I was so glad Biden grew some and gave Ukraine the green light to defend them selves totally . Biden has to get more things done before Satan takes over with his clowns

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Irene, in an admirable world, Biden would get that next $100 B of armaments released to Ukraine so that they could rain absolute hell onto the Russian front lines before our puke-ass excuse for the next president takes office. Mary, thank you.

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Volodymyr Zelensky has been called "Churchillian" by notable People... He came my attention that when offered Evacuation from Kyiv at the beginning of the Russian Invasion, Volodymyr responded "I Need Ammunition, Not A Ride"... Volodymyr Zelensky is a Hero, not a Fake Tough-Guy like DJT... This Is Ukraine's War Of Independence... This Is Ukraine's Freedom Being Forged In Fire... Slava Ukraine!

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Too little but hopefully not too late.

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Isn’t that the truth our safety and security rely on this

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The world's safety and security rely on this.

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Good idea Mary. Donald J. Trump, go fuck yourself.

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Yes, go fuck yourself Donny DRUMPF!

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I have faith in Joe Biden. When he kept his agreement to debate the felonious adjudicated rapist, he was also working on the release of the prisoners in Russia. Funny, no one ever talks about that, isn't it? I live in the certainty that he will do everything he can do give Ukraine what it needs. NATO will be the conduit and it will all be done before the Russian asset traitor sets his hand on the Bible. Quietly and effectively.

We have two years to work towards a veto proof majority. We can not give up or give in.

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Do you really think there will be a two year chance? Won't he be full on dictator by then? I might sound paranoid but it's because I'm very frightened and I'm not even American. We watch a lot of American tv and are very worried for the people that have been speaking out. Can't the military arrest him if he tries to use them like the German SS under Hitler? All I see is intense evil in the manipulation of the republicans and think shame on all of them for their betrayal to their country .🫣😡😖

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I am more worried about the militias, like the peeps from 1/6/21. They will just do whatever and not worry about consequences. Ordinary citizens beware. And now we have seen some already marching around with nazi flags in Ohio. We'll see more of this. These idiots are more dangerous to ordinary folks than the military.

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I agree. But try to keep in mind there were only maybe 10 - 12 people in that Nazi march in Ohio. They are still a small minority. Let's hope we can keep it that way.

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We have to keep a stiff upper lip but the speed with which he is choosing his loyalist idiot cabinet is not a good sign 😐

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Idiocracy is no longer a fictional future.

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Omg! Right!!!!! Idiots!!!!

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Regarding if we will have two years or not, I think that depends on whether the Dems griw a set , or not. Imo, there are legal manuevers, and other actions that can stymie the repubs, even though they have all the marbles. Democrats MUST get cutthroat and stall their bad acts fir as long as possible. Two years out we may have a chance to start righting the ship. My fingers are crossed.

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Carol-Ann, and we will have to do some serious checking of our voting systems to be sure there were not some, shall we say, shenanigans related to voting, just in the "swing states" of course. It does make one wonder, and I am not a conspiracy theorist.

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I read something today about huge numbers of bullet ballots - in the swing states only. That says to me that trump was indeed cheating. No surprise there.

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Of course he was. I don't even need proof. If it quacks like a duck.....

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I’m no conspiracy nut, but I think there was a lot of stealing of Harris votes, including with the presidential election itself. They had four years to figure out how to do it.

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Yes, there was. I'm so sick of the crap of Democrats just rolling over. This should have been investigated.

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So agree!

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Carol, I, unfortunately, think you are right. In reality, the Republican cheat factor has had a lot longer than 4 years. They have been considering it at least since Trump took office. Ugh!!

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Thank you. Yes, they have.

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I feel the same about the 2024 results of our Presidential election. I don't believe that people who voted for abortion rights to be enshrined in their states constitution also voted for trump. And Latino's overwhelmingly voted for the orange goblin who wants them all deported. Victor Orban has been rewriting Hungary's constitution so that he will never be opposed. trump will try this as well.

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It makes no sense at all. Any Latino who voted for Trump is an idiot, pure and simple.

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Yes, I don't think Trump ever leaves office. I don't think our elections will be the same movings forward either.

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He’ll leave office when he’s so demented no one can hide it.

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Then we get JD Vance in his place... We need to hold off until we can get back the House, so Jeffries should be in line. Get rid of the despot and the Theil puppet and we have Hakeem in leadership!

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Now that the votes have been counted he didn't win by much.

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or not at all!

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I'm going with "not at all". But I don't see a damn thing being done. No recount of the swing states. No auditing. Nothing.

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It's a fact that when you can get away with something with no consequences you are going to keep doing it. That is the Democrats' history with the Republicans. It's intensely frustrating.

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Yes, it is.

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Certainly not a landslide

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Barely a point. The red states should be audited just like he had Arizona in 2020. He is not my president. He is a terrorist clown.

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Its super odd that we have not been going through recount roulette like we have been the last couple of presidential elections. Seems odd and abnormal. Something doesn't feel right. Which is why I'm not sure future voting is going to "change" anything.

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There was cheating. I have no doubt. Check out the video at gregpalast.com. I tried to alert democratic party web sites and everyone that I know prior to the election. I don't think that anyone paid attention. 1M+ voters removed from the TX voter rolls and 770,000 from Ga. Also there was DeJoy. The Dems had 4 yrs to remove him and put a DEM in charge of the USPS. I am in Spain and I know of at least 1 voter whose vote wasn't counted. Two others in Fla weren't notified, but after inquiry were told that their votes were counted. Trust DeSantis?

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I don't think so

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I am with you

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I thought the same thing, Ruth!

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that's the key. veto-proof majority in the midterms. if these madmen don't destroy us first.

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I think you're right. Biden will do whatever he can for Ukraine.

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And on the long run for us

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Last time the hot button issue that crossed political parties was Reproductive Rights. We need another galvanizing topic to bring everyone back to the polls. Not sure if immigration will resonate. Protecting Democracy comes off as too vague. We need to focus closer to home...

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The U.S. must continue to support Ukraine! I pray that Donald Trump will not stop the material and monetary support for Ukraine.

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Pray all you like, but that won't change the fact that trump is beholden to Putin & will NOT continue to support Ukraine!

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Trump kisses Putin's butt; Putin must be blackmailing Trump

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Showers are golden golden........

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How much more obvious could that be? Also make you wonder what Putin promised N. Korea. They didn't send troops out of their goodwill toward Russia.

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Katie, very true that N. Korea extracted something from Putin.

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Hope springs eternal. One of trump’s first moves will be to stop all support to Ukraine and shift it to Israel. (So much for all the protest votes against Harris.). Who knows how the fall of Ukraine will cascade across Europe.

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I hope you are wrong about Trump stopping all support to Ukraine, but I am afraid you are probably right. Hopefully there are enough Republicans who will try to stop Trump.

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Umm. Have you seen the current version of “Republicans”? They seem to be lacking a spine as well as a frontal cortex.

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Sky, it seems Trump and Kump have swept up all the fellow toddlers in his playground and are giving them the job of running the whole town when they can't even change their own diapers.

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I agree, but hopefully there might just be a few with enough conscience and fortitude to stop him.

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Keith, the problem with the vast majority of Republicans, they have no ability to imagine the future. They are stuck in a fantasy past and think their Toddler-Trump, who is pretending to be "Daddy-Trump is going to save them. He has absolutely no clue how to do anything but be a con artist and he has set a record, conning almost half of the American people, that is if the vote counts are accurate. Right now, some of them are struggling, but certainly not as much as they were during the pandemic which they now think didn't actually happen and that it was just Democrats forcing them to stay home that ruined their lives. Intelligence does not work well in Trumpland, so it isn't present there.

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When I agree with one of you, or want to show that I’m also observing, (with waves of nausea-inducing dread ) the rape & slaughter of democracy in America, it feels so wrong to use that heart emoji. My heart is so blue. Sad, scared, & bluuuuue.

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Everyone has hope but it will be a different reality I fear.

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I think Ukraine will have the support of Europe filling in the gaps if Mary's bad uncle revokes our support.

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When have they stopped him from anything? They are his puppets just as he is Putin's. and he didn't spill a drop of blood

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I think that’s the only key here, is that Republicans see their mistake

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Oh, we know. Putin won't settle on less than total control over Ukraine, which will be toast and all its efforts to defend itself and all those lives lost will be in vain. NATO will be weaker and knowing they can't depend on the U.S. for support for the first time since it was established 70 years ago. Emboldened by this, Estonia and Poland are next. They will all look to us for help, and Trump will only suck up to Putin.

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That is a nightmare scenario especially for the people of Ukraine. Personally, I don't think most of the mealy-mouthed Rethugs even know what's going on in Ukraine. They just blindly follow that thing.

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I've been studying my World History for this very reason. If we don't know wht came before, how do we defend what is left now? 900 pages of Project 2025...these freaks are deadly serious.

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Sadly I agree with you.

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And after the fall of Ukraine will come the US withdrawal from NATO and then the invasions of Poland, Germany…..

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Not so fast......The EU would rather continue the fight where it is and not on the Polish border........the North Koreans will be target practice/cannon fodder for the battle hardened Ukranians and their foriegn legion allies........In January domestic resistance to the nazi GOP will kick in as mobilization is just starting..........depression and saddness will become anger, resolve and determination to crush once and for all Diaper claude wannabe dictator and dispatch the Orange cult.

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I like your vision… “…anger, resolve and determination…” 🗽

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If I was younger, I would go over there and offer my services as a nurse's aide. Sadly, that is no longer possible.

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Joining in support of Jess and the conversation is good action!

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There's no way that Europe wasn't planning something in case Trump won. They saw how the wind was blowing. This was not a surprise.

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They won't necessarily fall. But Traitor Trump Rapist us definitely whispering in the ears of Americ's enemies and surely espionage is something he and Elonia Musk are guilty of. I keep hoping President Biden will do something. Trump is trying to terrorize people before he is even in office. If I was American I would be long gone from what's going to be one of the worst countries to live in.

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Many (most) of us can’t leave: too poor, too old, nowhere to go.

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That's my situation, though I may have a go at trying to go to Mexico.

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I wish you good luck! I’ll just wrap NYC (my country) around me and see what comes next. A friend with dual citizenship in Italy and here just told me that there are medieval houses (shells of houses) available in Sardinia (I think) for $1.00 each.

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I have seriously thought of leaving. But I'm retired, on SS, and the first SS he will cut will be ex pat's. I'd be destitute in another country with no income 😪

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Those protest votes were by people chopping off their nose….Stupid as could be, too. I guess they imagined that the rest of us would sweep Harris into office.

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Keith, Baby Donnie might not stop it because it would mean the arms industry would be hurting and they would not like that and they supported him, though I have no clue really why. They can't give enough aid to little Israel to make up for it. Yep, Baby Donnie is just plain stupid and his sycophants know it. It is going to be interesting to see when and if any of them get sick of kissing a toddler's butt, one who is far less intelligent and worthy than they are. Maybe that's the trick, getting them to admit just how stupid Trump is and that they don't want to be the tools of a toddler. We need some media to start speaking up. Oh yeah, that won't happen!

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Ruth, I just posted a picture of how Trump is running on the Republican Party ticket but is not in any way a true Republican. The Republicans were in the days of Eisenhower a pragmatic conservative Party that provided a fair balance to keep both major parties from leaning too far to the Left or Right. He is illegally running on the Republican ticket because his nature is Fascist.

I say that those who are actually voting Republican and see the Party as it is known to be has created a split vote, thus causing the Fascist Party to only get the votes of those who want the way to the loss of our Democracy, the two being divided, Donald Trump did not win, nor did the serious Republicans. Where does that leave us?

It leaves us with a Harris/Walz win.

Trump is full out a Fascist Authoritarian by his own words and sworn brutality against those who are against him. His choices for certain areas of his administration are deliberately prepared to immediately begin tearing apart the areas he's placing them in. The president is meant to represent all Americans.

Here are the owners of the Trump Fascist Party are in the hands of Project 2025 authors who are members of the Heritage Foundation, some of whom are leaders of some of the nearly 1,000 hate groups that are scattered throughout all 50 states, all are likely Southern Baptists who are far from the teachings of the Word of Jesus.

The unChristian Nationalists have been promised by Trump to trash our Constitution and rewrite it according to their ideals, one of which is to make this a nation of Christians only. Very Mideastern, eh?

The Orange lunatic with maniacal tendencies is also telling his voters that they won't have to vote anymore because he will remain on the throne of the Fourth Reich that he will lead into world power to eliminate Democracy worldwide.

That's why I'm so pissed that punishment for Treason isn't even whispered by the Biden administration. Every Trump supporter, within our Federal and State governance and every single Justice placed by Trump and more, are equally guilty of Treason and they're the ones who should be charged and put into those camps Trump intends to force those he claims he will have put into the camps allegedly to wait to be sent back to the countries they ran from.

It is known that Donald has studied "Mein Kampf" and is aware of the practice of brainwashing his voters and how to overthrow our government and our Constitution and our Democracy. Also holding people in the camps never to return to their home countries.

People kept saying that the only way to stop him is to vote. That didn't work, did it? I kept saying he needed to be charged with Treason and imprisoned in solidarity Confinement until death does he part. Not only is he the most dangerous sonofabitch in our nation, he is the most dangerous man in the world.

If enough people don't start realizing that he needs to be stopped I will give up pushing it. President Biden turned this country back into one that was meant to be loyal to all citizens. He kept moving us onward and upward yet when it came time to vote it was as though he and Kamala Harris didn't do shit. The voters chose a divisive, evil creature to have the good folks living in fear for what our futures will be like starting now.

Thank you for reading.

Richard La France

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Richard, although I agree with you, I think those brainwashed MAGAs - 70 million strong - would take to the streets with their billions of guns, if we even suggested doing what you're saying. Our best hope for survival is to let them have what they THINK they want, and then watch as it implodes. We will be focusing our energy on shoring up the Democratic institutions we have, and insuring that our voices of dissent are not silenced.

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Extremist Christianists (a la Extremist Islamists). Yes, very mid-Eastern. They pretend not to agree with Sharia Law, when they actually intend to establish it here - just under a different religious mask.

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I too think the only way now to save our democracy is for Biden, Harris — ALL the elected Democrats — to revolt, arrest the enemies, and prepare for a civil war. As I’d be too old to fight and die, and (as Paula Dean said here) as we Blues aren’t as armed as are the fascists, I can’t advocate a civil war now. Eventually, it may be our only hope.

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I think that we all have to be prepared for a withdrawal of support. We all know how he feels about his beloved Putin.

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He will. Bet on it. He'll blackmail the Ukraine into submission before hisidol Putin.

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Do you really think Zelenskyy will fall for blackmail?

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I certainly hope not!!!! Canada will back him I know that!! Fuck don! He really makes me feel ill. Slimy creep.

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Every time he talks or I see his face, I feel the urge to take a hot shower.

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"Peace in our time!", proclaimed British prime minister Chamberlain after he returned from meeting with Hitler in Berchtesgaden in September 1938. Then Hitler's Nazis promptly swallowed the country of Czechoslovakia. Poland was next.

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trump stated he would end the war in ukraine in a day..he has no intention of continuing to give funding to zelensky,but rather, to go in and tell his "good friend vlad" to just take it as the ukrianians are on their own..there have been wars on this earth as long as there have been people whose choice is greed and power....

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Donald has already given his boyfriend Putin the promise that he will end the war on his first day and then, having the power of owning Ukraine, pootie can go on to do whatever the hell he wants including assaulting NATO members' territories.

I can't believe Donnie has been allowed to run again instead of the Biden administration throwing his fat ass in prison for Treason.

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Pray, but don't hold your breath.

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He will

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Elon Musk is such a juvenile dickhead. So embarrassing that he'd try to mock a real hero like Zelensky. America, WTF have we done?

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I know. I hate that suddenly because he's on Satan's side, he has become some kind of hero. Both of them psychopaths with mommy issues. Sad, and dangerous.

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agreed. Biden needs to hide the nuclear code, and deep six our military/ national intelligence documents. put them in a four year time capsule, put them in a blender, take them home, burn them, whatever. The highly compromised Roberts court says presidents are immune to commit crimes if they fall under presidential purview, and protecting the nation is the president's #1 priority. Will Biden have the balls to do it? IDK, but he'd sure be within his court-approved rights, and I assume there's at least a handful of advisors telling him the same thing.

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Musk is from South Africa. He knows nothing about how our government is meant to work nor does he want to know. He believes having all that money is all that's needed to run this country. He certainly owns Trump now.

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WE (half the voters) haven’t done anything but support decent, empathetic, highly qualified and intelligent candidates. The other half (and the non-voters) caused this.

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Yep. I have been pro-Ukrainian since day one. And I voted blue in an effort to stop this.

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I too had Ukraine in mind as one of the myriad reasons to vote for Harris/Walz (then again, I’ve voted for a Republican only once in my long life, and that was for mayor and never again).

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It's just sad.

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And dangerous.

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Mary, your uncle’s track record of kowtowing to autocrats is as predictable as his hairline under a stiff breeze. But you’ve hit the nail on the head: Ukraine’s resilience is nothing short of epic. Zelenskyy’s steadfast leadership has turned ‘Russian warship, go f*** yourself’ into a global rallying cry for freedom.

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For Musk to call Putin in any way that even implies he is representing the U.S. is a violation of both U.S. and international law. Wake up, DOJ. Do something about it while you can.

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Oligarch traitor Musk needs to go off into the dusky dusk

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Ukraine will prevail.

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I’m with Zelenskyy and NOT Trump the Dump - or Dumbo

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It’s a foregone conclusion that Trump will turn Ukraine over to Putin on a silver platter. It absolutely WILL happen. And Trump will pay the price in hell. Lately, every moment I grieve about how much Americans will suffer under Trump’s destruction, my heart turns to the suffering and terror of the people of Ukraine. It’s so tragic what has been happening to them. We Americans fear we’ll lose our country on 1/20/25. Ukraine KNOWS it will.

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I wish I could believe Trump will pay the price in hell. It seems he's never had to pay any price for anything he's ever done.

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The mills of the gods grind slow, but exceedingly fine.

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He will in hell, where he will finally be held accountable. I just hope I live to see the day it happens.

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I wish Substack had a "sad" response emoji

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I start and end my day with go fuck yourself Trump!

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Be careful to let that anger motivate, not eat you up! I'm saying to myself!

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Very motivated! Too old at 78 to let things get to me. Not angry. I find myself saying fuck you to many situations. Makes me feel better.

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That’ll be my new mantra. “Hey Putin’s Pinocchio - Go fuck yourself!”

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We will survive trump and the dukes and lords of our time the one thing is the constitution is an incredible document the crafters of this document and the bill of rights created it with traps and firewalls with the possibility of both branches becoming corrupted it's designed to lock them out lock them up! the framers built in components that charge the u.s. military to protect the united states from congress or the high court or the white house they created this document to keep the dukes and lords of their time and our time from the hands of our govt and against fascists or kings of their time including against religious political leaders such as a Pope all of this they had back then even their form of elitists barons they crafted a constitution to withstand against evil the test awaits us in these scary times .

The framers almost as if they saw this coming hundreds of years ago back then they knew overseas govts and leaders that existed even then conspired to destroy the United States from outside using forces from within.

I have the faith.

First order of business is to deal with the treasonous members of the supreme court that in truth started this great betrayal from within keep in mind even though,they conspired our constitution and even our military has the power to stop this nonsense how it will play out will remain in our hands always.

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Thank you for your positive thoughts 💙☮️

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I don’t share your confidence. The framers were smart people with vision but they were only human and the constitution is not a magical devine document. They were counting on the collective wisdom of we the people, which has now failed us in this era of mass distribution conspiracy propaganda. Even back then they knew it was fragile: “… a Republic… if you can keep it.”

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It’s not magical it is a framework imperfect experiment but it is special some try to demystify a document that in this country if not the only country that has a written constitution .

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I'm not totally convinced the framers believed in the people - they believed in the "landed" wealthy men like them. (Hence, women couldn't vote, for instance. And slaves, of course, were merely cattle.) They obviously realized many wealthy men like them were also greedy, cruel, despots - so it seems they did try to protect the rest of us, but over time, the despots have figured a way to use democratic process (and propaganda) to overturn democracy. We have to win back the hearts and minds of the people!

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Thank you Mary! I so appreciate you providing the history. I had been guessing about the early years and now thanks to you I actually know!

Best regards forever 🌿✌️

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elon is a new kind of scary bull💩

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I think he's actually insane

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He is the truly evil one.

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They’re ALL evil.

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Thanks for your speaking up…keep it loud and strong. Dot is evil personified. We must resist.

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