What the country needed right after Joe Biden was elected were tribunals that punished ALL of the MAGA coup actors with either prison, fines and expulsion from politics. That would have set the necessary precedent about what political behavior was acceptable and what wasn’t. But Biden believed in the goodness of Americans. He bet on the love of goodness and fairness to beat MAGA at the ballot box. But it did not work and now we are facing the consequences!
I will be wearing this "Totally Unhinged Radical Liberal" shirt the next four years 👇
I’ve been wearing what I call “Kamala sneakers” since the election. I have them in a number of colors, but the one I like best is pink. Reclaiming pink as a strong color has been part of my feminist journey.
Americans are for the most part not good people. The sooner we accept this the better. Our culture worships selfishness, avarice and greed as virtues and we finally have a president who reflects the true malicious soul of this nation. Democracy worked as designed and now the people will get exactly what they deserve.
People are people. The only thing that really differentiates America from most of the rest of the world (well, at least before Trump) is our Constitution. Since the Republican Party is now the Trump Party, all respect from them for the Constitution is now just lip service.
The stain is that dems let it happen again. Do more than wear a damned t-shirt. Do more than march in a circle in a yes person bubble. RISK a little. That's how it gets done libbies!
I so agree. Why didn't we storm the Capitol? Where is our protest? Where is our search for more votes and fake electors? It's apparently not illegal and also encouraged, so what's the problem?
Of course every single word he utters (at the swearing in) will be a lie. Lying is all he knows how to do. It's what we expect from him. I find it very depressing that nobody had the guts to look into how he won all 7 swing states, and that nobody had the guts to refuse to let him be inaugurated. I understand in a way, why Kamala Harris proceeded as per usual, but it makes me sick that trump is getting away with his wrong doing once again. We will be paying a heavy price for that.
Yes, while ignoring the massive fraud Rev Jackson showed her before the confirmation. She was asked to watch this documentary saveyourvote(org) She ignored that advice so cocksure she would win that she said she would sign a voting rights act into being after she won. We had one, did we not? Both parties ignored the fraud. Both libs and cons are not effective for change anymore.
I believe what you rightly observe in the slick way in which the seven swing states quickly veered to the right is being investigated for irrefutable proof. I also believe that we are still at this moment a nation where the rule of law stands.
Thank you for saying this. I believe you are right because I still cannot believe this situation of his return to office can be happening legitimately. I hope we learn the truth and can make everything right to save our country!
I believe DT had announced that he had a secret (I think he and Mike Johnson had this secret)that almost insured his win. So maybe there is something shady and he couldn't even contain himself to not disclose he had a secret.
I think you're right about the DT- Mike Johnson secret. There's something there to investigate. I believe DT has stolen another election and that Musk has plenty to do with it. Unfortunately, Republicans will control all the houses in 2 weeks and they definitely won't look into it.
The rule of law , won't be standing once he's inside the Whitehouse. It will be Trump's Rules, which from what he's shown total ignorance. He now has Musk drafting up his dirty work, until he fails him and goes onto overshadowing him, then he'll fire him too. The moment Trump feels like he's the underdog he'll lash out. He's not only a danger to the people around him but all Americans! He wants to control all of us, just like Hitler, not to mention Trump's hero!
The rule of law no longer exists for the people, it exists for his inmer circle of people and the few followers he has. We have lost. Somehow, no one is standing up to him any longer. Welcome to the new dictatorship. Democracy will be gone, it in his favor i fear.
I've been forced to conclude the oligarchs who actually run this country are tired of hiding behind the scenes and are ready to be in the spotlight. Trump is just the puppet they used to coup the country from the inside.
Putin published an opinion letter in the Moscow newspaper stating Trump now owes him for his help getting re-elected. But since Trump blows everyone off, I wonder if he will end up tossed outside of an open window???
I totally agree with you, Susan! I am sickened that he is about to enter the WH again, and this time on a much more planned platform. I am sickened that in the next four years I may have my only income and medical care stolen from me!! Money that I was supposed to have at this time in my life, although I ended up being disabled, it's still supposed to be there for me! Without income and medical, I will die. So, this "presidential term" may just be my death sentence. If you remember correctly after tRump announced his running, he was quite bz 'behind the curtain' with plans to make sure he won this time. And, his plans worked. But, whyyyy is no one talking about this?! I mean, it was on the news or other shows showing video clips of his cronies designing plans, talking about it and almost guaranteeing that their plans were foolproof?! That one way or another they were going to make sure he won. They were telling us right there that no matter how the people voted, he was going to win. They had plans for plans for plans...plans A-Z! I thought for sure just on that pretense alone, the Dems were going to reject the "outcome" and challenge it...I just knew it! I just knew they weren't going to feed us to the lions! But, alas, more and more I heard the Dems assuring the country that they weren't going to act like tRump did. Whaaat?! We're talking about life and death here now... explain to me why it's such a big thing that y'all show the country how poised and calm you are...and how you r following the law...I kind of understand, but you must realize that he is still NOT following the law! Common sense tells us that he is not! Why?! Becoz he NEVER has his entire life, that's why! So, why would he start now?! You just put us on a platter and served us to the carnivores! You failed us! Instead of, first and foremost, prosecuting the main culprit, the sore f*****g loser who incited this all...the one who had been planning this and sat by and watched it like he was watching a Jacques Cousteau special! And, he couldn't be brought to Justice in all this time?! It doesn't matter that all the soldiers were prosecuted, if you don't get the main guy, you've got nothing at all! You just wasted your time and our time! What... you're scared, too?! No confidence in your prosecutorial experience?! Whyyy did you, the Justice Dept, not do anything?! There was even a "lawful" plan devised to stop tRump before the inauguration...but, one by one the Dems publicly stated, (in a passifying voice) "nooo, we're going to go thru with a peaceful transition and not cry and whine and deny the results like they did..." Wait a minute...!! tRump is going to let his sick puppies out of prison and alot of them are demented cops who are relentless in their "beliefs"! Why couldn't you, the Dems and OUR government, be just as relentless in defending our Constitution by prosecuting this known insurrectionist?!! Why?! Why?! Why?! Instead...at the end of the day, you are so bent toward showing this known conniving cheater how to have a peaceful transition and not deny the results instead of challenging this known conniving cheater that we see right thru him?! Everyone's got his number, except when it comes time to stand in front of this evil monster and tell him to his face?! You'd rather stand up and offer up your senior, disabled, vets, newborns as a sacrificial lamb! Thanks...a lot.
This stuff was obvious when the dems refused to deal with the DNC screwing with progressive votes to protect Clinton in 2016. Now here we are with libs still fawning over an undeserving party just like MAGA does with theirs. Not effective as activists of old used to be. Cash stackers and dogma jackers is about all we have now on all sides. Where my Yippies at? Where dey at?
Susan, thank you for saying what I've been saying ever since the election. Will never believe he actually won this election. The truth will come out but it will be too late to do anything. Why the "powers that be" are handing over the reins of our democracy to a known liar, cheater and destroyer of the rule of law as if this time he'd allow a "free and fair" election to proceed when he'd always done everything in his power not to allow that, is more than I can bear. Trying to get through the many stages of grief to acceptance but don't know if I'll ever be able to do that. It makes me sick that this horrible being has haunted and done everything he can to befoul ALL our lives for the past 15 years (even during President Obama's time in office) and will continue to make our lives even more miserable with the incoming Mump regime.
The whole world will pay a heavy price. I expect violence, persecution, a likely attempt by Mango Mussolini to stay as President For Life (may his be short), and a possible global Depression II. IMHO, this is the most dangerous time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think the so-called "American Century" is over.
It was. What flips this USAF vet and college grad out now is he's used the same lying tactics he used then to win an election. USA literacy rate is purportedly 60%. It's got to be closer to 50%. Our news media bears responsibility for at least a third of Trump's deluded (and sometimes loco) supporters.
Oh absolutely. The legacy media is dead to so many because of their willingness to sanewash everything Don the Con says and how much they routinely kiss his ass and so many other deplorable actions.
Andy Kim was my Representative until he was elected Senator. I’ve met and conversed with him on several occasions, he genuinely cares about his constituents and our country.
It’s a disgusting failure not only of Repubs -their cowardice & parasite behaviors are expected- but of our gatekeepers of justice (Garland), DOJ, judges, & Dems for not using all available measures to keep Trump off the ballot!
He’s a f’ing felon - a convicted rapist, a traitor! Why would he be allowed to be on a ballot for even a local city office… A failure of Dems not to shore up the gray areas he exploited. A failure of Dems to keep trying to unite with these nasty, racist aholes who support him. A failure of legacy media for not calling him as he is; they instead acted as if his lies were possible truths or deserved consideration.
So many people are to blame for what Trump is & where we are as a nation because of ignorance, hate & stupidity. It is time to make sure they all know it & do something about it.
I couldn't agree more. This is what I saw coming years ago when more and more money went into campaigns. No average person; who understands things of average Americans, can run for office. We've become Russia especially with the fact that lieing Musk bought his position. So did others and nothing is being done. Now things are ruled by money; blackmail, threats etc if you don't fall in. Just disgusting 🫣 😒 😕. It's a dam cult.
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
I completely can and do believe this! Paul just put all the pieces of the puzzle together! That's why tRump was so nonchalant this time...they already put their plans into place. They meant it when they said they weren't going to lose. And, here WE are...deny, deny, deny. Smh.
Kristine - Circumstantial evidence. if it can be done, it will be done, or will have been done. how many elections officials were prosecuted or exposed for allowing illegal access to voting machines? an attitude of resentment, revenge, payback for those eagerly willing to help the rigging. these people are cultishly eager to please their masters. it was masterful deflection on dumpster's part. do you ever think there will be an accounting of how musk's quarter billion was spent? in a sense it is speculative, but it connects the dots really well. Harris had this. I think the voting totals were fictitious. if votes are simply not counted, then "they all stayed home". We'll see if i'm correct in 2026, when the fury of the people gets lost in rigged voting apparatus. you'll see a fair number of progressives such as Crockett, AOC, Raskin, etc. losing their seats, and any senate dems losing as well. This substack may well be gone also.
We DO have proof. Lots of it. But while many libbie Tubers are dissing corp media, they too ignored it. Watch this documentary by a great investigative reporter saveyourvote(org) Rev Jackson asked Harris to. She just said she would sign a voting rights act in when she gained power. Greg risks a lot getting this proof. Pols...not so much. Other data folks saw some issues as well in the numbers. Weak Biden handed Trump the seat smiling the whole time. Anyway. Libs can be as brainwashed as MAGA is about "their team".
In both parties he might have added. He also stepped back when he was given the data about the DNC messing with the progressive vote back in 2016. Sanders is good, but even he will only risk so much of his own wealth and power.
Your words are so many Americans' narrative. How was he even allowed to run for office? Today's certification is positively chilling. This is the same as allowing Russia to take over the country - except this is domestic. With the brightest brains serving - from Klobuchar to Raskin and now Vindmann - how could this have taken place? There should have been plans in place to stop propaganda during Biden's administration without affecting the first amendment. Honestly? I'm just in complete shock. Utter and complete shock.
This is what the stinking World powers have been wanting for too long. To destroy our country. Colorado tried hard to keep Trump dump off of our electoral ballot. The 14th Amendment has been violated. He was never to be allowed to run for any public office in this country. What we have is a bunch of stinking weaklings in our Senate and in our House of Representatives not standing up for the rule of law. They have been allowed to get away with doing as they damn well please for too long. It is going to go to a revolution to turn this country around. Where the hell are the military generals of our country. They have a duty to stop that criminal Trump and his rotten cronies from ever holding any office in this country. People we have one last power to push and that is a referendum vote of the people. Next election we write on the ballot--this is my referendum vote. All of you get out of office. That power our founding fathers of this country did give to us, so that we would never have to fight another bloody civil war. The power to vote out this government at any time when it no longer works for the people.
Thank you Mary. Today was the 3nd hardest day I can remember in our History. 2016 was the first, 1/6/2021 was the 2nd and today was the 3rd. God help us all in 13 days. 💔🇺🇸💙🙏
After tears and shock are settled, methods of resistance and maintaining core values in community will be developed by brave people. It was done from Norway to France and Spain with support from Britain during WWII, we can not allow those who have no core decency for the conditions of humankind to destroy the liberties those brave citizens fought for then and will be fought for now.
I too am sick at my stomach. I would cry but I have no tears left to shed. I float from what to do next and wondering if it’s too late to save our democracy? And then I remember I can never keep my mouth shut. It is bullshit what that pos & his minions has done to our country.
We can only keep talking,shout if you can, stamp our feet,just dont dispair! Nothing will change if we just cry in frount of our tv and hope Glinda the good wich will fly in and make everything pretty!
As far as I'm concerned, Merrick Garland has done our country a tremendous disservice. I have no idea how he views his actions. Obviously he thinks he did the right thing. How tragically wrong he was.
Garland has one chance left to defy Dump by publicly releasing the special counsel’s report (on Smith’s investigation into the two federal cases - January 6 and the classified docs scandal). I read this morning that Dump and his lawyers were allowed to review a copy of the report last week and of course are demanding that the report be suppressed. It must be pretty bad!
Merrick Garland might be the most clever ASSET that the MAGA’S ever devised. Will his reward soon be that coveted seat on the Not-So-Supreme Court? Wait and see.
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
We should emulate the French resistance of WWII. Metaphorically, we must take our opportunities to guide, protect and join others to protect the U.S. Constitution. Our own SCOTUS has been co-opted to the service of a network of oligarchs. Once ensconced upon that throne, they will be loathe to return power to lowly citizen voters. Plan, organize and execute prior to the midterms of 2026.
I don’t want to sound like a crazy election denier but I don’t believe Trump won. I believe Harris won. The data shows the election was hacked in the swing states.
This is an excellent video summary of the Smart Elections data findings, for those that may be having difficulty wrapping their head around it:
It doesn't appear that the Biden administration and the Democrats didn't investigate these allegations. Harris was generating huge crowds and lots of energy at her rallies while Trump's audience was walking out on his... The results didn't make sense based on what I was seeing on the ground.
Marlo, your point will be proven, but it may take 20 years and by then, the damage will be done.
I think the failure of the swing states started with Musk buying votes in PA. Apparently those who won the big bucks were hand-picked in advance. The criteria was clearly fealty to DJT. When the swing state ballots showed straight blue votes for everyone but Harris, that didn't ring true. Who's investigating?
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
The data shows nothing of the sort. It's speculative, at best. You can't prove a damn thing by comparing 2024 elections to prior elections, and calling the stats "abnormal". Not when NOTHING has been "normal" in this country since he was elected in 2016. Do y'all really believe that none of these suspicions were investigated, when our government actually has several departments dedicated to that very task? Yeah, we all know he's a liar and cheater, and we know what he said about not needing the votes... but that doesn't mean he (they) pulled off any hacking. If nothing else, stop blaming Biden and Democrats for failing to look into any of the theories all these "experts" have put forth. They weren't about to say, "Oh, well. He won again. Just let it slide." 90 million people in this country didn't bother to exercise their civic duty to cast a ballot, and you guys want to blame Dem legislators and POTUS? That's doing Putin's work for him!
How strange. I was just thinking about how I had to get under my desk in the second grade to hide in case we were bombed. This does feel like the same thing. Only much worse.
I blame Rupert Murdoch and FOX news as well as Merrick Garland. FOX continued to lie because it kept their ratings up and allowed them to make more money (as if he needed it). Merrick Garland was much, much too slow. Since he didn't act immediately, Trump got away with it. It is astounding to understand that half of America has been brainwashed to such an extent and even more astounding to know that what is coming for the next four years that is unimaginable. I can't imagine what is said behind closed doors to the GOP members of Congress that allows them all to behave the way they do. All of them who supported the "I won" idea of Trump should have also gone to jail. Right away. Rule of law and order? No longer. Keep writing, Mary.
This ENTIRE shitshow can be laid directly at the feet of that utterly spineless POS Mitch McConnell. If he had done his fucking job four years ago and persuaded enough GOP senators to convict Trump’s ass in his second impeachment we wouldn’t be dealing with ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT.
We needed 10 more votes to bring it to 67. The Constitution requires 2/3 of the Senate for a conviction. McConnell could surely have whipped those other nine votes (and added his own) but — again — he is a spineless POS who didn’t do his fucking job and now we are on the precipice of legally inaugurating a tyrant. Just TEN votes stood between Trump never again being allowed to hold the office of the presidency and the crisis we’re facing in a couple of weeks. This is the same kind of incremental spineless rolling over and passing the buck that occurred in Germany in the early 30s that LEGALLY paved the way for Hitler’s rise to power. We are completely fucked.
Thank you, Mary 💙.
I get nauseous thinking about how we got here 4 years later without Donald being punished.
What the country needed right after Joe Biden was elected were tribunals that punished ALL of the MAGA coup actors with either prison, fines and expulsion from politics. That would have set the necessary precedent about what political behavior was acceptable and what wasn’t. But Biden believed in the goodness of Americans. He bet on the love of goodness and fairness to beat MAGA at the ballot box. But it did not work and now we are facing the consequences!
I will be wearing this "Totally Unhinged Radical Liberal" shirt the next four years 👇
Felon Trump will be recorded in the Annals of History as the BIGGEST Mistake America ever made.
What a stain on our history!
Aye, a stain quite visible and impossible to forget. If I live to be 110, I will never understand how this was allowed to happen.
Because we Americans are a stupid bunch. And criminals take advantage of that. Heck, one of them bought himself the US government!
No, no I don't think I will.
I'm wearing all black for the next four years...also did so when Reagan won.
I wore all black today, not sure about tomorrow, but some black every day. Good on you!!
He can not steal our happyness and joy of life.
Putin's done it, Xi's done it, 'lil Kimmy's done it, Orban's done it, Hitler did it-don't be too sure.
Unfortunately....Hitler didn't last...but it took many countries and many lives to stop his madness.
I Went One Further🟠🟠🟠Post Election Results🟠🟠🟠I Spray Painted My American🇺🇸Flags🍊ORANGE🍊⚠️🫅🏼👑🤡👹🤑🤥🇷🇺🐘⚠️IN DISPLAY OF🤡DISGRACE🤡💔🇺🇸💔💔💔💔
At least your clothing will never appear dirty. Laundry costs way ↓
ugh. hate black. but I may join you.
It doesn't work for me because I live in the desert and enjoy outdoor sports, but who can afford laundry these days?
Tossing all my pink, pretty feminine clothes because I'm sick of all the grape threats today.
I would have prefered to date a masc lesbian instead of dressing up like one, but I'm not in the mood to die; it is what it is.
I’ve been wearing what I call “Kamala sneakers” since the election. I have them in a number of colors, but the one I like best is pink. Reclaiming pink as a strong color has been part of my feminist journey.
They handled it correctly when Bolsonaro pulled that crap in Brazil! Look it up.
Americans are for the most part not good people. The sooner we accept this the better. Our culture worships selfishness, avarice and greed as virtues and we finally have a president who reflects the true malicious soul of this nation. Democracy worked as designed and now the people will get exactly what they deserve.
This is not about "good people" and "not good people."
This is about *competent* and *incompetent* citizens.
Most Americans are incompetent citizens.
Regrettably, this is true, and sometimes competent citizens are quite deliberately shut out.
People are people. The only thing that really differentiates America from most of the rest of the world (well, at least before Trump) is our Constitution. Since the Republican Party is now the Trump Party, all respect from them for the Constitution is now just lip service.
Yet, someone can take the oath to protect it and not do it without consequences. I truly don't get it.
Totally agree!!
The stain is that dems let it happen again. Do more than wear a damned t-shirt. Do more than march in a circle in a yes person bubble. RISK a little. That's how it gets done libbies!
I so agree. Why didn't we storm the Capitol? Where is our protest? Where is our search for more votes and fake electors? It's apparently not illegal and also encouraged, so what's the problem?
Same here Caroline. It was a very difficult day.
Of course every single word he utters (at the swearing in) will be a lie. Lying is all he knows how to do. It's what we expect from him. I find it very depressing that nobody had the guts to look into how he won all 7 swing states, and that nobody had the guts to refuse to let him be inaugurated. I understand in a way, why Kamala Harris proceeded as per usual, but it makes me sick that trump is getting away with his wrong doing once again. We will be paying a heavy price for that.
The smirky smile on Mike Johnson’s face while VP Harris performed her duties was obscene.
Horrific and Disgusting! It sickened me that he could not maintain any professional composure as Vice President Harris did.
He belongs in grade school at best.
Smarmy bastard.
No, I think PRESCHOOL at best.
No, I think PRESCHOOL at best
I think PRESCHOOL at best
But, Kamala was poised and professional.
Yes, while ignoring the massive fraud Rev Jackson showed her before the confirmation. She was asked to watch this documentary saveyourvote(org) She ignored that advice so cocksure she would win that she said she would sign a voting rights act into being after she won. We had one, did we not? Both parties ignored the fraud. Both libs and cons are not effective for change anymore.
That was so hard to watch that slimebag
Tiny Johnson was just listening to the voices in his head….they made him so happy.
I agree about the obscene smirky smile. I wrote a poem about it yesterday on Substack under It's Complicated entitled It's Quite a Day.
It was puke inducing. Smarmy bastard.
But Democrats let it happen. Very sad and missed opportunity.
I believe what you rightly observe in the slick way in which the seven swing states quickly veered to the right is being investigated for irrefutable proof. I also believe that we are still at this moment a nation where the rule of law stands.
Thank you for saying this. I believe you are right because I still cannot believe this situation of his return to office can be happening legitimately. I hope we learn the truth and can make everything right to save our country!
I believe DT had announced that he had a secret (I think he and Mike Johnson had this secret)that almost insured his win. So maybe there is something shady and he couldn't even contain himself to not disclose he had a secret.
I think you're right about the DT- Mike Johnson secret. There's something there to investigate. I believe DT has stolen another election and that Musk has plenty to do with it. Unfortunately, Republicans will control all the houses in 2 weeks and they definitely won't look into it.
I put my money on Musk and his big purse shedding rubles and dollars in the background.
That was hum buying the people, and a huge diversion distraction for sure
I agree. The wink wink was a real tell all.
The rule of law , won't be standing once he's inside the Whitehouse. It will be Trump's Rules, which from what he's shown total ignorance. He now has Musk drafting up his dirty work, until he fails him and goes onto overshadowing him, then he'll fire him too. The moment Trump feels like he's the underdog he'll lash out. He's not only a danger to the people around him but all Americans! He wants to control all of us, just like Hitler, not to mention Trump's hero!
The rule of law no longer exists for the people, it exists for his inmer circle of people and the few followers he has. We have lost. Somehow, no one is standing up to him any longer. Welcome to the new dictatorship. Democracy will be gone, it in his favor i fear.
As Mary points out, it doesn't stand for all of us. One person is above the law.
I've been forced to conclude the oligarchs who actually run this country are tired of hiding behind the scenes and are ready to be in the spotlight. Trump is just the puppet they used to coup the country from the inside.
Project 2025 is public and published. Disgusting.
Putin published an opinion letter in the Moscow newspaper stating Trump now owes him for his help getting re-elected. But since Trump blows everyone off, I wonder if he will end up tossed outside of an open window???
I totally agree with you, Susan! I am sickened that he is about to enter the WH again, and this time on a much more planned platform. I am sickened that in the next four years I may have my only income and medical care stolen from me!! Money that I was supposed to have at this time in my life, although I ended up being disabled, it's still supposed to be there for me! Without income and medical, I will die. So, this "presidential term" may just be my death sentence. If you remember correctly after tRump announced his running, he was quite bz 'behind the curtain' with plans to make sure he won this time. And, his plans worked. But, whyyyy is no one talking about this?! I mean, it was on the news or other shows showing video clips of his cronies designing plans, talking about it and almost guaranteeing that their plans were foolproof?! That one way or another they were going to make sure he won. They were telling us right there that no matter how the people voted, he was going to win. They had plans for plans for plans...plans A-Z! I thought for sure just on that pretense alone, the Dems were going to reject the "outcome" and challenge it...I just knew it! I just knew they weren't going to feed us to the lions! But, alas, more and more I heard the Dems assuring the country that they weren't going to act like tRump did. Whaaat?! We're talking about life and death here now... explain to me why it's such a big thing that y'all show the country how poised and calm you are...and how you r following the law...I kind of understand, but you must realize that he is still NOT following the law! Common sense tells us that he is not! Why?! Becoz he NEVER has his entire life, that's why! So, why would he start now?! You just put us on a platter and served us to the carnivores! You failed us! Instead of, first and foremost, prosecuting the main culprit, the sore f*****g loser who incited this all...the one who had been planning this and sat by and watched it like he was watching a Jacques Cousteau special! And, he couldn't be brought to Justice in all this time?! It doesn't matter that all the soldiers were prosecuted, if you don't get the main guy, you've got nothing at all! You just wasted your time and our time! What... you're scared, too?! No confidence in your prosecutorial experience?! Whyyy did you, the Justice Dept, not do anything?! There was even a "lawful" plan devised to stop tRump before the inauguration...but, one by one the Dems publicly stated, (in a passifying voice) "nooo, we're going to go thru with a peaceful transition and not cry and whine and deny the results like they did..." Wait a minute...!! tRump is going to let his sick puppies out of prison and alot of them are demented cops who are relentless in their "beliefs"! Why couldn't you, the Dems and OUR government, be just as relentless in defending our Constitution by prosecuting this known insurrectionist?!! Why?! Why?! Why?! Instead...at the end of the day, you are so bent toward showing this known conniving cheater how to have a peaceful transition and not deny the results instead of challenging this known conniving cheater that we see right thru him?! Everyone's got his number, except when it comes time to stand in front of this evil monster and tell him to his face?! You'd rather stand up and offer up your senior, disabled, vets, newborns as a sacrificial lamb! Thanks...a lot.
This stuff was obvious when the dems refused to deal with the DNC screwing with progressive votes to protect Clinton in 2016. Now here we are with libs still fawning over an undeserving party just like MAGA does with theirs. Not effective as activists of old used to be. Cash stackers and dogma jackers is about all we have now on all sides. Where my Yippies at? Where dey at?
Susan, thank you for saying what I've been saying ever since the election. Will never believe he actually won this election. The truth will come out but it will be too late to do anything. Why the "powers that be" are handing over the reins of our democracy to a known liar, cheater and destroyer of the rule of law as if this time he'd allow a "free and fair" election to proceed when he'd always done everything in his power not to allow that, is more than I can bear. Trying to get through the many stages of grief to acceptance but don't know if I'll ever be able to do that. It makes me sick that this horrible being has haunted and done everything he can to befoul ALL our lives for the past 15 years (even during President Obama's time in office) and will continue to make our lives even more miserable with the incoming Mump regime.
The whole world will pay a heavy price. I expect violence, persecution, a likely attempt by Mango Mussolini to stay as President For Life (may his be short), and a possible global Depression II. IMHO, this is the most dangerous time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. I think the so-called "American Century" is over.
I do not understand why Kamala et al proceeded per usual. That was wrong.
I agree Susan Stone.
It was. What flips this USAF vet and college grad out now is he's used the same lying tactics he used then to win an election. USA literacy rate is purportedly 60%. It's got to be closer to 50%. Our news media bears responsibility for at least a third of Trump's deluded (and sometimes loco) supporters.
I agree Robin but I'd say the media deserves more like half to 2/3 of the credit for this damn fine mess we are in!!
Yes, what a fine mess we are in. Laurel and Hardy~
Oh absolutely. The legacy media is dead to so many because of their willingness to sanewash everything Don the Con says and how much they routinely kiss his ass and so many other deplorable actions.
Even MSNBC used the words “sweeping victory” today.
Absolutely disgusting
Ouch msnbc used “sweeping victory”??
MSM has been purchased by DARK DARK MONEY.
Yup. Pretty obvious.
January 6 was the worst attack on our democracy in history. Public servants like Andy Kim are the best of us. Government workers will undermine your uncle and his MAGAt fascist bootlickers, just like we did during his first term: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/resisting-project-2025-from-within-government
Andy Kim was my Representative until he was elected Senator. I’ve met and conversed with him on several occasions, he genuinely cares about his constituents and our country.
It’s a disgusting failure not only of Repubs -their cowardice & parasite behaviors are expected- but of our gatekeepers of justice (Garland), DOJ, judges, & Dems for not using all available measures to keep Trump off the ballot!
He’s a f’ing felon - a convicted rapist, a traitor! Why would he be allowed to be on a ballot for even a local city office… A failure of Dems not to shore up the gray areas he exploited. A failure of Dems to keep trying to unite with these nasty, racist aholes who support him. A failure of legacy media for not calling him as he is; they instead acted as if his lies were possible truths or deserved consideration.
So many people are to blame for what Trump is & where we are as a nation because of ignorance, hate & stupidity. It is time to make sure they all know it & do something about it.
Don't forget greed, so many greedy people.
He wasn’t found criminally liable but civilly liable, unfortunately it was too late to hold him criminally liable.
He was criminally convicted of felony fraud. (I should’ve separated the sentence.)
Bernie Sanders released his take on the situation. He puts his finger squarely on the rich few that have purchased our government.
I couldn't agree more. This is what I saw coming years ago when more and more money went into campaigns. No average person; who understands things of average Americans, can run for office. We've become Russia especially with the fact that lieing Musk bought his position. So did others and nothing is being done. Now things are ruled by money; blackmail, threats etc if you don't fall in. Just disgusting 🫣 😒 😕. It's a dam cult.
We have become more like Germany in the 1930’s.
And it didn't end well. We're asking for it, so let it be.
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
I completely can and do believe this! Paul just put all the pieces of the puzzle together! That's why tRump was so nonchalant this time...they already put their plans into place. They meant it when they said they weren't going to lose. And, here WE are...deny, deny, deny. Smh.
Its hard for me to not believe you. Frightening and depressing. I feel sure thats the truth
We need absolute proof of this or else we are the “election deniers”.
Kristine - Circumstantial evidence. if it can be done, it will be done, or will have been done. how many elections officials were prosecuted or exposed for allowing illegal access to voting machines? an attitude of resentment, revenge, payback for those eagerly willing to help the rigging. these people are cultishly eager to please their masters. it was masterful deflection on dumpster's part. do you ever think there will be an accounting of how musk's quarter billion was spent? in a sense it is speculative, but it connects the dots really well. Harris had this. I think the voting totals were fictitious. if votes are simply not counted, then "they all stayed home". We'll see if i'm correct in 2026, when the fury of the people gets lost in rigged voting apparatus. you'll see a fair number of progressives such as Crockett, AOC, Raskin, etc. losing their seats, and any senate dems losing as well. This substack may well be gone also.
We DO have proof. Lots of it. But while many libbie Tubers are dissing corp media, they too ignored it. Watch this documentary by a great investigative reporter saveyourvote(org) Rev Jackson asked Harris to. She just said she would sign a voting rights act in when she gained power. Greg risks a lot getting this proof. Pols...not so much. Other data folks saw some issues as well in the numbers. Weak Biden handed Trump the seat smiling the whole time. Anyway. Libs can be as brainwashed as MAGA is about "their team".
In both parties he might have added. He also stepped back when he was given the data about the DNC messing with the progressive vote back in 2016. Sanders is good, but even he will only risk so much of his own wealth and power.
Your words are so many Americans' narrative. How was he even allowed to run for office? Today's certification is positively chilling. This is the same as allowing Russia to take over the country - except this is domestic. With the brightest brains serving - from Klobuchar to Raskin and now Vindmann - how could this have taken place? There should have been plans in place to stop propaganda during Biden's administration without affecting the first amendment. Honestly? I'm just in complete shock. Utter and complete shock.
This is what the stinking World powers have been wanting for too long. To destroy our country. Colorado tried hard to keep Trump dump off of our electoral ballot. The 14th Amendment has been violated. He was never to be allowed to run for any public office in this country. What we have is a bunch of stinking weaklings in our Senate and in our House of Representatives not standing up for the rule of law. They have been allowed to get away with doing as they damn well please for too long. It is going to go to a revolution to turn this country around. Where the hell are the military generals of our country. They have a duty to stop that criminal Trump and his rotten cronies from ever holding any office in this country. People we have one last power to push and that is a referendum vote of the people. Next election we write on the ballot--this is my referendum vote. All of you get out of office. That power our founding fathers of this country did give to us, so that we would never have to fight another bloody civil war. The power to vote out this government at any time when it no longer works for the people.
I will never get over that shock.
Thank you Mary. Today was the 3nd hardest day I can remember in our History. 2016 was the first, 1/6/2021 was the 2nd and today was the 3rd. God help us all in 13 days. 💔🇺🇸💙🙏
After tears and shock are settled, methods of resistance and maintaining core values in community will be developed by brave people. It was done from Norway to France and Spain with support from Britain during WWII, we can not allow those who have no core decency for the conditions of humankind to destroy the liberties those brave citizens fought for then and will be fought for now.
Well said Barbara. That's how it feels. Like being a Freedom Fighter for the Resistance. We must never surrender!!!
I too am sick at my stomach. I would cry but I have no tears left to shed. I float from what to do next and wondering if it’s too late to save our democracy? And then I remember I can never keep my mouth shut. It is bullshit what that pos & his minions has done to our country.
We can only keep talking,shout if you can, stamp our feet,just dont dispair! Nothing will change if we just cry in frount of our tv and hope Glinda the good wich will fly in and make everything pretty!
As far as I'm concerned, Merrick Garland has done our country a tremendous disservice. I have no idea how he views his actions. Obviously he thinks he did the right thing. How tragically wrong he was.
Garland has one chance left to defy Dump by publicly releasing the special counsel’s report (on Smith’s investigation into the two federal cases - January 6 and the classified docs scandal). I read this morning that Dump and his lawyers were allowed to review a copy of the report last week and of course are demanding that the report be suppressed. It must be pretty bad!
WHY WAS HE ABLE TO “REVIEW” THIS? Oh, silly me, he is the King of the World and can kill off whatever he so desires.
Hope Trump rewards him for his efforts with a nice prison cell. Crime tbd.
He will get that black robe he desires
Merrick Garland might be the most clever ASSET that the MAGA’S ever devised. Will his reward soon be that coveted seat on the Not-So-Supreme Court? Wait and see.
I still don't understand how anyone could have voted for this truly awful person. It simply leaves me without words. Keep up the good fight!
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
Usa citizens who voted for Trumplestilen have an IQ in the single digits.
Like attracts, like.
We should emulate the French resistance of WWII. Metaphorically, we must take our opportunities to guide, protect and join others to protect the U.S. Constitution. Our own SCOTUS has been co-opted to the service of a network of oligarchs. Once ensconced upon that throne, they will be loathe to return power to lowly citizen voters. Plan, organize and execute prior to the midterms of 2026.
I don’t want to sound like a crazy election denier but I don’t believe Trump won. I believe Harris won. The data shows the election was hacked in the swing states.
This is an excellent video summary of the Smart Elections data findings, for those that may be having difficulty wrapping their head around it:
Watch on your computer with the volume on.
Smart Elections (Substack) has many articles.
It doesn't appear that the Biden administration and the Democrats didn't investigate these allegations. Harris was generating huge crowds and lots of energy at her rallies while Trump's audience was walking out on his... The results didn't make sense based on what I was seeing on the ground.
Marlo, your point will be proven, but it may take 20 years and by then, the damage will be done.
I think the failure of the swing states started with Musk buying votes in PA. Apparently those who won the big bucks were hand-picked in advance. The criteria was clearly fealty to DJT. When the swing state ballots showed straight blue votes for everyone but Harris, that didn't ring true. Who's investigating?
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
The first Coup Attempt failed and so, it was back to the drawing board..working over the years on the Second..which worked…so well for the TRAITORS.
NO ONE INVESTIGATED ENOUGH. Just ask wimpy Merrick.
The techbroligarchs and coup d'etat planners had four years, essentially unlimited money, and inside help from red and swing state elections apparatuses to subvert the election. they did this by stealing the coding for the voting machines in states where they're used and rewriting the code to perform whatever functions (many ways to do it) they wanted it to. they did this by bribing, extorting, and enlisting willing elections workers in red and swing states, they did this by essentially, and incrementally over time, replacing the election infrastructure in the states with their own. this is why dumpster said "you (we) won't need to vote anymore" or in another case, in extremely bored tone, "i don't need your votes". there were other similar statements. Remember how demented and bored and idiotic he was on the campaign trail this past summer? that was all deflection, distracting everyone from the astonishing sleight of hand going on. note his demeanor and presence now. it's completely different, isn't it. Remember also that the states conduct elections, not the federal gov't. this makes every election theoretically subject to systemic manipulation and fraud. Which is why we used to have the voting rights act before the corrupt6 court emasculated it. because, y'know states' rights to conduct fraudulent elections and voter suppression. Finally, any expectation that this can be righted at the next "election" is seriously delusional. the techbroligarchs won. AI will only solidify it all.
Why does your comment keep popping up over and over?
He's doing it on purpose. Ignore him,give him no likes!!
He won. Get used to it.
And you are still a loser on the basis of empathy. And he is still a felon.
Trump is a felon, a rapist and a traitor. Does that sound “Presidential”?
Hope you lose everything in the coming great depression 2.0 Trump is planning for us all.
Yep, I saw that...not recession, but GREAT DEPRESSION!!
Great Depression 2.0 is coming due to unregulated cryptocurrency. Trump doesn’t believe in regulating it, and neither do the techbros.
MF asshole
The data shows nothing of the sort. It's speculative, at best. You can't prove a damn thing by comparing 2024 elections to prior elections, and calling the stats "abnormal". Not when NOTHING has been "normal" in this country since he was elected in 2016. Do y'all really believe that none of these suspicions were investigated, when our government actually has several departments dedicated to that very task? Yeah, we all know he's a liar and cheater, and we know what he said about not needing the votes... but that doesn't mean he (they) pulled off any hacking. If nothing else, stop blaming Biden and Democrats for failing to look into any of the theories all these "experts" have put forth. They weren't about to say, "Oh, well. He won again. Just let it slide." 90 million people in this country didn't bother to exercise their civic duty to cast a ballot, and you guys want to blame Dem legislators and POTUS? That's doing Putin's work for him!
I think she should have demanded a recount.
Recount are requested by state. Which states would you have wanted recount for?
As a senior citizen I am sick to my stomach watching and living through this. It's like a real nightmare that I had as a child but, I can't wake up.
I remember hiding under my desk in grade school because of the cold war. That seems so silly now. Where do we hide now?
How strange. I was just thinking about how I had to get under my desk in the second grade to hide in case we were bombed. This does feel like the same thing. Only much worse.
Yes. Also..feels similar to how we felt when 9/11 happened. I felt that our government had not protected us and it is the same right now…
Move into your Heart Center...it is your woman Cave! It is for me! I'm able to think clearly & know I am safe & protected! Peace ✌️
Me, too. I keep wondering..where can I move to?
I blame Rupert Murdoch and FOX news as well as Merrick Garland. FOX continued to lie because it kept their ratings up and allowed them to make more money (as if he needed it). Merrick Garland was much, much too slow. Since he didn't act immediately, Trump got away with it. It is astounding to understand that half of America has been brainwashed to such an extent and even more astounding to know that what is coming for the next four years that is unimaginable. I can't imagine what is said behind closed doors to the GOP members of Congress that allows them all to behave the way they do. All of them who supported the "I won" idea of Trump should have also gone to jail. Right away. Rule of law and order? No longer. Keep writing, Mary.
This ENTIRE shitshow can be laid directly at the feet of that utterly spineless POS Mitch McConnell. If he had done his fucking job four years ago and persuaded enough GOP senators to convict Trump’s ass in his second impeachment we wouldn’t be dealing with ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT.
We came so close. The Senate voted to convict 57-43. Sadly 60 votes were needed.
We needed 10 more votes to bring it to 67. The Constitution requires 2/3 of the Senate for a conviction. McConnell could surely have whipped those other nine votes (and added his own) but — again — he is a spineless POS who didn’t do his fucking job and now we are on the precipice of legally inaugurating a tyrant. Just TEN votes stood between Trump never again being allowed to hold the office of the presidency and the crisis we’re facing in a couple of weeks. This is the same kind of incremental spineless rolling over and passing the buck that occurred in Germany in the early 30s that LEGALLY paved the way for Hitler’s rise to power. We are completely fucked.