Good needed news. The Media! I'm so tired of having reporters ask the deplorables why they love Trump and will vote for him again. This is a free national platform for them to repeat trump's lies. I want the local and national media to ask people who voted for Biden and sanity WHY they voted for Biden and listen to intelligent, compassionate, common sense answers go on the airwaves.

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I have always believed the corporate main stream media knows exactly what they are doing. I am proud to say that I ditched the NYT after many years as a subscriber and when I finally did it felt so so good.

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Great job! The NYT has gone so far down the republican rabbit hole.

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NYT's RIP.......So happy to support Mary and get the facts up front. With democracy on the line, it has to be all hands on deck. The people can and will defeat despots, wanna be strongmen like DJT. Not sure what the readership is for the NYTs. That Midas Touch YouTube channel has almost 3 million subscribers??

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Every day at some point I yell at my car radio or the television - PLEASE ASK HIM ABOUT HIS FAMILY BEING FILLED WITH IMMIGRANTS AND ANCHOR BABIES!!! They never do. LOL. I'm so grateful for you, Mary! Thank you for all you do!

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Donald sees his family elders as coming from a "Nice Country-"

(Seems like draft-dodging is a trait in that clan)

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Exactly - any European or Eastern European country (aka "white") as opposed to Central America or those bringing "brown and black" people...he's so disgusting and I just wish beyond anything for a day when he isn't in the news every day. It'll be a long time though, maybe not even in my lifetime. One man doing so much damage, and enough people to keep him around. It's even more exhausting than when he was "president"...

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He will cause violence and turmoil if he wins or loses-

Thanks to Moscow Mitch and the Rogue GOP, we are saddled with this ever-present intrusion of ugliness and grievance- He is not even in office, but he is controlling Congress! He is clearly a Russian asset-

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Agreed, well said

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Far as I can tell, the only American citizens who AREN'T "anchor babies" are the Native Americans, the ones who came over during Colonial times, Donnie's hated Hispanics because they were here before Northern Europeans were—and Blacks who came over as slaves, mostly before the founding of the USA given the importing of slaves was abolished in 1808!

So if you're one of those "nice" Northern Europeans he goes on about? Unless your Mother is a member of Daughters of the American Revolution (as my ex-wife's family was—but not her!), you're an anchor baby, and so am I. My Dad's side of the family came over from Germany to escape the Kaiser's draft, and my Mom's side was a Scots-Irish horse thief...or was it riverboat gambler? My lineage is Fourth-Generation American on both sides, and in both cases they came here because they were fleeing the law.... 🤷‍♂️

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I'm surprised he picked countries with democratic socialist governments. I wonder if he realizes he did that.

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Tfg just picked those countries because they are white. They are also countries which have a high degree of social satisfaction, meaning they are happy with their country. They are way more satisfied with their country than we are. Why would people from those democratic socialist countries want to come here?

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Good point!

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I kind of doubt it—or if he does, I doubt he cares.

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Melania Trump is here illegally. She lied on her application for citizenship which makes her eligible for IMMEDIATE deportation to her shithole country.

She came here under several visitor visas then worked as a paid, “model.” She failed to mention monies earned. There is ample proof of her pay.

Her father is still a card carrying member of the communist party.

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Apr 9Edited

Barron is an anchor baby. Melania lied to stay here and actually was an undocumented immigrant without any needed skill.

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I so appreciate you keeping us updated and giving us some hope. I have to say that I am so sick of seeing Donald's face all over the news. If they could use a photo of an orange cheeto in place of his photo that would make things better. In my humble opinion.

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😂😂 that would be fabulous!! A little orange cheeto with google eyes and an imposed mouth!! I’d be satisfied with that

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Don't know how to break this to you Donald, but people from "nice" countries do not usually emigrate to places much less nice, like the current U.S.A. The reason they don't want to come is precisely because you exist, Donald, as do your cohorts. And the greatest irony of all, is that neither you, Donald, nor your "advisors" even realize this. It's like vampires who can't see themselves in the mirror.

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that, and guns. I have family members and friends who have left for "nicer" countries. Would that I could too.

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Your gift to America, Mary, is your bloodhound sense where that varmint TFG’s trail is going, and your absolute insistence that he is treed in every possible manner. Thanks for nosing out his scent and letting everyone know his weaknesses so we can assist in the hunt.

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Well said!

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TFG = The Fat Guy?

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Excellent reporting Mary. Thanks for keeping us abreast of some stories that slide under the radar

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So does she take $175 mil or 464 mil? Thank you Mary for giving us the scoop. You rival my hometown paper WaPo

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$175M is the bond he had to post—the judgment is for $464M, and rising.

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I just want to see his property seized. I wonder how many buildings are going to go...

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We won't know until we find out how much they're ACTUALLY worth from an outside assessor.

It wouldn't surprise me to find out his entire real estate empire is realistically worth less than this judgment.

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Don't forget, he's got partners and all sorts of loans out on these properties. He probably owes more than they're worth.

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Didn't think of that, but you're right!

He'll lose even more, then....

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I tend to think that if he's defrauded banks and gee whaddaya think then there may be multiple mortgages or notes. He would have taken that money and stashed it long ago.

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CNN said 40 Wall Street is something like $500M while everything else is in the $25M-75M range. $500M seems really high. I guess if it's true, it'll be auctioned off piece by piece.

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I really want to see Trump Tower and Bedminster (sp?) Golf Club seized. He seems to like them best. And seize Mar-a-Lago, his “home.”

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Yes, PLEASE take Mar-a-Lago and get him out of Florida. I feel tainted, even living in the same state.

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I wish he wasn’t the lede in every news story. If the MSM stopped reporting his every screed he’d dry up and blow away.

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And they feel they have to show his picture too! Like, we all know what DT looks like and I believe we all are tired of seeing that orange man!

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He's getting more and more orange all the time! It's ridiculous. You would think someone in his camp would realize he looks terrible. Just post a picture of a huge Cheeto.

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The Democrat fundraiser in NYC raised $25+ million, a record for a one night deal. Donald held one and bragged that it raised $50 million. Reports say that it was a mess in reality.

It doesn't matter really, all funds raised go for his legal defense.

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The more motions he files the higher his legal expenses. It's amazing to watch them pile up.

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Thing is, his campaign gets all the free media he could hope for each time he opens his mouth. And who gives it to him? Media industry Democrats.

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Apr 9
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Everyone should know by now that any monetary amount mentioned by Donald is greatly inflated, to put it kindly.

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Thank you, Mary, for keeping us informed. 💙

I hope AG James liquidates Donald's most prized properties and forces him to pay the ENTIRE $464 million bond.

I am thrilled Donald pissed his voters off with his states' rights abortion stance.

I HATE RFK, Jr. and I will NEVER understand his allure.

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Thank you for every blog you post, Mary. You are an icon of probity, a shining star in a world where so many have lost their way

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Thanks Mary! Good to hear about Donald “shooting himself in the foot” so to speak. And I knew RFK Jr is running to stop Biden. He’s too crazy to be anything.

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Thank you for keeping us informed. People are so unaware of the profound danger that he poses. If he gets into office he will slash Social Security and Medicare putting millions in danger of being homeless. He will ignore Congress and the Supreme Court and do what he wants because he will install his minions in all key positions who do his bidding. He will bully the military and police into arresting or shooting his opponents. He will set up concentration camps not only for immigrants but for anyone who opposes him. Beware you CEOs if you cross him. Remember Hitler set up concentration camps for his opponents before he started in on the Jews. It will become a nightmare to live in the USA. There will be mass emigration from the country. I favor Costa Rica myself. Would the founding fathers of the constitution have put in more safeguards if they knew this could happen? We must fight with all our strength to prevent the looming nightmare. Keep the faith and get involved in getting out the vote. Blessings on you Mary.

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Have you seen project 2025? It’s an absolute nightmare and it’s a map to turn the US into 1930’s Germany. I can’t understand why the media isn’t screaming about it.

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It's still our on the project 2025 site, I think it's called. I downloaded it and was looking at it yesterday. I was telling my husband that I believe the Biden campaign should come down hard on this. I don't think enough people know about it.

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Apparently Heritage has taken 2025 off their web site. I heard that on John Fugelsangs Sirius radio show. It is terrifying totally. I would hope that soldiers would refuse the order to fire on protesters that will be filling the streets.

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There are a lot of pro trump military.

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Excellent post, Mary. The mention of Clarence Thomas and the shady doings of his wife caught my eye. In one of my recent posts, “The 2nd Worst Person on the Face of the Earth”, I nominated Clarence Thomas as one to be considered for that title. I also called out a few other America-hating, Republican scumbags. There’s a lot of low hanging fruit when identifying Republican hypocrite cultists. It’s almost too easy. But, it has to be done. We have to keep fighting the madness. https://thestormbynorm.substack.com/p/the-2nd-worst-person-on-the-face?r=1qaj9v

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Great article!! “Sunkissed Jesus” had me dying laughing!🤣

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Thanks, Laura Who. I can’t stand to say or write the bastard’s name, so I just make something up, or borrow a good one from someone else.

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What a great review of all the different aspects of this torrid state of affairs. Thank you, Mary!

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I wish your writing had a way for me to publicly cheer all right!!! And Yay!! As I read your column. Also a clapping sound!!! Clap! Yay! All right! You go girl! Love it! Keep it up! Ream the ———fill with anything that fits! Thank you for the expose!

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