He is a lot smarter than you and many give him credit. Mocking him for nine years did nothing to educate the public of the danger he is to our democracy. The times spent mocking him we could have had discussions like what Mary does on this platform. Lao Tzu said the greatest threat in war is underestimating your opponent. And that is exa…
He is a lot smarter than you and many give him credit. Mocking him for nine years did nothing to educate the public of the danger he is to our democracy. The times spent mocking him we could have had discussions like what Mary does on this platform. Lao Tzu said the greatest threat in war is underestimating your opponent. And that is exactly what many did for nine years up until the election still wondering how people can vote for him. Had they understand we would have won.
An idiot savant? I don’t think so. I will allow that he is ‘street smart’, the way a mafioso or gang member is, but will reserve brilliant for those who can construct coherent sentences, read, pay attention for more than a minute and assimilate ideas. He also is completely devoid of emotional intelligence which certainly may derive from his many emotional pathologies. Resorting to personal insults and repeating things like people are eating cats and dogs when he is pushed into a corner reflects his inability to think on his feet. What else ya got?
He has charisma which is sort of "emotional intelligence". Like all psychopaths, he understands his prey and knows how to persuade them that he cares about them. He enjoys the power he has over them. But he is uneducated, and shallow.
Fair point. IMO, charisma is a trait that occurs at the confluence of national populism and an individual who exudes a cult-like persona. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is knowing when to display the appropriate emotion for the moment, without seeking to endear people to him/her. How does that fit in with your definition of charisma vs emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence can be the foundation of being able to attract the admiration and devotion of others. Emotional intelligence has other qualities, but may involve "seeking to endear people to him/her'. A tiny baby has this sort of intelligence when he/she smiles at his/her mother. This ensures that the mother "falls in love" with her baby, and looks after him/her. But it is not just a "display" for the baby since he/she is genuinely happy to see his/her mother.
Thanks for the clarification and example, both of which makes perfect sense. There are so many mental and emotional pathologies from which he suffers and I’m simply not smart enough to understand how they all play into his grievance-borne charismatic personality. It seems he has tapped into a feedback loop among hard-core MAGA disciples that will amplify and sustain his pathologies. 🤯🤯 This is more than I can wrap my head around…for now.
He is a lot smarter than you and many give him credit. Mocking him for nine years did nothing to educate the public of the danger he is to our democracy. The times spent mocking him we could have had discussions like what Mary does on this platform. Lao Tzu said the greatest threat in war is underestimating your opponent. And that is exactly what many did for nine years up until the election still wondering how people can vote for him. Had they understand we would have won.
An idiot savant? I don’t think so. I will allow that he is ‘street smart’, the way a mafioso or gang member is, but will reserve brilliant for those who can construct coherent sentences, read, pay attention for more than a minute and assimilate ideas. He also is completely devoid of emotional intelligence which certainly may derive from his many emotional pathologies. Resorting to personal insults and repeating things like people are eating cats and dogs when he is pushed into a corner reflects his inability to think on his feet. What else ya got?
He has charisma which is sort of "emotional intelligence". Like all psychopaths, he understands his prey and knows how to persuade them that he cares about them. He enjoys the power he has over them. But he is uneducated, and shallow.
Fair point. IMO, charisma is a trait that occurs at the confluence of national populism and an individual who exudes a cult-like persona. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, is knowing when to display the appropriate emotion for the moment, without seeking to endear people to him/her. How does that fit in with your definition of charisma vs emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence can be the foundation of being able to attract the admiration and devotion of others. Emotional intelligence has other qualities, but may involve "seeking to endear people to him/her'. A tiny baby has this sort of intelligence when he/she smiles at his/her mother. This ensures that the mother "falls in love" with her baby, and looks after him/her. But it is not just a "display" for the baby since he/she is genuinely happy to see his/her mother.
Thanks for the clarification and example, both of which makes perfect sense. There are so many mental and emotional pathologies from which he suffers and I’m simply not smart enough to understand how they all play into his grievance-borne charismatic personality. It seems he has tapped into a feedback loop among hard-core MAGA disciples that will amplify and sustain his pathologies. 🤯🤯 This is more than I can wrap my head around…for now.