The biggest "Democracy in America" party needs to be arranged for January 20th. All day. Star studded. *Everybody* noteworthy and not be there and not in DC. Biggest crowds ever! Media, cover it, not the fascist coronation. Make it so! Repost everywhere! #Politics

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I am not watching the inauguration at all! I heard there is another March on that day as it is Also MLK Jr's birthday and it is a national holiday! I will celebrate that!

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I am not watching it either Lisa. I already made up my mind. And I can imagine what his speech will be a horrible disgusting diatribe of hate & vitriol (remember last time with “the carnage”). I hope they televise the MLK march as I will be watching that too.

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I did not watch his first inauguration, and I damn sure am not going to watch this one. I feel like the country is just waiting for the Trump train to run over it.

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No non-Maga person will be watching it

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Who cares. They will all be living in regret soon. Let's retain our joy

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It won't be just the non MAGA people that will be living in regret soon. Don't forget, he stated he will be a dictator the first day, a dictator does not be one for a day only. You will be regretting the same as everyone else. You are just stuck in denial if you think differently.

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I'm not sure trump even knows what a dictator is other than having supreme power over everything and that is what trump loves!

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Power and money is his favorite. He also likes how putin runs Russia and how Kim Jong-un has power to have all the people salute him, he also knows how putin is keeping his power, you think ConOld would follow their ways?

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The sad part is that we will suffer right along with the MAGAs that think trump was a better choice! They say ignorance is bliss!!

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Trump has stated that he will remove immigrants whether legal or illegal along with their American spouses if need be.

This will doubtless include professional people as well as blue collar workers whose skills are required to run the infrastructure.

Then when he realises, too late, that he has messed up he'll open the southern border and beg, already trained, Mexican workers to fill the job positionswhich he has emptied.

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The sad part is, almost everyone is an immigrant, whether by family members or coming through the border. Even ConOld's mother was an immigrant. So for him to remove any immigrants, he would be going against his own words of "remove immigrants whether legal or illegal along with their American spouses if need be."

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I read where Reverend Al Sharpton is having a rally that day-an anti-Trump or something in Washington. If I were Biden instead of shaking Trump's hand, I would spit in his face.

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Biden never should have invited trump to the White House or congratulated him.

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Right. He incited an attack on our own Capitol and President Biden invites him into the White House?! This nonsense of trying to show we are better people just shows him our belly.

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The US et al are run by the banks. All politicians are colleagues in the same club. They are well paid, willing, scapegoats who take the rap when the banks mess up.

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Just shows what a decent human being Biden is.

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Definitely! Trump loved that I'm sure! But then, Biden is the better man and proved it by doing the traditional thing! I think Biden should stay away and tread trump like trump treated Biden's inauguration! Of course, trump will tell you Biden didn't win, he did!

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Lock Trump out of the White House on his inauguration day so he can stand outside in the cold air and be a target for anyone that hates him.

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Trump deserves all the respect he gave to Biden on Biden's inauguration. He should refuse to go!

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The peaceful transfer of power is not about deserts. It is about preserving our democracy.

Has anyone been noticing the media coverage of Trump’s tariff and deportation plans? It is so constant, I should think it might penetrate the most hardened MAGA silo.

Hang in!!

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The MAGAs are guided by trump's lies. They think the tariff and deportation plans are great, they even think trump/musk are great. They have a lot to learn and it will be at the cost of the America we know and love!

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Sure wished I could attend - Reverend Al Sharptons Rally as an anti-Trump day!!! Dang it.

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But we go high when they go low😂

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I wouldn't even go there.

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My goal for the next 4 years is to not hear that awful man speak at all. I will avoid all television coverage of him, including the inauguration, State of the Union, press briefings, Oval Office addresses, etc. If it is something of note, good or bad, I can read about it from a trusted source the next day.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you, Steve! That is exactly what I am going to do as well! I plan to just ignore him and his sycophants! If it is something I need to know, the trusted sources will keep us informed and explain how we can fight back against his autocracy! I plan to work very hard to do everything possible to begin to turn the tide in 2026. My fervent hope is that our messaging will be clearer and louder so Americans will know exactly where we stand!

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I don't want to see trump even when he is forced on us by the news channels. I will NEVER watch anything about him voluntarily!

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Another “Me Too” Moment!

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My goal for the next 4 years is to not hear that awful man speak once. No inauguration, STOTU, press briefings, Oval Office speeches, nothing.

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On November 5, Americans chose:

Lies over truth.

Ignorance over knowledge.

Chaos over order.

Malice over good will.

Division over unity.

Cowardice over courage.

Sleaze over character.

The criminal over the law.

Billionaires over ordinary people.

The majority of Americans who support Trump are either willfully ignorant, uneducated, insecure, racist, or selfish. And if/when Trump tanks this country, they'll be the last to accept accountability, just like their "President".

Time to dig out my “RESIST!” t-shirt from 2017 👇


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well said. But I don't forgive the Democrats, Biden, Garland etc. for not going after Trump the day after the inauguration, for not expanding the court or at least trying to, for not closing the loopholes that Trump took advantage of again, for not campaigning at the down and dirty level they used so successfully, and basically for not taking him seriously even with the ruin he left after his first term.

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Oh, stop it.

This is exactly what the MAGAs want us to do. Stop aiding and abetting them. Pres. Biden is not to blame. The Felon won by the slimmest of margins. And now for the kicker. Remember 2016? Well, let me remind you. Can you say MISOGYNY? I'm sure you can. The largest political party in the country. Same flipping stuff that happened in 2016. By the way, Kamala beat him in popular vote, the same as Hillary did. It has nothing to do with campaigning.....it has everything to do with gender and the inability to give women the office they deserve. Choosing an adjudicated rapist over a former prosecutor? That's not about campaign, it's about sexism and the silent prejudice that is with us always. Racism. So lay off the best president in terms of taking care of the citizens we've had since FDR. Hope the next Democrat is as good. It's time to drain the swamp, again.

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Good one Carol-Ann. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have actually shown spines and stood up for average Americans without prejudice and improved upon the economy left to them in shambles by lamebrain and his colony of skunks. Hardly to mention dimwit's records on health, human rights and climate catastrophe. Unquestionably the most voluble charlatan and poisoner of minds of the Millenium. All he spews is shit from both ends, as well as from his sensory organs. He belongs in the ditch to rot with his cronies. Mahatma Gandhi stated in his memoirs, "Remember that all through History there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always."

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Pick up a copy of 'Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy' by Jamie Raskin, one who suffered through Jan. 6th and lived to tell it. This belongs on every patriot's bookshelf.

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An excellent read!

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I love this. It actually makes me feel a bit better…and I’m Canadian!!! Yes, this piece of work should never be allowed in the White House ever,,, and it’s going to be a shitshow.

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Jill, sometimes we just have to let it out. We over here are getting to love you Canadians better. My cousin is Canadian, too.

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That orange stain has the vocabulary of a delayed 5 yr old .

Voluble doesn't come to mind the dictionary states voluble suggests a free, easy, and unending loquacity. That convict is certainly Not loquacious.

God I wish we'd stop looking to the puppet mouth piece & start knocking down the criminals propping the puppet up ! RESEARCH THEM START WITH Vought ! WHAT CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT THAT SLUG BESIDES HE's a COWARD HIDING IN THE SHADOWS OF LIES LIKE HIS FATHER , LUCIFER ?

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One definition of voluble from Merriam Webster is "characterized by ready or rapid speech". The meaning depends on context, like "he is a voluble sewer of mindless gibberish".

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Sorry, Biden is to blame. He was incapable of seeing that the "go along to get along" political philosophy he had followed all his career was obsolete by the time GHW Bush nominated Clarence Thomas - whose 1991 hearings Biden botched. He could not see that the collection of murderous thugs who are the modern GOP had no interest in cooperating with him "for the greater good" until it was practically too late. And as a result, he was the one who appointed the exact wrong person - Merrick Garland - as Attorney General, who proceeded to dither about "judiciousness" and failed to go after the criminal Trump until it was far too late for justice to have any chance.

The events yesterday remind me of Winston Churchill's speech in the House of Commons on October 5, 1938, regarding the results of the Munich Conference:

"I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat... We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude... Do not let us blind ourselves to that."

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Agree that Biden has made some really poor choices, but not one of them has been to grind Americans into dirt as asshole is intent upon doing.

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True enough, but that hardly makes what did happen acceptable.

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You mean " has been to Not grind..."

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Biden is NOT to blame. Isn't it funny how we all turn to the drunken Churchill to make statements when trying and denigrate our leaders. Please remember this is the man who created the Gallipoli and should have been court marshalled for it. it only killed or wounded over 115,000 British Empire and Irish soldiers. This same man allowed Stalin to enslave all of Eastern Europe and half of Germany. No one ever brings that up. But when in trouble, listen to him spout swooning rhetoric. And now you are using it against the man who drained the last MAGA swamp and put this country on a very strong footing. Shoulda, coulda, woulda is what primary school children resort to. By the way, he voted against Thomas. So keep on tossing the manure. The MAGAts have set up the fan and it's blowing right back into the faces of all who believe that denigrating all that Pres. Biden has done is a good thing. News Flash: VP Harris beat the Felon in number of votes - so you might want to ask which side the misogynists are on......or is that just too simple when it's so much easier to just throw as much garbage as you can. Feel better?

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TC, I agree with you, in spite of having to saying the mandatory disclaimer that Biden is an honorable, experienced, and knowledgeable man. I believe we all know and agree on that point. But he is a man who has outlived his time. The 'kicker' for me was when he recently met Trump in the White House and said to him, 'welcome back!'

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You said it so much nicer than I've managed to do this entire administration was wasted ! And, HIS VP A FORMER PROSECUTOR NO LESS, BIDEN FAILED HARRISS AS HE FAILED HILL ! WILLFULLY SEXIST !

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Carol-Ann, you are right about not denigrating a really outstanding president as Biden has been. And, you are right about the misogyny and racism along with xenophobia and transphobia that so many Americans have been groomed to hold sacred despite no evidence that any of those isms will get them anything except harmed by their own hate, anger, fear, and resentment of people they don't even know. We who care have to stick together to stand against the insanity that is about to break over this nation and our world. Robert Reich called it "toxic masculinity" and others "Poisonous masculinity" and they are right. We women are the majority, and it is time we find ways to prove it and stop the male insanity that is the Republican core.

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It's even worse than misogyny. The headline on Kareem Abdul Jabbar's post yesterday was, "Sexual predators are taking over the U.S."

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The leadership of both leading parties are wealthy families. The US has never had a working class President regardless of party. Even going back to the Confederacy, in the South, there was never working class leadership.

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Hmmm... We could change that by electing someone like AOC for President.

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I do think very highly of her - but think Buttigieg is our next top candidate.

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Yes. That's one option. Of course she would have to jump through the hoops in order to become party leader.

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Working class people don't have time or money to spare for getting into politics. But Lincoln's family was not wealthy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was from a reasonably wealthy family, nevertheless carried out reforms that benefitted the poorest people in the country.

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Working class people, nominated for President, could be financed by party coffers and Trade Unions. During their campaigning time they could be allowed time out from their job.

The current President of Brazil is from a working class background. He started out as a merchant seaman. He was sponsored by his Trade Union.

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NO U Stop it ! This old bs system of overlooking unacceptable behavior in the elected Senate & Congress like some outdated waltz needs to be OUTED for what it's original purposes were & how the dems think it makes them appear to the rest of the world as civilized & superior ( NOT!) to the maga era gop. JUST QUIT IT & STOP THE MADNESS. HAD THE DEMS JUMPED ON THAT INSURRECTION JAN 6 & FOUGHT the MAGATs LIKE THEY SLAUGHTERED FOR EXAMPLE THE BLACK PANTHERS, GEORGE FLOYD BLM PROTESTERS- THEY KNOW HOW TO STOP SOMETHING WHEN IT'S BLACK FOLK ! GARLAND & BIDEN IGNORED US ALL & PUT US ALL IN DANGER NOW ! THEY GOTTA OWN THAT & DO THE OPPOSITE RIGHT FKN NOW DAMN IT !

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Well parried. Classy, pragmatic. Thank you.

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lois..remember when michelle obama said "when they go low,we go high"? it was a lovely sentiment from a very intelligent woman,however....the issue with democrats partly is they will not fight as the MAGA republican group does..case in point..i live in texas and we have a lazy do nothing senator named ted cruz,who was running again against a very reputable,likeable man who cares,named colin allred..mr allred and ted cruz were running back to back campaign ads,and cruz had people saying how they didnt want their children mutilated in a day by sex change operations,and they also said that colin had voted for promoting sex change operations in the military..colins ads were with his wife and children,and he merely said you know whats being said about me and its not true,and then added other things..it was lovely,BUT NOT STRONG ENOUGH and of course mr cruz won (not with my vote however)..the democrats bring a knife to a gun fight,and so much water has run under the bridge with the MAGAS watching and listening to FOX and other such,it was ingrained into them that trump was somehow the "victim" of a rigged criminal justice system,and that he was the greatest president that ever lived and the smartest..lord knows he has said it enough!garland was too slow to act upon issues,and that does fall upon him..joe biden believes in the separation of the 3 branches,and therefore he did not interfere..four years more of trump most definitely,along with his appointees who he wants to kiss his derriere and his ring,definitely will be the ruination of our economy and our government,in a very large part due to the ignorance,stupidity and easily led MAGA group,as well as trumps "new group of friends,"the macho men"..!

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Ya, you know this narcissist should have been stopped in his tracks. And now, it’s just sickening to see him go back to the White House. He never should have been allowed to be there in the first place. He’s not a politician, he’s a sleazy businessman. Wtf America!!!!!

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A crooked 'businessman' at that.

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Jill…And a 34-count FELON, a rapist, a seditionist inciter and more

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They're all in it together regardless of party. The US is run by a few ultra wealthy families, the banks and their highly paid scapegoats.

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👍 agreed

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I love what Joe did for the country, but his and Garland's handling of Trump and his crimes are just that a crime. As for the others, dam Joe and his just like the olden days bull! The election they misread, the amount of misogyny and racism is still in America.

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I'm so ANGRY with the dems for willfully dropping the soap inviting this assault by Convicted known RAPISTS , thieves, grifters, liars, idiots & cowards. Garland & Biden & this cabinet need to be exposed & admit the details of their Complicity & FKN WHY YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T STRIKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DAMN J6 ?!.THAT IS WHY DEMS APPEAR WEAK AF

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They're all on the same team, regardless of party, taking kickback from the banks and the lobbyists.

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Totally agree Lois! Very well said. Trump was not taken seriously enough.

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Yeah I always wondered whey they were so slow

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A correction to your excellent post. Americans did not chose Declining Donnie. Only MAGA Trump-bots did that, and those seduced by the gimmick of cheap gas and groceries. With Donnie's announcement of his tarrif plans, prices will rise. So much for the gas/groceries gimmick.

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The estimate per household is about $2000 if the tariffs come in. I wonder if Trump lovers and MAGA twats will notice that their fruit annd veg will cost more, although I am sure Trump will find a way to make it all sound “great.” I am Canadian, and the tariffs will hurt everyday Canadians as well as Americans. Trump lied about who pays for tariffs. The consumer pays virtually every time. I hope you all can fight this any way you can. Boycott his inauguration. Tank his ratings. That f*ckwit has skated his entire life. The best we can do is be a resistance.

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Reported today more like 4,000. One of my MAGA neighbors told me two days ago the prices will go down, the economy is so bad.....lol. She is too stupid for me to even answer her.

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Yup...they're idiots. I live in rural Kentucky and most of my neighbors believe the same thing.

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I have a Blue Friend in rural Kentucky and its tough going,

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Actually closer to $4000 dollars (at least in Kamala's speeches). I believe her!

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That crowd thinks ketchup is a vegetable

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You can't fix stupid, dumb uneducated. When you can't see the reality you are truly fucked.

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They were duped by Fox and NewsMax.

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Personally, I do not mind paying extra for quality goods made in America. I'm certainly not going to buy cheap shit from China to help them continue to modernize their military. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I suspect that most MAGA disciples love the cheap Chinese shit because they don't look past their paychecks and the cost of stuff.

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We don’t have enough manufacturing in the US anymore though.

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I do not disagree, Elle, but I attempt to find American made goods when available. It’s a frustrating search at times. I have sworn off Amazon because they push a lot of cheap Chinese stuff to increase profits. I don’t always equate Chinese products with cheap, low-quality stuff not all American made products as higher quality. I just prefer to keep what jobs are left here in the U.S. I also don’t dislike the Chinese people. I don’t like the government’s policies on manufacturing and trade.

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It's just a matter of time till Donald tanks the country. I will give him till the 4th of July.

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That long? You underestimate him and his minions.

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I'm with you, Wayne. He's already doing serious damage. I doubt we'll last til Valentines Day - when our hearts will be broken 💔

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But the MSM will make sure D's are blamed

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Heather, you are right about the voters. It is too bad Democrats are so often looking for perfection. If a candidate does not agree with every single issue or the one issue the Dem has, oh well, can't vote for them or just won't vote at all. That is nuts because it never works out well, but alas, a whole bunch of Dems didn't vote because of Palestine or Gaza or whatever and guess what, guys, Trump and Kump would like Gaza residents to disappear so they can develop the land for Israel or some really rich guys. So sad! Of course, I will not be viewing or in any way connecting with anything related to Trump and Kump on Jan. 20th and will be looking for news sources that will minimize the Trump coverage for the next 4 years and maybe into forever.

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It seems we learned nothing from 2016

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This is so true and when as it is written the US falls it won’t be God it will be the Anti Christ following the crap Trump has started and finishing us off. How could so many have been suckered in by him? I have friends that were! one insists he is sent by God!

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Trump IS the AntiChrist. If such a being exists, he fits the description to a "T". As a matter of fact - the word 'trump' is mentioned many times in the Book of Revelation to signal his arrival. I started to watch a weird video on YouTube about how tRump is the prophecized one...but it was too hard for me to swallow, since I don't believe the Bible was "God's Word" in the first place.

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If I believed christian mythology I would say he meets the criteria.

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They want the checks he issued last time.

Ignorant schmucks.

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My first act of defiance will be flying my American flag at half mast on inauguration day, in silent recognition of the passing of democracy in America.


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I love your plan to lower your flag to half mast ✌️🌿💙

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Id also fly it upside down. Ours is truly a nation in peril, unlike when MAGA uses it. I truly wish article 5 eorked for takeovers from the inside.

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Thanks, Patti. My own humble act of defiance on inauguration day.

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Trump needs some fertiliser under his seat.

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Best idea yet!

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Turn your back to the Orange DICKtator and do not attend Jan 20th.

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Needs a big time promotion group and a star studded lineup. This loser is obsessed by crowd size and TV ratings. Let's blow his orange butt up by watching our own organized gathering. Spread the word.

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The media are cowards. Of course they will be at the inauguration. Shame on them, though. They owe it to the 49.7% of us who voted for Harris to NOT show up. trump's people won't care anyway - they don't watch the news, and we know that. If they had (watched the news), instead of listening to conspiracy theories on social media, we wouldn't be where we are right now, with a fascist-wannabe-dictator-convicted-felon-who-will-spend-the-next-four-years-wreaking-revenge-on-those-who-tried-to-hold-him-responsible-for-his-crimes taking over the most powerful position in the country, again.

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Where ???

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💪 your so right 💪

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President Biden should “pardon” any specifically named prosecuted, judge, this Capitol police offer mentioned, any one on the Jan 6th committee any judge doing their duty in sentencing the 1/6 insurrectionusts, any Republican previously testifying against DT any private citizen who has brought a lawsuit attempting to hold DT accountable, Judge Ludwig, each Meifad Touch principal any one ever mentioned in revenge talk by maga. In a normal world none of these people have done anything needing to be pardoned for but this is not normal. Pardon them President Biden in due process with correct paperwork and get it done. Pull the rug out from the fear; save our nen and women with integrity. I’ve heard that Adam Schiff, certainly Lynn Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Nancy Pelusi, so many others. And pardon your son, Hunter Biden. Your family deserves peace after what you tried to do to bring our country back to civility.

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I don't think all those you list would seek a pardon but Hunter Biden is a different story. Despite President Biden's earlier statement that he would not pardon his son, the President should change his mind given Trump's election. He should pardon his son. As said above, the Biden family deserves peace rather than what would surely be a continuing and virulent prosecution of Hunter Biden. And the pardon language should be as broad as possible.

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The thing is I can’t imagine any of those people seeking a pardon but could not the President provide this to those already documented either verbally or in tweets as intended threatened customs of revenge? The death threats and real danger from off balanced people have already destroyed lives. Just an idea but so many of these Americans truly are our heroes and we need them alive and families safe in 2026 and beyond.🙏🏻.

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Yes, several progressive commentators have suggested these "preemptive pardons" be expedited. Life is different now; in the past, pardon requests have implied guilt.

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Save and pardon the hero from Jan 6. I am in Australia and support this idea without any hesitation. I saw the violent mob. The police tried to do their job. Their job!

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My question exactly. Shouldn’t every possible target of Trumps vengeance and those even long shots be granted a preemptive pardon by Biden. This should become a movement. He can’t be allowed to ruin anyone else’s life.

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Mary, I think I need to say that I have no powerful political connections or influence, but I hope that by making some practical idea suggestions now that you and others on Substackwith influence could pass on to our current President as time is short. I am a regular citizen, retired HS Government and Social Studies teacher who has loved my life working with students in both AZ and OR, a New Yorker (upstate) by heritage to not tolerate bullies, racism, or revisionism that discounts some who came here for religious freedom, a patriotic American, a Christian. A descendant of immigrants albeit 1621 with Puritan Moses Simmons on my father’s side, and a brave great-grandfather who operated a stop for the Underground Railway in southern Pennsylvania prior to fighting for the Union. The point is just a person who cares, witnessed the unthinkable on Jan. 6 and subsequent 0 accountability for power corrupted in all three federal branches, and ultimately grieves with teachers across this country who did our best and it wasn’t enough to combat the evil quest for power at any cost.

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Drumpf will go after the Biden family.

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Biden should NOT pardon Trump. I am going to write the White House momentarily and tell him so! If he pardons him, it will cause more division! He is NOT ABOVE THE LAW!

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I just wrote the White House! Please everyone do the same telling Biden NOT to pardon Trump!

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Who is suggesting that Biden should pardon Trump? I haven't heard or read that, at least among Democratic groups.

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I have heard it among the old men in the house & senate And, I HATE THE VERY THOUGHT OF IT ! FURIOUS @ JIM ? CLYBURN SC DEM I THINK IS HIS NAME. THESE OLD AZZ DEMS NEED TO BE PUT OUT TO PASTURE WITHOUT THEIR CUSHY BENES TO CATCH ALL 45s ( NOT 47 ! bcz putin/musty/lil petey thiel-f et al stole Kamala's votes ) foul hot wind until they pay for their sins against us who entrusted our democracy to them only to hand the ball over without the tiniest spec of blood, sweat or tears on their ever so proper white gloves !

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I don’t think Biden would ever consider pardoning Trump.

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Biden should send Trump to prison and pardon Hunter......

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Don't be so sure.

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When did Biden say he was going to pardon Trump? I missed that.

I can't see Biden doing that at all.

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Really- after the Oval Office fluffing Biden gave Fatass?

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Someone said that one of his goals was to unite the country and they also said pardoning Trump would cause more division as he is not above the law! Even Merrick Garland said that, however, he acted too slowly in appointing a special counsel! It may have still dragged out anyway!

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I wish he would but I don’t see it happening. Dems always fall for the Charlie Brown/ Lucy trick. They try to play by the rules when time after time they’ve been outplayed by lies trickery and deceit

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Not street smart. The Dems need to learn how to play the game to win.

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Thx for illustrating my frustration so vividly! I thought I was the only one seeing this over & over again ! Grinding my teeth at ever foiled play !!

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Agree 100%. I'm making a list of actions - such as these types of pardons, judicial appointments, and other things to send to friends for action during this tight window. I'm calling the White House line and thinking about sending old-fashioned letters (in addition to emailing).

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I called both my Senator’s local offices last week and left this message. If we all called our Senators (or the ones we trust) to pass it on. And pardons also for Lt. Col. Vindiman and Mitt Romney (and the few others who voted to allow witnesses in the 1st Impeachment trial) and certainly Mary Trump.

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I think there is some confusion; I would NEVER recommend pardoning DT. Thank you.

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Hi - I think the comments were intended for another poster. It gets confusing when people are posting quickly.

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Also I mistyped at the beginning and in no way meant”prosecuted” I meant prosecutors and I know most readers understood but, just for clarify correcting this. Thank you.

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Unfortunately, I think Trump would prosecute, or disappear them, regardless of whether or not Biden pardons them. He, and the oeople around him, ate pure EVIL.

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I am certain of this. His orangeness wants so badly to do evil isht like his idols putin, orloff & Un !

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I came here to say exactly that but you got there before me with an even more comprehensive list. Thanks.

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Do u really think any pardonor new law will be respected by the clown car? U all have more trust in the rule of law being respected than I do but then I was born Black in America in the 50s

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Merrick Garland failed this country spectacularly. He was a coward and snuffed out a huge light in our Democracy and the so called rule of law. My rage simmers more and more everyday. DJT proved he is indeed above the law.

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Merrick Garland was not a coward, Lynne, he was the wrong man for the job. President Obama nominated him in February 2016,. eleven full months before the election, to the position of Associate Justice on the Supreme Court, a job for which Mr. Garland was eminently qualified, In his years of Circuit Appellate Court Judge, he was noted for his methodical, carefully argued findings based on the law.

President Biden appointed him to Attorney General as an award for not reaching the Supreme Court. He is not a prosecutor nor a man of action. He was not suitable for his position. He was used to careful thinking, lots of research and assurance of making the 'right' decisions. It is most unfortunate that such a poor choice was made at such a critical time. Either Kamala Harris or Jack Smith would have been better choices for Attorney General.

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I respectfully disagree. He should have appointed Jack Smith 6 months after the insurrection. Not 2 freaking years. That was cowardice because he didn't want to appear "partisan." So he has helped usher in authoritarian rule by a treasonous man. Although, I do agree that Biden gave it to him because of what happened to him because of detailed Supreme Court win and should have replaced him a year into his awful job performance. Sally Yates should have been the AG from the start.

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I agree Sally Yates would have been superior.

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Or practically ANYone else..... History will not note his previous employment and will not be kind in its assessment of his performance as A.G. Mark my word.....

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You are probably correct on some historians, but I like to think there are a few honest ones among them. And yes there are many better choices, but compare Merrick Garland as a Justice to his replacement, Neil Gorsuch

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He was a coward, and he was wrong. He didnt like the optics of prosecuting a former president, and he didnt want to look political. However, by his very inaction, he was being(,or at least looked) political. It wasnt until The January 6th Commuttee shamed him that he did anything with the case, and, he was quick to hire Jack Smith, only after Donald Trump announced his candidacy. It was only then that I knew Garland was doing anything at all. He had a duty to prose ute criminals, to include Trump, wihhout fear or favor. He failed. Whatever he may have had, whatever Biden saw, was sorely missing.

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But, I am so ANGRY Garland GAVE IT ALL AWAY LIKE DOMINOES FALLING ! HE SHOULD HAVE PASSED ON THE POSITION THEN WE NEEDED A PERFECTIONIST BEAN COUNTER LIKE A HOLE IN THE HEAD! THX A LOT JOE SINCE WE'RE MORE CONCERNED THAT U FEEL APPRECIATED WHILE U MR McGOO your way thru the countdown to putinsville usa ! I'm furious at clyburn & Biden for squashing the progressives who could've played a better hand . Now we'll never know.

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Garland was a judge. Different mind-set, different rules, different action potential. He should never have been put in that position. And once it became obvious that he didn't have the prosecutorial cojones to do the job, he should have resigned or been fired. I feel stupid defending him but someone has to. Not his fault he wasn't what everyone thought he was. He would have been a great Supreme Court Justice.

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Thank you, Sandra! I have thought all along that he was cut out to be a judge for all the reasons you cited. Please don't feel silly for defending him. As you said, he is a smart talented principled guy but in the wrong job.

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Thank you, Josie. That makes me feel better. For now, anyway.

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Garland gave speeches at Federalists Societys conventions . Look it up their all on there as either members or wanna bees .

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Sez you...........

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Yep, I still get to do that. For now, anyway.

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Exactly. He is useless. In addition, what has his done to assure election integrity? I mean purging voters and making it harder to vote? The man has been utterly useless.

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Garland's a Heritage Foundation stooge/goon. Trust that!

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Anyone who gives speeches to the Federalists do it for a reason ....wanna bees ! If they want in , their willing to do anything for their invitation .....anything !

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Sometimes I wonder if Garland is a double agent. He does absolutly nothing but help democracy crumble. It all never made sense until that though came into mind.

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I feel U Lynne Rose !

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Donald was obviously ready and willing to watch Pence and members of Congress be torn apart by the out-of-control, angry mob. Can you imagine any other President doing that? And it was all because of HIS big, f'ing lie! This should have told every American all they needed to know about him.

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. . . never mind some damned, Joe Rogan gab fest (the perfect opportunity to unload BS by the ton!).

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Trump is the type who will lash out with sheer cruelty toward whoever is a convenient target whenever he gets frustrated or faces some failure or impossible dilemma.

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Biden do it now while you still can!

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So Trump says he is in favor of immunity for police officers when they’ve got their knees on the neck of a Black man laying face down on the ground but not for a police officer who is following legal orders to protect the Capitol from insurrectionists. Expected hypocrisy.

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Hypocrisy? In 47-elect's binary mind, black = bad = death. White = good = supremacy.

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Thank you for bringing this up. Sickening.

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So why isn't Section 3 of Amendment 14 being used to get him out of here?

A Harvard Review paper explains how this can be done.


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I've been discussing that for awhile. It's beyond my imagination as to why he's not taken down for Yreason.

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I mean Treason. 🤬

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Section 3 requires action by two-thirds of both houses of congress. There is no way enough republicans vote to bar trump from office. (Moreover, if Congress somehow did agree to this, we would get an equally repulsive President JD Vance.) This simply is not going to happen.

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I agree. Unfortunately, our administration, the DOJ does not have the courage. Additionally, the Supreme Court has given trump immunity. Section 3 of the 14th amendment was briefly tossed around, various people debating the meaning of words like "officer". In the end, I believe we, the people, are on our own.

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The Supreme Court has given the president, whoever that may be, immunity. Which means Biden has immunity right now for any official act he commits as president. So why wouldn’t his elimination of Trump from succession to the presidency for the good of the U.S. be given immunity? And why is no one that I’m aware of considering immunity applying to any acts Biden sees as necessary to faithfully execute his constitutional duties? Why wouldn’t such acts include preventing Trump from assuming the presidency given his treasonous and felonious actions over many years now? Such concerns are festering within me as time is ticking away to do something about a criminal and treasonous con man being on the verge of becoming a dictator-president with no checks on him

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Actually, I have said this since the absurb SCOTUS ruling. "Well, President Biden is also immune, so he should shut down the despot by whatever means." I think President Biden has too much integrity. Plus, there is the fear the MAGA militia will cause a lot of harm. Of course, our military can put them down, but it would not be what President Biden would want to instigate.

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I downloaded the document and will read it when I have more time!

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#Facts #14thAmendment #Section3 has indeed been swept under their Rug. There is ZERO doubt.

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“Because that’s where the money is.”

--Ten Most Wanted Fugitive William Francis Sutton, 1952

Sutton famously replied when asked why he robbed banks, “Because that’s where the money is.”

Donald Trump understands where the money is and what it takes to stay in power above the rule of law—every crack in our country's legal system he exploited. Meanwhile, the Democrats appear in disarray, failing to offer any vision or reassurance since the election. So this Thanksgiving, I am incredibly grateful for people like Mary, whose courage and steadfast voice in the independent media inspire us all. Thank you, Mary, for Giving us your all!

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"Donald Trump understands where the money is and what it takes to stay in power above the rule of law..."

You give him way too much credit. He is dumb as a hammer but surrounds himself with clever people who will gladly take his money for keeping him out of jail.

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He is not dumb. Sociopaths are quite brilliant actually. Constantly underestimating him is what got us here in the first place. Thank you.

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You generalize. Are you saying 47-elect is brilliant?

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Yes like I said he is a sociopath he cannot feel anyone else pain. He is an actor and a great counter puncher which is why Steve Bannon hired him years ago to play the role of President.

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Does he deserve our empathy? Wouldn’t that be a scary undertaking?

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No empathy for Trump as he has none for any of us. All I am saying is the Dems keep mocking him and it helps no one. It is a turn off for centrists and it does not educate people about his true intentions which put all of us on danger. Let the late show hosts mock his hands and hair and our media needs to explain in simple clear language what is going on in every moment. Too much time was wasted on name calling and not calling out what his words and actions mean in real relatable terms. Thank you.

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I agree completely that mocking 47-elect is an exercise in frustration. It is futile to mock those traits that we abhor but endear him to his disciples. I quit watching most news and the late shows for that very reason. The real meaning of his words are also what endears him to his disciples so no amount of truth about his intentions will ever convince them he is a charlatan and they are disposable pawns for his dastardly plans.

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He is a lot smarter than you and many give him credit. Mocking him for nine years did nothing to educate the public of the danger he is to our democracy. The times spent mocking him we could have had discussions like what Mary does on this platform. Lao Tzu said the greatest threat in war is underestimating your opponent. And that is exactly what many did for nine years up until the election still wondering how people can vote for him. Had they understand we would have won.

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An idiot savant? I don’t think so. I will allow that he is ‘street smart’, the way a mafioso or gang member is, but will reserve brilliant for those who can construct coherent sentences, read, pay attention for more than a minute and assimilate ideas. He also is completely devoid of emotional intelligence which certainly may derive from his many emotional pathologies. Resorting to personal insults and repeating things like people are eating cats and dogs when he is pushed into a corner reflects his inability to think on his feet. What else ya got?

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He has charisma which is sort of "emotional intelligence". Like all psychopaths, he understands his prey and knows how to persuade them that he cares about them. He enjoys the power he has over them. But he is uneducated, and shallow.

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Fair point. IMO, charisma is a trait that occurs at the confluence of national populism and an individual who exudes a cult-like persona. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is knowing when to display the appropriate emotion for the moment, without seeking to endear people to him/her. How does that fit in with your definition of charisma vs emotional intelligence?

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Emotional intelligence can be the foundation of being able to attract the admiration and devotion of others. Emotional intelligence has other qualities, but may involve "seeking to endear people to him/her'. A tiny baby has this sort of intelligence when he/she smiles at his/her mother. This ensures that the mother "falls in love" with her baby, and looks after him/her. But it is not just a "display" for the baby since he/she is genuinely happy to see his/her mother.

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Thanks for the clarification and example, both of which makes perfect sense. There are so many mental and emotional pathologies from which he suffers and I’m simply not smart enough to understand how they all play into his grievance-borne charismatic personality. It seems he has tapped into a feedback loop among hard-core MAGA disciples that will amplify and sustain his pathologies. 🤯🤯 This is more than I can wrap my head around…for now.

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Lisa, Joyce, do y’all think part of &7-elect’s appeal to the powerful elites and foreign dictators is his ability to be easily manipulated due to his emotional pathologies? They shouldn’t be as affected by his charisma because they have their own following. Just curious.

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This is going to be a rough four years. We’ve got to resist.

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We are so screwed , excuse my French

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Agreed but screwed in French is baisé. :-)

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Excellent commentary, Mary Trump.

And this is the worst of it. My husband and I just finished talking about the Evil that Trump has let loose on the country. His hate, fear, bigotry, egomaniacal sickness has poisoned the country. He has opened Pandora's box and let the Furies fly with rage and hate and revenge. There is nothing to revenge. Trump is not normal and never will be. Perhaps in the coming years, we will have an amendment to make sure no people with obvious mental illness run or get near the reins of power.

The other horror-that he GOT AWAY with it all! The worst person committing the worse got away with it because we did not have a gutsy and by the law judicial system in place. Instead of jail, he gets the brass ring again-the Presidency!

So much is wrong in America... Pray for our country.

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For certain Trump being in the WH makes me physically ill. My anger towards those who made it possible for him to get away with murder (women in TX and other states) starts with Biden for not firing Garland and replacing him with a storm trooper go getter AG.

Honestly the Dems placed nice, really? Played nice with a monster and now we all die a slow scary death, there is no “life” for those of us on Medicare and SS.

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I’m a widow and alone. I rely on Social Security and Medicare. I get my secondary insurance through the VA. My husband was a soldier in Vietnam and died of lung cancer as a result of being sprayed with Agent Orange…. so when they say how much they are going to cut Veterans policies, I’m almost certain my insurance is gone. I’m just terrified.As a survivor of breast cancer I just don’t know where to turn.

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You’re not alone. All of us must wait and see and I cannot imagine a majority of our present military not standing up for your rights which will one day be their rights. Write your democratic congressman if you have one or a not so nice one to republicans. All members of our military take an oath. I cannot see enough of them not fighting for those of us we serve.🤗

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Hi Patricia, first, thank you for your husband’s service and I’m sorry he was exposed to Agent Orange, and I’m so sorry for your loss of your husband. I hope that you are able to access ACA for insurance, and if anything happens to that, please contact Catholic Social Services. I’m an Agnostic but I volunteer with a liberal Peace & Social Justice group that is Roman Catholic based. CSS will offer you assistance, and there’s absolutely *No* requirement to be Catholic or any type of Christian, or belief in any book; the only requirement is that you need help.

In fact, if I were you, I’d go ahead and contact them today, and explain what you’re dealing with, what you need, etc.

I am sending you much peace for a good outcome. 👍

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Narcissits like Diaper Don are the sharks...........nice people..like the law abiding Democrats are the cod fish that sharks laugh at as they easily eat them up.

The hour is very late now to learn this hard life lesson.........stop playing nice to a hungry shark!!

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I really don't they will go after Medicare and SS. However, Medicaid which helps poor people will take a hit. SNAP will be dropped. These people are evil.

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My daughter teaches school as does her husband, but; my daughter has over 50 nations or small nations, tribes, Latinos and Mexicans. It’s difficult to teach when most of your children fear all or part of their families will be forced to leave. These are elementary kids. They need clothes, food, and school supplies already. And many are the only ones in the family that speak English fluently. And yes the monster will likely take their food. Their parents don’t sit at home. They work hard and take classes to learn English. My daughter sees them daily and what their fears are daily. Worst of all she cannot promise the worst won’t happen.

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Hi Pam. My heart breaks hearing about those kids your daughter teaches. Is there a way she can set up a donation program?

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I honestly don’t know about donations. The school provides two meals and a weekend snack bag but no guarantee who eats the food. The teachers do a lot on their own. The Roanoke City School System in VA has so many children in need. Thank you so much for caring. We’re the richest nation in the world and cannot feed our children but we can certainly pay baseball and football players millions. I will never understand.

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Frankly, the nearly 50% of Americans - and the many more too lazy and self-concerned to vote - deserve the coming hell if Donald Trump 2.0.

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The problem is we will all suffer and some of us more than others.

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We are all going to pay especially if the tariffs are instituted and mass deportation occurs!

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Chrystia Freeland threw the tariff cake right back into the Orange mushrooms face today.

Magats will be paying the bill...not "Jinnaa." Democrats need to learn from the Canadian.

Stop wimping out and fight back against the bully.

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Claudia Sheinbaum also got back at him..

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Canadian border agents have a tough time catching the illegal gun flow also.

The shootings are traced to smuggled handguns. Hells Angels and organized crime smuggle the drugs into Canada........immigrants will be fleeing USA in January to come to Canada...........Trump must be shooting the same heroin that Kennedy is doing.......or drinking the same aids infected tap water.

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All of us *except* the rich (including our Congresspeople) and fatuous.

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Except we all have to run laps and do pushups, not just MAGA.

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Unless you’re headed for the camps.

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Yep, then it’ll be chippin’ up rocks for the great highway.

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Or handed a suspiciously heavy bar of soap.

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Sadly everyone will pay the price.

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But the rest of us, and more importantly none of our children or grandchildren do.😩

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Mary, there is not a flea's ass chance in hell among those of us who follow your blog and who voted for Kamala and Tim of forgetting January 6. Your antichrist uncle and his sick, twisted cult and voters are the only ones capable of that. As far as I'm concerned, they've committed the unforgivable and opened the gates to Armageddon.😠

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Feel massively sorry for Michael Byrd. Not only would he have suffered the mental stress from having to shoot someone dead in line of duty and from the situation overall, but now he has this to worry about. All because people voted for a traitor.

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If Americans loose the rule of law, we’re all finished!

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I fear we already have!!!

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Finnish? I need a passport!

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Not yet…. !!!

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Anyone notice CBS morning and evening news has gone soft? I don’t know about the other MSM networks, I tuned out of ABC long ago with their unabashed cross selling of anything Disney. Haven’t been watching NBC. Cable news, no thanks, I don’t need the continued What if Henny Penny mentality.

We are in for a roller coaster ride. The media is pablum. Politicians are Eunich Lemmings.

The appointed cabinet is an absolute s#$* show.

The Atlantic has an interesting article about the exclusion of women in the MAGA world, including those women who wanted to be one of the guys, but alas, were played and have no seat at the table, and aren’t even welcomed into the building. Duh, ladies.

Maybe America needs this. Maybe people will realize they’ve been played. I just hope Americans remember what it was like before this idiot came on the scene.

I think many of us hope for the best, but I’ll say it, I hate to wish ill will, but people get what they vote for.

I’m just waiting for museums to be raided and purged of anything that MAGA deems degenerate. Public tv and radio are in the cross hairs, and book banning has accelerated after getting the green light by Reagan puppet. When they go after our art, we know it’s 1939 Europe.

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