’t sure of which man is in more of a decline is complete lunacy. Joe is old and sharp even if less sharp than before. Trump was never sharp and is declining rapidly from that point. They give us a reason to be skeptical of anything they say with bs like this.

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Agreed!! Age is a false equivalency applied to these two.

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"There's a lack of sharpness in what he's saying and a lack [ ] of clarity," she continued." Obviously she hasn't been paying attention since 2015. Who ever thought of Donald as "sharp"?

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DJT has the sharp edges of a blob of SOUR CREME, YOGURT, TAPIOCA or a SCRAMBLED EGG.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

His cognitive decline makes him even more dangerous. As another Substack site recently said, "the squirrels in his head have finally chewed through all of the wires". The media should be reporting more on how Trump is not playing with a full deck puts us in even greater harms way than constantly focusing on Biden's age.

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