Why any man would vote for misogynists is beyond me. One doesn't have to be a member of a persecuted group to object to its members being persecuted. Should only Black people care about racism, only Jews about anti-Semitism, only women about misogyny? We're all in this together.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. It truly is repugnant that Republicans feel the only way for women to have value is to bear children. What about women and men who have chosen to adopt? Does that count to the Republicans?
Hi Samm, I wish you success with your new stack. If you need any help just reach out - I am about to launch a signposting stack alongside my existing pub, Best wishes, Maurice
In other words, it's called 'projection.' To turn your statement around a bit, Trump does it with every lie he tells! Displacing what one thinks of oneself and placing it on someone else is the favourite game of the ego. I just laugh when Trump opens his mouth and starts attacking the Democrats. It's all him and what he did, or wants to do himself. Crazy making, I know. But it works like a charm for his base! Although I, personally, know what he's doing, Trump's lies still bother me because millions of others don't know what I know about his countless projections; they just take what he says as gospel. Don't get me started on the 'savior complex' Grrrrr... :)
Ok so now I think I should say something (whether you agree is certainly up to you..)
As a professional I know that there are sometimes a large differences between what we hear and what we believe is true.. in engineering terms there is a wide range is sounds between “noise” & “ information “
My point is that I have faith that you can tell the difference as well 😏
Project 2025 basically will take women out of the boardroom and keep them in the bedroom. I was one of hundreds of men at the Stand Up for Choice march....April 14/2004.
Stand by your woman guys.....Do everything in your power to get Kamala Harris into the White House.....
Serena, I remember as a kid just how unhappy my mother was home with the kids all the time. She became a parent because that is what women did in the 1950s but she didn't like the role most of the time. She tried to be the perfect mother but it was not what she really wanted. She did love us and gave us the best gift a mom can give, independence, the ability to think for ourselves, and a love for music, learning, and the drive to find our place in the world. She did go out to work when I was about 14 and never looked back and was much happier. My dad and the rest of us were too. Two of my 4 sisters have kids and grandkids but one sadly could not. My older sister and I decided not to have children to stop a genetic condition that runs through our family. So, according to Mr. Vance, we three are unworthy of first-class citizenship? That is ridiculous and just what I would expect of the man who wrote "Hillbilly Ellegy" which I actually read and did not like at all.
Nancy, and women all over the world have to live with that life while men go off and do whatever it is they do, often not very satisfying. And a bunch of sick white pseudo-christian men are trying hard to bring that crap back here. We have an obligation to stop them!
Men should stand for women even if they don’t ‘have’ a woman ‘of their own’. It’s not about ‘your woman’ or your kids or whatever, it’s about OUR country and it’s future. No one should want any person in this country to not count or to be needlessly controlled or hurt. It shouldn’t be about just worrying or caring about ‘our own’ but about ‘all’.
A person needs be taking care of themselves....their own family to be able in a healthy way take care of the country and society. With all the negativity and distractions coming from the convicted felon, poster child of Narcissitic Personality Disorder.....
Not to get too psychological, but they may hate their own, and themselves personally, most of all. That's why they project their hatred onto others. This seems obvious in Trump's case.
Yes, except he doesn't know that he's disgusted with himself. He seems to have less self-knowledge than any adult on the planet, and that's because, emotionally, he's a toddler. "Wise" and "Trump" never belong in the same sentence.
Not long ago I read about CIS men. Ok, I’m behind the curve. It seems powerless men band together to get power. Sadly, they do not recognize that the issue is not about power.
Perhaps the issue I'm reading here is that men need to stay home and learn to be fathers and learn how to run a household and protect their own family.
Kate, maybe it's also to learn to develop some empathy so they can get a sense of what others are feeling. Then maybe too it is "judge not that ye be not judged," right out of scripture.
I actually do know stay at home dads who raised their kids as mom had the better paying job. it works. I think people just need to be open to what fits their life style and not just because it's expected for moms and wives to do everything that men don't want to do, or just won't do because they are men. I believe in equality for all. Simple as that.
Kate, I like the idea of each person in the family doing what works rather than trying to fill certain roles. And, if both parents need to or want to work, there should be child care of all kinds to meet the needs of the family. Stay-at-home can be really limiting whether for dads or moms.
Jim, a CIS or cisgender person is someone who sexually identifies as the gender they were born. Both women and men can be cisgender (not transgender). I don’t understand your post. Are you possibly referring to incels (involuntarily celibate)? Now that lot of crazy dudes want to control a lot.
How many women couldn’t get pregnant bc of their partners impotence and or sterility…hmm, guess they shouldn’t be allowed to vote? Looking at you Blake Masters you asshat
Somewhere in those 900 pages of nazi bullshit....Project 2025....because these Christofascists will be banning pornography.......women who can have children would be sex slaves........those who cannot would just become slaves. Hair Hitler.
Well said, Henry! My dad often used the phrase, “There is no I in We”, when I was young. It was his way of reminding me to be my best self whenever I was wallowing in being a self-centered teenager.
That phrase has come to mean so much more to me over the years, and certainly comes to mind daily, in recent years…
Thanks Dad, you were so right, in more ways than one! 💙🇺🇸💙
Laugh at Pouting Trump every opportunity you get; DJT must have had a whole lot of women laughing at him over his lifespan and it makes him SO CRAZY! Stormy’s testimony on late night shows gives a hint why DJT is so sensitive to laughing women.
Of course Trump is confused and upset by Kamala’s laugh. He’s never been present when a woman experiences happiness or pleasure! 🤣
In Trump’s dark vision the only acceptable laughter stems from cruelty. But Harris radiates a genuine warmth. And nothing frightens the darkness more than light.
Can’t wait for the Prosecutor vs Convicted felon debate!
In fact, I already ordered this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" t-shirt 👇
The Stepford wives only care about their Valium,Xanax and martinis. Hubby has their brains and vaginas under control. Robots, become unfired for your daughters, if not for yourselves, pu- lease, this is the 21st Century.😮😠
Because some churches have combined mysogeny with out if context scripture, which can always be twisted to suit anything, into truly believing whatever their chruch told them, and to blindky acceot mysogeny as the will of God. It is not, but cults dont allow for thinking or questioning, especially fron women.
Growing up in Catholicism I learned that being a woman meant being second class. Only men could be priests, women were held accountable for causing men to sin sexually. Women who gave birth had to be "churched" meaning she had to have the impurity of sex removed by a male priest before she could go on as a regular Catholic.
There's much more but suffice it to say every Catholic man who participated in the religion and those who didn't grew up knowing women were beneath them.
I'd say that attitude pervades in varying degrees all of the major religions i.e. Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Radical Islam is also a giant Boys Club. “Can’t keep it in your pants? That’s OK, bruh! They tempt you! Deliberately! Stuffing them into black sacks and keeping them off the streets will help with that chronic priapism.”
I grew up in Roman Catholicism, too, & have many relatives who are priests, brothers, or nuns. But where I grew up, there wasn’t any “churching” of women who gave birth. Horrid. What diocese(s) was that happening in?
Regardless, what the RC religion had transmogrified into since Pope John the XXIII because of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict is something Pope Francis seems to be working hard at reversing. Hope he succeeds. Meanwhile, my spouse and I are out of there.
Hello and thanks for sharing your thoughts. The Churching took place in the West of Ireland where I'm from. I believe it was prevalent throughout Ireland through the '50''s and maybe the 60's. Vatican II may have slowed it down a bit, I don't know foe sure.
I agree Pope Francis is trying to undo the damage done during those two Pope's reigns but he's up against some tough characters who want to go backwards just as the Republicans want to happen in this country. I understand Opus Dei had input into the 2025 manifesto. Scary.
I just saw Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote)'s substack with a person of a woman in the 50s going into a voting booth, turning back to tell her small daughter, "In here no man can tell me what to do." She advocates that this is what we need to say to GOP women who may think they have to vote for Trump to please their husbands.
That's what my sister did when she was married to her asshat husband for 23 years. She'd sit there and tune him out as he went on and on and on and make him think she was on the same page but as soon as she got in that voting booth, she went totally Democrat.
Donald and JD are actively pissing off potential voters. MAGA membership is shrinking with every idiotic comment/campaign promise. They are making it easy to vote AGAINST them.
They are saying "Vote AGAINST me if..."
You are a woman.
You have a woman in your life.
You are a minority.
You associate with people of Goodness, not the KKK and White Power Nazis.
You like cats.
You like dogs.
You admire service members in the military. And wounded warriors.
I'm an innately childfree retired metallurgical engineer. I'm white; my CF husband is black. We're lifelong progressives. We live in the SF Bay Area and live in a suburb near Palo Alto with beautiful diversity.
We love both sides of our large extended families and are generous, loving, kind aunt and uncle to several kids in our family. We also do volunteer work. I mentor young people pursuing STEM careers, especially girls and people of color.
We know many people who don't have kids for various reasons. We also have many friends aren't white, are in interracial relationshiops, and are part of the LGBTQI+ community.
As a man, i stand with women. My mother, my wife, my daughters, my granddaughter, my neighbors.
I will not let there be a division created between the genders. I hope all men stand with women’s rights. We are together in caring about reproductive rights, healthcare , employment, education. I hope women support male issues too.
Thank you. I definitely support men issues. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer who had a 37-year career working mainly with men. It helps that I'm a tomboy and one of the guys.
I'm a lifelong progressive feminist in a loving, happy marriage to my black, highly accomplished husband. He's a feminist, too.
"Beyond me" in terms of voting for any of these...men; but not beyond me in terms of imagining a person so deeply wounded in their life that their self-esteem has been erased. I can imagine being a woman that wounded.
women who support these guys are brainwashed by patriarchal society conditioning and their religiosity. Not just here in America, by the way, but in patriarchal cultures all over the world.
Except when in the womb. Which begs the question concerning gender id! How soon can it be established? If fetal personhood is established a name and sex must be established, no?
Contempt for women is a huge mistake. In time he will be totally cut off. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Thank you all for speaking out. Senior women support Kamala. We worked too hard for our rights and won’t give them up without a fight.
Thank you Sharon for the great post you have.. and it’s really important that families come in all different shapes .. sizes and colors with one parent 2 parents or more.. young old and olderrrr. And furbabies count too because they’re also part of a family. Let’s just give some Grace to all the different shapes and sizes of modern families. And no one and I truly believe that we don’t bash the diverse family unit.. I had a wonderful cousin David and he was married to his husband and he was a beautiful artist.. he passed way years ago but his father (my Uncle )never accepted him..he died in the 80’s of AIDS.. he was an only child.. he would put him in all these sports he wasn’t really good at and he’d beat him because he was hoping to beat the gay out of him ( that’s verbatim what he told my Dad) my Dad was horrified and told him if he touched David again he’d break his fucking neck.. my uncle is now in his 90’s and now wishes he didn’t treat his only son so cruelly.. my Uncle has lost everything.. my Aunt is in hospice my uncle worked at NASA.. now he’s alone and all he has is regret.. the skank he had the affair with left him for someone with more money.. REGRET that he didn’t tell his only son he loved him.. my Uncle had numerous affairs ( yes he’s a total AHOLE) my Aunt was devastated that he was having affairs and bringing his dirty laundry home for her to wash the stank of another woman on his clothes.. after everything he put her thru she forgave him for herself not really for him .. she never recovered from David’s death.. she’s living in hospice.. my Uncle visits her every day.. I grew up knowing the right thing to do and that’s always been.. treat everyone with kindness and if they’re not kind then step back and let them pass along like a leaf in the wind.. kindness goes a long way.. so does acceptance.. I’m a hugger.. I give everyone hugs.. sometimes you just need to give a hug.. it goes a long way.
Thank you personalizing this experience. Families are much more diverse now and judging can create life long regrets, as you so eloquently point out. We will all have regrets but we can learn! I stand with Kamala and tolerance!
I appreciate your sharing his story. Most don’t realize the pain an ostracized or abused child goes through. They all just want love and acceptance and I think it is so important. I’m looking forward to your Substack!
Right on Colleen!! Not gonna lie Colleen my daughters are adulting.. God help us all.. and there are times I think to myself.. was having kids really a good idea?!?🤦♀️ my son rarely comes out of his room and just grunts at me.. and the cat agrees with me.. the lizard doesn’t care and the dogs all they want is treats and belly rubs.. I’m Native Hawaiian and my husband is a workaholic and he’s white but right now a lovely shade of “you didn’t put sunscreen on again lobster red!”😂🤣 it’s not like we don’t have a half dozen sunscreens on the kitchen counter and another dozen in his truck..🙄 oh and when I woke up this morning.. our son is learning to make breakfast for himself.. he left the stove on with a dish towel thrown on the cooktop..I woke up to smelling smoke.. and a burnt mess. Thank God he didn’t burn the damn house down.. someone give me strength not to kill my damn kids! So you made a wonderful decision to stick with the hubby and cats💜 and my cat is looking at me.. and he says: I tried to warn you all you needed was me!! Dammit
What a great menagerie! I am sorry you no longer have them, especially since they must have been unusually nice animals to tolerate cats and dogs together.
I don't know how anyone with a halfway compassionate soul, or greater, could possibly support Mary's bad uncle. I've been wishing he'd die for months, so that I wouldn't have to worry about what he might do anymore.
As for VP Harris, I'm overjoyed that DJT is having to run against a former Prosecutor--someone who thinks quickly and clearly, and someone who cares about all the issues that I suspect most of Mary's subscribers care about.
That means you probably have a good chance of making it to 100. There's definitely a genetic component in longevity, and probably often an environmental component. And I think you can probably tell her that Mary's subscribers are all grateful she's all in for Kamala!
This election should never have been close. What voter in their right mind would cast a ballot for a twice impeached, one disastrous term, rapist, fraud, racist, insurrectionist, loser? Millions of people who think that he actually gives a shit about their problems, most of which are the result of people like him (rich white male assholes) not the people they have been taught to hate.
But with the racist and misogyny on full, open display this should be a no-brainer for American women and the men who care about them. (You know, the men who are not threatened by women in the workplace, women with agency) The polls are shifting. The energy has shifted. And the more desperate the attacks coming from Trump and the MAGAs become, the more they will drive voters away.
It's the cult, the fear of other people getting anything good: the zero-sum game. If you win, I lose. And many of his cultists are evangelicals, who have been groomed by their church leaders to follow blindly. Read Andrew Seidel's book _The Founding Myth_ . Also read _Jesus and John Wayne_.
I have read both of those books, it still boggles my mind that they will blindly follow an individual who is so devoid of human decency. But given that white evangelicals have divorced themselves from the words of Jesus, poisoned by the heretics like Joel Osteen and the other prosperity gospel charlatans, and other white working class men have been given permission to hate anyone who doesn't look like them, I should not be surprised.
Madison wrote the First Amendment for a reason. He knew that mixing religion and politics would be toxic to both the state and the church. One needs look no farther than white christian evangelicals, Opus Dei, the 6 right wing catholics on SCOTUS, for proof that he was right. Ban religion, no. Ban the imposition of one religion on another via government or judicial action, absolutely.
I have heard his supporters cheering and encouraging his cruelty. I believe that history will not be on their side just as it was not on side of the Nazi’s. It is wrong to treat people that way.
They fail to understand two things. 1) We are not like them and when we are in control we do not treat them like animals. Just look at how much money Biden has directed to red states for infrastructure. And we don't exclude them from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP or any other benefits. Even though they would do it in a moment to us. 2) After Trump and his thugs are done deporting immigrants, executing gays, locking up journalists and oppressing the rest of us, they will go after the MAGAs. First the MAGA curious, eventually all of them. Because they don't study history they don't know that Hitler shot a lot of good Nazi Party members and Stalin sent a lot of good Communists to the Gulag. Their day will come.
I am 74. I have been married twice and never had children. Remaining childless is the best decision I've ever made. I have stepkids and step-grandchildren. That's more than enough in this overpopulated world.
I was 16 when I realized I was a step-grandchild. I adored my grandmother and she never treated me any differently than her biological grandchildren. That is unconditional love.
I am a late in life step parent and step grandparent. It is very good that I was childless, because they would have had as many problems as I did. BTW I love cats.
I became aware of overpopulation when I was 9. They were threatening to put a road through the bucolic neighborhood where I lived. I asked my father WHY? He explained that the population keeps growing, necessitating more of everything. I did my first public speaking on the population problem--as a boy scout in a local LDS church. (My brother and I went there for boy scouts because his best friend was a Mormon, and it was actually quite a good experience. They were a good bunch of people with a strong sense of community, which I liked. If I'd had an ounce of faith I might have converted. But I didn't then and I still don't.
I'm 62, and an innately childfree woman. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer who had a long, distinguished career
My dad died suddenly, unexpectedly at age 42 in 1965. My mom was 37 with four kids to raise ages 3 (me), 8, 9, and 12. She never dated or married again. She was a strong, loving woman who devoted her life to doing her best to raise us well.
I have deep respect for good/great parents but had absolutely no interest in giving birth nor raising them. I love most kids, am great with them, and am a devoted, generous, loving aunt to many famlly members on both sides of my large, close, extended family.
I married for the first time at 37. My husband of 25+ years is black, also childfree, a fierce feminist and progressive, and highly educated and accomplished. We both had difficult childhoods but survived and thrived. We both had full-ride university scholarships and long careers.
We firmly believe in giving back to society. We mentor many young people and do volunteer/charity work when we're not traveling (one of our passions is international travel).
JD doesn’t consider adoption or other parenting options legitimate, apparently. I don’t see him or other misogynists adopting any of the many children who don’t have homes. The “pure white race” thing is barely below the surface with these guys.
No, it's unfortunately not odd that he would disregard Pete's having children. There IS only one way to be a legitimate parent in his eyes. It has occurred to me that if the only way to be a legitimate parent is to bear children, then men are SOL. IMO. 😇
People have rough childhoods. Some never cope with the trauma. He has attached himself to the Trump train. How sad. Trump cares for no one but himself.
JD has stated that marriage should be between a man & a woman. And if the woman mistakenly perceives her choice to be a regular nice guy, marries him, & then finds out he’s a violent rat, JD wants her to stay in that marriage, & not abort any pregnancies from sex with (rape by?) that violent misogynist.
The Nazi's during WW2 had this secret SS program "Lebensborn". It was createdt to increase the population of the "racialy pure" popluation. The details will creep you out. Kamala Harris MUST be elected into the White House.......This kind of BS is where Project 2025 is headed straight for!! People...there is not a second to waste before this election.
So 5 US presidents, including George Washington, were supposedly childless. I guess our nation was founded on false pretenses since it was first run by a man who had no business running it
Of course they do. This only applies to women -isn’t that obvious? We cannot be fully human unless we fulfill our god given duty to repopulate the world. (Or some such nonsense).
I guess I'm not fully human. I'm grateful that I'm not a republican, and that I didn't have children. The world did not need any children I would have had.
Yep, innately childfree and 62 here with absofuckinlutely no regrets about something I never wanted.
JD Vance and other regressives of his ilk can kiss my well educated, highly accomplished ass. My CF Black husband and I are living the life of our dreams.
Pete Buttigieg has children… pls do not list him among “childless” adults. For that matter, Kamala is a step-mom and evidently close with the children. She counts as a mother. I have had children through marriage—- and consider them to be my children. They became my children when I married their dad. My guess is that Kamala feels that way, too.
I came here to say this! I don’t have kids but I am an auntie to 6 and I will vote for VP Harris like their lives depend on it! (Because they do.) It’s easy to have a stake in how our country works and to represent all your constituencies even when you don’t share their life experiences — it’s called not being a selfish prick.
So, by Vance's "no kids, can't serve" calculation, Presidents Washington, Madison, Jackson, Polk and Buchanan should never have been allowed to be president of our country. Think of it: that INCLUDES the FATHER of our country, George Washington! And you're right, Mary, none of this garbage against women is new, not by a long shot. If I wasn't living through this crap, I wouldn't believe it!
Women are going kick some Republican butt this election!! You watch Mary, and see what kind of power a Kamala Harris ticket can turn out!!! These are extraordinary times were living in and I'm excited. This is not 2016 or 2020, Biden's speech to the Nation showed us this.(made me tear up with pride and gratitude for Joe) Democrats have the home field advantage, so let's get 'er Done people. Vote 💯 Harris/? 💙🇺🇸
We women of the sixties will be there for her. We ( I am ) are older now but are well seasoned and are unafraid of a man who would threaten us. We know our value and our children are good people who would never treat women badly. We won’t be intimidated!
I'm 62 and a lifelong feminist and progressive. I worked as an engineer/public servant acrosd from San Francisco City Hall for 30 years.
I've met VP Kamala Harris several times over the past few decades. In real life, she's brilliant, determined, gorgeous, self deprecating, and has astounding charisma. She suffers no fools gladly. Kamala is going to kick ass!!
Men don’t enter into this situation! All the talk about abortion, where is mention of the men who impregnated these women? I’m disgusted with these misogynistic Republican men!!
JD Vance’s wife worked at a progressive law firm in San Francisco. How is she tolerating this? It doesn’t make sense. She quit her job because she thinks she’s they are going to win. Maybe she’s also an opportunist?
Access to power is an aphrodisiac. I think they both converted to Catholicism in 2019 — there’s nothing like the zeal of a convert. It seems that they ascribe to a fundamentalist variety of Catholicism… not the mainstream faith.
You are so correct about the “zeal of a convert” whether it be religion or deciding to give up smoking or drinking. They feel it’s their mission to preach to others about their dastardly deeds.
Republican men only see women as breeders. Sows. A means to an end - the end being bearing children AT ANY AND ALL COST. Rape, incest, danger to the life of the mother - all irrelevant. Breed, breed, breed. MAGA - make America Great again has always been about turning the clock back to the 1940’s or 1950’s. When women knew their place in a marriage, a family, and society. They didn’t count on the fact that WE WILL NOT GO BACK. EVER.
Yes, Mary it is compulsory. Why any woman would vote for a Republican is beyond me.
Why any man would vote for misogynists is beyond me. One doesn't have to be a member of a persecuted group to object to its members being persecuted. Should only Black people care about racism, only Jews about anti-Semitism, only women about misogyny? We're all in this together.
Thank you. Here's to all the husbands, partners, fathers, brothers, and friends who will vote for women's rights.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. It truly is repugnant that Republicans feel the only way for women to have value is to bear children. What about women and men who have chosen to adopt? Does that count to the Republicans?
Yes! And there are many good men out there!
Should be bear children
I share that observation and opinion, and would add that by not standing up to them we are complicit
I readily agree!😊
Hi Samm, I wish you success with your new stack. If you need any help just reach out - I am about to launch a signposting stack alongside my existing pub, Best wishes, Maurice
Yes, indeed. It is not uncommon for the faults we lay on others to often be our own. Well worthy of thought and so, my opinion too.
In other words, it's called 'projection.' To turn your statement around a bit, Trump does it with every lie he tells! Displacing what one thinks of oneself and placing it on someone else is the favourite game of the ego. I just laugh when Trump opens his mouth and starts attacking the Democrats. It's all him and what he did, or wants to do himself. Crazy making, I know. But it works like a charm for his base! Although I, personally, know what he's doing, Trump's lies still bother me because millions of others don't know what I know about his countless projections; they just take what he says as gospel. Don't get me started on the 'savior complex' Grrrrr... :)
Ok so now I think I should say something (whether you agree is certainly up to you..)
As a professional I know that there are sometimes a large differences between what we hear and what we believe is true.. in engineering terms there is a wide range is sounds between “noise” & “ information “
My point is that I have faith that you can tell the difference as well 😏
Project 2025 basically will take women out of the boardroom and keep them in the bedroom. I was one of hundreds of men at the Stand Up for Choice march....April 14/2004.
Stand by your woman guys.....Do everything in your power to get Kamala Harris into the White House.....
The bedroom and the kitchen
Serena, I remember as a kid just how unhappy my mother was home with the kids all the time. She became a parent because that is what women did in the 1950s but she didn't like the role most of the time. She tried to be the perfect mother but it was not what she really wanted. She did love us and gave us the best gift a mom can give, independence, the ability to think for ourselves, and a love for music, learning, and the drive to find our place in the world. She did go out to work when I was about 14 and never looked back and was much happier. My dad and the rest of us were too. Two of my 4 sisters have kids and grandkids but one sadly could not. My older sister and I decided not to have children to stop a genetic condition that runs through our family. So, according to Mr. Vance, we three are unworthy of first-class citizenship? That is ridiculous and just what I would expect of the man who wrote "Hillbilly Ellegy" which I actually read and did not like at all.
You forgot to add the church (Christian, of course).
dogmatic indoctrination of division for domination.......
Nancy, and women all over the world have to live with that life while men go off and do whatever it is they do, often not very satisfying. And a bunch of sick white pseudo-christian men are trying hard to bring that crap back here. We have an obligation to stop them!
Men should stand for women even if they don’t ‘have’ a woman ‘of their own’. It’s not about ‘your woman’ or your kids or whatever, it’s about OUR country and it’s future. No one should want any person in this country to not count or to be needlessly controlled or hurt. It shouldn’t be about just worrying or caring about ‘our own’ but about ‘all’.
A person needs be taking care of themselves....their own family to be able in a healthy way take care of the country and society. With all the negativity and distractions coming from the convicted felon, poster child of Narcissitic Personality Disorder.....
we all need a reminder.
Youre a good man, sir !!!
Thank you!
You are so right! Hating one group of humans is easily extended to hating all groups of humans--except one's own.
Not to get too psychological, but they may hate their own, and themselves personally, most of all. That's why they project their hatred onto others. This seems obvious in Trump's case.
Very astute of you--and I agree. Hatred of others seems to be built upon hatred and disgust with oneself.
In this case, he’s wise to be disgusted.
Yes, except he doesn't know that he's disgusted with himself. He seems to have less self-knowledge than any adult on the planet, and that's because, emotionally, he's a toddler. "Wise" and "Trump" never belong in the same sentence.
and the need to blame anyone but themselves for their self-hatred.
DonOld GopOld hates potatoes and laughter.... Now that's extreme
Love your comment!🇺🇸🌊💙
Not long ago I read about CIS men. Ok, I’m behind the curve. It seems powerless men band together to get power. Sadly, they do not recognize that the issue is not about power.
Perhaps the issue I'm reading here is that men need to stay home and learn to be fathers and learn how to run a household and protect their own family.
Hi Kate,
You probably won’t, but I wish you’d watch this in answer to your comment. (Female Canadian humor!)
And it’s less than 3 minutes…
I wish their contract had been renewed. I love those gals. 😀
It really was funny. I did laugh out loud at the end, especially. It's now downloaded.
Not sure that I do, but oops - my question was intended for Wendy.....
Brilliant piece of humor, yes. Now perhaps you can explain how it works as a response to Kate's suggestion ? Please ?
Babysitting fathers 🙄
Admittedly very loose tie in, but I couldn’t resist.
Well, a little. I get the tie in.
Hi Wendy, watched it, thought it was brilliant, but mot clear how you tie it to Kate's comment.... Please clarify, thanks, Maurice
Kate, maybe it's also to learn to develop some empathy so they can get a sense of what others are feeling. Then maybe too it is "judge not that ye be not judged," right out of scripture.
I actually do know stay at home dads who raised their kids as mom had the better paying job. it works. I think people just need to be open to what fits their life style and not just because it's expected for moms and wives to do everything that men don't want to do, or just won't do because they are men. I believe in equality for all. Simple as that.
Kate, I like the idea of each person in the family doing what works rather than trying to fill certain roles. And, if both parents need to or want to work, there should be child care of all kinds to meet the needs of the family. Stay-at-home can be really limiting whether for dads or moms.
Society has too long been indoctrinated to conform to the opposite. But thankfully, not everyone runs with the herd
Damn all these names, I hate it what is the group of men who are angry with women because women are not interested in having sex with them?
I think that is a "incel" Jim.
Thank you. Thankyou for correcting my mistake.
Jim, a CIS or cisgender person is someone who sexually identifies as the gender they were born. Both women and men can be cisgender (not transgender). I don’t understand your post. Are you possibly referring to incels (involuntarily celibate)? Now that lot of crazy dudes want to control a lot.
What? Explain in more detail what your point is.🥰💙
How many women couldn’t get pregnant bc of their partners impotence and or sterility…hmm, guess they shouldn’t be allowed to vote? Looking at you Blake Masters you asshat
Somewhere in those 900 pages of nazi bullshit....Project 2025....because these Christofascists will be banning pornography.......women who can have children would be sex slaves........those who cannot would just become slaves. Hair Hitler.
Well said, Henry! My dad often used the phrase, “There is no I in We”, when I was young. It was his way of reminding me to be my best self whenever I was wallowing in being a self-centered teenager.
That phrase has come to mean so much more to me over the years, and certainly comes to mind daily, in recent years…
Thanks Dad, you were so right, in more ways than one! 💙🇺🇸💙
We have a word for men who hate women....
We also have a word for people who hate misogynists......
Truth well said.
Why any human being with at least one functioning brain cell would vote for these haters is incomprehensible.
Amen. You said it so eloquently
I wholeheartedly agree with what you're saying, Henry. Thank you.
Bravo 👏
I have a picture of a seated woman, who is punching herself in the face.
The caption is "Female Republican voters."
Laugh at Pouting Trump every opportunity you get; DJT must have had a whole lot of women laughing at him over his lifespan and it makes him SO CRAZY! Stormy’s testimony on late night shows gives a hint why DJT is so sensitive to laughing women.
Of course Trump is confused and upset by Kamala’s laugh. He’s never been present when a woman experiences happiness or pleasure! 🤣
In Trump’s dark vision the only acceptable laughter stems from cruelty. But Harris radiates a genuine warmth. And nothing frightens the darkness more than light.
Can’t wait for the Prosecutor vs Convicted felon debate!
In fact, I already ordered this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" t-shirt 👇
By the way, what’s the difference between JD Vance and his book?
The book has a spine 🤣
I dug out my old Donald Trump dammit doll from 2017. I'm going to seal it in a bag with catnip for a week and then give it to my cat. She's a female.
😹🤣😹❤️ that is hilarious!
This made me laugh out loud! Yes! I can easily visualize this! My cats would love this too!
She'll kick the shit out of him.
You want to get Trump to lose his shit on camera? Just ridicule the shit out of him. And maybe have a big bowl of mashed potatoes in sight.
OH yeah! I'd pay to watch that! Bwaaahaahahahahahaa!
How about a wall and a bowl of ketchup?
Mideas Touch reported that Trump backed out of the debate a couple hours ago.
KaMALA. Make America Laugh Again. At Puddinghead Don the Con!
Has anybody ever heard trump laugh? Or smile when it isn’t for a photo op?
……I have the same picture…..unfortunately, those that this applies to don’t “get it!”!!!!!
The Stepford wives only care about their Valium,Xanax and martinis. Hubby has their brains and vaginas under control. Robots, become unfired for your daughters, if not for yourselves, pu- lease, this is the 21st Century.😮😠
Stepford wives of Gopford Yesmen....
Would love to see this.
👋 Eaton Hamilton, Betcha many Millions of US would, too .🌏🌏🌏🌏🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
I love that. She should be !!!
Or: he should be bending over while punching herself.
Unfortunately, they have an explanation for everything. It’s just “guy talk” or “man play”….
And that sure doesn’t make it right! How is it that those disgusting nasty words have been “normalized “ in political rhetoric?
And how any woman can vote Republican makes my brain bleed 🤯
Guess I’ve been lucky because I don’t and never did by have men in my life who talked or acted like these guys!
It’s sometimes ‘man-splaining’.
That’s what women like Melania say to enable their sexual predator males.
Because some churches have combined mysogeny with out if context scripture, which can always be twisted to suit anything, into truly believing whatever their chruch told them, and to blindky acceot mysogeny as the will of God. It is not, but cults dont allow for thinking or questioning, especially fron women.
Growing up in Catholicism I learned that being a woman meant being second class. Only men could be priests, women were held accountable for causing men to sin sexually. Women who gave birth had to be "churched" meaning she had to have the impurity of sex removed by a male priest before she could go on as a regular Catholic.
There's much more but suffice it to say every Catholic man who participated in the religion and those who didn't grew up knowing women were beneath them.
I'd say that attitude pervades in varying degrees all of the major religions i.e. Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Radical Islam is also a giant Boys Club. “Can’t keep it in your pants? That’s OK, bruh! They tempt you! Deliberately! Stuffing them into black sacks and keeping them off the streets will help with that chronic priapism.”
Well said.
I grew up in Roman Catholicism, too, & have many relatives who are priests, brothers, or nuns. But where I grew up, there wasn’t any “churching” of women who gave birth. Horrid. What diocese(s) was that happening in?
Regardless, what the RC religion had transmogrified into since Pope John the XXIII because of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict is something Pope Francis seems to be working hard at reversing. Hope he succeeds. Meanwhile, my spouse and I are out of there.
Hello and thanks for sharing your thoughts. The Churching took place in the West of Ireland where I'm from. I believe it was prevalent throughout Ireland through the '50''s and maybe the 60's. Vatican II may have slowed it down a bit, I don't know foe sure.
I agree Pope Francis is trying to undo the damage done during those two Pope's reigns but he's up against some tough characters who want to go backwards just as the Republicans want to happen in this country. I understand Opus Dei had input into the 2025 manifesto. Scary.
Where "Some" is a euphemism for "Most" ??
Please out law viagra,, that would decrease abortions.
No kidding!
I just saw Allison Gill (Mueller She Wrote)'s substack with a person of a woman in the 50s going into a voting booth, turning back to tell her small daughter, "In here no man can tell me what to do." She advocates that this is what we need to say to GOP women who may think they have to vote for Trump to please their husbands.
That's what my sister did when she was married to her asshat husband for 23 years. She'd sit there and tune him out as he went on and on and on and make him think she was on the same page but as soon as she got in that voting booth, she went totally Democrat.
Donald and JD are actively pissing off potential voters. MAGA membership is shrinking with every idiotic comment/campaign promise. They are making it easy to vote AGAINST them.
They are saying "Vote AGAINST me if..."
You are a woman.
You have a woman in your life.
You are a minority.
You associate with people of Goodness, not the KKK and White Power Nazis.
You like cats.
You like dogs.
You admire service members in the military. And wounded warriors.
You obey the laws.
You admire honor and honesty.
You are a courteous, respectful person.
So who is left to vote for these fools?
I agree with you - who indeed?
I'm an innately childfree retired metallurgical engineer. I'm white; my CF husband is black. We're lifelong progressives. We live in the SF Bay Area and live in a suburb near Palo Alto with beautiful diversity.
We love both sides of our large extended families and are generous, loving, kind aunt and uncle to several kids in our family. We also do volunteer work. I mentor young people pursuing STEM careers, especially girls and people of color.
We know many people who don't have kids for various reasons. We also have many friends aren't white, are in interracial relationshiops, and are part of the LGBTQI+ community.
Pete has two (adopted) children, BUT the Rs (along w/closeted gays) will never accept Pete or strong women.
As a man, i stand with women. My mother, my wife, my daughters, my granddaughter, my neighbors.
I will not let there be a division created between the genders. I hope all men stand with women’s rights. We are together in caring about reproductive rights, healthcare , employment, education. I hope women support male issues too.
Thank you. I definitely support men issues. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer who had a 37-year career working mainly with men. It helps that I'm a tomboy and one of the guys.
I'm a lifelong progressive feminist in a loving, happy marriage to my black, highly accomplished husband. He's a feminist, too.
Right on. That’s the very definition of feminism. It’s inclusive
"Beyond me" in terms of voting for any of these...men; but not beyond me in terms of imagining a person so deeply wounded in their life that their self-esteem has been erased. I can imagine being a woman that wounded.
They vote how their husbands tell them how to vote.😤
The reality is that a lot of white women do.
women who support these guys are brainwashed by patriarchal society conditioning and their religiosity. Not just here in America, by the way, but in patriarchal cultures all over the world.
I'll never be able to relate to ANY woman, who would vote for Trump, Vance, or ANY republican, for that matter
Except when in the womb. Which begs the question concerning gender id! How soon can it be established? If fetal personhood is established a name and sex must be established, no?
Ive asked myself that for years.
Contempt for women is a huge mistake. In time he will be totally cut off. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Thank you all for speaking out. Senior women support Kamala. We worked too hard for our rights and won’t give them up without a fight.
Oh and I am a parent and step- parent. And an animal lover.
Sharon I’m stealing your post: I am a woman a mother and a step mother.. and a very happy pet parent..
Thank you Sharon for the great post you have.. and it’s really important that families come in all different shapes .. sizes and colors with one parent 2 parents or more.. young old and olderrrr. And furbabies count too because they’re also part of a family. Let’s just give some Grace to all the different shapes and sizes of modern families. And no one and I truly believe that we don’t bash the diverse family unit.. I had a wonderful cousin David and he was married to his husband and he was a beautiful artist.. he passed way years ago but his father (my Uncle )never accepted him..he died in the 80’s of AIDS.. he was an only child.. he would put him in all these sports he wasn’t really good at and he’d beat him because he was hoping to beat the gay out of him ( that’s verbatim what he told my Dad) my Dad was horrified and told him if he touched David again he’d break his fucking neck.. my uncle is now in his 90’s and now wishes he didn’t treat his only son so cruelly.. my Uncle has lost everything.. my Aunt is in hospice my uncle worked at NASA.. now he’s alone and all he has is regret.. the skank he had the affair with left him for someone with more money.. REGRET that he didn’t tell his only son he loved him.. my Uncle had numerous affairs ( yes he’s a total AHOLE) my Aunt was devastated that he was having affairs and bringing his dirty laundry home for her to wash the stank of another woman on his clothes.. after everything he put her thru she forgave him for herself not really for him .. she never recovered from David’s death.. she’s living in hospice.. my Uncle visits her every day.. I grew up knowing the right thing to do and that’s always been.. treat everyone with kindness and if they’re not kind then step back and let them pass along like a leaf in the wind.. kindness goes a long way.. so does acceptance.. I’m a hugger.. I give everyone hugs.. sometimes you just need to give a hug.. it goes a long way.
Thank you personalizing this experience. Families are much more diverse now and judging can create life long regrets, as you so eloquently point out. We will all have regrets but we can learn! I stand with Kamala and tolerance!
Sharon Your post Yesterday just really hit home and I had to tell David’s story. I haven’t spoken about that time since I was a teenager in the 80’s
I appreciate your sharing his story. Most don’t realize the pain an ostracized or abused child goes through. They all just want love and acceptance and I think it is so important. I’m looking forward to your Substack!
I ❤️your version so much!
I'm a 62-year-old innately childfree woman. I never wanted kuds. There are many of us in the USA.
I love cats, am a retired metallurgical engineer, and have been happily married to the feminist, progressive man of my dreams who is black.
Right on Colleen!! Not gonna lie Colleen my daughters are adulting.. God help us all.. and there are times I think to myself.. was having kids really a good idea?!?🤦♀️ my son rarely comes out of his room and just grunts at me.. and the cat agrees with me.. the lizard doesn’t care and the dogs all they want is treats and belly rubs.. I’m Native Hawaiian and my husband is a workaholic and he’s white but right now a lovely shade of “you didn’t put sunscreen on again lobster red!”😂🤣 it’s not like we don’t have a half dozen sunscreens on the kitchen counter and another dozen in his truck..🙄 oh and when I woke up this morning.. our son is learning to make breakfast for himself.. he left the stove on with a dish towel thrown on the cooktop..I woke up to smelling smoke.. and a burnt mess. Thank God he didn’t burn the damn house down.. someone give me strength not to kill my damn kids! So you made a wonderful decision to stick with the hubby and cats💜 and my cat is looking at me.. and he says: I tried to warn you all you needed was me!! Dammit
Sharon, my cat Daphne loves your message!
Daphne has my vote and a package of Temptations!
So very kind of you, Sharon! Do you have pets?
Until recently I had a Great Pyrenees, a black lab and 3 cats. All rescues, but the cats adopted me or the dogs!
What a great menagerie! I am sorry you no longer have them, especially since they must have been unusually nice animals to tolerate cats and dogs together.
Me too. I also have a daughter and son who know their rights and freedoms are top of the ballot particularly this election
I don't know how anyone with a halfway compassionate soul, or greater, could possibly support Mary's bad uncle. I've been wishing he'd die for months, so that I wouldn't have to worry about what he might do anymore.
As for VP Harris, I'm overjoyed that DJT is having to run against a former Prosecutor--someone who thinks quickly and clearly, and someone who cares about all the issues that I suspect most of Mary's subscribers care about.
We won't give them up at all!
We're going to take them back!
Go Tina! We will do this. Yay Mamala!
I wish he would just go away. It’s not just tolerance I stand with, it’s love. Love of our fellow human beings.
As a voter for over 50 years, I couldn't agree more!
I first voted in 1972. And not for Nixon!
Yup! My mom just turned 100 in May. She's TOTALLY all in for Kamala!
That means you probably have a good chance of making it to 100. There's definitely a genetic component in longevity, and probably often an environmental component. And I think you can probably tell her that Mary's subscribers are all grateful she's all in for Kamala!
Wow giving your Mom a hug from here!! 100 is awesome!!
Thank her for me.
This election should never have been close. What voter in their right mind would cast a ballot for a twice impeached, one disastrous term, rapist, fraud, racist, insurrectionist, loser? Millions of people who think that he actually gives a shit about their problems, most of which are the result of people like him (rich white male assholes) not the people they have been taught to hate.
But with the racist and misogyny on full, open display this should be a no-brainer for American women and the men who care about them. (You know, the men who are not threatened by women in the workplace, women with agency) The polls are shifting. The energy has shifted. And the more desperate the attacks coming from Trump and the MAGAs become, the more they will drive voters away.
I couldn't agree more!
Thank you Peter, for your articulate comment!
It's the cult, the fear of other people getting anything good: the zero-sum game. If you win, I lose. And many of his cultists are evangelicals, who have been groomed by their church leaders to follow blindly. Read Andrew Seidel's book _The Founding Myth_ . Also read _Jesus and John Wayne_.
I have read both of those books, it still boggles my mind that they will blindly follow an individual who is so devoid of human decency. But given that white evangelicals have divorced themselves from the words of Jesus, poisoned by the heretics like Joel Osteen and the other prosperity gospel charlatans, and other white working class men have been given permission to hate anyone who doesn't look like them, I should not be surprised.
Don't believe I've ever seen any " cult worshipers " profess.a love of reading. What a tragedy... for.themselves and.their.children.
You nailed it, Peter.
Madison wrote the First Amendment for a reason. He knew that mixing religion and politics would be toxic to both the state and the church. One needs look no farther than white christian evangelicals, Opus Dei, the 6 right wing catholics on SCOTUS, for proof that he was right. Ban religion, no. Ban the imposition of one religion on another via government or judicial action, absolutely.
I have heard his supporters cheering and encouraging his cruelty. I believe that history will not be on their side just as it was not on side of the Nazi’s. It is wrong to treat people that way.
They fail to understand two things. 1) We are not like them and when we are in control we do not treat them like animals. Just look at how much money Biden has directed to red states for infrastructure. And we don't exclude them from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP or any other benefits. Even though they would do it in a moment to us. 2) After Trump and his thugs are done deporting immigrants, executing gays, locking up journalists and oppressing the rest of us, they will go after the MAGAs. First the MAGA curious, eventually all of them. Because they don't study history they don't know that Hitler shot a lot of good Nazi Party members and Stalin sent a lot of good Communists to the Gulag. Their day will come.
I am 74. I have been married twice and never had children. Remaining childless is the best decision I've ever made. I have stepkids and step-grandchildren. That's more than enough in this overpopulated world.
I was 16 when I realized I was a step-grandchild. I adored my grandmother and she never treated me any differently than her biological grandchildren. That is unconditional love.
If you have to have kids, consider ready-made children who need a home.
I am a late in life step parent and step grandparent. It is very good that I was childless, because they would have had as many problems as I did. BTW I love cats.
Lots of good people love cats. Nothing wrong with that!
Cats are Democrats. Dogs are Republicans. Okay, many dogs are Democrats.
My dogs were Democrats. 🤣🥰😄They allowed the cats to sleep with them.
Dogs are certainly not all, or even mostly GOPers. I doubt any border collies are GOPers.
Only yellow ones! 😀
I agree completely!
Cats are great!
And this world IS dreadfully overpopulated. As is the US. If everyone on Earth consumed at the average rate of Americans, the world's population would need five Earths to support us. https://overshoot.footprintnetwork.org/how-many-earths-or-countries-do-we-need/
Agreed. I thought it was overpopulated when I decided not to have kids more than 50 years ago. It's much worse now.
I became aware of overpopulation when I was 9. They were threatening to put a road through the bucolic neighborhood where I lived. I asked my father WHY? He explained that the population keeps growing, necessitating more of everything. I did my first public speaking on the population problem--as a boy scout in a local LDS church. (My brother and I went there for boy scouts because his best friend was a Mormon, and it was actually quite a good experience. They were a good bunch of people with a strong sense of community, which I liked. If I'd had an ounce of faith I might have converted. But I didn't then and I still don't.
I understand how you feel. Community is so important. If we had more of it the world wouldn't have so many problems.
Good for you!
I'm 62, and an innately childfree woman. I'm a retired metallurgical engineer who had a long, distinguished career
My dad died suddenly, unexpectedly at age 42 in 1965. My mom was 37 with four kids to raise ages 3 (me), 8, 9, and 12. She never dated or married again. She was a strong, loving woman who devoted her life to doing her best to raise us well.
I have deep respect for good/great parents but had absolutely no interest in giving birth nor raising them. I love most kids, am great with them, and am a devoted, generous, loving aunt to many famlly members on both sides of my large, close, extended family.
I married for the first time at 37. My husband of 25+ years is black, also childfree, a fierce feminist and progressive, and highly educated and accomplished. We both had difficult childhoods but survived and thrived. We both had full-ride university scholarships and long careers.
We firmly believe in giving back to society. We mentor many young people and do volunteer/charity work when we're not traveling (one of our passions is international travel).
I'm living the life of my dreams. 😉
It sounds like you married well, and that you two do a lot of good in the world. My hat's off to you!
Pete Buttigieg has 2 children.
He is a true Dad.
JD doesn’t consider adoption or other parenting options legitimate, apparently. I don’t see him or other misogynists adopting any of the many children who don’t have homes. The “pure white race” thing is barely below the surface with these guys.
No, it's unfortunately not odd that he would disregard Pete's having children. There IS only one way to be a legitimate parent in his eyes. It has occurred to me that if the only way to be a legitimate parent is to bear children, then men are SOL. IMO. 😇
He is angry for what he perceives his mother did to him. She was a drug addict.
People have rough childhoods. Some never cope with the trauma. He has attached himself to the Trump train. How sad. Trump cares for no one but himself.
I think the comment may have been made before Pete had his children? Not sure on that.
JD has stated that marriage should be between a man & a woman. And if the woman mistakenly perceives her choice to be a regular nice guy, marries him, & then finds out he’s a violent rat, JD wants her to stay in that marriage, & not abort any pregnancies from sex with (rape by?) that violent misogynist.
Republican men see women as breeding stock.
The Nazi's during WW2 had this secret SS program "Lebensborn". It was createdt to increase the population of the "racialy pure" popluation. The details will creep you out. Kamala Harris MUST be elected into the White House.......This kind of BS is where Project 2025 is headed straight for!! People...there is not a second to waste before this election.
So 5 US presidents, including George Washington, were supposedly childless. I guess our nation was founded on false pretenses since it was first run by a man who had no business running it
🤣 🤣 🤣
Thank you, Mary. 💙
Thank you. So true, sir.
If republicans care so much about children, why don't they support increasing the child tax credit? Why do they want to cut family food subsidies?
Of course they do. This only applies to women -isn’t that obvious? We cannot be fully human unless we fulfill our god given duty to repopulate the world. (Or some such nonsense).
I guess I'm not fully human. I'm grateful that I'm not a republican, and that I didn't have children. The world did not need any children I would have had.
Yep, innately childfree and 62 here with absofuckinlutely no regrets about something I never wanted.
JD Vance and other regressives of his ilk can kiss my well educated, highly accomplished ass. My CF Black husband and I are living the life of our dreams.
No chijd should have to go hungry!
They don’t care about children. It has nothing to do with care. They don’t care about anyone or anything except power and money.
Pete Buttigieg has children… pls do not list him among “childless” adults. For that matter, Kamala is a step-mom and evidently close with the children. She counts as a mother. I have had children through marriage—- and consider them to be my children. They became my children when I married their dad. My guess is that Kamala feels that way, too.
I came here to say this! I don’t have kids but I am an auntie to 6 and I will vote for VP Harris like their lives depend on it! (Because they do.) It’s easy to have a stake in how our country works and to represent all your constituencies even when you don’t share their life experiences — it’s called not being a selfish prick.
Perfectly said!
So, by Vance's "no kids, can't serve" calculation, Presidents Washington, Madison, Jackson, Polk and Buchanan should never have been allowed to be president of our country. Think of it: that INCLUDES the FATHER of our country, George Washington! And you're right, Mary, none of this garbage against women is new, not by a long shot. If I wasn't living through this crap, I wouldn't believe it!
Not to mention the vast majority of Catholic priests, so we are told.
Or so they say.
"the cruel and tone-deaf attacks he’s made on childless women" and other Republican men...
They obviously believe that women are primarily baby factories.
Women are going kick some Republican butt this election!! You watch Mary, and see what kind of power a Kamala Harris ticket can turn out!!! These are extraordinary times were living in and I'm excited. This is not 2016 or 2020, Biden's speech to the Nation showed us this.(made me tear up with pride and gratitude for Joe) Democrats have the home field advantage, so let's get 'er Done people. Vote 💯 Harris/? 💙🇺🇸
We women of the sixties will be there for her. We ( I am ) are older now but are well seasoned and are unafraid of a man who would threaten us. We know our value and our children are good people who would never treat women badly. We won’t be intimidated!
Right On Sister,we got the 18year vote and ROE! 💯💙🇺🇸💋
I'm 62 and a lifelong feminist and progressive. I worked as an engineer/public servant acrosd from San Francisco City Hall for 30 years.
I've met VP Kamala Harris several times over the past few decades. In real life, she's brilliant, determined, gorgeous, self deprecating, and has astounding charisma. She suffers no fools gladly. Kamala is going to kick ass!!
Is there an equal Republican disdain for childless, dog-loving men? Do they also not have "skin in the game"?
Men don’t enter into this situation! All the talk about abortion, where is mention of the men who impregnated these women? I’m disgusted with these misogynistic Republican men!!
IMO, if it's all about bearing children, men don't have any skin in the game…
What about the infamous incels?
JD Vance’s wife worked at a progressive law firm in San Francisco. How is she tolerating this? It doesn’t make sense. She quit her job because she thinks she’s they are going to win. Maybe she’s also an opportunist?
Access to power is an aphrodisiac. I think they both converted to Catholicism in 2019 — there’s nothing like the zeal of a convert. It seems that they ascribe to a fundamentalist variety of Catholicism… not the mainstream faith.
Do Catholic priests have skin in the game? Most of them are without issue so far as I know.
You are so correct about the “zeal of a convert” whether it be religion or deciding to give up smoking or drinking. They feel it’s their mission to preach to others about their dastardly deeds.
She's a dumbass!
I would like to know what she thinks.
Republican men only see women as breeders. Sows. A means to an end - the end being bearing children AT ANY AND ALL COST. Rape, incest, danger to the life of the mother - all irrelevant. Breed, breed, breed. MAGA - make America Great again has always been about turning the clock back to the 1940’s or 1950’s. When women knew their place in a marriage, a family, and society. They didn’t count on the fact that WE WILL NOT GO BACK. EVER.
Ties into the white replacement thing. Keep reproducing and also deny any health care access to the poorest. Brown and black
Well stated, Denise!
I'm 62, innately childfree, and have tokophobia (fear of pregnancy and childbirth). I would rather have died than bear any child.
Women brought men into this world...
But those misogynistic men seem to have forgotten that fact. 🤯
Not sure they forgot who brought them into the world. The point is that they think gestation and child bearing are the key functions for women